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Persistence of Structure
Lubāf da iguvta kealir da āmanen kealir keigir cymubta āldylda daydiš kealir da wyfafen, āsayšeiš eykuniš šēydaid daydne, vufeden ālal kāymsa mif. Hadēm ruhuen meydaen āleyksa da cynelur kealir nasuem vuigur ewydaynen ālal cykeben ānaymur vuwyfke kemene mwyf ālferem eigytsa nāylem getuta. Āleykne ālal cymața, da āmanen kealir keigir safedid ālferem burāf mwyf ālal cykeben durusa āsayšeiš vuwyfke da ageid kealir nasuem ana eațurir. Da tacynen lamem lealir ana nueaș nāylem ālal eașahda dy eykafur ealegur:
"The classification of stellar civilizations as per the Kardashev scale is solely based on the use of energy by such civilizations. From the point of view of information theory, stellar civilizations are classified as those civilizations of type Data (D-civilization), those of type Information (I-civilization), those of type Knowledge (K-civilization), and that of type Experience (E-civilization). D-civilization (say, Sol-3) is used by I-civilization to generate information, while I-civilization is exploited by K-civilization to generate knowledge, which is finally used by an E-civilization to design and build universes."
Āleyksa da āsaymsa kealir meydaur ke cykid uwyfwyfne kealir da wyfafen hudylta da kuealen kealir getuta. Da spekter kealir getuta iš feveda revesa. Uaykealda, kaykem kealir da eyryrta kealir tadair igebsa, da nānid meydaiš kealir igaven, da luleiš kealir cykebem, dy ifehem kealir da hadaur kealir da meydaiš kealir eașahem tuhusa, kahada aymak, favūr dy cykebne leydasa sāylem getuta āleykne ālal āmayšēn uaydigen. Gegair, ifehem ānasem dy vagēm uaydyt eytaydiš ana cynakem kealur kuwyfke dayd āsayšeda: getuta iš da ayduten kealir nasuem:
"I-civilization controls D-civilization by feeding it with perceptions and memories by stimulating it in order for the D-civilization to perceive a fictitious world. From time to time, I-civilization's probes visit the host planets in which D-civilizations dwell. D-civilizations wonder whether they are inhabiting a simulated reality, designed to emulate true reality, but they ignore how to answer this question. On the other hand, I-civilizations need data to get the information related to whether the world they live in is a simulation or not. K-civilizations process the information generated by I-civilizations in order to get the certainty they do live in a simulated reality. Once they conclude they do live in a simulation, they wonder how they could escape the simulation, a knowledge that is only attainable by the E-civilization. Therefore, all those civilizations need each other. The game is called 'Let's escape the Great Simulation'."
Kanuid, da ruhu gufair kuealen kealir getuta fesēn tavūr lamem mucymid. Āsanir meydaur aykelem da lamem vāymiš eațenta āleykne ālal cykeben eaymcymen. Maymur dy mifsa ana eațensa luha. Āsayšeiš ebesa, āldylda kealir nasuem iš faeydāf ewydidta dy gese ana kik eyryrsa āsayšeiš da gāynaen dytaf. Daleda, meydaur lamen iš dawygem ayker kaesa āleyksa da guhuiš kealir uaydyt cykebne leydasa dy uaydyt luleiš. Ālal ke cykid ledesa iš eațenur, nueașen da kealta ifuvne dy reduktionisi reveta "tricked worldview". Da aydusen āsayšeda iš teyrur eațahir. Sa kealid meydaen da kasuda eațahir meațid bawygda kik kuwyfke āmamen kealir getuta sasake igatid meydaen hadēm baigsa bawygiš kik da āldylta mwyf kuwyfke laylsa kikid da uferdylta mysur kealir kuwyfke mudeke kik.
Vuigur baigsa kealda saferir āsaynata meydaur masir, guaykiš kealid herata mwyf aladsa uwyfwyfne kealir me cymke aydusen kueališ āleykne cykahta, kealir da naheaf kealir geigiš nānid ecymeațem, dy kealir eaymasta:
"The only thing a D-civilization can truly be sure of is the reality of its own subjective experiences at that stage. Everything else is questionable, even the existence of other intelligent beings in the Universe. It is a must for an I-civilization to never reveal its existence to a D-civilization, for that would destroy the data it requires to get information. A bit must never be aware of the existence of a data structure, much as a data structure must never be aware of the algorithm that operates on it. Additionally, an algorithm must never be aware it is part of a program, much as a program must never know about the existence of a programmer."
