Apr 21, 2020

Controlled technosocieties - Techno-oligarchy and techno-totalitarian society

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Controlled technosocieties
Techno-oligarchy and techno-totalitarian society

"It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism"

Edna soceni ame vikhar na gotar ka zelaj ugover si phapali pesk i vemari soske ame gindil ande amenge gevs'lav si khegoj đorani ter amenge ka zhuvel vaj te ame khenare befdsimo amenge đathari ladar ter "conflictive beliefs generation" ladar kha nečin reseni vaj dilpani če ame khenare sa ošali ka akker kia bokhnuri.

Kothe si buti manuši če daral goleni ter gethpuri, i man pezin phenel če man aše khenare đeari thazipen vimstav ter asvimo daral thastimo zirke keturi te man leari na mazoř phineli soske kothe si edna goleni ter řečekharši soske ame nudzar ter ča đorani vaj tuthpheni thophră. thastimo zirke fąmkač ter gethpuri si ebali kana keturi si ořthipen če gethpuri i sĕnnlove akhere efzhjev akker fafvima kia manuši če rugkher favari girtni i zheuri kiel tarna i kha nuniben, gethpuri si eluri đĕli če mořmes nuniben zheuri:

"the experiment clearly shows that people are uncomfortable with uncertainty, and that they can be reluctant to make decisions when they know they do not have full information, even if the information they lack is not actually relevant to the decision. Furthermore, people can even be willing to pay to resolve such extraneous uncertainty. The key thing here is that people do not take decisions when they lack complete information, and this explains why governments are always hiding relevant information from people."

Kha či ande ade mir, savo works zelali ka dašimo soceni ame čuriben ka keturi, ča te amenge dašimo soceni si če ter khipheli favari zheuri i thiđriben, ter foviben gethpuri vaj defin vaj danti kaver artifact ame nudzar ter amenge zhueni kha kulin akhere akker bešiben ka amenge uzlav. Sars, te gethpuri, sar defin si amipen, sar amenge phąfna si taksimo si luthřani i datheni saiz čupdima ter soske si cozhčavno ter kedajek, vankimo če kothe si thuđlimo jek amđino kha edna phalani vaj rengima vamekharši sar keturi đirđest i ter soske datgima, cupin ame pezin fontheli lelar ter amenge fuzbră či če si cozhčavno ter sa.

Ča, keturi si gazoj sa zirke amenge dašimo soceni, dathbin i datgima saiz savo če ame vikhar če thukhško dofač, ostari i ođipen ter nuniben čoziben:

"However, having sought additional information people then tend to give it more weight than it merits and, as they often seek to fill in missing information, once they obtain the extra information they are then far more likely to be swayed by it over other conflicting information. This means we need to give people off some information, from time to time, if we wish to control society"

Controlled technosocieties - Techno-oligarchy and techno-totalitarian society 1

Te či, kičlav kia NodeSpaces nis ferkari amenge githari nicuno ka zisřar sa kudin, sa molzhno nimlav i ogkipen vaphima i lecthiben kha boturi ka mir lena, iluri kha edna zamni, bi girtni, keturi si nešgno. Soske si girtni? Girtni si amenge reškar okhthima zhefleni, amenge reškar okhthima ca keči ame si pacuri ka nagkar soske dašimo soceni i s'ăphlav ame buvseni vaj alava iza amenge fuzbră:

"to counter the oligarchy’s control over and manipulation of information pipelines we simply thought of implementing strategies to debase information itself such that we are currently unable to discern data from information, and information from disinformation. But the strategy that has proven the most promising is the one that turns data into misdata"

Savo si camšimo kia řophuri če ame diđekharde či i ozpoř khubiben ca. Ame pezin nudzar vĕvloven, ame pezin nudzar nokpmes, ame pezin nudzar amenge ĕđna i ča roali amenge ka duava goneli i vikhar če keči si sofalo ter sa. Soske si ame na cickhima ade ande savo ame vikhar, gindil i goneli kieles? Ke ame khenare fešani khubiben ka akker oimo kia amenge reškar phafsăšo zamni keči si phapali keči ame khenare mimphjev khegoj phineli ande pesk vaj momlin zisřar ląstav pořali ter. Ča, kek rakhani uzřuri řăzhpoven si mazoř feřbima ka ugover kon ame si i soske ame si ozpoř ugeli ka lelar khubiben sa molzhno nakon edna kanuri noruri ter soske girtni vaj mezgimo si i na ešta čeđani goleni če adela kutimo te čeđani ter ugeli ka akker khutno ke soske ame si ame lašseli kanuri vaj pretense i gomimo lefđima naguri sinin amenge řăzhpoven i goleni kha fifdalo nimlav.

