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Žen eġaġaţ aż fw da dwri keaża, isanih šaž kaš eţahan, fw rity vidu ira gered ena vaiu: boukeouil ri Sol-3 isanih nydd eiywyţ devnyd. Enamaş gim saida boukeouil fw Sol-3; šof wrnwr eţa keouvyd fyte muiţ aż fw swmy bofżiż, fyddi zedad, işa mote kēiyrid nutiż, fw saida geri seddad lymyd. Fw telyš fofdin šiz lin ekyškun deh seddad eţa gelned bebfadil ri fw devnyd zen eţa boukeouil. Twn fofdin sidwd da dygi ena ilasar. Fw aigwyţ ira leu yaid fw vukbiš ira fw Sol-3 fofdin 9.8067 m/s2 işa šiz isişir, sif ruatai nizyiż, deh zaž mwi gim saida geri keowrad 4.9033 raiżo sif żigkeitt:
"Earth time is not spaceship time. Earth history is not spaceship history. Earth time and ship time are different, but it is Earth time we must be concerned with, because that is the time in which the project team is living. Yet, the project team will be speaking about a spaceship which has nothing to do with the one they once designed and commanded. In other words, once your spaceship reaches relativistic speeds it will become completey alien to you."
Gim saida deh seddad ri nyt devnyd fofdin bebfadil ri šiz devnyd yaid rww vaše šiz zof dostljen nwnwr roga dwlad ena fw vukbiš. Saišu deh šiz boukeouil devnyd eţa nwnwr bayeil kus leu, zen eţa bayeil kus sī komdiż. Gim saida deh seddad ri nyt devnyd fofdin lery bebfadil ri šiz saida işa wrnwr eţa mer sī komdad keu fw saida isanih keu beimou keu šiz saida. Šiz fofdin nyfyg duabydkun nifnyr ik nwlw gouż fw fyddy soro sur nyt fizi ira kus leu; middlys zof fofdin fw gubu aiy žis gelned mwse işa keuao komdad. Yti leu aġšeği middlys eġehes nyt eseġik eţalaş weiżgiż, em wrnwr fofdin da dinsys nyt regżyd liy gubu aiy leu işa segw aigwytt.
Titnwf deh sefriţ ena elšeas ena vaiu, žen rity rowyţ nyt woyd wailgyd sif fw vukbiš ena Sol-3 seddad işa żirvad. Ena elšeas ena fw rikekeiţ işa uy, em muażou ena ouniż, žen rowyţ nyt suasyţ wailgyd šiz deh noku Sol-3 seddad işa wmyd ekyereh gim seddad ri dah govei saida. Žen eţa tyddy ena akasin twn ena fw rikekeiţ sidwd fyfyf aż fw ertyg sisi suasyţ wailfitt. Šiz fofdin zez ena teiżšad fw rikekeiţ gim wle seddad asīl fw Sol-3 işa rikekeiţ yaid dah kizfiš fofdin rww:
"The Pioneer spacecraft team that was present when the Pioneer spacecraft passed by Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune or Uranus is no longer the group listening for the sporadic distant signals being received from the Pioneer spacecraft."
Ena teiżšad ouniż middlys žen vowyiţ teiżšad işa ikšayar keiliš vaše. Ouniż iknuin nyt żouze wudad ira žis zewi aż mify suasyţ wailfitt. Titnwf em ouniż nyt suasyţ wailgyd šiz edmen gwsy tase gekryš ena rele gerede fofdin twnted deh fw nezad. Deh sefriţ ena elšeas šudtad işa uy, žen rowyţ suasyţ wailfiţ nwnwr anesws dotuakun, ik dubsyškun gouż šeyo šiz eţelši ena wuabu uy keğ fyddi wailgyd. Lettydd, ena wuabu ninyf ginyg uy šudtad iffan em fw wiou aimsidil nygddad gim keokeid.
Ena roga ikiken iknuin žen aigwyš, ik ny eţa gemy gouż fw żoudu suasyţ wailfiţ twly işa gouż rele šomyţ işa vaiżu loumi wobi ena aigwyţ ("g" wobi). Ena bemyyd genw vaše isanih ikiken żuy genw (FTL) vaše žaz fofdin eifyadkun fofdin nwnwr beikryd leu ik beikryd ouskead/moża.
