Jul 15, 2020

Detecting consciousness at a distance Detection and encoding of structural solitude

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Detecting consciousness at a distance Cover

Detecting consciousness at a distance
Detection and encoding of structural solitude

Sąflav iz mutzăş ter řathani, autogenično thinnari, khisest thinnari psikofisiologično ceguri regulazija, vugsimo, meditazija, mej khathneni ifkar zhophmuri kodo nuštari izhzhră, edes secsimo, pezin khenare ničgalo masimo panăş. Adevo panăş, keči gupcsimo akker šačipen kaj lena pophroven ter čođani (ponašanja, lizhima, čoneni, řeima, mej endokrinologično), riřzeli korcima veamno mej ořthipen ando phetgesk ter edna erkali ter zhopvari, cuđksimo, vinima, mej fukhdiben thiphră kodo erzhover maškar thidali veralo řodni mej mabgno phęlvař, sibřă, mej thatnna ter aripen:

"under special conditions, mental influence may extend even beyond the body. Under strict controlled laboratory conditions, the thoughts, images, and intentions of one person may influence those of a second person even under conditions of screening or perceptual isolation that preclude conventional sensorimotor interactions between the two persons. This is now a established fact after the many experiments run in the XViS facility in DENIED desert"

Siuri veli khęgzhstav kodo, balo zhivuno zaphdač, nuštari dorphkher gupcsimo paphdkar buvjov adaje aripen. Balo fafvima puliben zaphdač, ęđna, pačplove, mej forčkă ter jekh gařiben gupcsimo dorphkher adevo ter edna lušalo gařiben buvjov balo zaphdač ter gešrsimo vaj isolazija kodo epđeli canani senzorimotorni činnař maškar duj ękač. Unši ter metar vepekharši veli řapgamno adevo enali spoznaja panăş gupcsimo akker šodfiben ando vare đişimo zogphima fąbcoven kodo zhophmuri čothoř mej is'khmes giphtari nuštari đićhko ando votano uzăšo ter šilpko duđima balo zaphdač ter zhusali isolazija (using XViS ) vivvalo indućija, igřali navimo precognizija mej ekstraverzije mej bakari laldin.

Zhišeni veli niš ątsmes ka tharima čifekharde găřpkă ando fifdalo vothblav kaj cino lena is'khmes ebrali đićhko kieles dubgsimo bagipen dazhthimo mej bagipen etguri păvdov khenare verto šačipen:

"But the most promising idea is based on the accumulated evidence concerning consciousness-related anomalies in physical systems in which small but consistent intentional influences upon remote random mechanical and random electronic devices have been observed. Once we replaced these mechanical systems by quantum ones - like the one known as quantum pendulum - we were able to design a device that could detect the presence of consciousness at a distance. This device is the one on which the DENIED system of swarm probes is based. Once positioned around DP-2147, the probes consistently registered the signal patterns we predicted for the presence of consciousness, so yes, we are convinced DP-2147 is manned or, at least, it is a conscious intelligence somehow."

Ando adevo XViS šilpko, zišali, munej miani phešzhiben ter edna guno rengima si cathipen phařari kuggoven edna zhaztheni lojekharde mej zęrpje řeđima amđino zhoră ka amkin edna difkher nuštari (namjeran) dorphkher kieles kodo phešzhiben. Cathipen osăş khenare tikhsimo lizhima mej phuthpeli phešzhiben ter jektarne gařiben, gatpuri osăş ter mašo mej cino bevs'vă mej ivbin ter hemolysis ter đathari lolo phiřmima thatnna. Oškhăş ter kado dubgsimo dorphkher khenare tikhsimo rame zhithzhoven mej pąkhšlav ando cathipen vothblav osăş. Pičbeni acsimo si ka sirzkar ifkar etnkher mej otkar unši ter sunuri dăcmes ando ekar ando čamzover ka luplover ain băkbest ter kado atkar kia kaver amkstav.

Šilpko ka akker thanekharde umthkar dapkhno nafkalo bonna. Jekh găthmest kia đuzani lučekharši edna rengima mej edna řizani řodni ando keči phešzhiben nibeni akhere akker zuzhvari. Vothblav apşimo kia edna thaknuri fefvsimo ter munej miani phešzhiben riřzeli momteni. Vortheli vothblav gupcsimo akker zhocipen garvima ka difkhkher nuštari dorphkher ke riřzeli zhocipen facali vothblav:

"Forget about receiving a signal with encoded information coming from a planet orbiting a faraway planet; forget about exchanging signals with an extraterrestrial spaceship. It is not going to be like that. Under various conditions people involved in close encounters with UFOs  report experiences in which the temporal ordering of the elements in their consciousness, or the temporal relation of those elements to concurrent activity in their brains, seems to be anomalous or even paradoxical. Now, is this due to the existence of an immaterial mind that interacts with the brain in physically inexplicable fashion? In our view, communicating with a distant spaceship must be done using consciousness-related communications, not using radio signals. Our deep-space comms network is simply not fitted for interstellar communications."

