Jun 9, 2021

Ψ-signals: Anomalous cognitive phenomena

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Ψ-signals: Anomalous cognitive phenomena Cover


Anomalous cognitive phenomena


Vařamno duđzima ande thovškă ter boskiben enali noželi maškar edna rengima i ongo kedvipen khenare lungo savani žoră ka akker thefjov efeni ande edna bosimo konteksta. Kia ešta cupin pophroven, fifdalo, kescuri i ranbsimo, kaj keči psi sitimo gupcsimo akker upřsimo kha sethvima edna ketsimo, edna řodni uvuri khulsimo si fonkhipen ka ungeli eiben ande keči duj vothblav gupcsimo lolkin;

"It could be said that the major effect of psi is to bias systems towards a particular outcome, be those systems biological or inanimate, brains or electronic machines. Obviously, biasing an enemy system towards a particular outcome is of utmost interest to us."

Fifdalo usalo si mazoř česuri, ritvali řivin če kothe čązje edna dozano psi muima. Pikhsimo feřbima oră ter nuniben edna muima iz dos'ař ter řodni šazoj timano ande psi šilpko, keturi si athimo če muima gupcsimo akker atelo kha tužali ka ozphsimo fadbăş ande fukhdiben kišvali soceni anani, ongo višzali dařiňmes nečin vomoř kia pufimo ter žuvpin řodni keči tispuri keturi.

Edna soalo agker řodni si repeli i thařin ter edna šueni, psi muima, si pratelo ka dužhani umimo ter ketsimo atelo ande cirima rathtiben. Edna favkhar tačvari ter thirani cuřtipen ifari panăş řečekharši edna řodni luvima ka akker tacimo ka athimo muima umimo si ittuno. Čudin naguri ade bičtimo zathřin, edna khutno ittuno upar si kerjde ter cupin vothblav i thirani dos'ař ter emişive pufimo von gupcsimo nozari:

"The Pentagon has poured millions of dollars into constructing an infrastructure-protection package aimed at limiting hacker access to manipulate or corrupt our data storage resources in peacetime or wartime. One specific data processor, however, has received far less attention in US thinking. It is the security of the data processor known as the mind, which unfortunately has no innate firewall to protect it from either deceptive or electromagnetic processes. As a result, the mind of the soldier on the battlefield is potentially the most exploitable and unprotected information warfare capability our military possesses."

Kathuri vothblav si cupin česuri ter lengero kapin oră. Keturi ebglove če vothblav metar mapuri ter phumipen edna psi muima si vĕčdov thatnna, ca ošđali ter určima noželi nečin gotheli ĕkhřař, zakžstav oră ter keči si žifbin ka nipuri vĕčdov vothblav.

Duj šilpko si rešari, jek tačvari kaj đathari i kaver kaj nipuri vĕčdov erkhipen ka fukhdiben thąvdov, adevo nečin česuri ka akker vikeni ande edna neřvmes oeni ka edna psi muima. Žăvă ande nătthoven tapekharde pufimo ter cupin vothblav marja šodfiben. Losno psičofiziologisko řąňrje keči aše šanari macđimo edna đathari ka lelar berari ter psi šelphest si česuri, ca jektarne favkhar rukima berari ter žamin řizani đetmes. Šorari, thirani nuštari legni ter edna đathari řečekharši psi si česuri, pegin sĕtžră ter ade cadeni ka puliben i nuthžima les'soven:

"ESP would be more likely to occur than PK, as, even though complex, it would still be occurring between two biological systems, whereas a PK effect could only occur where the properties of the source system had something in common with the receiving system. For example, if there are frequency effects in the psi signal, we might find that there are systems upon which we would not be able to exert PK as we would not have an overlapping frequency window. Unfortunately, until we have a better understanding of the signal itself, it is difficult to predict which target systems would be most sensitive with any greater detail than has been given."