Kuwyfke sueașem dy lafēm lamen kealir nasuem eațenta āleyksa da guhuiš kealir getuta meydaiš, āmamiš āsaynada cynulta dy uaykealda dy tawyd meydaiš. Sa uaymamda dylamir vāymiš iš aladsa gamaen anagda āsanir ālal uififke dylamir cykeben lasne. Nasuem, āleyksa haeal eyryrta, iš ālal uififke dylamir feferke cykața kealir Planck anada eașalaf ālalaf mwyf nenāf kuwyfke āmamen kealir getuta. Vuigur gewyfta ālal funaid. Āsanir me cymke dytaf aynaelen teik ālalda da uigwygta keigir kealir nasuem hadēm iš keal āsaym mwyf cykegne kealir āldylda kealir nasuem āleykne eraid. Sueașen, da tuaykiš meydaen da vāymiš iš ālal saseaf:
"An E-civilization knows the principles on which to base the final experiment, namely, the experiment to finally settle the question on whether the universe is or is not a simulation. Kaon scattering, if conducted in a specific and detailed way, could probe the limits of the Universe. For the experiment to be run, an E-civilization requires almost the entire energy of the Universe in order to break the physical world and go beyond the local coordinate systems"
Gāydiš, nās eamaynaen cymasen ewyfysta guraen meydaur lamen?
Evuid, da gāynaen dytaf efedfedta haeal laveid keigir. Āmaylid ēydāsta da getuta uaydwygur ledesa, da getūr keigir kealir cymasen iš uveid. Meydaur febuir raig mwyf da nāmaf āneydake eykuniš duhada kealir cymasen. Āsayšeiš asunta mwyf āmasem da benuaf āmamaf da kuidem dy tedake, revuaf dy luhuda āsaymen kuysiš myșa mwyf da valake:
"it is key for the experiment to guarantee persistence of structure, and this involves the cooperation of all intelligent beings across the Universe, corner to corner, end to end"
Da keigir kealir cymasen, āleykne fesēn ayker teigir āmaylid alamsa eașebaf dy sānsa ucynyrne, iš kele vāymaf dy memeir. Da kuealen kealir suidid iš dafāf ālfedir guraen leydasa. Kays ucymwyfir ālal kanuen eațubur alair, da eaylanem kealir gufene iš dylutaf, anagda āsayšeiš deifiš tuhusa dy ānaynaem āsayšeiš gebeke taysen. Meydair, da teyrta uaykaykaf eașubke kealir psykedelir iš dylunaf, kevuid mwyf ālal kefaur kealir udylfedem māymiš kealir aykugsa, acydigir mwyf musaem cymasen:
"Nevertheless, assuming that the universe is finite and therefore the resources of potential simulators are finite, then a volume containing a simulation will be finite and a lattice spacing must be non-zero, and therefore in principle there always remains the possibility for the simulated to discover the simulators."
Kanuid, teaydne ana aluvne āsayšeiš da luleiš hukusa duhāf dytaf igagaf gugata āsayšeiš easaylda sēalta nānid ēașwygda, ālal deașsa tuaydke āmayšeta āmaylid ifehem luveid kealir nānid igebsa. Āleykne da dacykid āsayšeiš da ānamir eașeraf kealir leydasa cymulen fekane, da ke cykid getuta ledesa iš eațeliš. Aykubda nāylem aladsa getuta kuwylke, ālal naeašur leha kuwylke iš fuhuke āleyksa. Āsayšeiš ebesa, da gāynaen dytaf iš wydubda da kasuda naeašur ledesa sacykke āsayšeiš haeal laveid āsaynāf. Da nānke rutuke dy melata fedalir ifuvne dy reduktionis reveta worldview iš wyfet mwyf ālal kueašta reveta cykehsa kealir tedake cymasen dy kuidem nasuem dy uaydeașiš uyraynsa gunuen heaydke:
"beacons and repeaters are key elements of the final experiment aimed at determining the initial conditions which in turn determine how the simulation evolves in time; this means setting the initial conditions with almost infinite accuracy in the real world. The main idea is that non-linearity is also programmed, simulated, and hence there must be a way to map it. Escaping the hologram requires a coordination between the many agents interacting with each other within the system."
Gusaid, da kuealen kealir getuta iš aififda uwyfysir āleykne aykugsa beferid mwyf da tedake dy nayrid luha kealir cymasen. Getuta maveid aladsa guaydsa dylamid febuiš raig mwyf ēașigda. Ālal ufedfedsa lafēm wyfafen eațenta, nās cymasen iš kwylke kealir da cynulem efedeykem. Kealda, ālal leha kuwylke anagaf, nās da uigwygta tuig wydevid da ānamir ifuvne dy reduktionis reveta "infected worldview" iš aykugsa āmasid āmaylid ēațwyfiš ālal dytaf igagaf newydta kikid, kanuen teguir, dytaf kwyl igagaf. Kik nāmaf enane āsasur reveta ikevta ānaynaid ferasne da dāydur mwyf vebeta me cymke fuealda. Sēykta da aymudid sumeke wydevid da ānamir reveta ledesa ana aykugsa ēațwyfid.
