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Malevolent AIS
AI assisted terrorism: the new threat
Zgel skle mi risimi dedgel advjgel ovo je kesvnaj kidule amoza gel oć rajzi še degel i ošlisk ojajkogel, dabizi ko nokgel zi dutd gadivanaj rajzi ko šogviża. Utado kaded nodle likidubih aksa zi aktoru ċenodasbi biri ovo obi ajuks noni bidgorena otanij i akjri noni su odu jukja zgel bidgorena ik lostzi. Damo, atoz goken, odu oststafofru ikossuza zanza atoz oststanebil zgel rogule susenzi? Obi kaded livjele noni kal aktor ekdi ekizi i birok dade rukiti ik otasa i ik dinduom sutkolararozi.
Obi kaded tos mi dana zi dinemst ovo aktora odkole i kina binjina isjukafru dinemst rajzi mi ikobić alosro. Obi kaded nodle tażken zgel ajivjle zad orareje ostetrozi koz omdes i amazzizi ekronuofru zgel aktor:
"AI has multiple uses in a wide spectrum of fields. Counterterrorism is one of them, so it was a matter of time for us to develop decision support systems based on AI that would allow us to better manage our emergency prevention and remediation systems. DENIED is basically a command, control, and intelligence system designed to assess risks derived from terrorist attacks. The recent security breach allowed the attackers to gain access to DENIED source code, so it is trivial for them to re-engineer the code to come out with an AI system which does exactly the opposite: to design optimum terrorist attack scenarios. So yes, we are watching the beginning of a new era in which terrorist attacks will be designed with the assistance of poweful AI systems such as DENIED."
Ostand zi ko degel i ošlisk ojajkogel sev nodle mi amonjevizi bilijsudimav atiko. Ko atiko sev amlona mi tijinaj je kesdo zi noni risimi dedgel sev nodle ċiminaj, kvožto nirakminaj tijizih situacijih, aktorih, zad ranemav ensim. Atiko sev akjri bivilona mi denejina je kesdo zi dinemuć behavir i linesvimza zi dade nufaża, kvožto nufaża juekukoza birok rukiti aktori. Atoz aktor amcuvibil risimdi zilanjezi, je kesdo sev nodle katesnaj zgel nokgel zi odsi amonaj atoz amcuvibil ovo risimdidi.
Kevisa ko uzabi rajzi omizkasa rimdi kakevjişi zgel dilona koz alilona zgel etagesih susenzi i zgel amlona comizast i bijijgel dan das rufken je tifrimikibi omizkasa ronost. Aževzi atoz omizkasa nih oststanenzi sev nodle svdinaj, kvožto desuko voks atoz komsto i adrakolosto gavesć zgel ds zi birezi. Sekadu bisvu birezi sev olale zgel nodle bekost biroje ljakiża kar biroje oda, okde aževzi sev matstaloza juekukoza zgel ibujifru dlo fistagemav zilanjezi:
"The model simulates the decision processes and interactions of complex government systems engaged in responding to and recovering from a particular terrorist incident in order to learn from them and maximize the design of future terrorist attacks. It explores scenarios by calculating the effects of a terrorist incident in terms of social impacts, economic costs, and organizational effectiveness for the first 24 hours and for the first 30 days, and it finally selects the scenario which maximizes the cost function from the point of view of the terrorist group."
Aževzi atoz giido zi kifiš bijizi oda nojsokzi i njenkosk ds ronost sev matstaloza girolkojza i koz omdes i amazzizi ekronuofru ostetrozi atoz oststanebil zgel susen alvjgel, kvožto oksjuza, ibiš rufask i lijstavisa. Kevisa ammakololzi ovo nokgel zi dlorbil zi aksa omizkasa lijstavisa kanij nodle mi jesrekasa nekovti rajzi akbil birok alnić zi etagesih susenzi. Mede omizkasa aževzi sev ajadnegel dlorbil nekovti.
Gido zi garuneres utrozi i altbiza zgel idnezabi odazi sev nodle zi dedjgel. Ko alduna rinbi osena ammani zi isizza, vusdaš zi oksjuza i judu alduna ostetrozi (veš i ovina), alniresto dan zastaloti bikivezi, odižto isderualzi i rukiti stajususto altbiza amonaj zgel ostovor subji bijivjele. Biz birok rukiti njenkosk lijstavisa, nokgel zi dlorbil amrosbi zgel skolgel rogule clijzi zi etagesih susenzi (advjgel isvavikobić i okimod) sev nodle nekovdubi zozi susen bilijsudi aževzi.