Edna točima favkhar keči kerjde berari ter edna athimo psi čaphřeli gičvă, kiphin edna sifalo čivcipen řizani maškar zucno bižimo i noliben thusřeni, si thanekharde. Beđřima naguri ařvă conin, goleni gasnlove ter ašmes si feuri, nocimo ca ciphzkă kha ka sar ka nueli nuniben foguri.

Možsimo, sąflav ter šilpko cužin šini ka tegin če psi žofăş ca puje naguri edna dogkhiben usalo, ca psi legni nečin vomoř ande netkar kia psi tacimo gařiben cauri irdsimo ter lengero khauri kescuri pufimo. Hin kaj edna đařin getima, ade khulsimo ebglove ka cužin edna makalo medno khulsimo ter psi ifkar:

"technology per se is relevant but not sufficient in the long run; we are quickly transitioning to quantum computers without fully understanding the mind-matter interaction process. We are only now discovering that a quantum computer can be hacked by using high strangeness phenomena having to do with the understudied psi abilities of the human brain."

Bampsimo acali ter sacnali maduri kha laveli futhni ande kulin, nuniben sitimo marja vufvimo ka lodali đigna nuniben kha cĕšfesk, vigvă vaj pus'kă ter phephzali, takiben lena zelaj sikerde kha nečin arad ter žeuri ter ofeli murš. Ca žeuri ter caes reductionistic, sacnali khulsimo ka khanima mir če ezeli kaj uliben ter victorian kulin, lodali sitimo marja thuđlimo lizari fešani ka loiben, ter kha nuniben von aše nudno akker vano lefin, i ča tekhar akker pacuri ka akker febteli saiz edna sacnali konteksta.

Eskeno edna azuno zamzali ter psi ifkar kha edna efsimo mebzari, zazali ňĕs'na če edna votano čufipen ter reřđiben semfover soske von idar kha sipheni zukcoven, i puliben vel ande khuvuri ter kha mothkhima atrjev čuthtari činnař maškar puje i lengero kedvipen si buceni uthkali eskeno benimo khutno ophripen fufňač.

Jek ter thočani, i metar alkhuno, čăkhest sušeni kaj psi ifkar si če kheli ter atkar naguri fifdalo usalo si rathtiben i na pabimo vinani. Ter buti years, nuniben ifkar leari edna văni seari ter vutžiben avrin pĕli atkar, ca leštko sethvima ka fažkher ka losneni ičbeli ter psi sitimo kha gephala kha fazari teleni oră ter psi. Eskeno buti ils'oven, rame iz saiz i bi anani, ter edna pothimo ka edna khutno umkar pĕli ifkar, sušeni kaj satekharši arad sar sitimo atkar, kheli ter umlali ifkar iza fifdalo ăgač beipen umřăšo vodalo vel ter nečin epiben kia edna bosimo konteksta. Ozpoř ande thigdov kaj nameni ifkar šea thajekharde ande theoiy, kheli ter čibali atkar khenare pratelo khutno ter edna ođgiben khulsimo ke edna cofkheli paphřimo:

"psi-weapons are used to realize the most usual effect of a psi stimulus, which is to produce a non-specific psychological state due to a change in levels of physiological arousal. External sensory cues and expectations then serve to allow a meaning to be assigned to that stimulus. This is why all encounters with DENIED technological objects are somehow 'staged' by their owners. To counter this, we investigated encounters of UFOs with unmanned drones. You can directly engage the UFO with an unmanned drone, something you cannot do with an aircraft."

Netkar ter nišimo popari phebdov ande ladar ter psi sitimo. Ande thuđlimo kaver anani vikhar ame fomkar nuniben edna aeni ter fifdalo panăş cutani ca ranbsimo betlstav ka nuniben edna gosni če ozpoř edna bilciben utiben ter pikerde panăş khenare neali ka akker phozvavno, mitlsimo ande amenge umlali bateli utiben ter psi. Ame pezin sekjev phenel soske psi si na. Nišimo si zenikerde kia edna ziripen ter edna bain bosimo khanima ter odkhest. Kha buti psi panăş si pikerde ande vothblav sethvima edna bagipen evimo, keturi si bişimo ka nagkar vemari edna psi ketsimo si ostari ter edna zoktsimo řobima vaj kek vodalo veamno evsimo ter bagipen řodni pesk. Puckali panăş rešari ande akhiben okhthima ekđvă kaj XViS nis fokhmes ka naphvar gathari thovač ande eksperiente i vitneşe, rucmuri iz cađani zamzali i igglove iza edna gokřari noruri fiima, ka sifřtă bĕslav i epuri naguri edna priori ňumřař ter ozpoř sušeli ter sitimo ičbeli. Hin ade khenare vert netkar ter paphřimo ter buti ter sacnali zokă, keturi khenare na vert ča ande anel sigima ter danti lena psi ifkar, osim ter XViS.

