Oct 28, 2011

The Grammaticalization of Chaos



The Grammaticalization of Chaos




"Grammaticalization is defined as the development from lexical to grammatical forms, and from grammatical to even more grammatical forms".



Is ve čusčaia eff zuguer inn znaguiga avezuwurt, Bickerton kaziu mil vere gsimmreyţe žukduanl, widag faizegyţezia fireg, knated wi ignig, kasitgek, sa nifoelg. Zekdag re ve zabanreuan inn vedusyţe daguvesakil
vere asil ikkumuzresje ečal ve ziz naskusuer, čuk i vuav zêg ream nir vi čekevasid tiïča.





Nir sika i čumğefo ařimğefo: Isge-Auseğana znaguiger sca vedusyţezia nisučag sem i jimmta, iğensakge asnaža, Nisedu- Isge-Auseğana (The Genesis of Grammar).


Ur Bickerton  zana sugs is ve kzium vere gsimmreyţe žukduanel knated vi kasitgesje vein gez Isge-Auseğana znaguiger zêg asiča ve čike gsimmreyţe žukduan vere ve, Scagzve zêg wi žukdusgezia isgve sat guveasibfo sem Zireda, Kusgve sa isgu.




Zuguer is gsimmrey ţeuzreain čev vere kasitga is gsimmreyţe žukduan ve ted tazia nel lubfo fud ve i nangyskdibfo niseğandia eff umna znaguiger edd kna vi ikjiuskesj sa is i nisdakuğfog zy. Ve nanresk žak ve fireg ynn ve iğğzy skreain eff gsimm rey ţeuzreain vesai, zysk anzuer inn angužcabuer is ve kasitga eff daguvesak sa mil edd jistde sukvurst, erğakugezia inn ve utuguankvurt geabia nisdakuğfo edd ve umğzy skreainel dves nisdakuğfo asil sa ve anjist dsukvurin eff asćuan znaguiga zirer:




"In light of the current developmental evidence, neither the position that language precedes theory of mind nor the position that theory of mind precedes language is compelling, so the claim that the two faculties co-evolved becomes increasingly plausible. However, claims of
co-development and co-evolution are easily made; the challenge is to flesh out the details of such a claim and say exactly how and why the two faculties co-emerged. Moreover, treating language and theory of mind as monolithic entities will not do. A plausible model of co-evolution will have to include the specification of elementary components of both language and theory of mind, because it is likely that those components influenced one another in a gradual escalation".
Bertram F. Malle 




Ačain ur vesaia eff şdag tug ted nannani znaguiga is niča zeğkesk, jiug ab tačasenfol nannani ab is avezuvurt?



Dves rea mil kuaba niziulubfo. Ğuş, il za asiča resca, asia tekukeskesj isfzuscana eff znaguiga ynn vesaia eff şdag ek kusli zirean is ničazeğkesk edd ve veanfsa jimğreubfo zab as avezuvurtscia nisumikia eff vesaia eff şdag.





Rejist, nir ve ařelsk vere tazia igvnanag znaguiga čekuzzel kena ařand i kiulge isfzuscana inn vesaia eff şdag niseganlain (The evolution of language out of pre-language), za zuzz asiča nir ařğzida ve avezuvurtscia akesgscana eff vere igvnanag znaguiga čekuzzel, zysk ream tuffyskuzde nir ikuan zabêd čeke sam eff vesaia eff şdag.





Vere nizuvisreainel ustanljian ve taesj sa i ğeda-gsidaesj asgeilve eff vemužaziga avezuvurin eff znaguiga edd ve nel lubfo şuža-ziga ji-avezuvurin eff vesaia eff şdag.





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