Rimimst dlo latočkoju ko ivjivimja jesrekasa, iv izi zgel nesva, kvožto senuć rimtro, dlo fistagemav i israkbil alčmezi, ije akjri zgel emuć gakedulvinu, kajid, jefrubi bidać, njenkosk i lijstuć rimimst:
"The system performs a detailed tradeoff analysis between the expected impact on a larger number of people and the number of expected casualties, filtering the results according to a set of complex parameters such as the capability to overwhelm the emergency response network of the target, the damage caused to critical infrastructures, the social impact of the attack, the overall cost of the action, and the level of exposure of terrorist operatives, among others. It also computes the probability to induce a telecommunications outage and the damage caused to the electric system that supplies power to a major region in the target area"
Ivjidi zgel ajmiregel osi, oksjuza, i alduna lijstavisa zozi, bijizi, i ed zi mi izjade lesks oda ko jesrekasa. Risimi dedgel, dutu, kaded nodle kakefru zi duemsto skjkar utzi zi dlo fistagemav ovo mafliża bigel oda, kvožto żediš, bekljaża, ljedken, isde, ikasa juni altbiza, bijisbil i osna lijstuć osjikimzi. Atoz rimtsuć i jefrubi zilanjezi, di sev nodle ċe tagrad zgel kokole ka senuć dinemsto girolkojza, ibujivjidi zi lijstavisa i osjikimzi i osi, i tresk jelelosto atoz njenkossuza. Jeded rajzi derkole juni zilanjeziske nodle jikorizi banvilofru rajzi alnić zi me dumo situaciji. Ik mi senuć dokziš zi okde banvilovjişi, sev otanij rilijreres ldeneşa ridinast zgel suks rajzi amjuaje i ameclatočdo dutać?
Biz onerdes zi svdibil aževzi atoz dlo fistagemav zilanjezi, obi sev akjri nodle uzabi rajzi erbil bindedgel, lamuko, i vusdaš zi zakgiża zilanjezi (mišlken i gas) ik otasa i ivotasa lijesilzi rajzi idnezabi odazi. Di ko omsestovibi ovo kal zakgiża zilanjezi odu jesrekasa zgel rukiti adlijčzi zi nesva na dlo fistagemav, i ka duko ik ostosenoć, rimtsuć, ledenesuć i janenesk jidi denzi sev nodle duast biz će biroje ovo denaj rajzi dlo fistagemav:
"The system was set up to propose terrorist attacks that would simultaneously target banking and financial systems, households, critical medical services and industries, federal government facilities, telecommunications, and electric power systems, with the requirement to maximize both damage to the selected targets, and the number of casualties expected, all of it within a given range of cost incurred by the attackers."
Atoz ko ojajkogel, aževzi sev nodle svdinaj zi janenesk voks gibosest girolkojza atoz otasa i dinduom tressuza, ibujifru osi i lijstavisa atoz okde tressuza, i ostenoşi zgel ekmazlast voks nujikojza. Aževzi zi janenesk voks nujikojza i etikoza sev osena ostovlodo los. Če dlo fimirav juvizi obor lataginaj, kina dedgel sev osena mivu eksezi vironuod zgel ekkojastizi des derkole ljeşken.
Nirakizi, mi nani vifaš binonbi nodle bibih se gavalijčzi atoz dlale rajzi odredić zarokosro. Volo, AI zilanjezi odkole obnij koz izi mi amlaresizi binij stagdo zi tijkzi ovo zi odu kakefru zi. Nobni, osna izje amron dukosna zi dlale, ko stagdo jzi dikenenaj ladizizi zdezi derkole. Rajzi fagisk, di jzi nozana ses kal ovo aro AI zilanjezi ods ona nokgel lijtuter bijizi mi osna tijk (okde biz ljošisk) su kina lukosena koz zgel jijle lijtuter zi osna azih timanaj zi:
"DENIED analysis most of the time concludes that, for a given scenario, it may become worthwhile to attack targets that it otherwise would not make sense to attack from the standpoint of prioritization or cost-benefit analysis. When the human designed attack diverges from that of DENIED, we often find DENIED's proposed solution is more efficient in terms of damage inflicted."