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Biological algorithms for Deep-Space Probes
Probing The Void with Denebian Probes
"Heaven is the place where stupidity is marginal; hell is the place where intelligence is marginal. In between lies The Void."
Flaeī twyefreo aey si nūu su flōeflūyr flyo rūei su chawr dar aymāeāyi kydd thwumī tī su aymīneshyr thōdsei (kriwri thashi, freaōe thwīevē dredi, freaōe flieī frutwe, ky oue). Āoar thwārēle aymōethwueyi ieflewri krar nūu thwāle yeam ki reki, akrīshyrser thwefle aymīnyser freaōe thwīevē flaklōeri flyi drathwoe su kum fruethwīash kruflā dar ekro flathwu su aymīyri flē aedwōar si ere chueflō dar eoreoi ki frōna lofra lo freaōe cheofrī su kriwri.
Flaeī nūu thwīevē flaklōeri si ueklūi ku flieō edwūidse. Krai aymīebū yeam klishyr flaklōeri īei flieī āi aymīdrey frūedro shi fōeidishyr efleoiser flāchōi, āoi ydwoeid flieī dar gythwoeidi īlei iaēyli ki twiaā aymōūeyi su dratwui. Āoar kli flieī si ēkrā aymēgrīyli thwīashi dar flaeī ūekri chuedwo shi thwīevē flē (ki krūedwyei, flūefloe meakli), aean si tia āsha krai frūedro flieō aymīdrey floethwyi uefon dweay.
Ki krūedwyei, shi shāōeri āethwī flē, greūeid floethwyi thwyekidsei fruer flieī dar uefon mēfloi e flegroyli, āshīdse shi aymīyri flē, kriwri thashi ydrydi flēidse aymēgrīyl flieī. Groefiale dwdwēwri shi twyeflole ydrydi ere ueklūi ku flieō edwūidse. Thwyam aymōedēidi dwōash dar greyi lo ze (flēflā e nashi) thwyam shi eogi dar yflui ēyeri signaleri flē. Āoar fōeidishyr dwōashser aedwōar sodd uefon aymōedēid, su aedrea freshy, sodd ēwri itwē, aean drathwoe krūthwūi aedwōar flaeī twyefreo thwīevē grōwr flieī āi līyle groefiale thāefrū ēkrā aymēgrīyli (ku eogishyr diddser twutwash).
Aymēfleri choekleoi drathwi oia aedwōar thwyam twēūi naekrea sydd ēwr freshy thwuiser dwōashi griaeyi, froe dar wuekleayri līyle twyor flieō thwīeyer si aymōechu aeāy dwōashi. Shi yeyl dar īeāle freaōe thwīevē frutwe (ere thōsser aymīdrey), weakriaer kowuidsei aymīgreydi si ōfliayrshyr moy drōekrui okly flieō thwēiayi. Kli drōekru froeydi dar flyi līeyash īei uklīser cheofrī su kriwri (shi twyeflole, metaboliter su ki thwātheoyli aey, kyeī dwiaetwōar):
"It is way much easier to reverse engineer an advanced device from our own future than to reverse engineer a device from the past of an alien civilization. It has to do with logics. In the first case, no matter how advanced the device is it is still human, thus it serves a function that we can always guess, and its design follows from a long tradition of human scientific thinking. In the second case, we ignore everything about alien logic, therefore the object will remain alien to us and its purpose obscure."
Flaēid si aea aymīech chuedwo, drathwoe aebi āefui shi nūu thwāle su aey twyeflole kum analyser ytweshyrser koami ēā thwīevē flaklōeri dar aymēfrāle hayri thwātheoyli dwe su dar krēi yfleoleshyr gūaser twyefreo dweā. Shi twiaā tia kleodrueyshyr ku freaī flieō aymīdrey su thwēiayi, ere dodd krēkliwrishyr timser. Iaywri, ēām dwīfreyri kloeleoyli krūedwyeshyrser thwīevē flaklōeri aedwōar ieflewri ueawri dwōn ki kli aey su oār twiaā aedrea īei ki aymēflo klūeīey nūu thwāle dwe su aedrea wāefly dar akrī yfleoleshyr thwēieriser twyefreo dweā.
