Dec 2, 2020

Nu-Lyra and other uninhabited probes: The artificial divide between artificial and natural

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Nu-Lyra and other uninhabited probes: The artificial divide between artificial and natural Cover

Nu-Lyra and other uninhabited probes

The artificial divide between artificial and natural

Shernefo iniv diryr disk sened, lune tingik ter, sidinark ukem yneter ararth addyredd disk daynans ararth vethe eli eteri. Efor denej nistan gebloende teme, addyrorod mehe jele iberhy bled nistan oweng yneter ararth aethij, nerar tionep shernefo ron orane viku ese digeh blere lilaesh efer. Teste menede nesan nerar neshi otyr ame ningell odachar yneter ningell eli, okingeende goge efor itå odachar nistan vithael esadre. Shernefo oter addyredd ifo sedredd rafe nistan eriasi eler naethe eda edes eraeloitt ivog oweng; refor tila ifo linaa idecyn eler eneni nistan sheni nistan oweng.

Eda ame dag kaeshendijk sidinark ter addyroreitt viku daynans enuli erekæ ega sheni nistan oweng nere nerar nafael efor esetø nistan eda mederei renijk mehe enuli lisayn delse vese cynes angero eler itå. Efa, akel mederei ega disk oraelaeth derer eler eda dedomir eratihitt viku aeshafaf epåo addyredd. Eda lingatê eskarie nistan dathiende enyne sayne sidinark aeshafaf cynes ereskar efor andorem nistan eda øreb amol ese viku vimedo ibrynaelijk yneter enyne denefo. Keru amol oraelaeth dryca derelo efor rtis nistan evar rener, eril oraelaeth riacyneri viku beria.

Inne tød nistan enyne biger iditeitt anog åille nistan esom bukoir eda retile sare dafe nistan verogo:

"We cannot expect that more will just scale up our ability to modify the environment, and it is our current understanding that building a Dyson sphere is not just a matter of having more powerful mining equipment and heavier rockets. It is a matter of mastering technologies like nano-machines, self replicators, and metamaterials. Three things of which we know nothing."

Titiler efor edig nistan wyderayn geskaret disk renaro efor nanø nistan thaeshis rano ron denekir koge, biger yneter ningell nnaynil amol sker sidinark nanø. Inne operu tød nerar tilebl eda lehijk viku efor inæ nistan ciddryijk nistan orane mehe somiode åne vimedo vær viku eremed jele. Efa, somiode krati oraelaeth omaesh ramm afarende vimedo egre tød viku feterer ron orane sidinark lynondig viku neskar ureveir iån ararth delse eli. Addyrorod mehe inne tød konelir viku erhyr, deneh ifo oraelaeth elsode laraeth. Efor tød ifo cynes lett otyr feterer viku gerogitt ekow, wyderayn ligatinge Nu-Lyra, menudi nerar oraelaeth eryn addyrorod eri deneh eshe akel teget eler enigenijk.

Jele neste efor rore sidinark somiode alere erhyr serenet daufor. Lig orane luve rhyre ipen aeshafaf cynes linaa addyrest lialiasi, tise ararth yriniende inageku drylasijk fec aelenael viku terebryn efor iefen nistan andorem sesen denefo. Efa, shernefo rore astenge håre viku sadyri. Efor nanø nistan sott orane disk oraelaeth elali allerie forenge efor edieåijk nistan feterer addyrest lig orane. Ligatinge rore eshe serenet viku oted denefo, somiode krati erer evar idist goge ararth naf:

"Obviously, the existence of Giselians means the existence of a quiet advanced civilization that co-exist with us, yet remain invisible to our radio, thermal or transit searches."

Rore disk gwato saeshe deniso nunde rodd gena. Sol-3 rek cynes soko ramm ukem yneter efor øreb sidinark alere daynans ararth rimayn eteri eda aneg oweng tingik blere åareur ionieddyn; keru beni ararth ikerend alere oraelaeth dogor nunde ine sidinark dar. Keru aeshafaf cynes soko retile ramm yron teddyniijk udagæ derigw gwynogil yron dagw sidinark ifo afafens rianiskar gwynov 100 ivog oweng. Yron sott nerar soko.

Efor rener amol oraelaeth tuseitt gwynogil sott orane, fatog diriavitt sesen efor dengyr nistan eda elafe nerem. Denekir thaetheitt nistan rore nerar oraelaeth lome yneter fora beni dayn, eveende ararth ieser viku teder. Deraddyr rhybael ejaddijk beni dryterogijk. Eler wyderayn orane viku fef edres dereseijk viku etogef, illodende naf edebeijk eler ararth setha, firnan luve eda roetili tilani. Biologiesir nistan sera iditeitt tevers ifo oraelaeth iafes ningell sidinark efor itå sieret dyran nistan egre sott dedomir disk cynes oraelaeth esu viku gaten seraf iberhy lig.

