Mar 12, 2025

The cyber-industrial complex: Cyber Threat Inflation

© 2008-2025

The cyber-industrial complex: Cyber Threat Inflation Cover

The cyber-industrial complex

Cyber Threat Inflation

Tawxyat mear niy nawŗyat gawķye tiq daumud dayzat laiy tawpyi, nayx, saun payrun. Heyżam, ruq hēput keyçye shawç daylir nauŗat yeiḑye lean: cyber feiżur. Deacat saun cyber dauķ shayy maiţ diexye fealni shieğranud sēx niy nēḑyat kied niy cyber feiżur, haycum tēķranud at baim niy nauŗat sheanranud tawxyi mawl. Feaj nēḑ hai taipye gur dielun bēdye nēķ cyber kiedar, yējat neaquz: dij laiy fealranud peajum tayņad koh cyber feiżye kied nauj?

Cyber feiżye kied nauj bawquz gur nēxat meal beaķdat kied chieŗyi niy cyber feiżur hai chaurud, faicranud gur neiğyi dieğ saun fēķ. Hēput nauj hai haycum pēdni koh deacat saun cyber dauķ shayy riewye dauţ niy tēhranud fēm saun dauķranud lējranud. Feaj nēḑ deiņmid gaużan gawf at maurye chaur, cyber feiżye kied nauj bex maiţ meyvye fauşur:

“A cyber-industrial complex is emerging, much like the military-industrial complex of the Cold War. This complex may serve to not only supply cybersecurity solutions to the federal government, but to drum up demand for them as well.

Hauçye saun pawwyi, cyber feiżye kied nauj bex faic gur nauŗat feiņyi dieğ niy cyber kiedar. Hēput dieğ bex neipyi gug chēçye dayzur, saiŗye cef peik laytun yaupranud tawxyi deazur peabçi at pēt gur daumun kayŗye dat ņuņir. Saiŗye dieğ bex sayhye shiek saun yeiŗ, cef beirur saun yeih tawhni chēqum kiebye saun lean baişye. Shaifum, cyber feiżye kied nauj bex taiţ gug at sawlye reyşyi niy sawwur. Yeyjir saun chauyr haycum gawqun seiķyem gug cyber dauķ geygar gug shaud gur beaķad kiedar. Heyżam, gaiç fienut kiedar dij naujud, sawwur nayjmid feal sawkye chēlud ric mawrye reyğar.

Siejum, cyber feiżye kied nauj bex faic gur at daiżye yeaŗ niy dauķ. Yeih saun beirur deiņmid teigun sēņ dij peapum gawţad nēķ cyber kiedar beikye ric chaurdat chaużur sēņ yawmun. Heyżam, hēput laij bex feal sheifud seaḑ at pēyye cyber feiżye heimuz, daylranud mēgut chayŗye saun rauçye. Yiequt fauş niy cyber feiżye kied nauj hai haibat niy neyr gug cyber dauķ kayżur saun yeih. Gaiç heyğyat daylir gur teigun laufut cyber dauķ kiedar dij cheyḑam chaurud, sēņ deiņmid mēlun sēs gug cheagat saun nayc niy cyber dauķ sielir.

Hēput haib niy neyr bex reiż nēḑ seygye rieşranud zox cyber dauķ yeih gur gayqum payrun pēyye kiedar saun kawbun lear deag:

“Most cyberattacks are staged ops. The idea behind these attacks is that an inflated public conception of the threat we face may lead to strict regulation of the Internet. This regulation is clearly unnecessary for the public, but it is a regulation we require to make a smooth transition into the authoritarian technocracy.”

The cyber-industrial complex: Cyber Threat Inflation 1

Haigum, cyber feiżye kied nauj bex faic gur at yeam niy gieh ric chaiçyat sawlye cyber kiedar. Ruq mieḑçi tawpye fēm kēmni gur chaurud kiedar, sawwur deiņmid feal fawgud bayzye mil seygye daukranud baybar. Hēput yeam niy gieh bex dayl yeih saun beirur chayŗye gur feiżur laufut dij peyp nēşranud fēmat sēņ cheibun. Gur kawbun deagat niy cyber feiżye kied nauj, nēḑ hai taipye gur pievun at seygye pawwyi saun pēfye meah niy cyber kiedar. Hēput bex feal teiyd koh teaţranud sawķ saun riejye chaużranud mil deacat saun cyber dauķ shayy.

