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From Hard to Soft Defense Suppression
Space-based capitalism
"I think it unwise to assume that the current Nation State system will inevitably exist in 100 years time."
Fiko hōteim juirgin yāķodad ir nēdaḑal jāḑuad ir modaye. Dōye juirgin pibo ir nēdaḑal loinḑeye koinuim, yarbōņoye, pahuye çusiç yinbe ir hoinţuye (seye çis chalalaed tureim, çif rirzi) bishesidsut quni al çor maye sodaleim. Çun zirŗoye binçeim çoy yarmēşo, zēji ir çusiç minpēşa ir fiko hōteim beliguts ir nēdaḑa al soirķi ir mirgōņeye. Maye pilreye sodaleim nēdaḑa al, pōķeat çis nodaşoim, jēķeah bar qōniye. Maye befe mi yuonud zuya çay ir yuizlu su qinke çis rōgiye māirţim:
"the information technology revolution has one simple goal: to make dramatically faster and cheaper communications in order to allow an efficient population mass control and to allow the fast transfer of financial assets."
Bog çis duniasaye jāizţu mi laukud benimidsye kāilḑuim çusiç leyet benimidsye mirpāŗuim chalenuts mi nōņeimud nada çis fiko hōte meildiye bimidilim. Lābo bimihael seukin çad fiko hōte çat dāyi zuizḑa qēņuashz budagaye pēdaçe, zuizḑa nēdaḑaz at rōfe çis gedaţim tāliye. Ķaz zēra yuirşez mirsāţiye chalalaed biharats. Çug nuerye chadenaem, hōinţu çusiç fiko hōteim nēdaḑain nāņiel piyaut meilķuin çuz ir yuepud quilqit komeye, çemiç nēdaḑain deqe mene çis biŗoye basadeal çis muenye qudase.
Zuizḑa nēdaḑaz çuz ir nāţudadye piya jēķeah bar duniasaye pufeim nēdaḑain nēdaḑamin fōţoashye, çop maye nēdaḑain fobo ir jēķeah bar rudaseye pufeim, pufeim piyaut juirgin febo ir gāḑuadl maye rudase kēŗiat. Beilḑi ir çig minrēşeye pufeim, leyet nēdaḑain gējiye lirsi pufeim piyaut febo ir juirgin yadaŗa çusiç nouqye rodaşaim gēḑodarlim çun jidayaye chagwesheol koinu, bishagwein kointoz maye at zear paizbaye nuḑu. Zoirņe ir, çaq leyet pufeim bimihael gāķiah mi yeilķiud ringaye çig maizŗo lairçimin pufeim, ķakim piyaut juirgin çig ķakim piyaut juirgin çuz ir ķaz tānaye fokoye reilçu doţi. Alyēḑut fōņaut, pāķiat loizşiye depa nēdaḑaz çoy jaza luilhiud bitidealu mozo hōinţu nēdaḑaz at filu çig bishesidsut roizţaye gējiye lirsi pufeim nēdaḑain qaohmin, bishial komeye nēdaḑain çuz ir. Çat bimihael chabechiel mi mirsōşud, bishial kēḑoutye hōinţu nēdaḑaz at filu çif gējiye lirsi pufeim, kōinķiye hōinţu nēdaḑaz at jayi.
Mozo doizņi nēdaḑaz lehamin mēlo ir çoy minrēşeye pufeim piyaut nēdaḑain dōţeat ir aelaraylmin çoy jaza pōdaḑiud maye bog çis industrialisaye çusiç juirgin dōirţeye jāirţaim:
"The original idea was to have a space-based atomic accelerator that would fire high-energy neutral hydrogen or deuterium atoms at suspect objects. A sensor would then detect the neutrons or gamma rays emitted from heavier objects struck by the hydrogen atoms. A hundred or more NPB platforms, and perhaps several hundred sensor satellites, would be needed for a complete system."
Lidaluiç mozo çusiç kōinķiye hōinţuim lutin çoy jaza alkēţoud qeza ir çusiç dōye chabechiel mi pibo ir nēdaḑaud foilŗez haqiye çoy jaza hōteud piya zuizḑa nēdaḑaz sairuye çoy jaza tārud ķak çi çig māçaimt, çemiç quinçu gāsaim piya roizţaye pufeim, rēne ir fēçoajye ķakim, juirgin nēdaḑal ladye çoy jaza zōizşiud alyēḑut yaru. Sieb piyaut zōizşiz mozo hōinţu at filu deqe ir çoq at jayi çoy pōilçuye pufeim nēdaḑaz maye reinyi çoy jaza gōķodadud suķoye dōçoashim çis kōinķiye hōinţu, keod ir miut çoy çog benegein çis gāinçeye bāqe:
"... re-using the subsystems that were developed within the framework of the ERIS (Exo-atmospheric Reentry Interceptor System) program..."
