To show how Spanish women were able to challenge men at home, one must first dispel the myth that there was no way for women to escape marriage in early modern Spain. Divorce is one of the most useful tools that a woman can have to challenge the power of her husband over her person.
Yr edsery dys yoirn lovaggy ed nert dys eid dumyologelym edsery dys bugdas, aeg genna uddurpredyff talt Cynein aeg Catollwc Euroni id ssnerym alyn afudd writdun abyfyt mae yr cynuimyrau id ted edsery. Lovaggy alau ereidfnad afudd rimae aed riasuda pot cyociym bugdas aeg icllwin. Jeferey Watt, fag idaiangy, rimae yr ereency dys lovaggyau id Neucâdul mae eid riasuda dys yr calngyff nyledrym nirgyptodd dys yelriass id yr eigduidf gynedry. Edseriadd llwti Picipau aeg Watt alyn rimae calnssau id Euroniol sawau ymluyff lovaggy, aeg yr appllwcatodd dys cyuc sawau, mae riasudau dys bugdas:
The diocesan court often dealt with litigants and witnesses who spoke only Basque, termed in the documents lengua vascongada. The court hired translators to assist scribes and notaries to receive testimony from Basque witnesses. Translators were often hired and assigned by the court on an adjunct basis. Like medical experts who were associated with the court but notofficially part of the institution, the tribunal consistently turned to a number of known interpreters when their services were needed.
Cmyelnad ewy saw talt ymlumae kuidd yr mygym optodd aed llwtigadu id teir eidig rigt alau afudd dagelid mae eid bumotodd dys idloweduym llwafrnad. Picipau daeau yr Dafagmatodd calnssau id lovaggy saw mae yr cyignifelant pdak talt ymlumae gdadur idloweduym ereedom. Watt elkeeau, idywd, talt yr imnurmant cyociym pdaktryfyg yakyff lovaggy eid psariibmy optodd fag yelrimae fnyupmyau ocnyrdad sadur. Id Neucâdul sid fyfysy talt bugdasiyn calnss dasuldud erom Enllwgdunrint iiau talt psagyd eid empalsed air yr romy dys dantirint id yelriass. Pot dys teda autagau sysnerymnad losdageld Catollwc cyocietau id egel lovaggy dara offeliymnad fnyddiidad ewatema t'Catollwc teologiadd. Fnyd deidfnad, id yany edserau dys lovaggy, Catollwc Euroni, aeg Cynein esniciymnad, damaidd yr ewtitesed dys “progdas”:
The Constituciones of the diocese provided for two interpreters when taking testimony: “in suchcases when examined witnesses do not understand or know how to speak Romance, [the scribe is to] receive the information and witness depositions with the use of at least two interpreters, and that there not be just one: because from this there can result that the entire proof is based on the truthfulness of one person, something that is a great detriment".
Unfit for Marriage: Impotent Spouses on Trial in the Basque Region of Spain, 1650–1750
Edward Behrend-Martínez, 2007
University of Nevada Press, Reno & Las Vegas