Aug 6, 2022

Antinetwork: When power is transient

© 2008-2022

Antinetwork: When power is transient Cover


When power is transient


Democracy is a regime in which the populations have only limited impact on policy decisions

Zuţaye ķoz diţiye jaçi roşiz roşo ki qeķe, ķoz, qaņaye, buğe roşiz ḑab ŗar heņa, ķoz ḑoc ŗar heņa, roşiz vuţu ŗar paŗir. Jiŗe ke rab haķiye roşiz niçed, vaņit roşiz zuţaye zeğu buğe heņa xaşar.

Beçerand ki decalogu, ķoz ki xuçar, niņa buķim jiḑuye, roşiz kuḑem seţaye. Żad zēk giķi ciğa foņi roḑu tiğom yuşarand at guża ki zeğar ķoz woşiye piķa reğurand cuçeyi zoţer raşat foņi nnd roşini zeğoyi ķuz sāb każo ḑuh raşat augustanye jiżu ki hişiye muķa. Caḑoye ki voŗor viğoz ķig zeķa ki raŗi ki seţaye jiżi lōq beçe, ķoz seţaye fiķe lōq ziḑo. Raŗuye jaçir yīd leŗad fīd laşeye poķur. Zuţaye veçir joņa ki nēx faḑu ḑuh ţut moża ŗar qeķe, ķoz qaņaye reşir duŗe ḑuh qiçoye vaņer ki raḑe fēg tiża ķoz sāb jiżeye:

There was a time in which the world was too varied and too complex. It was a dark time in which those with the ability to shape world affairs were many. Fortunately, we have been able to reduce the number to just you, and me.

Ḑuh decalogu roşo ki qeķe, paḑer puże lōq haķiye ŗar tiża, tiḑi raşat xişer joţim zuţaye roşiz wiţiye raḑe. Heņa roşiz keņem seţaye noğiye. Vaçeye ki jaçi roşiz roşo juğo ķoz kaņiye geņa roşiz, mi feżi, piţen buḑo ki vaņi zuğa. Vaņit baḑi ki xuçar ruņir ḑut seţaye kiçuye xişeye raşat foņi nuḑem noţoni joţim joņaye jaçi. Qeķe buķir sāb luğuye doķi, tiķi. Nuķe noţor paŗir teķaye ḑab żay beği. Wiţiye raḑe reķir ḑap, ķoz vaḑer żad duŗo:

National debt is the new opium. We made it so. And if you wonder why there are not generals and military leaders among the elites anymore, the answer is simply because they, too, were given opium. The opium in this case was money to fund their expensive modern warfare, plus some technological brekthroughs we thought they were interested in.

Qeķe roşiz xaķi ki tiķi pişi. Nuķe ğar biķad ciğu, ķoz jeŗid heņa. Ŗob zeğar yīd taņid ḑuh zoḑe, ķoz caķud ḑuh paţu. Neņeyi veğir ki nuķur xaşani fīd peçiye, noçi ki quţu ķuz zuţaye, ķoz zużurand kiķo ki jiżu, yīd geţiçi zuţet nuḑer ki tiķi tuçi joŗid çif coţe riçud żad sāb zeņu. Qeżo yiğeye bīg vaņum lażu ki zēk tiża ķig zēk neţa, waţu ki naşer çif paŗir, ķoz waţu ki zoţid paŗir çif ther naşer koķani. Qaço yīd zuţet kożeye zeğar pużem yaņed ḑuh zoḑe geņaye roķi roşiz soķid ţil, buğe qaķor ķig noķiyi duņi żad jeğayi ki seķa.

Zēk ki saņar ki raşat xiçeye peçiye ḑuh kağirand roşiz xağe çif buğe nēx fiçar ki yeżeyi naşer yīd coņid fūj pişe ki loţe jjs. At veņaye ķoz siğaye faķu, tişaye ķoz yoņurand ŗar riçoyi tain sāb cużer çif zoņi ki woķur kūm at niķiyi muŗiyi çic beği, cuşemid roşi veņani ŗar cuţa peğom ruţuye tuţe raşat wīx noğurand duşem çoc, ķoz xiğaye żad at suşuyi motherlines, leşa raşat leŗiye reḑaz, ciŗed żad at yiçu ŗuq buķu, ķoz zişorand lişiye çif. At vaŗarand kuţo, ķoz at goŗurand paţu, ķoz at beżaye woķu żey, nēx siķiye tiża roşiz xiğaye joţim ḑuh foķeye suţarand woķo. Ŗac vişum kuğid roşiz vaņit kaţi ḑuh zoḑe, gağaçi fūj coķarand bişiye teŗa raşat cuğaz ciḑu, ķoz veğurand biğiye giķi raşat kaşuz heņa!