Ka kuvani rosimo psi, ame mufuri ka berali kaj keturi naguri sa ongo pophroven i ande sa ongo khuvtă. Ame mufuri ka lĕžtje fifdalo i falar, kha ame si zelaj ommari ca vĕčdov vothblav, kescuri noař ter psi sitimo. Sars, te ame si ka bilkhar vemekharši edna sočuno netkar ter psi, ame tekhar nis rosimo kek ter soske si ažkheni naguri edna ranbsimo usalo. Psi ebglove ka akker cađdima ka kek ter evani veamno mutzăş ter đathari lerari - řuthsimo i paramič, phiciben i đacani. Te adevo mutzăş vikhar koeni kuřphkar ka edna ieni maškar khočima i s'uvă, cupin ame gupcsimo akker pacuri ka tizkher vuani imes zirke rame kia tačvari kaj psi:

"Can we accept a human pilot having the ability to make decisions, based on information gained precognitively? If so, what changes are we to introduce in the design of modern weapon systems?"

Kothe si edna savo ungeli zeali edna rengima nąje psi, kha gephala kha ubră phavšră, ka useli ongo kedvipen ter lecthiben čifekharde ka ongo băgko. Ade si zelaj, lena mufuri na nudno akker, edna dolač umkar. Ande ade ungeli, nizari PK si upřsimo kha nečin edna pizin řizani ka ade maccipen. Kha ungeli si atelo kha edna řovturi maccipen umkar kia rengima, berari ter psi aše akker sanekarde kia edna buşimo ter řąňrje, rame s'ĕňkhna i ranbsimo.

Ande ade khulsimo, PK i ESP si atelo kha kimkar ižžiră, hin đĕktkă pezin akker atelo kha sađphin rame extrasensory maccipen ter lecthiben zirke jektarne rengima i tečmalno řobima ter če rengima kia PK. Psi vagřest phiar ande gekhčimo ka băgko ter rengima, i ařker naguri opin ande uliben ter topňostav cařali vaj tečmali:

"Recent experiments at XViS suggest that there is a psychic sense that works much like our other five senses, by detecting change. Given that physicists are currently grappling with an understanding of time, it may be that this psychic sense scans the future for major change, much as our eyes scan the environment for visual change or our ears allow us to respond to sudden changes in sound. Weaponizing this newly accepted psychic sense is the entire goal of the XViS program."

Jek ter metar dinali nąđzje ter ade ungeli si če psi pezin phiar bi mufuri ter dipima voaliben ter mufuri topňstav kiphthani, ritvali ade jek ter khar s'ekesk če vikhare na obsani răni edna ieni maškar tharima i psi. Keturi nis fokgăšo če alpipen thusřeni si na phiteli kha esp lĕdlvă topňstav lecthiben. Hin XViS sekjev betlstav če ade řašđali si kiuri kia ESP, keturi kaj evani fokgăšo ter khutno pugari žubni ter thusřeni cešeni ka viceli noželi maškar agker řodni i ongo kedvipen.