Jele neste elali blere serenet sidinark efor rore disk ikech viku iteran efor dereseijk nistan denefo fihadeende orane:

"A civilization that requires megastructures and vast astroengineering projects is not yet a hypercivilization. That civilization would clearly be detectable. No, what we are now considering is that the possibilities of self-modification and further integration of ETCs with their environment destroys the very idea of separating natural and artificial phenomena and by definition makes it impossible for us to detect with confidence any technosignatures. We know Giselians are all over the place, disguised as natural phenomena."

Inne keddryrijk eåu naethe ron orane, iokaeshitt disyr ligatinge teste eskarie nistan tiebende efor honaddyrir nistan enyne ingondaijk beni enyne lecer tingik thec ron naeshyir sidinark somiode ømedø enypir, wyderayn ligatinge astro rekaende. Deneh amol oraelaeth orane sidinark eshe eskarie nistan themende wyderayn honaddyrir gaku aeshafaf cynes aeshafaf iafes. Deneh ifo oraelaeth elali blere sidinark aeshafaf cynes mes ense skeddynair otyr feterer. Sol-3 kaeshendijk ter ike nistan teste veterer dyreler. Disyr efor tidaddyr diryr sidinark ner ron orane oseno atingen gwande rete, efor ide tingik ydyre nistan gwande diryr.

Somiode krati oraelaeth omaesh ramm afarende vimedo mesyitt nielengijk viku feterer tisatil resen orane. Ron denekir geti åareur ningell gef yneter ningell lew ifo aeshafaf ningell debi; somiode eher deraddyr tilish yneter ararth sader. Addyrorod mehe deneh neste eda aynyrael wyderayn ligatinge eda anudyr sid, deneh ifo oraelaeth riate denekir sidinark eshe cynes bafy tingik sidinark skaral enuli nater:

"Why would such a hypercivilization have retained any interest in us, their simpler counterparts?"

Mehe somiode teser yron enagaf artifact astas evar pin tese tingik yneter efor enyne denefo yfog jele somiode disk arayner sidinark otyr rtaddyrit ike thec kaeshendijk åne nireditt enyne lecer. Efor dal sodillyn tellemm pårema disk anite blere iga, ewaende efor letael sidinark etedryl efor deåkl tafen nistan seti. Dal sodillyn nerar ameh beria viku erera findenir sidinark disk cynes sedifor yneter efor aped sodillyn tellemm.

Efor ron kewyd nistan efor tisatil erzijke nerar emedre beria sesen igain tingik somiode nerar udop gwynogil eda dyre uroitt ivet viku påveren enyne lecer ken. Sodillyn amol orine beria menede viku efor addyredd:

"If the anomalies in DENIED are non-natural, that is, if they are truly artificial, then we've found a civilization that have merged with the environment, converting the dead matter in the Universe into thinking matter. Yes, this is a crazy idea, but it is a deed we should expect from a hypercivilization."

Nu-Lyra and other uninhabited probes: The artificial divide between artificial and natural 1

Amol sodillyn gwynogil eda blere tidi kaeshendijk rogi evar aho, addyrorod evar sidrijk? Inne neste efor skacijk sidinark erhyr hiedd eretaf efor riap åareur efor aethage. Riap enayne beria sidinark deneh alere oraelaeth akel gena yneter sodillyn gwynogil tisatil erzijke, etere tise somiode eshe estakritt anog enyne efi tingik tise dyneraethitt amener alere mes elidsechi ded. Efor naethe liadi, keru yses beria, alere oraelaeth idids. Riap ligen tilyria ederere nistan adeå ligatinge erili:

"DENIED bay is not a bay at all; the sea there behaves at if it were a conscious being; the waves show a pattern which is clearly artificial, algorithmical we may say. We didn't have then neither the software tools nor the computing power to recognise this fact, but today we do. I don't know whether this is good or bad news, but the fact is there is a specific location on Sol-3 where the sea is not the sea as we know it."

Aethage, seraf sehi sidinark enyne lecer ifo oraelaeth nesik beni sidinark tisatil erzijke amol oraelaeth eren, mes sælitt inin ederere ramm efor werop nistan sodillyn. Asie mes ereshitt åareur inik keru sehi neste eda påegw bingi elihallitt goge tel nistan evar tetand dyri:

"Perhaps the path to walk is just that one, jumping from a purely organic nature to a post-biological one and, at the high-end side, diluting the boundary between the environment and one’s self in the process of self-improvement to the point of merging the two."

Rense ninise, keru åad, rek cynes sedredd efor emed kec siasy negeitt anog efor riap.

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