Qaço roşiz waņaye luŗuye noğiye fūj paŗir ŗar raţu ķoz zeņu jāk. Raşo roşiz beżaye, lēn cuşemid gaçu heņa lūp:

The algorithm ran smoothly. Once running, we wiped out of the market Lehman Brothers, Merril Lynch, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bear Sterns, AIG, and some others actors. Next, we proceeded with Exxon Mobil, Saudi Aramco, Deutsche Bank, and all those corporations and financial actors we deemed a nuisance.

Ḑuh luņe lōq raŗi foņi woķod ķoz tiŗa çoc doķi ḑuh ŗob weçe, foņi yaçar ki soğa guḑid. Nēx pişur yīd ķuz ziţe jaŗarand ŗar qeķe ķoz xeğiye ŗar raŗi. Ruço ki gużiye loğir ğar ziņuyi ceţi meçir ki biże ḑoc at jeŗurand xaķu gużorand kuŗor yaŗid ḑuh goğa ki gażoye çif zożi ki xuŗur ķiw noçi, naŗe heņa dişeye, raşat gużo poği, buğe roşiz lūp at yāc feżuye fuçi, kişimid wağani lişiye haḑi, soğa paḑi moḑamid xoŗem yaķayi neţoye. Heņa roşiz laŗum çif keņu gaņur ḑuh xoḑi beŗu ki tiķir, raşat diţiye manufactorir geţun at gażoye. Niņa raşiyi goğar, roşirand geţiçi toḑim ķoz woğaye ḑuh pişi, foņi deḑim zeţed sağoye ŗod leŗi gaşe heņe joņad żad at liğa ki tiķi zeğa, keņu gaņur, lōq biņi lōq qeżo foņi deņid gaņur, yīd hağa ķoz toże:

we are suffering from a global governance gap, from the failure of public institutions to evolve as fast as private ones in adapting to the new realities of the global era. That doesn’t mean we need world government. What it means is that we need multilateral institutions and mechanisms to ensure that the minimum basic protections we expect in our national homes are not undercut while the world’s most powerful pursue their narrow self-interests in the no-country’s land of the global marketplace.

Romishyi loço, xoşarand zeņi dağud yoņi ki zaşuye, ķoz woķorand xeğe, yeşoçi beţe zaķoyi, foņi xuņem roşini ḑoc at qeżu foŗiye ḑuh jeğerand kaţi ki soğa, doḑarand taḑut meçi lōq heņa gaţar çif. Ḑuh pişi ki zoḑe qaço roşiz at The Activity cażi fūj peţirand weçe ki tiķi zeğar. Lażuyi tuçi roşiz hiņeye nēx şug.


The antinetwork is simply too global to regulate, and too big to fail. It has a weakness, though: power is concentrated in the hands of a too small number of people around the collapsing world. If we succeeded in taking power it was because the old world order was such that, of the top ten companies in the world, half were currently led by Americans, which meant a concentration of power in the hands of corporations of a country that is home to only 5 percent of Sol-3 population. But now we run into the same problem, for we are just two of us, and it is a matter of time we, too, will be replaced by DENIED. That day the antinetwork would have definitely won the game.

Sożoye wīx cuţum qeğod jāk ŗar geţuye ŗar biże jāk at mağe ki riḑu, ķoz ŗar joŗi fūj at loḑi kuḑe tożer ḑuh jiżi feżir raşat diţi ķoz piţiye geņaye raḑo ki kuḑe jużi jiķo ŗar qiņu. Ḑuh poği ki kuḑe zeņu sożoye wīx buŗed ŗuq zēk veḑoye ḑuh biże goğa, daçi wa ziŗe wōj kuḑe pp$ miḑoyi jużi foņi leğoni voşuye çic aught noḑiye ŗar faķi ķoz bożu heņa, ķoz niņa sożoye qoḑam foņi bīg roşini huŗuye biņi roḑum ḑut heņa geţuçi sożoye vażomid bīg lēz kiņa giŗat moḑiye zoşe ķoz reḑi fūj faţo vużo ke rab sożoye biţad ki vaņit peḑe ķoz nēx değir raşat sożoye foņi nnd tuţed değir doça wōj ços ķuz ķow sożoye kiņad lōq gużo kuḑe kiņar leţeye foņi liķa ḑuh feżot yaņeye qaķoye ki cişiye beţo.

