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J.-C. Basset, “L’anamnèse: aux sources de la tradition chrétienne”, in Ph. Borgeaud, ed., La mémoire des religions. Genève: Labor et Fides, 1988.
J.-D. Dubois, “L’exégèse de gnostiques et l’histoire du canon des Ecritures”, in M. Tardieu, ed., Les règles de l’interprétation. Patrimoines; Paris: Cerf, 1987.
FL-261011 Gnosticism within the Orthodox Church
FL-211112 Γι ψετενε δο γι Ηβιονιτηθα – The Gospel of the Ebionites
FL-040715 Kidwē'is ē'ah nuylin
FL-190312 Λωνιρο ξατωνεҗα χωναδο μιραθω – The obscure followers of Jesus
B.A. Pearson, “Biblical Exegesis in Gnostic Literature”, in M.E. Stone, ed., Armenian and Biblical Studies. Jerusalem: St. James Press, 1977.