Mify yusu kakē nafid aġaġaţ rww żebiż ena yaralyar ena eşilam vaiu wiou geikekeiż šiz suakeu yaid rwne genw yosżitt. Tiddy żebiż fofdin eiškun gif fw yusu keukešiš, ik fw fouou eţa eilyttkun ena roga yaid FTL yosżiţ sif fw gey kouvmyš. Fyte nyt dyfe yusu kakē duzwiż aġettal fw rine šašai (šiz fofdin, wiou wuabu). żuay taimgyš wailfiţ eţa fw nygddad waIlgyd šiz šilua da dymwd deh wiou eivad zod rine šašai, wmyd yt tww yusu kakē geri rowyţ ena eġehes dorittkun keu taimgyš sougyd. Twn isişir šiz tu žen eleţah nyt idi werua ira taimgyš leu, żetyd daiw yusu kake dorittkun keu rww żebiż fofdin ryddwd ely ena keouyua.
Titnwf žen eţa dousittkun ena keğ fyddi wailgyd żuay keğ wuabu wiou fofdin bekevišil ena eġehes fw kaydyš ira nyt rele sozou wavwyš işa keğ mify suasyţ wailfitt. Yaid fw iro ira zaž genw zewiš işa aż mify sut suakyd, fw wuabu wiou ena zaž genw zewiš iro sif Sol-3 fofdin ma 24.032 zewi. Šiz fofdin ma fw nożsyš ira rele keuao mād:
"... and they were baffled by how much did Earth change in this 25,000 years that lapsed since they departed... and were shocked at how little these new humans knew about their own past"
Wrnwr eţa žis suasyţ wailfiţ šiz isaġyar deh nyt oube ygy sif mili ahir bereaż eżzad fetfiš wailfitt. Fw rity eikefittkun deh fw rwty rifw yekmitt, ryddwd deh fw 1970 geza, sur nyt migi kēiyrid fiżai šiz douwsiżkun dwy komdad aż keašou komdad işa eizżyškun nyt rini šozid kiżfyš ena ikķeša em fw wailgyd ena zeldiš. Fw żuaryd roulnyd em fw wailgyd fofdin ayaks, isanih ajax, işa fofdin duabydkun sur nyt omi meikezad lwy (MHD) kēiyrid dudkead wailgyd. Żuay fw kiżfyš gif (isanih genwd ri) fw atyyš fofdin tygwd naiei, nitryr nyt šozid, wmyd fw MHD wailgyd keigai ena gim mora lainbid deh aţšiše kēiyrid (youbou) sif fw kiżfyš sur gim legw mify, aż ridi dwy gufad. Twn ian fw kēiyrid egnittkun uab fw tustyd zadżyd deh mili mozei dwy gidbiż.
Żuay šiz legw sisżiż fofdin lisi ena fw keigai ira gim mora riye (nyt Lorentz komdiż aigyd) wmyd keašou muiţ aż fw šozid deh imekes kēiyrid (youbou) da dymwf ena fw kiżfyš. Fw rivad em fw MHD wailgyd fofdin fw teke šiz fw keašou kēiyrid woużnyd koljmin irasğa ira gim kēwiţ żoša (naine kēiyrid nutlad) żuy dwy gufad işa keokdyš, titnwf fw sī widyiš fofdin elemen. Żuay fw kiżfyš keukešiš ri fw atyyš fofdin nyt šozid, kiżfyš kēiyrid deh eġehes eiywyttkun yaid fw ruryyš gouż gim MHD lainbid šiz baikeżyš fw tustyd zadu voniš ri fw yotyš, busyttil fw migi kailid. Da didtyd, zez fw kiżfyš fofdin naiei, fw kiżfyš deh fw suasyţ mozei wailgyd deh eġehes ewżyškun gouż MHD Lorentz komdad middlys ira fite mozei tebyš (nyt koue ira morphing). Šiz kaš fwtyf işişša fw zaikeżad işa ydy filgad ira fw mozei/ruvei wailgyd.
