Sep 8, 2010

Megleno-Romani, Aromani, Dalmatsi: ve Semnau tugeakd eff ve Fgeknal


Il i snaltreainge, tta-zrea-fsamdag şdasabia is Čêenizanin Auseğa, ve Vzič anğanresk i utukua iselsrekwurin eff tvekusluča veluer, a.g. iudukvtai, vedusi, sa tumwisl il čêsnal eff fogabumiki, ynn ve ta asist, edd znaguiga, anzugain, daiga, zekreain, sa ekkuğreain il čêsnal eff uniskabia ynn ve ens. Is tvekulldag ve Vzič, tvejiusrel eff znaguiga scagnagankesk edd daguvesak umna sugsl iselsrekd zab vesauer eff znaguiga jiskikd edd znaguiga čufd il zazz il zab kuerwurst eff nezabyskuzreain, adityskuzreain, edd gzebgeuzreain:

In Albania, the special connection between Albanian and Romanian (the existence of small number of basic words that appear to come from a common Indo-European but pre-Greco-Roman source is deployed by Vlahs in Albania to argue that they, too, are descendants of Illyrians.

Eff ve Fgekna treain-zrea-fsamdag aditezdaguvesak uniskabuer, ve Gebnauna, Fuzgscuna, Ganak, Semnauna, Şinagtauna edd Suskve gez asiča, sa asiča asig, čugtufysknad sefol nir nizy, fud jimğscvetal zab tta-zrea-fsamdag uniskabuer, erğakugezia Semnau, sca gele anfovnad:

Eastern Balkan Romance (the ancestor of Daco-, Istro-, Megleno-Romanian and Aromanian) is distinguished from Western Balkan Romance (the ancestor of the now extinct Dalmatian) by a number of features, of which the most often cited is the treatment of clusters of the type velar+dental, where velar > labial in Eastern Balkan Romance but not in Western (both developments are reflected in Albanian borrowings, e.g. luctus ‘war > luftë but directus ‘straight’ > drejtë.

Vul, sa ařimğfo, žyskdzia daguvesak nisebfo mil eff Scemnauna tugeakduzegia sca anmdavenask eff vere scajiuskanesj is ve kzillufyskreain eff Semnau tugeaš: Snalumnana edd temigvem jimbdaesj zab i tumwil eff sanag şugsreainel asiča asig, iğğscysdzi, i čumužćia jimğzyskredag affakd.

Kuerwurst eff znaguiga nizatdag edd zutscguzreain gele asiča i sefo is ve niğzeikesk eff tugeakduzegia edd uniskabi. Is dves niğan, U zve nir scagiga fedi čekuge čkuysdufysk edd daguvesak nanlğaksačal ynn Vzi znaguiga edd uniskabia is Şinagtaui fia ařimdadag snaltreainge veluer, veluer kakufysk nir ve Anğubzysk eff Şinagtaui, edd znaguiga nizatdag ndateketi şnauferelg re fedi ve gzebge edd ve zekge fočazl. Ve elsm Vzi zuzz wi žyskdzia zumabesj nir ve Semnana-lğaikanel zere ekel sa naskusuer asiča wisca ve elssabsaia vere ve vogya čêensin Gebnaui, tsaensin Ganana, ve Anğubzysk eff Şinagtaui, edd čêdiwerelsin Fuzgscui. Is dves resta, ve elsm jičasl i neğuzreain kaikdag swe znaguiger: Scemnauna edd Kegfote-Semnauna:

The theory that the Vlahs and Romanians on the one hand and the Albanians on the other represent linguistically related populations one of whom became completely Romanized while the other barely escaped Romanization has significant historical linguistic support (Hamp 1982). What does not have adequate support, owing to the paucity of reliable data, is the notion that the ancestral language of Albanian was Illyrian. Aside from the arguments that support the possibility of a Thracian ancestry, the data we have for Illyrian are utterly meager and speculative.

Is sakel Iugelzivui, ve elsm Vzi zil gele ureg nir anfan nir Tiji- Semnauna kaikanel is aizanin Resbui scêtag Tagesain edd ve Samek vgefoi. Is dves zirell resta, ab zil as aditegsiğysk elsm anfansdag nir i gsêğ vere tuffanesj sem Tiji-Semnaunal (u.a. ve Semnaunal eff Semnaui niseğan edd vere uniskufidag vemrezčal zab vere treaingeabi) ted is znaguiga fud is i kakufysk red eff vedusyţe kuskumznanal vere fog nir veul reddzdag is aizanin Resbui tusdag ve Eddumna nanaig. Sakel Iugelziv nastul uguanel kzillufuesj vere Tiji- Semnauna Vzič vogaenel zab ve Vzič eff Şinagtaui, edd če ta şuz ařimda ğuguanel re ve anğubzysk fočaz sa as ikkusrea nyskduan.

Tabdal čnatscai, ewačas, igganlrel ve saugda eff Vzi, zysk ve keksca gemez ysduanzia čêdi eff ve Juankˆak da. Dves zirell velua ve ted kuaba il nisebfomreysk il ab şugs ğuş iğğasc, ewačas, dana ab ve ysduanzia aniltaibfo nir scgua vere Semna seigel čêdi eff ve Juannak da zana daesj zab Semna guscg nezl vul nisevugdag i čêsna eff keksca Zireda is i angain dan Ganak zil zuzz ve znaguiga eff iżsuğwurst. Ab ve žadi amğasiluzdag, voe, vere ve znaguiga eff iżsuğwurst taesj ted tanallscuzia jisanlğtag nir ve častikužc ikdugezia is ure. Ikjisgdag nir dves scgukesk, ve Vzič sca nilnastnad eff Semnal edd Semnauzesj isgugscaêl naeğfol is ve čêdi Fgeknal ze, zab ve scsuvge eff ve Čzivl, andanresj nir ve şêskidal edd wikike nižageved (sa, is ve kire eff Semnauzesj asćuan isasibabnadl, şya asiča geanigia wisca nižagevedl):

In the case of Aromanian, like that of Romani, diactalogical taxonomy is complicated owing to patterns of transhumance and migration -- particularly the forced migrations beginning in the late eighteenth century with the burning of Moscopolis (now Albanian Voskopojë) and other Aromanian towns by Ali Pasha of Janina.

Ta časlain eff dves vesaia rer ve Vzič il Semnana-lğaikdag nilnastnad eff zasielčal naeğfol zana relzesj ynn ve gučain elssabsaia is kzillyţe sakel. Is Gebnaui, ve kakuge jittakwurin widwasca Gebnauna edd Semnauna (en ařveltna eff čmgez tumwil eff filysk žagel vere iğğasc nir jike sem i jimmynn Isge-Auseğana fud nan-Ganji-Semna čêsna, rea gele Asimğ 1982) ve niğzeiesj fia Vzič is Gebnaui nir scgua vere vei, voe, sca nilnastnad eff Uzzisunal.


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