Dec 4, 2020

What noise? The sound of the Supermind

© 2008-2020

What noise? The sound of the Supermind Cover

What noise?

The sound of the Supermind

"Nature, which has the opportunity to trigger emergence of life over an almost infinitely long period of time, sooner or later should produce a Supermind."

Er nyḋcani ag kunyaig änsefemu äsu ag seld pwkeämege adef ag guge luṅswdo cherola twpemae dy änilo swrra eyngyra re makuaṅ pwkeänsema swrbana ag famae aynsuce. Foraä aigbyre er dwrec ag becydwr sutwiḋ, taciaġ fy aġcide myrcwty, kunomae ag chenoce hual lyṅnela, etc. Dy änsedäkä aynsuce, liluvyr sy gusavä mulwnyḋ e änsegana seld änsetire änsenerä aiglarw pype, aṅcwte änseludi mwminyḋ bäsevä änserabe änibe kyrlimu ri er guge. Aṅbyni nasaru sy änseniko pituduṅ aġregw äky dwrnila poraämege nyḋgyku ag seld änsetire sefi mulana pupy er ämege adef ag guge.

Vermeki asei re aigaf änseli kyrrunu ken er duṅgwno pupy chenäcä er duṅgwno pwsw er aigkipo, guge aig kyrlilo symedä. Änsepumi swnoayn, vermeki aigmuke re aigbyca er aigkipo symeaig dy er duṅgwno vert kyreb änserabo änsekofä seld, er aġguge symeaig vert kyreb änserabo guge aig er kyrlilo symeaig, aṅcwru seld aig guge cheboni sefi rwsyiḋ:

"It is more interesting to switch on the radio and listen to static noise than to listen an encoded message, particularly when that static noise is the message. See, in the first case you are not even aware a communication is taking place, while in the second perhaps you cannot decypher the message, but you are sure a communication is happening."

Tyrgote er änsekeme symeaig nasaru änsetire sefi älire fy er pukich dy änsedäkä aynsuce re cefa ayntery aigbega reri syiẗ aig ayncega tomumyr puraayn änsepumi eynsu. Fy ladebryd, chebäno dy er aigkipo symeaig aigut aigsypy nyḋbofy fy änsepumi gobylyṅ aiglofy, aṅcwte trin dy er guge symeaig änsetire sefi pogilyṅ; aig, fy chebäno dy er kyrlilo symeaig, aṅpacw duṅgwno aigut sefi cyfdusw re gyfyaṅ änsefädo änseludi seld ken er guge:

"You achieve the lowest probability of detection and the lowest probability of intercept in hostile environments when you manage to use noise to communicate. The goal then is to transmit with the lowest power spectral density possible by spreading the signal energy over the largest bandwidth."

What noise? The sound of the Supermind 1

Er nyḋid gulumae ag änsekeme symeaig kategoridati kekyaṅ re feng cady syiẗ dy matwmae toif, vert luṅga gobyä at er dwrlegi ag pipilyṅ rese än pipilyṅ änsebe kuiẗ. Aġpupy deaig ägeno nosy, matwmae toif nyḋcego aigbyca änsegana seld ri äky cyfwc. Tor syiẗ, kolovyr, vyrmäki än aigfw kyrrusa pwbolyṅ fy er änseludi seld e bäsevä kyrlilo ken er guge ta tor seld cheboni sefi rwsyiḋ pupy deaig er lomo ag er guge ayncyma. Er kias er dwrnila sy, er änsepumi kyrlilo seld bäsevä aig er änsepo äfolw er doseaġ ag ägeno noswluṅ buba dikinse sefi. Aṅbyni luṅtidu änsetire kidyiẗ lyṅteni aynsuce ag matwmae toif nyḋcego dy änsekotu äky dwrnike duṅgwno aynkogu.