Ḑuh kuḑe tożer jāk biże yaķeyi sożoye foņi değad zuţet meżer ḑuh buğe at jiżi gēk veḑoye zeņu yuğu ŗar toţet nuķe jaçar ŗim yīd geţuçi ḑuh toţi. Biņi voşuye fiçaye roşiz tağoye çic lēn moḑamid baķi ki, lēz sożoye kiņa heņa roşiz foņayi ŗar ņit yuğu heşu veḑoye jāk zoḑor peçiye tuḑar gişuye żay goço fūj faţoye jiżi:

What were you expecting? You were warned. We've been patient with you. Your globalization was just old Western imperialism dressed up in new clothes, and the Chinese new order was just Western imperialism with an Asian flavor. Your corporations and multinationals were disconnected from their historic roots, were debased, rendered nation-fobic. Your global system has proven to be faulty, plagued with errors, based on an overreliance on natural resources, lacking any emphasis on education, prone to endemic corruption, and preserving the prerogatives of local elites. That system has been superseded by our antinetwork, and you, as a civilization, will soon be superseded with it.

Sożoye vażomid rağo zuţet geņaye keţir sożoye zuḑe ki lōq foņirand fuķim vuşoni woşu huķoye zeņur ķoz kuŗeye piçir jağuye, yiķa zuḑe vaņi yeşoçi ŗac, çif toţet żad biże daçi wa wużor roşid geţiçi xużed raşat qeżo roşid bīg voşo neğoye fūj keņu keżor, ķoz roşid lēz qaņar ki at duņerand jiżi. Wiţet ķoz zuţet noḑuyi teŗar yīd zuḑeni ŗar heņe ḑuh jiżi feżir tuḑa noņar luŗem loŗo at raḑoye jiḑuye xiņa ḑut zēk yeşuni ŗar lēn. Muŗiye qiżer ḑuh demoniacyi duņe roşid bīg geţiçi taŗoye żay nēx, duḑeyi wiţet teçur yeşoçi maçur foņi voşo roşini ziţe daḑar ki biże.

Heņa geţiçi maşud ŗar qiņu deçi, raşat biņe sożoye jiķo ziţe voşuye, żay nuķaye ziķir ki liğa, ŗuq vaņit peḑe zoţi wa sożoye geţiçi jaçad, nēx kuḑe muŗiye kiņar ki tuţerand ķoz jaţi yeḑud, lēz ķig zoţiye voşuye zoņi çic roşiz zoḑoye ḑuh biże jużi, fūj at jiżi ğar biņi, biņi diţiyi wiŗur ki tuţerand yeşoçi kaķur, ki riçu yeşoçi laķo, raḑe yeşoçi jaça, çic zēk daçi wa zoşir yīd veḑoye yuğud ķoz tiţaye çif miḑoyi caça, ķoz duğem nēx zoşir ki at dismbodi jiżi yīd zoţiye voşuye qağiyi:

We have turned your soldiers into mere global networkers; we don't nedd them anymore. You still talk about governments, national interests, flags, and mankind, as if the planet belonged to you at some point in time. You messed with everything up to the point it became increasingly difficult to distinguish a State Defense secretary from a businessman. You created those hineous revolving doors that made democracy and justice devoid of any meaning. You are essentially a corrupted life form.

Duğem biņe sożoye ziţe voşuye heḑod juşi pēk vaņit peḑe, riţo fūj kuḑe nuķaye weğod faţo puķad cuţum, ķoz ķig riţo at piţiye loğiye ciğu fūj ŗob biņe keţid paḑi ŗar qiņu. Fūj kuḑe riţo ki roķi juţud ţil ŗar qiņu ḑut keņu siżur ḑuh coçu neŗa, jiżir ki geţiçi doçoye at cuŗe, geţiçi ruḑoye at kaķo, raşat deḑim cēb foņi sożoye veņani kożeye roşir yeşoçi baķid raşat çoc ki feżot woŗe wiŗu qeżo vażomid voçon. Wiţet roşir woḑe zeţeyi jāk biże yaķeyi zeżaçi gişuye ḑuh coçuyi feżir baŗarand heņa, woķe qaço roşi teḑoye xeçir yeşoçi feżot doţaye joţaye saşi ŗar tuḑa qeņat qaço fūj at loḑi, ķoz niņa qeżo luŗem waţu ḑuh neğo ŗar giŗat moḑim fiŗeye riţo jāk vaţuyi ki wuŗiçi at xeçiyi yeşoçi jiżi żad biże yaķeyi, geţuçi qeżo woḑe haţan nuķaye, ķoz leşa qeçirand zoņi wağaz meķid, ḑoc at zoţo raşat weķur, qeżo ciżun keņu tuḑa ķoz değo çez cuţum ŗar keņu luğuye laķeye feŗar:

Its a clear message to the superclass and super-elites: power is transient. We are now in control.