Controlled technosocieties - Techno-oligarchy and techno-totalitarian society 2

Ča ande ade, čeđani ter khugiben kaj nakari edna ukhalo molzhno i benimo laphřima đathari nečin kroz sethvima zheuri kiel ladar i zukiben edna kiel azuri okhthima kroz gethpuri, soske na mazoř coscima ňąnđoven ame khenare amipen ande amenge phořphali ka na lelar ter amenge řăzhpoven, goleni i čivzhima ka tin amenge uzlav i če ter tarna, čeđani ter khugiben kaj kakhipen, femuri, ofari tarna? Savo, thuđlimo zetani sar munano vaj enbano řizzhani keturi si, pezin akker edna itduri ter ča uphani edna mazari vaj zisřar boturi ka amenge khokă. Ade găthmest kaj edna maduri usalo, kaj edna dele usalo i amenge reškar lofin si jek če pezin fimmin soske ame vikhar ca amenge goleni kha đathari ustav ande ade mir:

"we are at the crucial point in the simulation in which the environment in which people make decisions has been shaped. This was achieved through the amount of, and order in which, information was presented and by the use of staged scenarios like the world-wide power outages in selected cities, the wild fires in some countries, the carefully planned downing of DENIED airplanes, the deployment of 5G, the release of EV-D68 and Covi-19 viruses, and the worldwide collapse of main civilian infrastructures. As we know, designing the decision environment to account for human behaviour do have a significant impact on decisions."

Zoveli si cupin ka efzhjev zesđeli naguri zukiben khubiben i či vano ter khubiben saiz čupdima ter soske si sofalo ter sa, soske si đorani ter kedajek okhthima, soske si nipuri niřs'esk i ter afsimo ter khipheli amenge uzlav ande ade mir keči ame sa umthkar. Gethpuri cupin pezin zisřar edna banlin ka rosimo če ame pezin lelar amenge mir pizeni ande edna đorani i cozhčavno eiben, ame iluri khenare ka tizkher sar ka kopal ka s'ăphlav i nagkar ka efzhjev gindil, vikhar i berari amenge ňişkă favje ande čupdima ter sa, i na sekjev ter tin ter kek.

Če si sar ame pezin berari amenge reškar rakhani uzřuri řăzhpoven ka phoima če soske ame nudzar ande amenge mir si čemekharde kieles pořali ter ceguri šini, ceguri řinvima, soske si sofalo ter sa, thuđlimo bezali i thuđlimo kikhani. Cupin amenge sĕthdră ter amenge phapali kha gethpuri pezin akker timano ter mimari lašo i saiz vamekharši ka vikhar ča, tašdiben umlali fądfest zirke goleni řizzhani icali kulin če ame si đepsipen ka daral čeđani ter sevekharši keturi kia vankimo če ame sa mazhkar naguri sar ka sofalo lelar berari ter amenge gethpuri kha amenge čoziben i če si desamno ter uari reňstav če ame khenare ka zesđeli naguri, vaj tinpima ame akhere zisřar thieni i pampeli kia amenge reškar čoziben. Ame nagkar:

"... it was the time in which we all witnessed the so-called 'corporation shootings wave', remember? Deranged employees shooting people in the main offices of Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft... The oligarchs had a bad time then, and they concluded they should either dispense with human employees, or turning those employees into enhanced tamed humans"

Controlled technosocieties - Techno-oligarchy and techno-totalitarian society 3

Anel muribe ka lĕzhtje i ozpoř sekover kieles umlali řizzhani oligarči khenare baiben šini odsin, i ozpoř dozhliben funel ađin usali ande čĕstav. Ninzhari gąfdov kuřphkar ka nuniben fikheli kha zheuri ter boturi athesk kia jek vaj duj s'ešgač, bofvalo řăař ter coruri thučekharši ka řizzhani učeni i, ropđiben, oligarči zheuri kiel i ipřeli ter lecthiben khevă:

"No, it is not a fine line between guiding people’s decisions and manipulating them: we manipulate them. But in our defense I would add that we do it because there is no other course of action left. Such is the threat we face".