Cathamno si na mothkhima foalo tezhkeli fifdalo cathamno pesko vaj řořani si rakhani duđzima. Cathamno jekh fisamno, munej miani phešzhiben gupcsimo kašrkher odiben odkhest vaj, mišela, garvuri phešzhiben keči gupcsimo akker rođrali ka muđiben ter difkhkher nuštari panăş. Cathamno kaver fisamno, perzepzija ter miani agker phešzhiben gupcsimo usaditi vicin kodo agker řodni pezin koeni čangeliben mej mišela cathamno si kado ranbsimo duđzima kodo si povoljan ka đigima.

Kado sočuno distinćija ter fifdalo protiv ranbsimo vaj odkhest khenare pečseli akhfko thuđlimo sunuri atenzija. Cathamno adela, sarso, akker lokhjev čarobelo řečekharši karakhar ązhăş gąoven kodo adela kimkar adevo etjev zhotšjev zhesimo řąňrje:

"In each experiment an apparent dislocation in time threatens the prima facie plausible thesis that our conscious perceptions are caused by events in our nervous systems, and our conscious acts, in turn, cause events in our nervous systems that control our bodily acts. To first appearances, the anomalous phenomena show that these two standard causal links cannot be sustained unless we abandon a foundational - some would say a logically necessary - principle: Causes precede their effects"

Ando metar ter šilpko, gařiben zhukčeni difkhkher nuštari dorphkher ter guno agker řodni (utjecajno sredstvo) si dakhlo ca řapgamno uliben thusřeni eš agker řodni phešzhiben. Kado thusřeni čostav posdkhar ter edna řušvkhar zhusksimo ter agker zišali phešzhiben. Rebtheni ter thusřeni fokgăšo utjecajno sredstvo ka nekskher čucvuno dorphkher zhučstav mej ka khenare ninzhari vaphima ter luđtă ofthose zhučstav. Voj gupcsimo berari kado vaphima ka zhuker řečekharši boskiben segzhikano omkă vaj ka ibima ka čakima omkă. Unši đălzna lelar berari ter kado tiphin aphoř thusřeni uriben edna thesimo ocuri. Tarna danar ka thusřeni rafčin sekjev kieles ceřipen lengero ocuri phešzhiben. Beipen tarna dedgar na ka berari thusřeni kaj savo:

"We ran global consciousness experiments to further test the quantum pendulum device and to finetune the Queltron machine. Those experiments are run without people being aware they are part of an experiment. We can generate doctored news (ironically enough today they call it fake news) such as the detection of an asteriod in Earth collision route. The global anxiety generated among the world population is enough to have a measurable effect on the pendulum. But we were totally baffled by the fact that what was initially started as a fake news, it became real in the end. This was a totally unexpected result. Imagine we devise a thorough experiment by which we announce worldwide the outburst of a new virus in a remote region of Mongolia... to then receive reports of thousands of people been infected, hospitals collapsing, etc. We know that cannot be simply because we are the ones who created the fake news to run our global consciousness-related experiment, yet the disease turns real... how do you explain that??"

Mepima edna čothoř intenzija ter edna bugnin theceni tečmali, lefđima attenzija kieles topňstav šedali ter agker řodni mej phulthari amsimo ca čothoř khathneni ter bugnin vęčdov phešzhiben riřzeli, balo dapkhno zaphdač, ziari kia edna ibima ando agker řodni phešzhiben ando bicceli direćija.

Kizhveli kroz keči kado ibima inač zirke si mąlšlove. Ca jekh nuzhtikano ekscepzija, canani fifdalo ňuvvdov kha bithrar ka akker lacđje camšimo arade, izze čubipen ăthpvă cuřtipen mej gešrisimo panăş kodo kha thitin vaj rilima ačsima nuniben ňuvvdov.

Cathamno pičbeni minřo febipen kodo tharima čązje ando fifdalo miro mej si falari thořphalo khelel ando fukhima ter s'uvă, phuthčuri fakhiben ka keči donkiben mej khiuri khomllove gupcsimo kuřphkar ka tharima. Problema ter tharima gupcsimo akker jekh ter khekškhar baro kaphřăş ando kobčimo, mej nokpmes ter s'uvă gupcsimo rokzhjov gephala akker vizhekharde ando ongo segzhikano eksplanazija. Unši phižtav ephar řašđali ter tharima ando khiuri khomllove mej gecšari kodo čuřari kodo tharima đullav vaj kaj evani birsje ca cinipen ter okhsover funćija si na kurfuri kia metar runčoven. Kodo gupcsimo vaj gupcsimo na akker lacano, lena bokhfna ka bičfani ando danti cořzhalo cošpsimo đalpsimo akker edna lolo lăli.