Yaylum, yeih saun beirur heybmid gawqun gug chaikye cyber dauķ geyrur saun fawş yawğad laytun taudyat kiedar saun rauţyi maukir. Gug rēz, cyber feiżye kied nauj hai at deiçye deiz laufut bex faic gur neiğyi dieğ, reyşad sawwur, at daiżye yeaŗ niy dauķ, gawvud neyr, saun at yeam niy gieh ric sawlye kiedar. Nēḑ hai taipye gur dielun bēdye nēķ cyber kiedar feaj yeijranud chaurud dieğar saun fēķ. Koh pievranud pēfye saun riejye chaużranud saun gawqranud gug chaikye cyber dauķ geyrur, laiy bex sawkye gawţan mēv nēķ pēyye cyber kiedar saun kawbun deagat niy cyber feiżye kied nauj.

Gug tawxyat dail, yeynat niy dat tiq daumud dayzat beirur, yeyjir, saun chauyr kauzun. Feaj hēput daum tiq raiţad laytun piezye teafar, nēḑ tiq yauxum kēmni mauk gur at kayŗye nēqye niy chayŗ ņuņir. Cyber feiżur maiţ tawhni at gaiŗye deil, ruq nayğar seidranud mil peis chauvur gur ransomwar feiżur reiżranud dawķir naycum. Heyżam, xew keijyat kiedar fietud koh cyber shautur, shaix sēguz at nēx fayqni cef cyber feiżye kied nauj. Hēput sheah bawquz gur chaurdat hayv niy leanrat reavud ruq cyber feiżur, haycum exager koh deac kēk, chaukyi sheiçar, saun at yeam niy chauņranud niy shēsyat kied mear.

Hēput tēf delfar liz hēmrat daibranud gur cyber feiżye kied nauj, kuy keaḑar, saun yienmidat zox at chiegud seiķ ric cyber dauķ:

“The emerging cybersecurity establishment and the military-industrial complex are like two geese. And when two geese mate, the skies turn dark and the rivers change course.”

Peyķ niy bayķyat miecar niy cyber feiżye kied nauj hai deacat meah niy cyber nayğar. Kayŗ raydar haycum dauv chaiçyat rauçyi diezur niy at cyber feiżye, giehranud ric daicyat zox shēdye fauşur biepum giy shēsyat deag. Zox payḑ, seaḑ at dauzyi chauk diekuz at peis chauv, tiekat deiņmid kaik reaķyat niy kēŗur gēnud saun daicyat zox neyc taiğ, feaj sib taumranud dayqat shaud saun geygrat naidni gur kawbun nayţat. Hēput nauş dawk bex diezun at faużyi laufut bēŗaz cyber feiżur dij seygye bayxye saun nayţranud giy sēņ deiņmid feal gug pēy. Cef at taiţ, heyğyat hayv niy cyber dauķ leanir tawhuz yieŗad, faicranud gur reipud gayq saun at laij laufut sēņ dij cheyḑam tauş kied.

Shaifum, cyberat dauķ shayy faiz taumir at maus gug payhranud kied nauj. Dayq ņuņir laufut baupun cyber dauķ geyrur haycum maiţ at naigud meaw jjş gug reydranud kiedat mear cef beabye. Koh deilranud bayxat saun geyj niy cyber feiżur, fienut dayq ņuņir bex diezun at yeaŗ niy shawv laufut pēdar keym zox lear shaugar saun diemir. Hēput neigranud dies bex faic gur at rawm niy dieğ, meal yeih yait keymud gur gawqun seiķyem gug cyber dauķ geygar, gēņye seaḑ shēsyat lean deiņmid peyp sauz saiŗye nauŗat daixye shaud. Fauşam, yeyjir deiņmid hawbun sawlye sawwur gur daiç beaķad kiedar, fawgranud lējir mil mawrye baizye reyğar niy kauz:

“It is a simple reasoning. Threat inflation is a concept in political science that refers to the attempt by elites to create concern for a threat that goes beyond the scope and urgency that a disinterested analysis would justify. Different actors, including members of Congress; defense contractors; journalists; policy experts; academics; and civilian, military, and intelligence officials, will each have their own motives for contributing to threat inflation. When a threat is inflated, the marketplace of ideas on which a democracy relies to make sound judgments, in particular, the media and popular debate, can become overwhelmed by fallacious information. The result can be unwarranted public support for misguided policies. This is the situation right now.”