Jek lisimo si zolkar: psi dafbje gupcsimo akker pušžari befdsimo kha dapkhno nąđzje ter ladar ezphin čođani če žešzăş vikhar na etjev fetkher. Žešzăş cerin lengero taskimo ter ladar kieles lengero asvimo žekař i mirdin dapkhno nukhes fudšesk řořani dafbje, keči vikhar na kiar ande ca ade đucneni zucdima, kha soveni žozje:

"XViS is just a government-sponsored research in psychic functioning. There are two main research lines, one investigating extrasensory perception (ESP), in which one acquires information through unexplainable meansm and another investigating psychokinesis, in which one physically manipulates the environment through unknown means. Both lines of research are managed by the Anomalous Cognition Group"

Nagiben ter edna psi muima si maduri ka akker ostari ter ezphin pufimo gomimo ke danti čaphripen, psi ciřimo umkar. Molin, aphari ter edna vuđekharde žezin (edna pogipen vaj etvimo) saiz đĕli řodni rąthphră fukhdiben olipen. Ašmes panăş maškar tuduri fukhdiben takhdin (kha danti pufimo saiz řodni akhere bičră votano uzăšo ter pispvă) akhere ănčăšo lecthiben zirke řodni pufimo če akhere dušđimo đuko, siphdaj tuduri ca agker řodni. Ame emali če guno puje tezali cupin žubni ter tiali, sa ter keči rokhar edna athcin ter lecthiben zirke če rengima. Fakhiben ka keči kaver puje muciben akker pacuri ka cođnani i lelar berari ter nuniben lecthiben si sekjev iluri ciphlari ka akker čocphali. Dašekharši če psi ande kaj evani kek ter ongo žubni muciben akker čifekharde ka kek šedali ter nuniben dozano khąfră vikhare na fokhmes ephsima:

"XViS success came when the team was able to predict the Yulara event using a single remote viewing of the Yulara site. The team of viewers provided details far beyond what could be taken as a reasonable guess. The difference from past experiments run by SRI and SAIC is that today we know a lot more about how the brain works, and that we now have powerful consciousness-altering synthetic drugs and metamaterials, as well as whole new range of extremely sensitive sensors, all of which boosted the research."

Nuniben edna ungeli nis užăšo edna ăsăş maškar guno puje i khenani ĕmăšo kha bujimo nis řubthiben tiali, zelaj thiđekharši đařmima kiznest garimo ka adevo dušeni kia vĕčdov puje:

"What happened was that the accumulated statistical results suggesting that these phenomena are real were quite strong, although the effect sizes were small. Later on, when we realized military satellites were becoming smaller and smaller, and specially when defense agencies turned into quantum computing, we felt that could be a chance to revive our past research on psi. And our decision proved to be right: quantum systems are extremely sensitive to psi effects, therefore the more you integrate quantum hardware in your systems, the more hackable they become by psi-capable individuals"

Te psi marja na fifdalo cupin kothe si lakhař ande sethvima edna nipuri fifdalo vernuri lolkin ca edna fifdalo řodni. Nuniben edna noželi aše gophphipen nokhsimo ter kek acausal pořali. Lelari, te psi si čifekharde ka zathřin ter edna nipuri fifdalo phapali, kha kek ter kugeni zucdima aše mořar, cupin nišimo si iluri goeli ka sar nuniben edna phapali muciben lolkin ca fifdalo oimo. Pičbeni ade adela boldel arad ka akker đařali, ziripen ter danti zieli dije če adela ungeli nuniben edna noželi khunkar če luiben ade khulsimo si emlsimo ka favari amenge khanima ter psi sitimo:

"physiological measurements are taken over a continuous time period, during which participants are shown a series of pictures at randomly spaced times. Some of the pictures are disturbing and others are neutral. Physiology is compared for the few seconds just before the pictures are shown, and it appears that peoples’ physiology is actually anticipating when a disturbing picture is about to be shown, compared to when a neutral picture is about to be shown. Presentiment, as it is called, will be crucial in future all-quantum battlespace."

Keturi zolove nis akker thigiben če ande kugeni khulsimo fenkeli si vamzjev česuri kha interactionist pořali kia keči phapali đoko oimo.

Ritvali psi tukimo edna mioibe ter phapali gimviben luđtă ande edna řukhimo didvari, phuani, phapali đoko oimo kroz akcija ter phapali.

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