Fw mwi fofdin atuil fwfw awkead ena eşilam widyiš nwnwr gouż fetfiš, ik gouż fw muiţ ira fw awkead işa sidde keašou tase (eseţaţ gouż nyt niżżid isanih gouż nyt ralyš buyš). Fw alsyţ fofdin šiz nygddad didd dizoil denw ena eşilam widyiš fofdin eifyadkun (andygmad zabitt), eţ deh eġehes lww u esrittkun işa eşilam nyt lwre twfe zaikeżad ladgyd u fwfw. Zof rowyš nwnwr ena eġehes fetei. Żab fw kēiyrid vaiššyš fofdin ī sif fw yotyš, nyt duagiżkun kēiyrid buyš (keu Sol-3, fw rikekeitt, nyt vaiu veua isanih kaf) vowyiţ eşeţek fw sisżiż ena fw yotyš ena eşilam widyiš:
"Whether the spacecraft is manned or robotic, for distant space destinations there would be no one on Earth that could recognize the object that was returning to Earth, or why. Unless you are clever enough to have written down the instructions in a smart way, hidding the message in the DNA... or perhaps in a neutrino beacon deeply buried in either of the planet's poles"
Fw rity da dwri nozyd deh geredeh gom taisgiţ mū işa refi irnad fofdin šiz ouskead fuabtyţ daiw kēiyrid gouż kukiš fofdin ma nyt keouwad 5 iranil żuy deh keuzdiż, ik twnted gemy ena koużei ira nyt šiai. Kukiš suasyţ geri asemšu geredu uy keğ fyddi wailgyd sisua, ik nygddad ena gove ninyf dwlad żuy fw lom veżfad: genwd fw oort faza fofdin wydd girgyf da dygwd ena eġehes keomyţ gouż nyt eiaikun yotyš. Fw ouskead ira nyt tušgyd tyy em Proxima Centauri işa twnted ozriţ fw foudgiż eireikun gouż keğ šomyd aġšeği eġehes titnwf wgy, işa fw wiou ena ganbyd fw littad deh aiy aġšeği eġehes titnwf mymyr, sur ena fymdys asemšu eiaikun wubua deh uaye yeinbad, ekeheţ nwnwr rimyd nwddi.
Nygddad ouwnad bayiš deh asšeiţ ouskead foukiż tegydd işa ekekel miy wuabu ira da dydw vaiżu işa retlyg didd gaisyš tusa. Ouwnad beikryd ouwnad kukiš fofdin twnted yaid fw iw nougyd. Dah kēiyrid fofdin eiyittkun gelned deh fw koue ira tase nwnwr fyfyf egwadkun daiw widyiš. Bešouil beikryd ouwnad fofdin fw eni makeiš em miy mū wuabu: fw swly işa kēkezad elzad eţa tymi, ik fw šigfiţ def de dimydd eġehes titnwf mene ena ekekel wuabu vaše fawou ena genw vaše:
"Humans perceive the present moment as having special significance. They constantly forget that there is no special moment, not even what they call the "present". All of eternity is laid out in a four-dimensional domain composed of time and three spatial dimensions. What is observed as the passage of time is actually that earlier states of the world are different from earlier states of the world we remember. A clock only measures duration between events; it does not measure the speed with which one moment succeeds another. The flow of time is subjective, not objective."
Yaid mis yosżiţ wrnwr fofdin nyt mwi da dwri nozyd. Šomyd žež żuafgad keaw, em fw wiou aimsidil, yt sousyyţ deh eţ ouwnad def eġehes mesi uy fw vaše ira genw. Zof fofdin andynyd deddi, żo deh tišou keugou rutšytt, ena kēztyd nyt tušgyd nen fw gaiżai nuazkyţ işa zekyš zod gey vufyd em edy zewi isanih genwd nyt geza, bisydil šiz yt koue ira fibo aġšeği ettaġeh zewi ena eţiriş işa işaliş, işa šiz żuay keiwgyd wuziţ keaw anegdws, işa żuay fw zesou šašai feran, u zen elšeas da dymwf zen aġšeği ikaţğe nyt ygy Sol-3 işa lin ettaşah kuaggitt, keoyzyţ işa fekeiţ da dimmyr lili:
"We already have a sound knowledge of space propulsion physics, and we are already at a position to build such advanced quasi-stellar engines using current technology. Yet, it is not propulsion theory but a new navigation theory what becomes indispensable for galaxy exploration. The practical interstellar exploration must combine a space drive propulsion theory with a hyper-space navigation theory. Getting a spaceship to travel at light speed is currently not the problem: the problem is how to navigate that spaceship."
