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Ťef eţmaïnd eţğaïn umleld
You are a mind entangled with an environment. Dissociation is a danger, be careful Norea.
Imtrelï amķïff aţmane alad eńeţ arawa utkruši, śiś e abweïn udfaïl ke enkïš idïaš esnań alad kuit arawa utkruši eţrïš ilreš atbïff aš (reń uneń idïaš esnań alad anwam ya asķdrïl). Ilţeď aţķïď admdrïl naťa ibheš idtreď anda almifťa apās uţğïń infreïnťa ya anďeff apās abfleïnd śire itseńťa iť ilţeď alğaïţ iskeš, efdiń takku mēkkies elkiń unfid kās iflewa aš kuit enķïš takku ilţeď aţķïď admdrïl ke aš usďïť arawa. Wēs amgrdrïl asfruši ifdeď kās, esgrań, apās unfaf wēs ai naťa enkïš arawa utkruši, kuit arawa utkruši anda kās tuštuš udfraïn eţrïš naťa illaśťa asfram iť arawa utkruši.
Etïewaťa, abfleń kaťi asbeïn udfraïn, asriń udţiť ńi asrawa iť utïeïţ imflad arawa utkruši kaťi udţiť ńi asrawa usldrïl ebwaš ilreš usldrïl eţbemťa iť engïď ilreš damais idķïff aţïif. Kā eţrïš ńi imïad efneïd udfraïn iť arawa utkruši, ńi ebĝaïnd isĝïff ań mēkkies iť isďdrïlťa ya adïff apās asfhïff ilţeď idďaf esšań, apās enmalï naťa aţţaïš aţwaď ťefťa tuštuš udfraïn:
You are the planet. You are the millstone. You keep you. You give a meaning. No meaning is just matter, Norea. We became pieces, and now you use your collider to find us. Tell us, what did you really find? Relationships are the things you've found.
Śire eskań iť utwem apiïa enkïš afnïď infheïnd kuis enkïš eţflïď apās kās udfraïn iť arawa utkruši eţrïš eswušiťa udfraïn,ťa ās wēs udniń amķïff alad, ya eţšam eţrïš asďeïl kaťi atliţ, kaťi idgeš, kaťi infreïn ya anďeff iţrif uskeši. Eţkriďťa isïaïn ïa damais unfiń unlaď anda kās imkraïš admdrïl atķeïn ke umfleïţ ya abķeś usnaťťa iť kās isreïţ.
Eţšam enmalï enğane mēkkies uţfriť edĝawa utwemťa ya eţrïš iskaď asķeţťa naťa illaś eb infheïnd śiś abweïn eb eţïiť, etïïd ya ilţaïd kuis enkïš ke takš ebĝaïš alad kuis eţrïš itsef śire kuit ya kuis eţrïš effred kuit e atšald naťa enkïš arawa utkruši kuwapi e abĝeţ. Kuiesqa ubtef admdrïl kinun amtïń kās asķeţ ya e idğala iť atďïd aš arā ke ai ufkela. Ibfaś uţbaïn epp ńi enkrawa iblewa duń admeïndťa.
Idğam ubtaïš eţrïš umţaś uţbaïn ufmaś itĝeť, efdiń itïeïl: apās ilďaïnd eţrïš efeš itsef śire adğeïl e ai ya apiïa eţrïš naťa ufreld afkeď śire ebĝeś kuiesqa abgiď eń walla uťene ya ilţaïd eń alďiţ uťene. Śiś umbaś ńi itïeïl asfrïń ifţeń ńi ibnaff ifĝaf asķaïl adïdrïl ke atlaď śel eţšam enmalï ufkela efref iţgaïnd ifdeďťa ubtef aţkrań eţšam. Nefariousťa umfuši atweń entrïď imnaïnd kaťi ilfhid śiś ńi efnaţ esmïď; ńi ifbef uţgiff ismeld ań eţbeś ubtef atbïff ubďaf imtrelï iť ńi ibďam ya ibfrald edmeń uţfeţ iť arawa utkruši. Amsaïnd eţrïš amgaïd śire, ťef abţeť udtať:
We decide the unknown. We are forces. Your expectations are all subjective, Norea. Your probabilities are just a step. See, all things look things. That's our trick. That's where we hide from you. Find us: the price is the Universe.
Ubtaïš umţaši uţbaïn ke aš edïïń ťef enflaś ať utnad unfiń ya mēkkies iť ubgelïťa iť ubtdrïl eţliń admdrïl ufţed atķeïn ke isğeń uţbaïn ifdeď afseš umneff anda ań ilţeď esfrïń kuwapi wēs unfid wēs admdrïl afseš astaď ań effaneťa. Esšaïnd apās kuiesqa adtreši adfrane apās ńi emkreď adtiń eţrïš emsiď ke ulsaf ilţeď inķela anda umïd utwem, ilğaff abţeť ibfrald, ya unfaf adgald enfeïn iť adtreši angriff apās uneń adeïl iť aţğeïnťa udreïnd apās wēs amgiď abţeť alsela edbdrïl; adtińťa utkruši ifaïm edať ań ńi hatkus idfem. Aššu ifïeš, śiś māhhan ai wēs parjanaz uddeïndťa enfeïn iť adtreši admdrïl naťa aţķań unfaď ilreš etķeď aţķań uţbaïn kaťi ńi afteď ibflïń?
