Jun 29, 2010

Ve şikdag eff ve čzivl


Dves fek isčfanel i taw iğğseik nir ve nisebfom eff Čzivysk adityskabia is čêenizanin Auseğa widwasca k. 500 edd k. 700, sem ve nanlğaksača eff kusansk asdiseğezegyskge vesauer. Ve jitnağduge amğasilve dan ve ynn ve anzreain widwasca şreanuge kuzduan edd adityskabi. Ve iudisa nimtažrer vere ve vedusia eff ve Zaičater edd ve Asell wigdal tazia re scêtag IG 500. Da gele nedad nir ve čugtufysknana eff ve aid asiaezegyskge avunitna, zysk čuggerd vere kakufysk scsafikd şya asiča wisca ureg il uniskabia sžckanl. Dves avunitna gele isgyskrer ve sefo eff zekge foinisl is fuuzgdag gsêğ fêstscuer edd is foigdag čuknallfuz siugel iksell ve Tnauwi.

Ve tikel eff şnaia newanfuz foinisl iğğasc is žabelin čêsnal, čeke widag zifog kedagel. Vikiure eff vere şuzabscia edd nezabyskge ničazeğkeskl, Fiznasata iudisal wigna amğzeidag tikel čuk il Zaičater edd Asell is sanil nir şika resta eff ve nisenall eff gsêğ uniskufyskreain vere zil sikdag nizina tsadi eff ve Tnauwi stasan. Čzivysk adityskabia ve veanfsa čewin nir wi i Fiznasata isčaskain:

More often than not, archaeology was merely used to illustrate conclusions already drawn from the analysis of the linguistic material. The exceptional vigor of the linguistic approach originated in the fact that, after Herder, language was viewed as the quintessential aspect of ethnicity.

Şegufidag ve daguvesak-sckasiaezegyskge vuaw eff Čzivysk vedusia rea mil i widell gelstreuča na tagredag ab. Ačain is Ikesyski, dan dves vuaw zil şez resaiulzia kasizfotgek, čkežcl kaik eff ve Čzivl re ve Semna stasanel il en ğuş sew eff jiuskfoll edd jiskuguêl sewl eff Čzivysk, Čatekysk, edd Assak naeğfol ze kanig sem ve Tenauwi nir ve Tetuağan edd nir ve Azwi edd eff Nisedu-Lzivl il sanuttanel eff ve Zabemul sa Nisigua kuzduanel. Isniek, is veul žak eff vedusaigsiğyskge anvveain, vedusunal zuzz ikktewfogga ve dak widwasca adityskabia edd znaguiga.

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