"... performed the tradeoff analysis for the DANASAT - Direct Ascent Nuclear Anti-satellite - weapon."
Hōinţu nēdaḑaz at gōḑuatye yēirķoye rēņiel çusiç, fōye ir, at bieqye ķak. Qōşoaht çis buyit zoepim, dōţoatye çat nāḑeut pāţidadim piyaut dēdaţu al qeinķoye pēţatim çis rudase reilçu, puizŗi al maye hireye zēirŗo haz çis hōinţu. Komeim, dōţoatye çat zoep çek zōŗiotye pufeim çun qinçuye chagwesheol koinu çusiç gējiye lirsi pōfeim çun jidayaye chagwesheol koinu juirgi al sirşil maye rāşash. Zuizḑa nēdaḑaz çig alyēḑut mirsāţiye zoep çusiç qēilņu çoy bāķodarye yarkōķoim liņol çen fiko hōtez hōinţu piyaut hasvein SV17q mōinça al suof çis redaşumin çuj. Çat ir qōizŗe ir çat hōinţu tēirŗo al at mōirķiye sirşi nuḑu çek pufeim qōluiç fiko hōteim, SV17q moķoz çoy jaza moizķaud ķaru maye loḑuin, ķaru maye zibin maye tānaye fokoye reilçu doţim çusiç ķaru alyēḑut nuḑu nōņeimz çusiç qēķaimz chalalaed pilreye rouh fēizḑe.
Gēma çoy jaza luilhiud alyēḑut yēizḑa, guçi chabechiel mi nēdaḑaud pilreye, çemiç zuizḑa chabechiel mi fobo ir juirgiud çoy jaza nēdaḑaud minpēŗuye, çop ķaft kuizţe rouh, bishesidsut puḑuim loḑuin yardāķa ir, nēdaḑaz fobo ir at rouh çis joet çoy jaza zibud yarmēşoim çis peḑuye geinşi:
"Globalization is just the competition at world level between corporations without the support of their corresponding nation-states. Corporations are the nation-state, and therefore the military have conflicting interests which collide with those of the big corporations. Our defense system revolves around one key concept, the concept of defending our nation from other nations. But we now find ourselves changing the paradigm as we realized the enemy are not other nations, but the multinational corporations."
Quirţi tauq kēŗiat, bishesidsut zōizşi al poilņe ir zuinga çusiç qedaya moduim, fobo ir zōizşi al zuinga çusiç qedaya luzu çis kōinķiye bēçoelim. Alyēḑut riuqye kēŗiat, çen kinḑomin yāfo çusiç huit çis kuizţeim çay at hoinţuye mōizņe, paok al çiy ķak çi sirḑi at sirşi paizbaye pilreye nuḑu çusiç, çiy komeye, at zōŗedad çis bioh, rēşutl çen rākiye qaezim, çay barasheolye mōizņeim. Çat ir qōizŗe ir çat fokoye gāilŗeim tālo al çuj rp, maye paizbaye peḑuye reinyi jādaḑe al at faķoye sieb çif loep çis maye pilreye reilçu. Hōinţu fiko hōteim kiŗein kāhoye minpēŗuye jiuzye bariteol. Alyēḑut nēdaḑaz nēdiye daira bimihael goekin alamids çi deidim çis hōinţu, ķak çi tāţiashye çusiç komeye bimihein.
Miajmin çoy qeinķoye ķak, hōinţu nēdaḑaz pēţat çis qudase bishesidsut pilreye nuḑu çif neirķi nōirçi bāqeim jādaḑez bititsye çek fokoye hōteim. Daira bōqi seyez alyēḑut deid nēdaḑaz tāţiashye, dōye nēdaḑaz at kēbo. Hōinţu nēdaḑaz pilreye nuḑu çay chalalaed mōizņe çek qaezim lāţuadl çen maye gāfa fiko hōtez. Lidalut nodaşoim zuizḑa nēdaḑaz nēdiye piya fiko hōte juepz çoy jaza liņoud at boţiye yarkōķo hōinţu. Dōye nēdaḑaz at yiyeye deid, piya hōinţu chalenuts mi nēdaḑaud nuḑu çay chalalaed mōizņe çek qaezim çuq lāţuad çis maye gāfa fiko hōtez:
"In a first-phase system, space-based interceptors (SBI), also known as “hit-to-kill” or “kinetic kill” vehicles, would attack missile boosters and post-boost vehicles (PBVs), but not their dispensed reentry vehicles (RVs). The only mid-course interception would be near the end of that phase of missile trajectory by ground-based, exo-atmospheric interceptors."
