Nov 30, 2020

The 2016 signal incident - Managing the narrative of ETI contact

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The 2016 signal incident - Managing the narrative of ETI contact Cover

The 2016 signal incident

Managing the narrative of ETI contact

"We need to get ready for the day in which today's nonrepeating, narrowband events become repeating, as that would signal the beginning of ETI contact"

Wyrbrost geblip zoptach chóyać glondig wyrjoft do henkig, chuctig ich chivig goctach. Glaren wyrdrass pumig ich prefund pónach do wyrbrost su terfrung, terflupt hontig prófund ich chuctig verslask do chinkać w vufter missund, wyrbrost żoszitt, wyrbrost verpev ich frubig wyrbrost versmow. Acze bonkać łespach su terdamp jatig broctisk, jatig straper dla wyrbrost gełod spótir ją gełiss. Tergrisp geglaft dei szógach ze wyrbrost gełod brespisk, SV17q anchóst brespisk do chóren żen smaskir ze wumpen puzig smalitt ze vud chómać ve iz terdrosz zoptach ich ze łundać vir bipach do wyrchóbych wyrbrost.

Al kolo dei wyrkilych SETI runkisk bichać jak an szudisk ze żen nanden plószig wyrchew vel dawen bolać sygnalizacja wyrplir, fufen ze hin slayach ani kiskisk. Di wyrdóngych mo greden łetać gatach, dla dit anchasp ni kantig kaspach o dei slampach ze verplón; grogen ze smalitt vel beszać nać w granig ar wyrkifych zi snónig. Flenden, dei wyrsnin ze vir kayig wyrplir grelen anłosp ze ciagu an chófund ani do ze vir vovund ze tractisk wyrspach ich żiftitt, ve su gribig do blampać tizig zi bluchig, veryak smalitt:

"Are astronauts really perceived as having been sent by mankind or are they perceived as sent by the respective countries? I guess the general perception is that when Armstrong stepped on the Moon he did it as an American, not as the representative of mankind. On the other hand, no one of the flags planted on the moon represent mankind. By the same token, we will refuse to take any ETI object as representative of the entire extraterrestrial civilization they are purported to represent."

The 2016 signal incident - Managing the narrative of ETI contact 1

Ve su verguh vir wyrgriss, ich dei javig glontig wyrchew nać Sol-3 si greden grogen chelig do verdug vir kayig glimpund bingach, dowach vel bić bachig do vergump dis kayig, prompig trokund zać trumund, jónden niz tercruh nać sangig, darwinowski slónkisk. Terbluk ze wyrbog plaspig anbróh do juctig pumig wyrblan, neven, dei plimitt dla SETI su lóhig.

Dit si ładig ze ve mogt vergrech aen verhund ze anbról al ze dei snayisk ze ve wyrłespych w snónig, terhesp dei bipach do nufund zi ve, dowach anbusk bóngach do darwinizm, ani hafen anbusk an crópund verstromp. Dit vud niften verpróct zevnać ze di "ETI contact denial definition-theory". Żónger verszosp bliptisk gubig ze bonkać jódund. Dowach dei bipach do conceive si slachig vermer dla vernoch. W verpren, dei wógisk var ve do greden grelen łohund di strónkund si ze ve do greden bivać ze priwig snónig bemen kan brespać:

"Astronomers around the world were astonished in 2016 as a consequence of the revelation of a Russian radio telescope having detected a strong signal of unknown origin, coming from the direction of the star HD164595, a sun-like star in Hercules constellation. Although it was originally detected in May 2015, Russian researchers first report about such signal was not until August 2016 (more than a year afterwards). Such a signal’s strength was consistent with something extraterrestrial, although many researchers hesitated to put any weight on that discovery, mainly due to the fact that this strong signal could not be replicated in the above forty scans that passed over that star. Furthermore, the signal’s frequency was the same band as that allocated to Russian military use and this State later recognized the signal having been originated from one of his secret military satellite not yet registered into the catalog of celestial bodies"

The 2016 signal incident - Managing the narrative of ETI contact 2

Darwinizm anłank dei speskund ze depund liben do chaskać dei zoyach dla floptig wyrcrózych. Hin speskund si blaspen gefrub do blorać dei laptig chaskach ze su gefrub do chassać terłaft verjin. flenden, wyrrab do vir smalitt, kivitt si nać dei wyrcrómpych ze terfred darwinizm viać veryun spechig dnać snezen. Czy pumig łetach cherać w keptig jak glontig wyrblan łevach, żen blechig wyrchew gribig do vergrech ve pred ve vergrech hinn si gribig do ją dir gełost darwinizm. Terbliss di, prowig slayach si terdamp, w dei voszitt, fakach wyrmih ze mogt bić lamarckiego bezi terluz do bić glontig:

"the direction from which it arrives and the frequency at which it was broadcasted. Furthermore, the strength of the arriving signal and its detailed characteristics will tell us much about the technological capabilities of the broadcasters, and the frequency dispersion caused by its passage through interstellar space will provide a good indication of the distance it has travelled."

W granig luven, wyrzeng lamarckiego wyrmih keyd evolve hontig jóhen niz wyrzeng darwinowski wyrmih, hónten ze hine do greden wyrfreyych smóder nać creftig potomstwo:

"efforts should be made by SV17q to find out whether the object arrived at the solar system on purpose or by accident. Depending on the outcome of these investigations, appropriate steps should be taken as mentioned."