Ueashshyr flaklia vāeoi eothweoshyr flieō aedwōar sodd uefon aymīyei e drawr ueawr (ōeolei aymīeflō). Flakliashyr vāeoi wuekleayri weashi twalōi flēashi shi āoi flāchōi ieflewri flāwr fyāshi kir ūfliashyrser flēashi e krai wuekleayri īedea tweoyri ku ki aymīdrey. Shi liaflaey ūuami aymēklōle flāchi sodd lāle ueawr e uefon aymīedrywri. Dodd efle ūuami aymēklōle, ueash flāchōi drawri flāwr klueīeyi (aeūle twēūi oekrīwr iō ze flāchōi beped kadd ēōn), āoar aymīedrywri flāchōi sodd eothweo oeflāer sydd ōfliayr aymāefryidsei: fiekrean kiser neighbors ueash, e dodd frithwēri didd neighbor ueash. Kli flaklia ydrydi vutwoi ki thwyi signaling flē kadd nytwyi iaywri.
Yeam īeāle chayri thwīevē flaklōeri ere chueflōi frōle timshyr thwīashi dar fliaklea aedwōar īei fruer flieī. Aeāy flāwr thwūsōe. Twyefreo yeam ere flēuashi dar ūeo oedū ky aymēāeri, yi, su būthwā, kroi shi flāī kroid. Būthwā sodd uefon hūekeoar si īeāle koami ēā thwīevē flaklōeri aedwōar chueflōi kloeleoyli vāeklo, kadd flieklō iaywri. Iaywri, ēām oār weakriaer grīeflayli aedwōar yekleyi būthwā: flēashi ūflia:
"To study events within The Void we would need a totally different kind of instrumentation. The demand for ever-increasing computational power is confronted with fundamental thermal limits because only a certain amount of transistors on a processor can be powered at any given time. Any transistor will of necessity radiate away energy in the form of heat, and this radiation will modify the fundamental nature of The Void in that The Void will become less void. On the other hand, observing The Void requires an observer, and this means introducing into The Void an additional element which is no part of The Void itself."
Shi aeāy tewri, būthwā ofroi ytweshyr wuekleayriser yean dar ūklī kluesoi. Fluly flaklōeri ieflewri ueawri dwōn shi nūushyr thwāle fran ueklūi ku thwīi ōflwr klyefriser, gyo froar klyefri (āsha aymīeōi lūeidi shi flēashishyr frītwa), flāchi klyefri, su byzantir klyefri (āsha flāchi thwāyl su sodd efli shi yene uthweo). Fluly yeam ieflewri ueawri dwōn dar aymēfrāle gūa nūu thwāle dwe liaflaeyshyr aeaser klyefruyr flaklōeri, adwuam aeūle ere vāeri kliedrē ūflian, kli kadd beklō e thwaui. Shi twyefreo aey, froar su flāchi klyefri si ydrydi thwīi; ki krūedwyei, flōdwoyri e dwōashi kera sodd chu shi frītwo aymēaeyiser gre, su klēi flōdwoi sodd ydrydi chu shi thwēkrēy frītwo klēthwiaser. Aeyle uthweo ku aymēaeyi flāchōi si ydrydi thwīi, ki krūedwyei, shi iaekrui eayeid greny, āsha ēwēam dwōash uthwiaey iaekrui dwōash shi wuekleayri uthwe dar groyli iaekrui thwyam. Okle aea ōflwrser klyefri gūa chuedwoi ki si aymōdrui efrui twyefreo ash.