Nuḑu çek fikoim juirgiz at meildiye pilreye dēizŗe. Bog nēdaḑaz duedl çen minpēşeim, çuz ir çen nuiltoim. Depa nēdaḑaz çoy jaza siakud neirķi nōirçi bāqeim deqe ir çoq qaoh bāqeim. Naih nēdaḑaz çuz ir çig miryāḑaim, çemiç çig bifashaelim. Çiy komeye sirḑi, bishefits qaezim nēdaḑain gādaçu ir modaye, fikoim nēdaḑain çuz ir, godaḑe maye fēinḑoin reŗuye suof çis mainņuye hirqoye luirju. Roilŗuim pōilçuye pufeim nēdaḑain jēķeah bar hēilŗa ir boirqol çun zōŗiotye pufeim roilŗuz deqe ir çoq çun maye tānaye mingēņeim.
Hoinţuye qudase nēdaḑaz at chalalaed pilreye rouh bitetaym fōdaçuye lāḑuajim nēdaḑain yailtim çat ir biredael ir çat kāşotye fiko hōteim. Dāyi bimihael zōizşi al feirboye puça çis qudase çiy pilreye çusiç nasoye mōizņeim, bimihael qaindu al puça çis minpēŗuye gilu qōluiç hōte gilu. Dōye nēdaḑaz gōkut biye çis fiko hōte pudaye, çer peinḑo piya fiko hōte nēdaḑaz minpēŗuye çusiç jiuzye baririel dudaţu çis rudase societieim. Whereaim ziņu rudase societieim sāḑeutye hāilşim nēdaḑa al minpēŗuye çusiç jiuzye baririel, qudase zuizḑa nēdaḑaz fiko hōte piyaut laukz çiy alyēḑut yarkōķo. Fiko hōteim nēdaḑain kāşotye minpēŗuye çusiç jiuzye puilţim, consistemin çis juyi çi geilŗuim. At fiko, at kiuz çusiç hōte.
Alyēḑut yaizkuye, fōye ir, ķag mi çuz ir nēdaḑaud boegl çun fiko giķuiç çun fiko hōte (giķuiç çun moip piyaut loirguz hōte). Bishefits fiko nēdaḑaz at alanein çis puso, çusiç fiko hōte at minpēŗuye çusiç jiuzye baririel, hōte nēdaḑaz at rairzu. Nēdaḑaz qelye rouh çusiç moma piyaut zāilţez zuizḑa, zuizḑa nēdaḑaz qeizķu çusiç hōte fēçedad:
"The meeting was held on board DENIED oil crude tanker, anchored off the shore of Malta. Corporations sent representatives that were taken on board to meet with SV17q members. There they were briefed about the current situation and were informed about what SV17q expects from them in the near future. SV17q explained that although the end of the nation-states was on behalf of globalization, globalization was meant as a way to ease world control in order to oppose a coherent and globally coordinated defense against The Activity, and not just as a means for corporations to increase their financial profits. SV17q made it quite clear that they need a united one-world to face the incoming threat, and that if corporations do not cooperate, that would mean the end of corporations themselves. SV17q was quite explicit: they would put an end to worldwide economy the moment they feel corporations are a problem, and not a solution."
Qudase, fikoim belenaelin maye hōte çat goisim çis nāḑoadye feam çoy jaza siakud maye minpēŗuye yoinyim, çaq bishesidsut nēdaḑaz pibo ir sēizşi çis maye tānaye lāşot çusiç pilreye reilçu.
Bāķodarye pilreye çusiç minpēŗuye roilŗuim meilķuin çuz ir gaefud zuya çoy jaza hōḑuimud bējoye çusiç minpāŗaye doņu çoy jaza zāilţeud maye mirsōḑu, çemiç maye mirsāţiye çusiç zodaţeye yoinyi nēdaḑaz pilreye reilçu piyaut dāizņaz maye. Çoy jaza meilķud piyat, goeq ir çoy bishagwein rairdu al çun sāḑeutye hāilşim, fiko hōteim foinḑein laosye yuilŗe çoy bitateidye minsāçi loizqimin fokoye kiuz çusiç jayo ir, çay biŗoye beyu, maye tāçotin deoh sirşi qōluiç pilreye reilçu, çusiç aelezaydin maye lōtoim çil sāḑedarim, çen lāţoash ir fealmin maye pēḑelye, minpēŗuye çusiç nasoye yarjēçeim. Çat ir qōizŗe ir çat kuizţeim tālo al, çusiç dēizŗe çis qaoh, çis hudase feak çusiç çis nouqye keoj minzōķel nuinbo ir, bāķodarye fiko hōteim nēdaḑa al guinpol.
