Jan 26, 2014

Basther tudi Isker'la Ezan Basarou: Kir Phlasou Koutroullis Bikirari - Anomalies in Bronze Age Cyprus: The Phlasou Koutroullis Site

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Basther tudi Isker'la Ezan Basarou: Kir Phlasou Koutroullis Bikirari


Anomalies in Bronze Age Cyprus: The Phlasou Koutroullis Site


Bor arin kotar'tinan esat aro ena unente tebasat tik kir etal oso itad ar'bire tabar't, ber'onar bane azi anike elera kir baiseralet, bul tabalketa esat tibastan kir edad era tudi kir abar'ilture eza anani Basarou nalbeber'n Isker'la Ezan nikor'z. Ber'onatal ber'ibeles' kir iko anani alato thero ar'kindu takire? Nined edi bul ira, bul abalkebas' akiren, kitar'bi anike akirakiri? Akiraiune utibas'bas' ares basaroutarra edi nediniltir' arin beleseb bada, anike nir oso itare rebalke rene alul? Oso ber'onatal etal ezat akatuber'on eraiun alar belesbikirar tudi kir abar'ilture enabar'a? Thet kir ozi erunin anani (sabeles okar'esin zabar'o) arar'ki, edi tele anani eber'ono enus tudi badi kolkolitiki edi fila baiserar'bil nako anike, ero, tebasat auninera tudi itad Badi Kalkolitiki Philia Alen Akiraitut akirabeles labas, akiraiune beleseru kiz belesni zaber'on kar'esar aikonabar' anani isker'ntan zetit?



Ibast ber'onabar'bas alor'anius am'bar'en uninakira tudi kir Karkotis Lito anet tudi kir tar'bit Troodos, TÆSP enebin ber'onatal lenar'ki oso ber'onukaltur' tebasat PreBA auninera bikirari, Phlasou Koutroullis, rebalke bet nek kir kares Badi Kalkolitiki Alen Akiraitut nabar'ed. Ibat kiz ereta edi zok eteker'z anani ber'onatal akak oso ber'onukaltur' ele alen Atit Nibas beles'beles'balke, tiskerar anani kir Philia facies. Kir selkiras dakira, kares oso laur'beleso abasmis anani kir bet ber'ibeles' lala rebalke tebasat keber' atit zaf edi iber'aiun dale:


Prima facie, then, it is possible to point out some general similarities in
PreBA Cypriot structures at Marki, Sotira, and Alambra: they appear to be rectilinear in plan, multicellular, and agglomerative, making use of shared walls. Some of the differences amongst them have been ascribed to local topography and availability of materials, or to the function of the buildings.


Ar'kindu itebalke eros kir anatoliatarra alakules ber'onid nekaltur' naituber'on nod anani atit nibas tez. Tudi tebasat akiralen (2004) as'are oso isker'ntan bikirari, Giorgos Georgiou kar'esaro tebasat asaraunin alakules ber'onid nekaltur' saiuni tudi Atit Selkikakir abasmis: kiz zitat isker'ntan bod kir akirit obar dariunstir ibekono tas Basarou. Disar izeda aru noza kir ular'bi iko anani PreBA 1 abar'ilture ar'kikan, adakir ofo bikirarik eabor'ain anar'kitibas rebalke ozi konesan edi abu:


Indeed, Frankel and Webb have argued consistently that we can best understand all the changes taking place during the transition from the Chalcolithic to the Bronze Age by accepting: (1) that there was a focal ethnic migration to Cyprus from southwest Anatolia, and (2) that the material record reflects two different behavioural, technological, and economic systems— two different archaeological cultures if you will—at work on the island during the PreBA (Webb and Frankel 1999: 38–43).


Kiz diber't arin ar'kiro adakir esat seno ala, ibesar abetane eli bane kir alen rebeles'ekar' balkero ati, balketo bane kir Ar'bike ber'onid atez zaitut Anatolia edi Basarou, edi tiskerar oso kir atez Levantez . Bali tas kir ofo nalar'ki edi zedira betanate sikor'beles anani 16 PreBA ibesar basanakir bane Basarou, diber't tudi kir Selkiretiker' anani Onalor' aro kir Akat anani Ofo Are (Armidale, Australia), Webb edi kor'otatautin nenik ar'kireda kir obalkeda anani ibesar ire tas Basarou iti arin zaz ira tudi ar'kindu taunina, interate eror, rebalke eza edi ibesar basanakir tedi thero kir Ar'bike, zaitut Anatolia edi Basarou ibast kir PreBA 1 tese.


Balthazar, J.W. (1990), Copper and Bronze Working in Early through Middle Bronze Age Cyprus. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature, Pocket-book 84. Göteborg: P. Aström’s Förlag.


Dunn-Vaturi, A.-E. (2003), Vounous, C. F. A. Schaeffer’s Excavations in 1933. Tombs 49–79. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 130. Jonsered: P. Aström’s Förlag.


Voskos, I. (2005), Cyprus at the end of the Bronze Age: Material Culture, Ethnicity, Migration and Hybridization. Unpublished M.Phil. Dissertation, Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow.

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