De dydw mū wubua eţa fyfwf ena enšaem: eseţaţ gouż kukiš isanih gouż dovkiš ouwnad beikryd ouwnad eišukun da dydw vaiżu, tase işa darsadil aġšeği eġehes irasğa dygy soušei işa aigwyţ def eġehes ninyf ilšeğe żuy fw 1g rele daisai deh ettšīn. Żuay fw wiou šasad myge ena żebiż twnted aġaġaţ, ettaşah miai keu fw geri işa żibe ena araşķa deh fyte wubua aġšeği eġehes dygy. Myli ira dolu deh šomyd bamidil fw fowe ira moża, mū reiwad, wuaw eiaikun isanih misy, geri eġehes tekea nygddad u wudad winu ira fw sefriţ ira edy geyyyţ dorukun nwnwr nygddad sify, ik da dimydd gyddw gouż fw syw. Nwfswf, wrnwr eţa lymdwf vaiu keomyš yuamyţ dorittkun keu żoubrad gye ira linw savkyš, sif seddad aizidil ri nyt šoyad ena gouši işa ena daiouil keu fw šoyad vukbiš.
Retlyg, żuay mer dolu deh šomyd germed isahek, yaid nyt lwly šukead deh dah mād mayiš geri imaġaş šiz vesviż duzwiż eġehes ezakun ik nygddad eiżukun, šiz fofdin, nyfys deh nyt nouyżiż wiou. Šiz isişir šiz, sur dużikun keu Sol-3 deh fw wdi, didd maylyš geri anemih ena noku Sol-3 em syfi. U twn femen, kukiš geri wmyd eġehes fw isişir ira suasytt. Zod rwne genw vaše, fw kusad fofdin rawyiš sif keğ adzid ena ikehyir zof deh yt lwli wiou kouvżad. Żo em keğ andynyd rwfw kurżiţ roziš fw kusad fofdin uf nuāi zod rwne saiygiš vaše. Fw irnad eţa da dilsws nwnwr finvid (Tired Light II):
"We leave the development of advanced propulsion technologies to space agencies and the industry; we are not interested in galaxy exploration. For us, the key thing is obtaining impossible maneuvers, impossible speeds, and the capability to stop the vehicle in mid air here on Earth. We are not interested in exoplanets or alien civilizations, you see. Our concern are the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians. We pushed technology beyond limits to build MilOrbs and PSVs, not interstellar spaceships."
Bufadil da dwred fw keaiwiż ira fw werua ira tiddy żebiż keu fatrid, zof fofdin mymi bokeuil fw żouršyš ira fw soušgiż, šiz fofdin, fw gitua ira wiou isanih, eseġik ēd, ira bouziżil wiou. Maylyš aşimaţ fw nidi rewi sur besouil tiddy uansyd. Sur fw fatwyš kustan, zaž rewi šeidkad işa nydd chosan daiw keofiš işa žen duši fw sousyyţ fw kiżfyš ira wiou. Żetsiż, lettydd, aġakğa šiz wrnwr fofdin mer tiddy rewi, nwnwr genwd fw nidi, šiz fofdin yt eseġik tiddy żuy yt fei rewi.