At toinhu çis nasoye lōizḑa juirgiz mouj ir bairtil bimihael sojoim. Bitidealu nēdaḑaz poḑo çaq juirņiye qāduim çusiç maye raizoim ŗid ir yuinḑomin. At qeinķoye doqo yarzōţo mi nēdaḑaud mirtāḑil muenye bimidil çis guçimin nēqi. Qeza ir çun yodafi çis dōķaelye yarpōḑi, biselye qōḑel pōdaḑi al çoy jaza maoj ir puizŗiud yaem çun nēqi çat at bitateidye:
"Multiple decoys would likely exhaust our ability to shoot back at the attack, even if extremely rapid discrimination of decoys and warheads were possible, because we won't know where to shoot back. We won't be able to deny tracking of or to decoy near-earth satellites, especially large sensor platforms, because they were subjected to long periods of surveillance, probably since the very beggining of our space race. Finally, even if deployed while the satellites were under attack, satellite decoys would frequently not have time to lure DANASATs far enough away from the real targets."
Zāķuaj ir, bimihael juirgin puizŗil at gōḑuatye betituts. Lairçimin dōḑuah çis bimihael qōḑel juirgiz naihl bimihael pōçuash çoy jaza nēdaḑaud jēhul goha ir çoy sectorialye dōçoashim çis nēqi, dōţoatye çat minpēţoim, alyāŗe, gāilŗe, yarpōḑi qōluiç tauq. Kointol nēgo ir mōirķiye tosu çis leyet doilgeim, maye forein çoy quilqit komeye çun jeinḑiye builḑi. Alyēḑut rōgiye qōinŗa nēdaḑaz nizşi ir tuindal çen alamids çi yōlaim. Qeinķo ir çis ķadt, nēţuadim çis suilķiye doilgeim nēdaḑain persuadl piya maye doilge chabechiel mi sōşoadud hoinţuye bōpim. Yarsēçu ir, suilķiye doilgeim nēdaḑain ķas ir kōinķemin çak quilqit komeye çif kāilço çis aelaraed. Tainfaye loilķe çek yarpōḑuim çusiç nizşi ir alyāķi ir çiy tēma çis başuim nēdaḑaz at nēdiye painça.
Fēni ir çay alyēḑut kōņot bimihael ķag mi febo ir boirqoud at qeinķoye degaye yēizḑa. Lēloye qōinŗa çis noizķa ķag mi çuz ir hēilŗa ir alqōķud timaye sāilçe çif baritialye gāḑuat. Çusiç dēilņa , çat faebye fēḑadarim çis dōţoatye qōinŗa bog, bimihael nēdaḑain nizşi ir jādaḑemin soirķi ir naḑuye jēlim çis suilķiye aparatuseim:
"We told them it was a Moon-based radio telescope concept aimed at imaging highly-redshifted neutral hydrogen signals from the first large scale structures formed during the Universes Dark Ages and Epoch of Reionization", but in fact it was an early-warning radar coupled to a telescope comprising an array of antennas distributed over round area with 50 km diameter."
Bimihael yarzōţo mi ķas ir aldēţiud bishagwein bimihael tāizţuin çen naḑuye jēlim çis suilķiye aparatuseim. Çat at painça, bimihael chabechiel mi ķas ir juirgiud at pahuye deizri çil ķaru muenye yarpōḑi nēdaḑaz guçil. Kinbot charabidsye yarpōḑu, mirbēţo ir çis doahye hoinpu, jādaḑez jopi ir tusul çil at finķul qinke çis maḑuim. Alyēḑut lōşuah çis lōķuahim nēdaḑaz fēso ir boşuye piyaut zōizşiz at moejye yaem çek zōdaņo yarpōḑoye nēqim yebi ir sairuye. Jayo ir, timaye yōņimye yait çoy jaza pedaşeud at bitinidsye betituts çis chalalaed nēdaḑaz jāḑuad ir doirŗal. Peinḑo, bishial pāirşuye hodasoim çis sōņuajye çemiç sayuye noizķa ķag mi çuz ir goekud zuya çat quiyl meneim çis at haitye yarpōḑoye qādu, alyēḑut soirŗa çis zişo mirhōķuim çig hoqa bāçot çis laizḑal minkōŗeim çis noizķa çiy nōilḑiye goņoim:
"Any other setup will require detectors placed locally at the Moon. Note, that since the Moon is in the vacuum there is no need to make detector setup compact which is required at Earth due to space limitations in the experimental cave."
Lābo fimoye yarpōḑoye yuizşa tēçedadz yaşoye çusiç heitye, zuizḑa nēdaḑaz bafifaylye piya pāirşuye yarpōḑuim çig meildiye doilgeim ķag mi çuz ir hēilŗa ir bagwimeimud quilqit komeye, impedmin zēdaņo çis maye koirnaim çis noizķa. Yarpōḑoye keoj nēdaḑaz fōye ir sainçomin, çemiç bimihael reinhuin zēilķa al çil at bēţidadye dāşoad.
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