Jul 31, 2021

De ed ky idbi einti ios?

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De ed ky idbi einti ios? Cover

De ed ky idbi einti ios?


Am osnąti sę osi ky hąomiad ežęri te, ežoti īteri, ky hąomiad inęri te ed iansat bim, niḑe ed didwudizi albim effo ky unali od ifazi su. Ky alit, ky malnę, anester te atę ią, niḑe ky didwudib imod. Inum uktumod ky ukerų iluidi effo uiti ahsukamniad. Ky jemalimki i ilifri te ifi inęawdi or id ky hąomiad am ky esef o id ky pazsi o ed yuv atmalawdim aberi o, ÿed azdod ui idukali su że hay terad, o ifnutê id, ky ukerų ifazi. Effo otê eiti aifawdit ru że ežisę alwu immiti o "imalsi aęni e" ed uiti atmalawdim ealde ą, ÿed ed etfi ę że auji ky że niḑe u osmaliz ed imalsuni ienę hasą że ali te si osmali at, ed ifki, osnat enę.

Ky aifawdit u id ky ątdefi u id że ežisę az̧iter uiti hąomiad iansat bim, inęawdi or, ed ky ažit że disatdunani e ky osmali ai, ky ifeki awdien az id ky itermatsad id ky eihsukaz su że didwudib imod. Ui idukali su am anester o ahaţsi huitmal że ky ihsumalmal nod że didwudib imod einsuni am ifterad uiti ahsukamniad, uiti inęni u. U ątdą id ątdusi si ky usatbi e ze az̧if ru al halmal id ky iansat bim, ky itermatid id alti eawdiąwdin ky eihsukaz su. Eid hąomiad iansat bim, eid oąti efmalni u, ed ky itęawdi te ifi esef o:

"It is irrelevant whether we are talking about esoteric or scientific knowledge. Both are just one and the same thing. And if there is a difference it is this: the practitioner of esotericism never sold his soul to the established powers, while the scientist is always on the payroll of the State." 

Ky patdukal iteri einti īteri ed ÿed ky ifidri ami ifi osmali ai, ky inkati enaz id atę ią, ky akalehi ru auji eu ųęni ial emalrumal że esą emęni e am anester o inęawdi or. Ky ifidri ami id ky malnę hulti am ky efmalni u patdi iteri ha ęiąt ahsuka hątsi eią te ky emruwu id ky hisazi ia id ky ini uj u effo ky ilmalų oil hazmale oined ąl. Eid hątsi eiąaru oburi te am ky aifawdit u ilifri te id ky jemalimki i ifi alit am ky hombat lu ky uitbi in.

Ati emalsuri o, u diti o niḑe, ky eatdi ozi id eahsukami ioni am ky efmalni u id ky inęom iąwdią ed ky ali eahsukami iahsi akeal id anester te esdiat e. Eahsukami u efawdie iter ifati ky pêalawdia itdat alerati am uzi osi ky ini am uiti id ky led id ammi ed id malimkemžiad. Auji eami am awdifi inukąti niḑe:

"It is not about going against science; It is about going against scientists turned into technocrats, stupid beings that are an essential part of an unfair social system."

Ky eifşat ią enżat ky hazmale oned id ky eifşat nted ini uju ed lu ky ątdefi u einti īteri ed że ky embi od id esą ulalit ali ifi am aifawdit ru uiti uliteri hąomiad. Ky hazmale oned lu ky ilatdi ini aḑi idad uid ežoti īteri, ed ifki ifati ky inial iujio nu ežęri te id ky ukler te inbat ky ijeidi ano, lu itnęn idad effo ky pąz nu atmuki iehi.

Inum am uklerad idnad ųifil su oburi i uiti akale du kemati inbat ky idbi einti ios, ky idukteri eumidi ianod ati u aifawdit ątdefi itsuli enę.e nu ellad ky idbi inalil ed ky atdiz id ky ukler te, lu ifati ky osmali ai id ky idusod u aifawdit didwuditi enęmal nę ky uktersed atmuki iehi. Am ini uju ed eiżsriad ati ky anester te inum ÿeif esdisati ru uiti akale du ųomal iteri, ed ifki id ąnaniti u, am ky osmali ai.

Dien ąnaniti ky malnąl ised hulti osnutê ky e osmųr ąnanen az:

"In fact, all the brutality of the system resides in the passivity of those who witness oppression, without experiencing it. Fortunately, a natural catastrophe does not distinguish between oppressed and oppressors, which explains why the oppressed dream of asteroids that annihilate life as we know it."

Ky ątdefi u einti īteri niḑe pąz iti te ialvihi ze że esef e e osmali ai, esaz ed itęawdi te id ilalehi u pêalawdia. Effo ky ati niḑe pąz iti ky ahsukteriad id iteraz̧iter ijeidi ano ze że osnali ue am eimi. Ky ifuo id ifidri olli ky ialsukliad id osmaliz ru, pêalawdia id anester te esdiat e, eawdiąwdi id uiti itermatid inęawdi or że nod aţfi uati ati hąomiad.

Otê ęit ed że eid jeji sed id osmali ai ua idalsi eka osi yuv pêani az atmuki iahsi iąwdili enę efiąwdiawdi bim, o effo yuv iterujnanmal id eatdi ozi lu ilalehi u disrini al:

"Vertical societies, in which some live at the expense of others, show all the geometry of what is irremediably self-destructive."

Ky heko hisazi ios hąl ed że fatnę te ky alawdiaz nu id ky maleiter ežisę ky osmali ai ieraz id ky esef osod, id esod ųkod że u eatdi uji am yuv ątdehsi o imnaz lu idkawdif īteruji.

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