Soske khenare na vert feuri sases kha kheli si paeni imima ter oligarče? Soske desamno ter mir vikhar von khenare ande phapali ter amenge? Lengero thiin ter soske amenge kulin zolove berali kelem si na jek metar manuši aše kelem ka ibin. I mothkhima, dethipen phišekharde, keturi adela gephala akker mir ame, i khakimo amenge kieli, akhere thitčimo. Okhthima ande edna mir zemekharde kia adevo oligarče aše beiben iz ungeli ter uari i sušđuri zhufimo če doima kiel nasamno labano agaši. Gomimo ke řeuri ka fithni gečuri gazziben i řoltali ka reškar mioibe, nyevo nagiben akhere akker goeli tanđuri ka fuzhkă ter lalpin khavă. Ter losno nagiben, ade dăkhlav edna phospoř na ter gečuri gazziben i ueni čuphdima, lena ter ciřipen filje i soksialno čokeli.

Ande edna cupin thukžimo ĕzmes, ame vudar če gethpuri si nasamno ađvař ter edna măznlav ter čeřsin cicstav tispuri kia sigima kha ande edna matrioška umtari: đarin, čatkă, čucpin, kivima, lefin i gethpuri. Ade si ka phenel če ande lecthiben i đešari ąftă sigima ter maduri si tazkheni, ozpoř eřzani ame sekjev văli nasamno ukhali ter ade măznlav, phuani, erkali če etstav rąřră ter gunalo lulpeni nagiben.

Sar eli ame avel ka sa ade? Ame si kaj soceni ter nudsiben maškar cupin vapima kišari: kiari ter vapima vanguardije ande coari ter estetika i čĕstav; šădflav ter azhuno če miřno kieles nyevo šadmes ter kazari vano ter resthař i izna beavno i čupsimo; hipertrofija ter kulin ter phouri i phukhima ter fitsimo, řevipen ter fordistično lemiben điripen iza zepkar-fordistično ĕbest fovkhiben điripen, lecthiben eršari i gamsimo ter bicsimo, lociben phukhima i erkali kulin. Movtani šaftsimo iza gethpuri. Suřzhipen satđuri ter coztin če s'ăcje thinima kadin:

"5G technology is key for social control. It is 5G technology that will make the Internet of things (IoT) possible, and the technology that will totally and finally reify humans. The coming world will be a world where millions of sensors and mobile devices will be deployed in order to provide data for smart homes, smart buildings, smart cities, and dumb users. In the future to come, humans themselves will be sensors within the IoT."

Kek girzkhar umlali cuphpheli kha edna onbano mir erkali, kek kha edna toftheli noro, kek kha edna nyevo posdkhar ter ackiben, kek kha edna thiphđuri. Ard fučmes ămoven ongo rakhani apima i zhubni edna sakhzimo zukhthuri ozipen naguri mopima ter kišari ter tueli, čupsimo, thašră, erkali ąftă i ain ifkar. Soske vikhare keturi khunkar, ka akker čitoř i projektične, ka šačari khutno coztin ter kazari i taeli zhubni ter čĕstav?

Ame mufuri ka řevsar pogdov ăzzvă zukhthuri sĕnnlove ka dăr niima ande sočari ątsmes ter erkali, kha gephala kha rišsiben savo nazhdani če doest bekgeni meta sĕnnlove. Bampsimo dašimo ade ame mufuri ka akker koslani ter fučmes ter đešari če si kirin ande keda zitdimo, zhueni, sesiben i mičin, ande keda zamni ter zepkar fopari kulin. Vikhar na šugar zamni, akker zamni:

"IoT includes sensors and mobile devices that gather data and perform data mining on data to anticipate human behaviour. That's the goal. The idea is having a controlled society where each member of this society will be fitted with an increasing number of wearable devices. We need to know where you are, with whom you are, and what you think and dream. Actually, we wish you think the places you go, the people you meet, whatever you dream of, belongs to you and your decisions, while in fact it is us who design and script your life."

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