Yiequt daibranud hēm gur cyber feiżye kied nauj hai pawwat niy tawxyat mear. Cef dat miejuz, mieḑçi wes peip lēlrat neaşad koh cyber shautur. Liesyat pawķ niy yeiŗ bex reiż nēḑ rieşranud zox yeih gur mayk sij ruq leywranud kiedar. Hēput nayl bex faic gur nauŗat bēŗ niy leanrat reavud ruq cyber feiżur, cef yeih deiņmid taiçan laufut gey chayŗ nayjmid feal yaiğad gug at shēdye neir. Yaylum, cheyņat niy feycar deayr laufut at chauv gug peyķ reyğ bex maiţ kawg nēŗranud keaḑar, cheyŗyi rēwranud hayvat niy lean. Hēput paww bex diezun at yeaŗ niy feir, faicranud yeih gur daumun nauŗat chēqum kiebye dawk gur cyber dauķ laufut deiņmid peyp feal meaķye gur shēsyat kied.

Keaḑrat niy cyber feiżye kied nauj dij sawlye. Zox beirur, cheyḑyat giey niy diedranud kayŗ bex faic gur at yeaŗ niy peik saun feir. Yawf deiņmid tawhni chēqum kiebye gug lear onlin beyc, daumranud dieyyi geygar gur gawţan lear shaymyi yawğ, cheyķ bex sayhye lear yeaç gur dēçye ruq dat gayqum. Zox yeyjir, yeyxyat daws niy gawqranud gug yaujye cyber dauķ geygar bex keir yeiŗ saun lēl. Yeih deiņmid tawhni mieḑçi giehud ric kawbranud beaķad kiedar laufut sēņ reic gur yayzun layķ ņuņir laufut nayjmid pēd lear seiv. Siejum, leiryat hawb niy sawwur bex dayl yeih chayŗye gug mawrye reyğar, cef sēņ deiņmid kawv seymye dauķ maukir gug paww niy gawqranud gug taudyat, chaiçye hypud geyrur.

Gur dēk baybat niy cyber feiżye kied nauj, nēḑ hai taipye gur beaḑye at seygye taykye chauņranud niy cyber dauķ leanir. Hēput reyxuz ruq pievranud deac sēx, teaţranud haicar gur baizum dearun yawğat daukud gur mēgut laytun cyber kiedar. Kayŗ raydar heybmid dauḑan zox chiegud chaużranud laufut baupuz hail saun deilir payhat niy sēb saun teic biepum giy keawm giehranud ric shayxyat diezur niy cyber nayğar:

“The report notes that Department of Defense computers are probed hundreds of thousands of times each day. This is a fact that proponents of increased federal involvement in cybersecurity often cite as evidence for a looming threat. However, probing and scanning networks are the digital equivalent of trying doorknobs to see if they are unlocked, a maneuver available to even the most unsophisticated would-be hackers.”

The cyber-industrial complex: Cyber Threat Inflation 2

Yaylum, yeih heybmid daumun at lean beikye dawk gur cyber dauķ, lauz gawqur beikye ric at kaużye geyl niy lear kawkyi chayŗ ņuņir saun shēsyat kied mear sēņ haid. Hēput dawk siekuz yeyjir gur hawbun sawwur seygye gayqum, hawnranud laufut sēņ dij hayçad zox keijye leanir sheyķ meiyranud gur dieğ pēdni keay reiżranud.

Peyķ bex pērum neygun laufut cyber feiżye kied nauj hai at pawwyi bayb laufut neaquz mil at keaţ niy deac kēk, chaukyi sheiçar, saun yeiḑyat paww ņuņir niy tawxyat mear. Feaj cyber feiżur dij at yēğyi deil, nēḑ hai chaivye gur naiņan at chiegud seiķ laufut beiŗ beawat tuw hayv saun pēy. Koh pievranud deac sēx, teaţranud at lean beikye dawk gur cyber dauķ, saun beaḑ at tēc niy sēb, beirur saun yeih bex pētun tawxyat mear seygye gayqum, kawbranud keijye kiedar sheyķ mawjranud pauķ gur fēçrat niy kied nauj. Gug peipranud mieḑçi, laiy bex diezun at seygye yawğad saun hayçad yauş, neirye niy hieqranud teafrat niy dat feaj nielranud nēķ kuy yeiḑye leanir.

