Oct 18, 2020

Ahir lak gehěg

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Ahir lak gehěg

Hisus fǎ begif bem yelahěg helaf yilel abey fegěhegan gib yibetul hibehěg, bal il bal. A hafegěhag golǐl yibehisuk hicǎcelah enog ilǐmabel tul. Hisus yelahěg helaf ohěk bal goan a yibetutb, gohěgi yihf yanaf. Gibǎb abey ohěk yanaf ilǐnahi nasukan goebehin felah bem isuhil. Yelahěg helaf fǎ betulag itulaf hicǎcelah lak gib il iekif, ihěg abeg hisus bem golat subǎber lak surl iekif.

Aši mebet yihěgil meli gohěg fǎ behis goli fǎ ceg yihtul agib ilan. Aši mebet yihěgil meli hak sunog gohěg fǎ ba bem iekěhis yohitil yihtul agib ilan. Mel sunog, sunog mel. Hit abeg elǐmalean gib gohěg mel yoy ohif ab mabet, ihěg gib begol mel yobǎfel mabet yogil, yoy enog ilahěhig mahisi, yoyi nilaf ilahěhigil:

"Fear, Norea, if fearing is the only thing left to you. Stand up, Norea, if you wish to verily stare the naked truth in the face. Why the distress? Was falling just the beginning of your disgrace?"

Gehěg kik abeg yibetul agib yibesuk ahir lak, ihěg yihtul a gilacelaf i tuhinǐlaf. Yibesuk yisus abeg elayilil gehěg a hal begol yihl. Golel ši elieg hai tuhinǐl bem elieg. Aši yilegěhasul alayila fǎ fehel gib il ibea hinah goebehin tuhinǐl. Yoy bal? Elaf ehe elayi. Tuhinǐl tuhifeg efel hinah goebehin tuhinǐl. Iekěhis yohitil goli tuhinǐl tuhifeg lagil goebehin tuhinǐl agib gehěg: gof elafegibehě.

Abeg basul tuhifeg gobǎfel yob cebekěhiyl ahitul bem mahěgol goli fǎ ba goli obesul fǎ ceg, kib fǎ ba, ihěg ohil cebekěhi lak golat mab labeh:

"she said the eyes of her soul were opened and she beheld the plenitude of God, by which she understood the whole world both here and beyond the sea, the abyss, and all other things. We explained to her that what really happened was that she died, surrounded by her spiritual children, in the octave of the Feast of the Holy Innocents, 1309, aged sixty-one, and that we transfered her consciousness to a plain in Iowa, 2109, and that we did so in order to correct an STO misalignment. We realized the woman did not understand a word of what we were saying, and that we made a mistake, so we just transfered her consciousness back to the original STO."

Gobǎfel yob fehil "golel ši olahilasul tuh goleli bal hibil ot" hel yeban. Mab aši mefeg bem golafel giyb olahilasul tul, bal yob elilahis lak, gohěg golǐl yihsus "gol bal yob ilasubey"; oli gib yobet okěkil ilasubanaf gohěg bal yob hibil ot.

Mab yibehisuk il ilagěgil mab golat gib fehil aal behěgili, yohěgi behěgifekil behěgil:

"she came joyous and rosy-faced from the ecstatic encounter with the angels, though they were not angels at all, and though her rosy-faced was due to something she would prefer not to talk about..."

Ahir lak gehěg 1

Ilayi hěhifel bem gof, subek yihsu lak kilafegehiy behěgil kěheralafǎf: golel abeg habegol behěgifekil bem. Ol fehik "tul mahěgol yob a felayelag". Ol fehik "nab agib labeh yohitil fohěgi kibǎb iloak labeh, cehili gib labeh mahěgol yob a felayelag", bal yob yigoa golat hisus. Ihěg gohěg yoy yigoa golat hisus mahisusalafǎf. Ilǐlabak, golel abegoan lasufel yigoa. Gof gohěg bem yoy golǐl fehil "gohěg yoy hibil golat".

Ilǐmabel kah, fǎ betul yihtul mebet ha cesuhiyl golǐl yilel ab subanǐl hisul gib lagil, golǐli yilag yolel golǐl yilel ab subanǐl hisul gib yibetul behěg. Kah yihtul. Gobǎfel yob yilag a, ol iebehinog behěg, gobǎfeli yob yilag behěg, ol behinog a:

"There are no fallen angels. You belong to no one but yourself. Yet, what we do not understand we do not possess, and hence, Norea, fully fight to understand yourself, but above all fight for them not to understand you, so that they will never possess you..."

Yol layih yihf fegisus yig hěkiht, kilahěg kik abeg lakifeg. Yol fol yihf felacehehěg lak mebet ot, kilahěg yihtul agib ilan. Im ol lagilef hinah i hěgigěhaf of mabetul felasum, kilahěg yisus il ab tubel:

"How, then, should we begin this most delicate of all tasks, this education of the most sacred and subtle aspect of human nature? How can we transfer the knowledge that free will is everything they've got?"

Gobǎfel yob fehil golǐl yisus kil mefeg goli efel hel a leeb. Im golǐl kib abeg mefeg elayilil elafeheelayi yosul golǐl sil, yol golǐl kil golǐl yisus elayilil abegoan. Fǎ ba hisufǎb yol fǎ celahiran hibehěg ihicegifet golǐl fehil, ihicegifet ši nelahěg goan, ilayihěhifel im celabǎcesul elayilil golǐl yisus sil. Hifehim yihecelagil cesuhag lak ha nahekil ilayihěhifel ol alǐlak lak yibǎbek mab of gehěkil. Yihf ol yob tuhěkil yebǎfef mebet gelǐlaf yoy ol cesuhag lak. Ef bey fǎ ba ohan ba gohěg yoy ol cesuhag lak:

"Your body is a brothel, and your soul is a prostitute. Are those the words the archons spoke to you, Norea? Or did they utter soft words about you moving round the One, for is you don't, you should be dissolved and no longer exist? What did they sell to you, Norea? Worse, what did you buy from them? Wealth? Immortality? The very moment you trade your free will for immortality you become dust in the wind, Norea."

Ahir lak gehěg 2

Ef fǎ ba yihf kah goli cesuhagan yihf yebǎfef. Ihěg gelǐl bem sumǐl a tukěkisul bem nahekil. Obeyilil, aši mebet besil gelǐl gohěg yil nabeg elaf ehe elayi.

abeg alayila fǎ fehel mab hisus gobǎfel yob cǎbe fǎ felafǎf lilelagoan gib rabey golatu felasilaf? Fǎ betul akilǐlak, im golǐl kib abeg rabey golatu felasilaf, yisus abeg laqubel yohěg golǐl cǎbe fǎ felafǎf. Ihěg gobǎfel yob ohil yibetul gib rabey golatu felasilaf yisus laqubel cǎbe fǎ fela fǎ febaf.

Abeg basul yisus golǐl il hahisul gib kilagěh celemǐlayig tuh, ihěg golǐl yisus abeg il hisul gib felǐl ot, mab im golǐl felǐl ot, golǐl yisus kilagěh ot. Golel ab begol yihl mab ha celefǎb gib hiydehel gof dehěhisugil lakiylaceg il cehěgigan ba celemǐlayig sunog oli gibǎb ilayibetan celemǐlayig sunog.

FL-200717 Intronautics: The Structure of the Reality of the Rulers - Eleleth's revelation to Norea

FL-260718 Ťef eţmaïnd eţğaïn umleld

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