May 13, 2011

Tryptamine mediated semantic mapping

Tryptamine mediated semantic mapping Cover

Tryptamine Mediated Semantic Mapping

a-methylated triptamines



Er omen ä ysilaif å evvegn af ys isukgebgo äst lysar oruagtasti, å ugebtaikerni EG (qEG) er ulaven. Uiuseneni katgeb ysendeumo o uten atdedar å fasjo orineagi anf er gatukam. Aäre geborskende isugid ysf lyrgdan/enevet ysendeumo lysknigi ok uila gatdeneago oned usrlf af isketan lyrugesen EG isrugasen fasi o gesengeikom. Yseno egebereago isuggden desk er EG er ys gebsener katsiuin af å oruagtastsen sko af å lysar:



The alpha-MT 1440 compound, when applied intravenously in humans, almost instantaneously elicits interesting glossolalia-like effects. Sentences uttered are well-formed syntactically and grammatically, yet the lexicon used is unknown and unrelated to any of the 6,200 languages in the Shelmin database.


Inlaogad if isdatd desk erin er ys ringet goineikär onea ys enistif enenien af gestigenguf skaörär ok dinä lysar atsni orineag.



Mularug å uagestigenguf sko af teu iseneu, drugd ysendeume, isents teni atsnif (0.5-4Hz) uinmtarsko å EG. Er å lar-gestigenguf sko oned atskevenadef ok iseneu (ö mylti, duasgtgrug ske) eri atsnif (4-8Hz) kaon ä uinegebsren. Mularug å ysske, katörseneni ineikig sko atded ede
gentlam, ysenui atsnif (8-13Hz) uinmtarsko å EG er fat eteno atdreno å ors oi atsnif (13-30Hz), aoseneni atded issenenen ysendeumde, oo aklalni mularug otulam, deikkaörni skede af gestigenguiadei:



Alpha waves are indicators of conscious attention, and since all of our subjects exhibited very high alpha levels during the recordings it is obvious they were at a conscious state apt for linguistic communication.


Deui, å EG ketan datt gegeb tekalaro atdeäre ys enist er gestigenguf (senui ok oi atsni), isukgestigenguf (äi atsni) o uagestigenguf (meni atsni). Å een leno er desk er enten å EG orineagi å foo uagestigenguf å argeberusen:



Using Nodespaces V2.0 software for semantic mapping, we see a correlation with EEG data. Semantic maps correlation occurred there where a reinforcement of the limbic-cortex interaction peaked at the EEG data. This happened for both Eddag, Weddag, and Sca languages.



Eitg-kal evevegne af å ula af uigadomenrugi, uiarug EG fastdeoarug, ini loeni oed uom. Datenil, er ys ingeör umi af 23 ingiikärsen FMS ulali, Mysvkalf (2011) ortin desk å ula af FMS atsäf utidernieni goineikig atded yskitenuka uten er å ysenui (8-12Hz) ok oi (12-20Hz) orineagi ni. Erla orarmarug ateno isuka ingeöreni er litäre umi i Ass et al. (2010) atdat ortin aentksen arugilaf af eri, ysenui ok oi uten er ys altu af ingeno FMS ulalf gatig ä ys gestlten altu.

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