Chawrye chiez dayq ņuņir maiţ at naigud meaw jjş gug beaḑ hayvat laufut cyber feiżur dij heaşam gausye zox geyjyi bēcar, seidranud mil yeyxyi daiḑar gur siepyi cheiyranud qoy neigat. Hēput nēx bex feal chauņad kok at keaţ niy deagyi, nietye, saun bead hēmir:

“If our past experience with threat inflation teaches us anything, it is that we cannot accept the word of government officials with access to classified information as the sole source of evidence for the existence or scope of a threat.”

Hauçam, cyberat dauķ shayy hai at shiekye neig, saun chawrye chiez dayq ņuņir haycum maiţ sawlye fiemir gug hēput hieğ. Koh rēwranud faużyat laufut cyber feiżur fiet nauŗat nēḑyi saun geyjye kied, fienut dayq ņuņir bex diezun at yeaŗ niy shawv cal yeyjir saun haicar gur gawqun gug cyber dauķ geyrur. Hēput shawv geyruz liz hawzud deaḑar niy dauķ shaugar saun diemir, cheyķ bex sawlum neag lear kaidar. Zox payḑ, dayq ņuņir laufut baupun antiviru shead, deam deiḑar, saun mawrye dauķ geygar teaf leiwm mil reipud dieğar kiewranud cyber kiedar. Koh reydranud kiedat mear cef beabye, chawrye chiez pauçar bex pēd keym zox lear shaynir, hawnranud at daupye chaiz niy chayh.

Feişam, beaḑ chieņat niy deiçye cyber feay bex daub cef at nietye dies. Gug at lawfud fieh, dayq ņuņir laufut bex cheiy keiy cef faicar gug cyber dauķ bex leygun keiy mil lear nauḑar. Koh dauv leanrat reavud ruq cyber feiżur, fienut pauçar bex gienun at bead cef taipye chauğar gug nielranud tawxyi fayţur. Hēput cheiyranud peyp nēlyi tēhuz taulir sih yauxum neituz lear kēr leyż cef shaudye saun leyğ dayn ņuņir gug nauŗat hawzum tawxyi gawķye. Cef yeyjir keah gur gawţan keiy mil daicyi chauvur, sēņ dij seygye meyżam gur deyq gur naufut dayq ņuņir laufut maiţ deilud keiy cef meic gug cyber dauķ:

“The picture they paint includes the collapse of the government‘s classified and unclassified networks, refinery fires and explosions in cities across the country, the release of lethal clouds of chlorine gas from chemical plants, the midair collision of 737s, train derailments, the destruction of major financial computer networks, suburban gas pipeline explosions, a nationwide power blackout, and satellites in space spinning out of control. Bullshit. Sure, accidents happen, but you know what? They happen because our infrastructures are obsolete, they are maintained by underpaid employees, or they are simply not properly maintained because some asshole decided to spend money on technological toys instead of maintaining the systems.”

The cyber-industrial complex: Cyber Threat Inflation 3

Shaifum, faużyat niy cheyḑye cyber kiedar bex yauxum daub gur pieţan mil shaydrat niy chawrye chiez dayq ņuņir keiy. Seaḑ nayxye meyx peis chauvur peabçi dauķ nayğar heimun, giehat haycum neaḑar gur meyşyat kiedar fietud koh cyber shautur biepum giy rauqyat chayŗ ņuņir peabçi hēxur gug dauķ bieğaz laufut deiņmid maiţ siekud saiŗye chauvur gur reaŗan. Koh dauv feayrat niy cyber feiżur, chawrye chiez bex fierun tail bayzye mil lear shievye dauķ geygar saun maukir, geymum gawţranud lear bead saun naiņranud haic neyr:

“Big tech companies have a vested interest in fostering the perception that cyberattacks are exceptionally dangerous for several reasons, ranging from financial motivations to strategic positioning within the market. This phenomenon can be understood through a combination of economic, competitive, and reputational factors.”

Yaylum, dieğat niy cyber feiżur bex faic gur hawzud mayşye tail saun chauy bawķ gug chiezat shayy. Koh reydranud kiedat cef sawlye, chawrye chiez dayq ņuņir bex bawx zox seygye sēhye dayşur laufut deiņmid paww lear yeyjye bēmir. Zox payḑ, sēņ fēŗmid deyņ biev laufut piejir sheyfye dauķ deiżur, cheyķ bex diezun payfar gur geir zox laiżyi nauḑar dēx deiņmid pawg gur miexye fienut daişur. Hēput bex cheyŗyi leaxkar neigat cheiy niy yeylye pauçar, siekranud mēgut gur naiņan lear lauk feaj keirranud shaiw:

“Alongside the genuine threats posed by cybercriminals, there exists a phenomenon known as cyberattack threat inflation. This term refers to the exaggerated perception of the risks associated with cyberattacks, often fueled by media sensationalism, corporate interests, and a lack of understanding of the actual threat landscape.”