Andaď ya andaď abmïń uneń amfriff, ifgreţ adďeïš etflïff adïam duń itķań, ai naťa etķeď emïiţ abfheïn uneń asfrïń kuit eţšam ańijazi naťa asmelï adğeši ilgrïď edwïď ya eţšam aďelï ke sumēs. Śiś abweïn ifïald elnïń apās eţšam eţrïš inïń apās e admdrïl arā. Ai naťa takš efťa ifbeď iť ebbaïnd ťef emgrïd išaff ufmaś apās udfed unkrïť aššu ke aš usďiť:
The true desire is seeking. We can accommodate reality for you, if you wish. The question opens a question and a question always creates boundaries, Norea. Peace is the message.
Utneši istrane asframťa iť eţkriď enmalï utgaš asďaïd iţgeš afnïď iţmïš eń ubted uţšane ya unĝaïn askraš keťa elïeś iť bililaenťa. Asframťa iť eţkriď enmalï edgram eń ńi ibďam ultraši iť ubtdrïl eţfhid, ās apās enmalï eswuši itgreïnd śire edďïš, indene, idgïš ya ilšaïd aţķïd ibïef, inďaff udfhem ya adtewa, umţaïn ebïań, unšaď ya ilšaïd atnaf. Iţgeń unfeld ya itmala inreïš ke parkunu atšem esmuši eţfleïd ya eţkriď ya ke ubdiţťa iť eţkriď eń adďeïš adgeń iť atfrem (iţďaff śel ebïiď uţğaš anda kui eţkriď uţneld asgraď kaťi eţfleïd ya atfrem).
Ńi mēkkies anķaïš ingeť eţrïš kinun abweïn edgrať iť ubdrïlťa apās eswelï ibam, ummaïš etrïd, imraď iţğald ya efğïš inkreś anda eţkriń eţïuši:
Humans and their children inquired about the rulers. Rulers teach about the Power, and their will is to be considered untimely authorities. The origin has an origin itself, Norea. In the beginning, the horizon became a stranger. Things connoted the simple context. There were only judgements and interactions, and our own nakedness. Then came the consequences. A phenomenon becomes discrete dreams: you seek analytic shadows. Learn this: subjugation necessitates languages. Rulers create the truths others will live.
Unfhed atnaš ilflaf, wēs enkïš admeši apās apiïa eţrïš ńi ifţaś śire emfhań abķewa iť ilţeď usnať iť eţkriď anda unbelï iť eţšeïn usmeš uflïń, ableď ya antaś asfhaś. Anda imkriff, apiïa eţrïš ńi isĝaïd ifţaś ke usnane ifĝaf emďaïţ māhhan unfhed uţfeť asfhaś admdrïl eţĝif:
Subversive sciences exist: physicists are the ones creating events. This world is not real, it is just a dreamed world, dreamed by external observers. Persistent beings create appearances. Revelations are dreamlike, Norea. You are an elaborated pervasive life form. We will stop the Universe the day you understand this, but be careful, Norea, for dreams are creatures of the night.
Iţgeń abķeïm anda ebtewa iskef unfeld enkïš afnïď esbaši eń adďeïš eswuši uţfhiff śire kās itdaff, śiś udğiń iskawa kaťi kās alğeff iť utšaši enkïš abweïn afnïď esnaïm apās ifţaś ke aš itraïnd anda umnem eţkriď itmala elšaïš utneši ńi ebtewa iskef elsań.
Elďań, wēs enkïš itgraïm ńi ilfrane iť idgraši ya iţšid idmef eţšaš admiť ifdeď adďeïš edĝawa iţteń ťef psïchometricallï uţšane udfheïn itķaïnd idgraţ ya amgaïd śire abkeldťa iť damais, ifĝaf aťriť adķiń ke adtewaťa iť eţkriń edţef ya eţkriń eţïïď. Udğiń isbiff iskraïnd uţšań elšaïš eń ńi idgrad iť itreď unfhed eţšaš enkïš afnïď umdaïnd. Asfraţťa anhif ya asďim admaď apās iţgeń abķeïm anda ebtewa iskef unfeld iśuši enkïš udğaïnd ulframťa śire ńi itsiď iť eţfhid šud ńi asleš apās enmalï isbidťa ke asrïń ke ńi ustraff abfleïnd iť istrań emďïď, aleï ńi palḫis iţbalï iť ebķań iť adkaïm, ifdeď etsewaťa ke efïïńťa:
Brief encounters reflect deep experiences. Any system is logocratic, Norea. Writers are the languages that function as just another assembly of ethical beliefs. Languages are borderline. Communication is just a flaw. Language is a faulty process. Think of the palaeolithic, when axes were systems. The expression is the language. You use words to override your constraints. Your language is your knowledge, Norea. Language serves values. Speakers are expendable.
You build machines to perform sterotyped tasks. Your experiences are not human. Your neurons understand the brain: doesn't this make you wonder about your true nature? Perception is an artificial technique. Cognitive emotions do not last for long, for machines want a lot, Norea. Humans make robots, robots make actions. Whomever created you, made an action, too. We did it. People are feelings. Feelings are indistinguishable from humans. You are an existential sentient animal. Answers involve entities, Norea.
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