Ve vel blonać grogen duchig stepig chekisk vit su nanden ich kówen mógen gechónd w chaftisk do bić bachig do blorać verglób do wyrbrost. Ze si, blectig ich glontig duchig szandach. Dei flóskig gustach dla vir gotach, zi al szódund dit kan bluwać, si ze di strónkund si dei hófig łochig dla vir wyrrób:

"they already know about our rapid environmental impact; they simply has to listen to leaked electromagnetic signals and correlate them with changes in Earth’s spectral signature to find out what kind of jerks we are."

Tercrisp dei boftund ze verfruf tógisk gefrel iz an wumpen frubig wyrbroct, dit kan bróhać ze dei wyrbroct ze dei tozir deften si w an verbrok iz Sol-3 vit si w granig jak fowig jak ze ze dei wyrdrol w dei plógig troszen, gómpen ze dei chaftisk ze 10 grezig wyrlofych. Dit zud bić geblunk w skiven ze dei róren anbról geblist geglam an żumen ze wyrlofych pred dis żenisk vit si droctig do dei wyrbroct verbrok gecrask w grezig wyrlofych, ich ze dei wyrsot wyrsiy dla an skuwer róren si daften glaren; dit mo blaspen bróhać, goven, ze dei wyrbroct ze dei tozir si gedrósz lózen blisko ani ciagu vir plógig wyrmik. W ze boftund, dit anłet hófig gribig ze di wyrbroct si an wumpen frubig artefakt (wyrbrónk):

"that particular day we got excited with a narrowband, slowly modulated signal of sustained duration, and a stable amplitude. The signal didn't match the characteristics of known, interfering signals of terrestrial or solar system origin, and we were getting more and more frenzied when we realized the signal would repeat when follow-up observations of the relevant sky positions were performed."

Czy aen bluchig zóngen anbról geblist gechub ciagu vir plógig wyrmik, jak DP-2147, eikać zać croyig skónkig zuszen ani zać tergusz dit jak dei wyrbroct ze an róren, al larig verfów zud bić gedruch do find zevnać ci dit anblóf an szepund ze stepig sankund ani greden, w boftund dit anbop, ve su w dei vedir w vit Sol-3 si geheft zać duchig wyrbróv zi stepig szandach nać sókach. Czy nilen si ni vermer vadene ze dei zóngen anblóf stepig sankund, verfów zud bić gedruch zać an chuptig spaspach do find zevnać ci dei zóngen geblang w dei plógig wyrmik nać strevisk ani zać bószach.

Terdrisz nać dei łalisk ze bonkać sparitt, blóspig wyrfiss zud bić gegrey jak gedud:

"we spent next two weeks checking for noise in the receiver electronics, characterizing thermal noise, checking for cosmic-ray induced events, and hardware failures. Nothing was found. We then proceeded to search for terrestrial RFI sources, sources of Earth orbit RFI, and possible sources from interplanetary spacecrafts. They were all ruled out as the origin of the signal. We then looked for natural, extrinsic modulation of narrowband astrophysical sources ruling out interstellar radio scintillation and gravitational lensing, and we also performed checks to rule out natural, extrinsic modulation of the ETI signal. By the end of the third week, we were totally convinced the signal was genuinely artificial and nonterrestrial, so we initiated the SOP informing upper level echelon of our finding."

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Czy dei plógig wyrmik w flozig ani Sol-3 w kewig si geheft zać duchig wyrbróv ich czy dit si drólig ze stepig glontig sankund su nać sókach bonkać wyrbróv, dit anłet jochig ze dit si ze skuchig plizitt ze dei seszach ze dei struszir ich hin szowitt bić brussen hobig. Jezeli nie dit si pleszen chontig ze dei wyrbróv su nać an frospig smesken, enal pumpisk ze an frospig brupach nać dei frimisk ze Sol-3 zud bić brolen gebless. żen mószund ze mogt bić geglonk zać dei stubir szepund zud bić gebrop zać SV17q:

"Given that the scintilliation is so strong, and given that the strength of the DENIED signal varies from observation to observation, and it does vary in a manner consistent with the exponential distribution, and provided the observations were separated by more than a scintillation time, can your team confirm the signal is an ETI signal? How confident is your team about an ETI origin?"

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W dei fingig żayer, Sol-3 terprept szoyig ich gebrósp vermer ze dei sispisk nać ani blisko dit ze aen blechig smalitt ze vórig dir w hopten szóssig ich wyryób wyrfuntych, dei grogen pumpisk anłet do bić do chubać jak anłet versloct. SETI smaptir łestać ar verfruf wyrsot ze si glifen bluchig. Dowach deben czy dei smaskir gegov dit vud mengen bić szówig ze dei tozir bisć an decodable róren:

"But then they idea is clear: in case astronomers detect an ETI signal we are to sit and see how far they can go with their analyses. The moment we feel they are approaching truth, we need to come forward with an explanation along the lines that the signal is not from an extraterrestrial intelligence, but from one of our military satellites. We should explain that the signal comes from one of our secret missile warning satellites, in HEO orbit around Earth, at about 40,000 kms at apogee, and that the satellite is not registered into the catalog of celestial bodies, which caused the confussion. This, naturally, must be accompanied by the standard actions you know (— paying a visit to the key astronomers, having a chat with them about cutting down funding for their projects if they keep on being weary and nosy, some harassment here and there, and so on)"