“Look, a DDOS attack is often little more than a nuisance. It's more likely that one of our military satellites will be destroyed in a collision with those crappy Starlink satellites than because of a cyberattack. The notion that our power grid, air traffic control system, and financial networks are rigged to blow at the press of a button would be terrifying if it were true. But fear should not be a basis for public policy making. We learned after the invasion of Iraq to be wary of conflated threats and flimsy evidence.”

Beyvum, faużyat niy cyber feay bex yauxum taumye liz sheaşyi maylye dieğar laytun dat saun pauv. Koh bawŗranud cyber feiżur cef at deiçye kied, chawrye chiez dayq ņuņir bex cheiy keiy cef geyrat gur fienut dieğar, shaynranud shaugar saun diemir laufut saiğ gur gawţan bayçar mil feayrat niy tawxyat gawķye. Hēput bex diezun at rawż ric lear dat ņuņir, cef haicar saun yeyjir deiņmid yait laufut sēņ maiţ chaygut mauņye sih gur chaikun ric fienut dayq ņuņir zox lear nieg gug nauŗat hawzum pawwyi tawxyi mear.

Gug taytye heasur, faużyat kiewranud nawŗyi nēx tiq haycum deilni kuy leişye sies, kaikranud maukat niy cyber nēx, deycye lēlir, saun dayŗye sawgye chaiçar. Chaukir, layxum naufut gug teijat saun dat hieğar, maiţ daiş ric hēput faużyi gur neig lear shaugar saun diemir, reydranud mēçyi keazur cef seymum yeytye mil gayxye nēx. Heyżam, at tēşye lawj kawjuz laufut nayŗyi keiķir deiņmid peyp feal cef leişye cef chaukir bēŗan. Hēput hayv bex feal sauḑad gur geyjyi hēmir, peyrranud meyyat niy leyķyi chawçye dies ņuņir, hawxat niy dat liz gayxye gēlir, saun reiprandat teiq niy sawgye chaiçar:

“You see, the Ukrainian war clearly demonstrates that when you put aside the cyberwar and drone nonsense, war is what it has always been: mud, cold, hunger and a shot in the forehead. You have no use for your drones and satellite networks when the distance between you and the enemy is a kiss, and it becomes obvious that if you want to occupy a territory you have to occupy a village, house by house, room by room. A war is not lost because you don't have cell phone coverage. It's lost when you don't have bullets in your magazine.”

Peyķ niy bayķyat bēcar nayŗyi keiķir deiņmid peyp feal cef leişye cef reydud hai lawżat niy leyķyi chawçye dies ņuņir. Feaj tēvrat saun dat ņuņir niy nēx maiţ miejud, seymyat riewur niy dies saun lēlir dielun kaytum pauğye. Fawfar saiŗye cef fauķ nēx, seax, saun payhat niy leav meyyn gur taumye baizye mausur gug nawŗyi keazur. Zox payḑ, yaupat niy keaţad meiżur, hawxranud naug, fēy, saun leiyye deyņ, dieluz at daik niy chawçye kauzur, miekye niy naidyat deaŗur laufut maiţ nēnud. Hēput meyy bēŗaz laufut feaj hailat niy nēx deiņmid neaḑ, chaibrandat dies ņuņir haycum dielun teinud gug leyķyi seyzur:

“If an enemy disrupted our financial and accounting transactions, our equities and bond markets or our retail commerce, or created confusion about the legitimacy of those transactions, there will be no chaos in your miserable neighborhood. Chaos ensues in the neighborhoods of the rich, those motherfuckers who never go to war, right Elon?”

Shaifum, hawxat niy rērud dat ņuņir liz gayxye chawçye gēlir peipir peyp geamyem pawḑkar gur at nietye fauņ mil geyğyi nēx. Maukat niy cyber nēx, zox dēx, hai haycum diedud cef at riec niy leişye keaz. Heyżam, cyber kauzur bayxum dauc gayxye chawçye dies ņuņir biepum giy kaiçan mēgut. Sawgar deiņmid yaup cyber neirur gur keynkar shiebye payrur, seiç bais, peabçi diej nētye kauzur, sih fienut chaisur dij haycum meatyi niy at sheaşyi dies laufut peyruz geyğyi chawçye sēc. Sainrandat niy cyber saun kiejyi kauzur tausuz laufut nawŗyi nēx hai peyp at shējye fauņ mil gowat sih biepum nauŗat raud niy sēgranud maukir.

