Oct 21, 2014

Na kie zo noosfere?

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Na kie zo noosfere? Cover

Na kie zo noosfere?


Kuek biza ueza zo noosfere esem nerail ele lerold nar kie ush nam zana niz? Kuek biza esem zo noosfere inentiss fok ele lerold nar vedad nabie jer inizalad enoad berka zo lenum eres enel mi ush amelirka ilï mi tizesir nesem? Lek mi ieku, kasi na nirin lerold zo noosfere zan nïad enoad berka eken berka shinir zan nïad enoad yzo arï deno:


Perhaps mind and matter are like two sides of the same coin. To study such an effect, you could take a ribbon and write mind on the inside and matter on the outside. Now, as you wiggle the ribbon, you’ll find very strong correlations between mind and matter, yet in a fundamental sense never the twain shall meet.


Ku arï zoda, zo noosfere kie zo çinç mi zo lin apakuebirusha mi ieku shinir. Zo lin apakuebirusha, loï bilent mi ïr, ynait berka ush azune shizoruna esekiz, eliela entel ko zo vü mi isem. Lerold kie, biras ieku shinir jer zo alera asen mi zo biosferi esekiz tas sinkronad fe zo vü mi isem, enen zo kezo mi zo keredakushu mi shinir, ko zo zaïti nires rile zo dna daz, eren eïad sinkronad fe jer ïzaad ku zo inodun mi zo vü mi isem. Eninum ush mizushu mi zo zan risses mi zo deno jer loïe rile zo tilelenum mi zo monasa berka nir ekede mi len ku iner inyvari jer azamyi erenun yir ush fï iedka mi shishimaku transmutusha, zo noosfere lon eïad zo lin reçkunum bilent loï yrï mi arï sanent mi erdi apakuebirusha.



Nar lon, aseme, ad ush caliei mi biosferi elçirushu lerold zo noosfere azez shizoruna verka ush ekamagol shipa zaz entissa kie issentuead, zo ob mi zo leshi mi biogeokemici lesinizushu, zo pasemue entissa mi zo monasa rile noosfere aridasushu. Berka zo deno lin bilent, nar lonad nir elue mi ueçinaz ente lobif lalazushu lerold entyor zo noosfere ladu tilelenum amuniniraid:


The idea of presentiment assumes that we are constantly and unconsciously scanning our future, and preparing to respond to it. If this is true, then whenever our future involves an emotional response, we’d predict that our nervous system would become aroused before the emotional picture appears.


Fe fiss locoïushu berka zo lin shilida mi zo deno, zo noosfere kuek alo ladu izanissea izunonüushu ola shi nir elue mi ueçinaz ente lobif lalazushu, ad berka zo lonirin sedad liridda napa. Eï, berka zo lin shilida mi zo deno lerold kie ada jer ludyaa yir zo monasa, zo noosfere ïr ashi kuek ines ola entel zonum: zo amama mi bifuez leras aze zo ïg.


Zo enasyshi kuekad nï berka ush dar kuelokuelo lalazushu mi zo noosfere, ush enan mi enapai proto leras. Fa, issizo nam, berka eken berka zo ïg enen yzo rile zo enasyshi, niçid inun menterikuass zo kan ikalas aryir ub mi mada bifuez leras. Zo adand kie lerold leras kuek ola mizushu ku ush bilent mi hak tyir tyilir lerold kie sinkronad fe zo lolo akasum rümaan:


He considers Cassini Diskus as an information retrieval device, and not as an information transmission device. For him our minds occasionally dip into a holistic reality to bring back tidbits of useful information. Whether that information comes from the beings at the other side of the D-brane cannot yet be ascertain.


Isem jer leras tas asiefo nam hekyndum makku ïifia yzo shik tyilir mi esyzom. Zo ïg üle res ush yalo mi endepa tyilir, ele lerold lï liridda kezo ile jer tas bi ieg yir eni menaka jer yir lolo isem. Arï myzanir zo teknosfere, kissam zo monasa, jer yr zo noosfere ku zo shizoruna. Fa öï, yir zo azalakie entel nirela, zo idde zan unïen entesiddad jer zo ententadaum mi zo rari elo mi rarana ryirir zan giss. Zo noosfere fiz asaz pam olin ladu larun amuniniraid.



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