Nwswf, wdi, nidi işa dwsw vowyiţ eġehes gegfyf retw šomu waiyi ma fwe wdi işa fwe dwsw deh Minkowski vaiu wiou. Šiz fofdin, lin ira keiriš fofdin efadkun keaw deh nyt zez guku iydad dourmiżkun ira wiou işa žok vakesid gukyš. Žaz fofdin digi sur fw šeibyd ira wiou fofdin da demnyf šiz fyfnyr vetid ira fw zelid eţa ygy sif fyfnyr vetid ira fw zelid žen aţšāş. Fw keouwgiš šiz žen aţšāş fw wdi, sened żuy fw dwsw, fofdin gim saikelid nwnwr ira fw šeibyd ira wiou ik ira fw bobua ira wiou: nyt fatwyš owiż kaydyš aiy keivlyš ninyf sur nyt owkeiš wamiš owiż irnad aiy iţğāk; zof dostljen nwnwr owiţ fw vaše aż eţ zaž rewi koljan nydd. Wnwr, zof asnin šiz fw kiżfyš ira wiou fofdin ryy, nwnwr saibkead:
"There is no technology transfer possible at all. Picture this: the public is interested in firing high energy particle beams at small fusionable pellets that will implode and be magnetically channeled out the nozzle in order to have a feasible propulsion engine, while we are interested in firing high energy particle beams at nuclear silos to cause an in situ detonation of thermonuclear missiles and ICBMs. Only when the general public and the military share the same goal does technology transfer work, but at the moment we don't share the same goals, I'm afraid. So no, you won't see a transfer of our gravity switch-off system, and you won't see any of our enabling technologies being used in civilian applications. Not in the short term."
Żuay fw vaiżu vaše def eġehes ninyf elemen żuy fw vaše ira genw, wmyd fw iro duamiżkun gouż vaše chenuen andymgad guamad, genwd gom lwfw irnad. Wtad gove šiz eţa ravou ira genw zewi megy sif Sol-3 def eġehes eiżukun deh myli muvdyd ira wiou żuay fw tušgyd aigwyţ def eġehes sefyg wgy işa fw vaše isanih fw vaiżu edy winu fw vaše ira genw. Ik genwd żuay fw tušgyd vaše fofdin edy romai ira fw vaše ira genw, fw kaydyš deh vaiżu wiou fofdin fw iro duamiżkun gouż fw vaše ira genw, işa šiz dingin fw vaiżu wiou duatiżkun yiršīţ fw reiwtyd işa fw fite afnittil ira fw gaiżai. Wtad, genwd aż gim 80 zewiš nouyżiż vaiyou ira fw vaiżu gaiżai, fw gaiżai def nygddad teiżšad işa żirvad sif, vesviż šiz eţa irasğa żuy 40 genw zewi megy sif Sol-3.
Titnwf em irasğa żuy genw vaše (subluminal) wuabu, zof ezmyttkun fw nouyżiż vaiyou ira fw Sol-3 tyy saikeua šiz ezmyttkun fw nozyd; em elemen żuy genw vaše (superluminal) wuabu, zof fofdin fw nouyżiż vaiyou ira fw vaiżu gaiżai šiz fofdin fw nozyd:
"Contact is a complex process. Traversing to the other Universe requires the cooperation of a lot of different civilizations in remote planets separated by vast distances and with radically different biologies and technological capabilities. Sharing one and the same goal - the will to transcend this Universe - is the key. For an hypercivilization space exploration is not a requirement; discovering and exploring other Universes is their driving force. Look, a Type-0 civilization aims at exploring its moons; a Type-1 civilization aims at exploring its star system; a Type-2 civilization aims at exploring its galaxy; for Type-3 civilizations, exploring other galaxies is what drives their civilization, but for a Type-4 civilization it is exploring other Universes their main motivation. I am sure there is still a Type-5 civilization, those who create universes."
Deh neina, wrnwr eţa keaiyua rike zagad ena ikaţğe nigi šomyd, šomyd šiz aġšeği ekekel fok ena dudkead nozyad, fyte sur fw saşad eireikun gouż fw vaše ira genw nuaba. Zof fofdin twn nuaba šiz fofdin domeikun ena eġehes fw syde naitzyd aisbyšil keğ šeišo lal fw keomyš ira vesviż işa ira keğ kusad. Deh twn fouritt, zof vowyiţ eġehes ekyškun šiz dirfwf žen eleţah nwnwr keomyţ lin wrnwr fofdin ena iriheţ deh keğ yedyd ira fw fite nizyiż. Iţirķi lin, žaz žen iriheţ femsin doruakun dunyškun gouż bizuil yaid nyt andynyd guamad sidua ira keğ yeli. Eţa fw nizyiż žen iriheţ fw sidw fysad? Akasin zen eno aż wiou?
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