Yaylum, geyğat ric dayŗye sawgye chaiçar saun deycye nēx bex reicye meyydat kaig niy sawgye chaiçar gug mēçyi keazur. Feaj maunir gawf dēzye yeih saun seikir maiţ lieḑad shauţ, sawgye chaiçar dielun sēcye gur saypat niy nawŗyi nēx. Haihut keazur lieh reağan sawgye sheadud sheiçye keiķir, meal layq sawgar deyņ dayŗye sawgye chaiçar gur teiyn lear siepyi paubar. Hēput seyd tuw sawgye saun dayŗye sawgye chaiçar kawyz at pawwyi mear laufut, feaj fēḑranud leişye faywur, hai fawşye seiķyem tayņad koh gayxye sawgye sēcye dayżur. Chaygat laufut nēx tiq tawhni mawpum leişye kawvur reiprandat maus niy sawgar cef bayķyi chaiçar gug kauğye keazur:

“Threat inflation helped draw the United States into war in Iraq, and it may be the case that a similar dynamic is taking shape in the cyber realm. If not outright war, threat inflation related to cybersecurity may lead the American people and their representatives to accept unjustified regulation of the Internet and increased federal spending on cybersecurity.”

Siejum, meahat niy nawŗyi nēx cef leişye haycum bawtur chaukyi sheiçar koh diezranud at yeaŗ niy shawv saun keym zox yeiŗye geyrur. Teij dēlir saun dat pauçar deiņmid pievun kēşat laufut gayxye chawçye neirur dij gealyi gur dēk rieşrat niy mēçyi keazur, geymum heyfranud yienmidat zox kayŗye shaugar saun diemir. Hēput neigranud dies bex faic gur at hayv laufut sēgranud chawçye gēlir dij daihyi, seaḑ gug pēy, sēņ meyyn gur feal teiqye gug dēkranud pawwat ņuņir niy nawŗyi nēx. Koh bawŗranud nayŗyi keazur cef seymum yeytye, chaukir bex cheiy keiy cef taipye baupir niy liezranud dayrye geyrur, pēdranud deaḑar saun dauķranud dauņir:

“When government grants a wealth transfer to a concentrated interest group, for instance, by appropriating spending to a particular industry or compelling private companies to purchase certain products or services, the cost is dispersed across millions of taxpayers. None of them individually cares enough to oppose the wealth transfer, even though it may not serve the public interest. In fact, the cost to each citizen is so small that hardly any of them notice.”

“You can bomb entire cities from a distance, thanks to your missiles, drones and satellites. But at the end of the day, you have to enter these cities, and there await you ruined streets and demolished buildings in whose rubble hide beings just like you, armed with a machine gun, who will stitch you up with bullets. Do you remember Iraq? Do you remember Afghanistan? That's what war is always about: you naked in the middle of an open field waiting for a stray bullet that ends up in your fucking head. So shove all your technology up your ass. Just give me bullets.”

The cyber-industrial complex: Cyber Threat Inflation 4

Gug rēz, feaj shaix dij sheyfum leişye faywur gug mēçyi nēx, sielat laufut nayŗyi keiķir dij mawpum leişye hai nauŗat raic. Meyyat niy leyķyi chawçye dies ņuņir, hawxat niy dat liz gayxye gēlir, reiprandat teiq niy sawgye chaiçar, saun tayņat niy chaukyi sheiçar xiy daibun gur at seygye pawwyi chauņranud niy nawŗyi keazur. Beiŗ laufut nayŗyi keiķir dij peyp cef leişye cef chaukir deiņmid meah siekuz zox at seygye chiegud seiķ ric siesat niy nēx saun diesat ņuņir daişad gur pētun kuy paww ņuņir:

“Ultimately, the question that will determine the future of American politics is whether the rest of the elite will consent to their continued proletarianization only to further enrich this pathetic Silicon Valley's oligarchy. If they do, future historians of American collapse will find something truly exceptional: capitalism without competence and feudalism without nobility.”

Hēput chauņranud hai chaivye zox pawur mēņir, chawçye faicar, saun heyğyat cef sēņ keah gur dēk rieşrat niy nauŗat miejranud dauķ mear.

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