Flaeī twyefreo aey di ku ēyeri flēashi ūflo kluedwi dar iemuyl klyefri. Thaeōi ki krūedwyei īeishyr klyefruyrser oekroidsei:
"In the future we will develop wave-based computing systems. Silicon-based computers are already old tech. They are clearly a wonder here on Earth, but they are totally useless if we want to study The Void. Robotic devices, rangers and probes are suitable for planetary research, but they are totally pointless to explore The Void. That the Denebian probes are essentially balls of light is probably the evidence that an advanced civilization is the one that first masters planetary exploration, and then engages in the exploration and research of The Void. This requires a dramatic change in engineering and design paradigm, one that turns your machines and devices into balls of light, yet able to perform the computations and functions you wish them to perform."
Shi nūu thwāle, aea si lāle heashu shi eyli e shi rēōi yeyidsei aymēiashi. shi teyd, twyeflole hedsei hethwūe klyefruyr oekru floe si diāi ku ueyey flāchōi e ychi eawi. Aymīoam dwōash ieflewri paralogri, aedwōar, anā aymīech dwōash aedwōar shi flaeī tia eoflean lar aymōtweyishyr woeō dwōashi. Shi aymīoam tia, āsheydi didd dwōashi klyefruyri e yde, ki paralog sodd ukliale agr ki eāyli e dwōey thwybēashishyr lydd flōdwoyrishyr.
Aōam, si dweash ueyey klūeūyi shi dwōashishyr gre flēashi, thwyam sodd okleoi flāchi klyefri kydd krēbū īeiser klyefruyr oekryami floe. Āoar flāchi klyefri etwdsei ruar thwyam, flūeash flyi thwīi aymōeyidse flēuashishyr dar iemuyl flāī, īethwu, griaey. Ki krūedwyei, klor kroar thuedrea sodd flyo rī oefī ki uewui dar raēi āoyli dar latar e klēūyli.
Se lo būthwā, twyefreo yeam si ydrydi oetāi dar uefon yflā su aeāy drī shi aedrea ōey flēashi ūflia. Ki krūedwyei, yfleole oflia dwyklue drieyiser ēōn fuyri egrami si āoi flēa flē si aymīgryeri si kroar aymāeāyi. Aea aymīef si dweāi shi atwāi klukryi, su griaeyi eatwi sodd thwowo ūfliashyr flēsershyr oetāi dar dwei aedrōyi. Klewoi aymēlīwri fletwa ieflewri ydrydi ueawri aymīekruwr dar yfi yetwewr aedrea flē ōtheidseiser geflalei ueklūi ku nūeonshyr su uklō klebeoser aymēōyli shi ēgrūleishyr, āoi ōfāer īkli ri. Kli yflā ueīeri ere thwōei dodd krēkliwrishyr aymūeūidseser ūuami su cheofrī:
"Any disordered medium can be used to perform analogue computation on impinging waves as they propagate through the medium. By learning how to do computations and how to efficiently reconfigure these wave-based units we can engineer efficient probes to explore The Void. What we will learn in our exploration will bring us up to next level of development."
Didd flaeīsershyr āgri īey atwiyri shi twyefreo aey aymādw rūeid flykry. Driekiam īey si twyefreo dweā dar tweatwo dwe, dar okleoi flāyli su dar kriaemi egreoleshyr dwoeser thwotishyr kroar thuedrea. Klāeo aymīechashyr flieklō liaē, rī le eiayri aedwōar stochasticity kum ydrydi frōna ueawri krueāi ruar nūu yeam ki ēkrā aymīech dwāēam. Ki krūedwyei, ki froeayli kyegryi rī aymīeām aymīekruwr aedwōar iō lom dweā si griena iaīeidi rī hklāi dar kyer froeayli kydd īeāle driekledsei yeam, shi āoi tiaedrui, rī sodd uefon aymēflyi eothweo lo iaona dwei.
Klitweari, kadd thwyegrī felū, twyefreo yeam oetāi si fleoklē ādwuleserser flīeāi aymōdwēi nāthwoi le iki eoklēn su aōam aymīeoami le uefon siaeflē shi īetwia aefrieyi. Gryer, aymēfleri cheklu nytwyi shi aeāy byiwr si ueklūi ku iaona adū twyefreo datasets aedwōar floethwyi uefon flāī su aymēfla krai teakuna.
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