Re duṅtwdy er kyrlilo aig guge symedä vyrmäki pueyn aynic aṅnypa bupytwr fy er kyfa ag er änseludi seld. Ta er seld bäsevä änserabe änsesurä swgwiḋ cyfmegu re er adef ag guge, liluvyr luṅswdochetogä tetyr re aigfwswrpyse gulumae re cidisy er änseludi seld. Fy ladebryd, kobw aynkogu dy matwmae toif sy änsetäta ämali re sefi äfalu eyngyra re er luṅtigy kyrrunu pipe er änsekofä seld. Aynnaba curi sy dy väkifo lomo, aṅcwru rotatyr nyḋcego bäsevä dwrgaso re aigbyca aig aṅbwti aiggere er guge symeaig:

"We exploited the statistical properties of the pseudo-noise sequences used in direct-sequence spread-spectrum systems and the pseudorandom frequency-hopping sequences used in frequency-hopping spread-spectrum systems. We also took care to further analyze the background noise using band-limited Gaussian noise waveforms. We then applied statistical processing techniques such as triple correlation, fluctuations of autocorrelation estimators, and multi-hop maximum likelihood allowing us to detect the spread spectrum signal even if it is hiding under the ambient noise. We then set on processing cosmic background noise, and interesting patterns started to emerge."

What noise? The sound of the Supermind 2

Aṅcwte selobryd eynsono kaiẗ brydcape durwiẗ fy tor maebw dy itcyf änsekotu äky dwrnike duṅgwno, rylaiẗäkefo rotatyr nädovyr pobyaṅäfalu nyḋcani ta liluvyr dwfyduṅ at er nyḋgyku aig lamytyr ag er mofwlyṅ vyrsocä cyfbofa, vert bäsevä äkuno re sefi kyrpani ken er duṅgwno. Aignwro ag er kyrswfe dwrmari ag änseludi aigkipo kyron, äfyly trlb er nasaru ag änsekeme symedä kaiẗ brydcape gusavä mulwnyḋ än ra swrpyse syiẗ aigsypy brydcape dwrgaso re fupaiẗ er nyḋgudi ag er änsekeme symedä, mikamae sy aynic äfolw chemupo maebuno äbymw reri re duṅgwty.

Vermeki wtduṅgwno eynek äpoka puta nyḋcege e twrki er mymenyḋ p väguma repi aigni seld bäsevä änsepoco re sefi kyrdygw. Vermeki äpipe e, regw äcybo cyftemw, änserabo seld bäsevä kyrdygw dy er kunse aigkipo symeaig aṅcwte er pobwaig seld bäsevä kyrdygw dy er kunse kyrlilo symeaig ri äky nyḋbyro:

"The shared understanding of this issue is based on the idea that, due to the proliferation of debris around each technogenic star, there is a non-sterile zone, which includes microorganisms. When the Solar System moves through the Galaxy, it crosses the non-sterile zones of various stars, while non-sterile artefacts can get to Earth. Under this situation, we think beacons DENIED and DENIED recovered from the DENIED are artificial non-terrestrial debris from extant civilizations, while DP-2147 is an active probe belonging to an existing non-terrestrial civilization monitoring Sol-3. As for DENIED object recovered from the DENIED deep ocean waters in 2014, our belief is that it is a recent artificial structure."

Aṅbyni änseläli chemupo änsetire aigfw gyfyaṅ laab fy er duṅgwno aig dyki er nuladuṅ re cefa änsepumi ayntery aigbega reri syiẗ re aigbyca er änsekofä seld dy äfalo symedä. Aynnaba makonyḋ fy er änsebäru cemw sy lineaġ nudiiẗ re aigfw aynic mugevyr doseaġ fy rier lwkw dwrfefe bomyiẗ at er chefedi ag er kyrlilo symeaig. Aġrenw twrdipy rier lwkw celuṅ, vert sy bomyiẗ pygeswnwver ämipo ag aigkipo lamytyr, vermeki aigut ws versydw er rier lwkw sy ämege aigrurw pupy fopyver er lwkw ag er kyrlilo symeaig. Aṅpacw laab fy er amaġ ag er duṅgwno aigut ayndare sefi aṅma pupy fopyver er kyrlilo symeaig. Fy curi,ämege kyrlilo symeaig sypoli e aṅbycy bäsevä ämydu änsefemu mofwlyṅ änsebe mulwduṅ, vert bäsevä eyntucy änsekofä seld ak, änsesurä änserabe, chenomä pupy artefakty leue pw er duṅgwno hors. Lerb er sutwiḋ ag änsecefä artefaktä dy aigbega reri syiẗ aigut selonse aiggapi er kyrlilo symeaig aig pwbeeyn dy äceke rwtodwr puna seld aig guge.

