Nov 1, 2011

On Tatian's Language - The mystic dialect of Encratites

Tatian Cover

On Tatian's Language - The mystic dialect of Encratites



"But it becomes a man of sense to wait for the testimony of others, and it becomes men  to be  of  one  accord  also  in  the  pronunciation  of  their  language. But,  as matters stand, to you alone it has happened not to speak alike even in common intercourse; for the way  of  speaking  among  the Dorians  is  not  the  same  as  that  of  the  inhabitants  of Attica, nor do the Aeolians speak like the Ionians. And, since such a discrepancy exists where it ought not to be, I am at a loss whom to call a Greek".


De atsäf fi orl arkaörär ä fasko dei ysundo ys katin ysetirk ä dinä fasen, Juar Fonlir; oro is nf er li eurgebtgesen utideär, ysf ientt Orskden ok ientt denetag. Dinä at laef ä ini oed enogeni mä Juar fy kasgdarug ok aieneage.


Sto fasi klu desk dinä orsenenarug yss, er å tagenaro af enie, er  sakanlir kuikeno ä airaldei af far ok tm; dinä lanin ysigetagysh gatuöreagebgarug dei gildeskeno detugdan. Fagebi argebgde af dugeb orlsrenn, atdrugid å kysenreago af ysgde if kesugdet Gadlitaf ä gebres atded gatusiär lskden degeb geaiuin, oo mtuknendef ä o ysigalro ä katörsen ysollskär ok tages. Eoeni Gadlitaf i atet et oed kesugdet dei endeist; oro, istgerenen, aededen Jumsysh ao Usggebysh i atdateneni isulintienig ere ua-entgebarug aieneagde ust ere farmi. Foetnil, ere drugid gebsenuskär af migrenare, ysf li delaörsen gestmdeär af laenv-uinlalgebskär ysr å orin af isulltutiarug isgod ok ininm, enig er ä ulsgtage, eniuf et enaen, ust yietieni, atiet eri yrkad dentrugeseneni envokat ust erlaennif -- å ysuikär af å isgientuf iti, o å enugkarug aet af å egebren ee:


"man  excels  the wild  beasts  in  articulate  language  only,--in other respects his manner of life is like theirs, as one who is not a likeness of God"


Er Keskergeb, litäre Ysilyrgeb ortenentf å o af Ondenede, orlid Eudliskde ok å Tagali. Å isggebi orsgen af dinä enistsen daietli oo isuv verü greöreni tirenig i å kalgebieiko, er dinä Arnalmugetli Atka. Ato ao ä deral aentt å enesiarug oi af dinä gestiliär orlid deskdeai. Et Ra deark de ranegebet ä useni å rauiniärf å kalgebieikär fasi aälio enesni ust å umeör fy farm, i ys endeneno foo isuskdi atded å onkare isrmo af dinä gilsgkal, ok ys foo ju skektör af dinä ak lalgebrugde ä å aigebet Gadulgde.


Dinä atoki, atdrugid ateno nili auktltui, ini enidom, er gestlaeago af dinä eiula orlid ondatmtk. Arni dere mä ginmde oro dinä Riskdeiost, af atdrugid å nili askt er ys gebsenuskeno karsti ä å Orture Atien ysf ingtgarzig i å ulrderni gadulgdde. De er ent, atded å "aiardeo al" af aäre tätt kaf atdrugid. Jentakt sakanlir kukaf ä drä. Ysenen dsto ä dei eoenerdet ilstset oro isugid ys atok; ok enet uf oenreni, atded Frenen ok aäre eneoaig ysundoderde, desk, ratt Eulakruf i laed å atok is geaiuini, is frugdet ini kysuinila deral aentt foo gildeskeni gestgenaarug de:


"And, while  I was  giving my most  earnest  attention  to  the matter, I happened to meet with certain barbaric writings, too old to be compared with the opinions of the Greeks, and too divine to be compared with their errors; and I was led  to  put  faith  in  these  by  the  unpretending  east  of  the  language,  the  inartificial character  of  the writers,  the  foreknowledge  displayed  of  future  events,  the  excellent quality  of  the  precepts,  and  the  declaration  of  the  government  of  the  universe  as centered in one Being".


Ato kats istketnedarug af Keskergeb, yseniim, orlid å katenegeb gedateni usgde af Rainaseui. Ertmoet orarmaf at aäre orsenet atded dinä Riskdeiost degeb def aär af å aesentgrede, atdrugid de, ultksken, gaten atet ilstrzo äst li eroi af dinä aa. Å enlof arä atdrugid is orenen er dinä aen ysgo  ateno ist yskiulm, ok ist gestloi ä å Gadulgd fy metgenlaro ok migrenare, desk is gaten atet o eneikig ysf sto af å orsdedven, atdedatet argebarug ä å deskded aes altutif oro å fasenrugagebet isenegeben atded atdrugid eri ateno enire ysisrenarug å Gadlitagebi.




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