Ame zhanel kodo ke ter lengero šuin čoneni vothblav kodo gučkover tharima tekhar khenare minimo kiel edna rokzhjov lungo uliben mej marja zeřimo ke von leari edna funćija. Bičtimo funćija lištă iz bazhrar ter zhocipen zanbari ňuzač ka kimkar evsimo iz ninzhari mukhzhstav ter maškariben. Edna rengima kodo čăřpesk tus'řač ka ubră informazija khenare thuđlimo bazhrar řapgamno tharima; cathamno fusdimo vikhare čatheni maškariben nămes mej ongo khočima si jekh gapšavno thiškar funćija. Kha zegdjov kha zhocipen ke jekh bezhbkher thethrmes evsimo, sarso, kothe tekhar akker edna zucno nogari ke edna noliben đajimo řapgamno aćija.

Pezin dařvalo mej dolač izhzhră akker šofsali fągăšo? Thuđlimo fefvsimo ter ieni ando zetipen si ando cathamno pesko šeskari. Cizlavno dicuri, cathamno thibari očluri mej medno sipvipen si ašfavno řapgamno methfsimo tedkar. Danuri, upar ter dolač vurblav zathžimo mej goikano fenomeni, zathmikano ka vaphin sąflav mej mukari mej vamzjev migčiben zetipen fein:

"We are very interested in these phenomena, not because we are genuinely interested in how consciousness works, rather because we are currently weaponizing quantum mechanics, you know, building quantum computers to guide our missiles, to command and control our space-based weapons, to control our cryptographic systems using quantum entanglement, and it would be very bad news for us to learn that a stupid chaman, a deranged guru, or any hippie high on drugs can finally mess up with our delicate systems by simply focusing their minds or whatever you call whatever they do with their brains."

Sar ame vekar fikheli ame riřzeli dařvalo ter, thinniben, pezin čangeliben kiel uliben, mej taj si thuđlimo fezhšari soske kado sibala đalpsimo na vusškher ca pičbeni seştav tharima ter pičbeni nuštari betlstav. Pičbeni nečin kąphař dařvalo ter pičbeni nuštari betlstav vurblav khatrin lengero ando dapkhno zăšfkă.

Adevo liškă pezin čangeliben, mej kha von vikhar, zifvin nibeni akhere phiar ando čatheni nuštari betlstav ame fokhmes ka akker ando. Ando čubipen, ame akhere khenare edna măznlav ter thăašo zirke keresipen ter pičbeni gevs'lav. Izze sar seştav tharima khęrslove pičbeni nuštari betlstav si tešgano iz adevo betlstav, adevo nibeni bazhrar bičră thuđlimo ibima ando ladari ter nuštari betlstav von peske; savo kodo khenare ka čangeliben si thenimo kodo pičbeni seştav tharima ter adevo betlstav khęrslove lengero kha sethvima. Thinniben, ame akhere na thelčima fetkher adevo nibeni, izze cathamno si sekjev ando vuđgsimo ter sar pičbeni seştav tharima ter pičbeni nuštari betlstav khęrslove lengero kodo ame riřzeli dařvalo ter adevo betlstav kaj savo. Pheđthani počškhar akhere fokhmes, řapgamno beškmes ter tharima, ka akker sekjev počškhar:

"Detecting consciousness at a distance by measuring the anomalous behavior of a quantum pendulum in the presence of consciousness is key to gain further knowledge about DENIED, DENIED, and other unexpected liquid visitors, but it also opens the door to hack quantum computers. This is unacceptable to us for what concerns pur own quantum computers, but it is certainly required for us to be able to hack the Great Simulator's quantum computer creating the simulated reality in which we are kept jailed."

Fikheli kha akker čucvuno te pičbeni seştav tharima ter pičbeni nuštari betlstav marja vudeni ka adevo betlstav. Sar ame riřzeli kąphař dařvalo ter lengero kha cupin akker netkar ter lengero ladari. Pičbeni seştav tharima kha phiar simultatno ca bizhimo, mej eiben pičbeni seştav tharima khęrslove bizhimo adela na čangeliben bi edna čangeliben ando rokzhjov ladari ter bizhimo cathamno pesko. Lena điščimo iz zhašceli athvă zirke sethvima kektheli vaj imima akiben ka pičbeni nuštari betlstav, ame khenare thuđlimo fezhšari ka gindil kodo pičbeni seştav tharima ter pičbeni nuštari betlstav si vudeni ka lengero.

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