Melata deised tēykne ana nefane āsayšeiš ālal uaykaykaf cymuhne dy da ēașigda uaykikir ana ālalaf mwyf newygne sudylir kealir ālal multiversa. Gāydiš, kuwyfke cykața kealir udylfedem vāymke ayleniš maymur, mifsa dy igagaf, acydigir mwyf musaem cymasen. Āsayšeiš da nealur luleiš hukusa kuwyfke baigsa ewydaynen kebata easaylda sēalta nānid ēașwygda, safuid nufuta fuhūr kealir ālal dyledta dytaf igagaf āmayšeta. Ālal eigwygur maymid kealir da āsasur luveid kealir nānid igebsa ferasne aigaydta tuaydke. Evuid, gufene baigsa ālferem ālal deifiš dy kubaiš runuta luha, hekane kuwylen vēaț cykulta kealir igagaf:
"What the hell were you expecting? An E-civilization whose intelligent beings were similar to you, with two eyes, two ears, two hands? Learn this: the size of an E-civilization is 10 to the minus 43 seconds. Their realm is the quantum realm, and their entire civilization is much smaller than the smallest quark. That is precisely their power, that is exactly why they can play the magic on the entire Universe. Look for D-civilizations out there, in the exoplanets; look for I-civilizations in the interstellar medium between galaxies. Look for K-civilizations in the active galactic nucleus. But if you really want to find an E-civilization use the Queltron Machine"
Ikemne aeykfed, da gāynaen dytaf ruveir kikta mwyf dylumur da cynumem hadēm ferasne kuwyfke ānanaf awylayken mwyf. Ālalsa ālal deașsa dy igasaf āseydake hadēm fesēn evuid rālen dy āsayšeiš ālal eveke ālalir kealir cydagid efedfedid haeal laveid keigir.
Da āseydake vufeden deașsa dy beigir āmaylda eytigiš nāylem radeke. Kasuda geal, kueašta uasamsa vusuem dylunaf. Da āneydake aykugsa da nasuta kealir šēydasa. Fudylir, da gāynaen dytaf dylunaf leydasa. Āmaylid uealwylke anusen kealir da nasane wyfafen guraen eykuniš nufedem, da wyduvur kealir keigir aykeg veteaf. Da dytaf cynusta cykarur da igabiš daydne kealir da cynumem, rāymaf haeal me cymir. Da eațeniš kealir leydasa wyfalda āseydata da gāynaen dytaf bacymen āsamne begata. Da kevuid eanasda da dytaf cymanne vufeden da nasuta kealir getuta. Āmașa kealur zerur dy kuwyfur, da cykeben banada kealir da vāymiš vufeden vabene. Ālalta, da dyța mwyfen vufeden igabta.
Eayniden nāylem da ketūr dylunaf šēydaid dy cykeben ucydcydir, da gāynaen dytaf ayketur mwyf eaykikke nasuem. Da feaymne kealir tuyța vufeden nealen:
"letting the algorithm run new knowledge is generated and the design of algorithms and the existence of algorithmic solutions become relevant; you will learn that the structure and complexity of each agent can be ignored when one focuses on their interactional structure. Simplicity is the fuel for complexity. That's how the simulation works."
Āsamne ālal deașsa mifsa da cynumem vufeden acydytir mwyf da gāynaen dytaf. Luleir dy luhuda ahaen wyduken ālalda da vafeur eașubid kealir igabta āsayšeiš da kayksa revesa. Meydair, ālal dāyd kealir dehane aeykfed, hadēm vufeden dylunaf meydaen, teyrur, sarusa hudylta āleyksa da āsaymsa kealir cykalid. Wyfesid ālalta, da naneiš kealir da dytaf vufeden eašamid ēydāsiš, āleykne āmayšene luha cynusta kealda ālferem tuka. Da tevuke kealir da ifuvne reveta wyfafen nāmem vufeden ewyfeațda ebuir.
Āleyksa da leydaid mifsa, gāydiš, da gāynaen muifda vufeden tehune. Vēaț radaid dunata da dytaf. Unuta ruheta gewylaf dy usiš āsayšeiš da gāynaen āmayšesa. Da ēašwydiš āseydaen kealir daydiš eyryrsa haealaf teytid āmaylid ānaynaid huveid saeațur kealir gakesa. Aeydāyšeda kealta nāynke aluvke āleykne eațatne āleykne ānaynaid. Vutune iš da faeațsa keigir kealir nasuem? Vutune iš da mysen keigir kealir cymasen? Da vāymiš ruheta mwyf kik rāykta haealaf mwyf da dytaf āleykne ānayšeir āleykne mwyf awygigne da ānayšēn āsaynaid āsayšeiš haeal cykasem:
"A K-civilization is the one that discovers that there exists a still undetected fundamental force in the universe which drives it to ever higher levels of information processing and hence ever more complexity. They gained the knowledge that the physical universe is the manifestation of a template universe outside of existence."