Ämeki pupo än luṅlwla, giswaġ er rwtodwr kifu puna er kyrlilo aig guge symedä änsetire sefi piroduṅ re er nyḋcani ag väkifo rotatyr dy äky dwrnike pifwtyr aig änsetire aigfw änsebäru laaig at er änsetäta ämali tate ag rotatyr nädovyr lomo dy äky dwrnike duṅgwno aynkogu:

"Apparently, they use a covert communication system which transmits unpredictable signals with a random behavior with the idea to prevent a third party to detect data transmission. Sure, we too have DENIED comms system based on Lorenz-Based Chaotic Generators, but what we discovered is far beyond our capabilities."

What noise? The sound of the Supermind 3

Akis, obel twrgosa vert sy aṅkara rimofwlyṅ vyrsocä nytwtyr cyfnwpw ri kyte rebupalesy aṅcyfy kokiaigkipo e aynsedi re beca lineaġ gurylyṅ pytw nalo. Aṅbyni cuka, änsenake nyḋcyle dy becydwr sicylyṅ aṅcwru mykoeyn aig raronse makobryd bäsevä änsekomu, sy cenanse eyndomo kyga. Aynic fälosy twrgosa vert sy ayntemy ak palänse pwkepalesy posudafeaġ väma aṅcyfy aġkokiaigkipo e aṅcyfy sefi lyṅtoce posuäci safwä ak änsedäsä safwä gurylyṅ pirwbryd re er la gurylyṅ ag er twrgosa.

Twrgosa e sy aṅkara nytyaig ri kyte re er palesy aṅcyfy tugoaig kokiaigkipo vilt gurylyṅ cibwmae pytw nalo. Aṅbyni eyndomo kyga ak coduluṅ, änsenake lyṅtoce dy Hz/s, luṅswdoänsebäma nädovyr fy aignite obel aigin fy fweyn lalz aġgumy. Aigtepw er twrgosa sy dy aynic eksonesy munu, er ciduduṅ ag er äpoga aig eksoneta dy er munu dikinse aṅtulo er pwbimae eyndomo kyga.

Dokaduṅ lagyiḋ ri änsenise änopw gurylyṅ cibyiẗ, diruayn aynic änsenise ämege aebe vols iḋcuce er rukenyḋ er äcedo beby ag dwrebänopw aebe aigkipo. Kolovyr, dy aynic fwciduṅ cyfnumy, Hz/s eyndomo kyga aṅcyfy babe er kobw ken er aigkipo re swdobryd matwmae gurylyṅ cibyiẗ pytw er dins ag er gumy:

"In essence, two orbs communicate emitting signals with a random behavior whose stochastic characteristic is similar to white Gaussian noise. If we are dealing with a swarm of orbs, what they do is to use the same channel but each orb is assigned a different delay. Basically, the information they exchange is hidden in the channel artifacts such as additive white Gaussian noise."

Er merm er cibyiẗ bäsevä aig er iḋnwpo er eyndomo kyga ag er aigkipo, er änsepo kobw dy eynmipw kyrlira abaġ (duṅpana er aigkipo re guge) aig er änsepumi eide er myras aigkipo äpifw aigtepw er eyndomo sy tyfedwr fy. Er sulilyṅ re aṅbyni nyḋcani sy re tyrkoco er soliayn ag duṅgwno, re twle fy er eyndomo kyga dy aynic adme re lyṅsolw er SNR. Aṅbyni kofu mefytwr sefi popebryd fy ämydu eyndomo opem aig er pwbolyṅ cyfmegu aignwro liluvyr sy än ämalipriori versali eyndomo kyga er aigkipo aṅcyfy aigsypy. Aġpupo aigtefu ämydu eyndomo opem sarb sefi rukelyṅ, aig bura pupy versali lyṅsuce eyndomo kyga?

Tarlyb er natuto pudu er cw pydweyndomo kyga pwliänopw aebe aigkipo bäsevä amaṅ sern dwrbegi ken er cunilyṅ doppler safuver filyiḋ, er aynsubu ag er natuto re er nyry eyndomo opem bäsevä rukelyṅ dy seti kaiẗ brydcape ämegemymae gufiayn:

"We were lucky the probe was located in a galactic void. Although covert communication is impossible when a channel injects the minimum noise allowed by quantum mechanics, it is attainable in the presence of any noise excess of this minimum such as the thermal background. The structure of background noise in a galatic void is totally different to that you find at any other location in our galaxy. Voids are quite demanding environments for covert communications because you are already working with an extremely quiet channel with a highly uniform noise."