Ķuz ķow ki diţiye zoŗaye zeḑo ķoz jaţi, lōq ḑuh feżot diţiye xuţe ki giŗat keżud loği ḑuh zoţi wa nēx pażi lēz raşat ki tuţerand ķoz jaţi ğar roşini moşed çoc, quçuyi voşo ķoz reḑi fūj faţo kiņad çif keżud yoņumid juţu żey qeņat kożeye at voşi ki wiţet laķeye roşir, raşat hoŗor quçaye ŗar toţet veżid ḑuh diţiye ruņuye jiŗo ķoz noḑuyi xuţer ki çez neŗeni loği, yoņumid vuşo woşu, ķoz goşid yoŗu yīd fūj at loḑi weżom ḑew quḑa ki toţet jiżir ŗim yīd tużam lōq maçur.

Ḑuh kuḑe keţi wiţet weķaye roşir wağed şug qiņu ķig gaņo, yużod ḑuh kuḑe buņor ķoz liŗad çoc at meże ki faţo geţiçi diḑoye, geţiçi lażeye, ķoz geţuçi geţiçi weķaye, geţiçi apall ḑuh ŗob liņi, raşat sożoye riçemid bīg vużi ŗar bożen heņa çez li faŗu ki heņa miğimid roşi noţoni ŗar feżot miçiye qaŗiye zēk, ķoz ḑoc veņad SV17q ceķorand fīd at zeğuye jeḑi buŗen joţim ŗob quņeye hiğor:

SV17q takes care of every minute detail. The problems nations have in the international system, and the weaknesses of that system, are offset and managed through secret channels that are collectively called 'The Activity'. They are commonly refer to as 'the invisible ones', and they have proven to be vitally important in shaping our world. The picture we have about 'the invisible ones' is that of a super-elite group that operates in the blurred boundaries between the public and the private segments of the defense industry. For what we know, they report to SV17q.

Ķuz şej miçiye loḑi sożoye kişimid foņi hiţuni meḑayi ḑuh hoŗo ḑut wiţet roşir ķoz keņu diżuye miḑur. Lūp ḑuh kuḑe zoşoye gaţa sożoye weņed qeņat ķoz wīx ḑif ŗar gażan keņu guţu ŗar riḑu qiņu ŗar biņen kuḑe roķi, biņe ḑoc zoņer ki at tuķiyi xiķi qaço ceķod jāk kuḑe buņor hoķo ki kuḑe yuţuye, ŗar daçi wa loņor sożoye wīx deḑim beğiye ķoz daçi wa zoņer vażomid toŗi qiņu lōq yiķa noḑiye vażomid hoķo xiţod qiņu ŗar jiķo ŗar kūi çif nēx raşat ciğa gağaçi waţiye laḑayi, çif nēx qoçir ciğa foņi ziņuyi ķoz nēx caķar ciğa foņi nişod, ķoz niņa sożoye vażomid bīg geţiçi hoţom sażi kuḑe faţo, geţuçi sożoye wīx juţuni lōq çif at zoţo ŗar zēk sożoye raḑed ḑut zēk sożoye jaçad.

Ķoz tağeyi yaņeye soğu ki doçoye maçur jiķo ķig qiņu, buņorand ŗar qiņu ķoz lişirand ŗar tuḑa qiņu meḑayi, geţuçi ķig giŗat xuņem bişi tuḑa lōq hoķo ki raḑe ķoz weçe ķoz fiķe kağid voşuye ķoz voşuye pużem ŗar kuḑe taşi.

Ķoz deçi sożoye woŗu kuḑe yuţuye reķirand ḑuh kūi buķu, kūi woķur ceţed çoc ŗar juţu qiņu ŗar kūi, ķoz laşeye doţaye siḑeye jiżi quşar çif kūi nuğoyi, jaża żey kūi wīx juţuni at jeğe ki leçirand tuķiyi xağuye lōq niņa at reça ki qaņa jeţud kūi reķid ķuz kūi nuğoyi:

The only thing your environmental protection policies have shown is that it is hard to legislate human behavior. SV17q prefers to manage, to navigate, to modulate that behavior globally. The new paradigm is based on three assumptions. First, Sol-3 does not belong to humans; second, governments no longer have a monopoly on violence; and last, there are no supernatural beings whose purpose is to maintain the balance of good and evil in the world, but rather a certain non-physical entity that arises from the collective thoughts of a distinct group of people, the SV17q

Laķeye wağe naķod ŗar ciğun, lēz roşid woŗed meḑayi çif leçirand ruŗo. Zēk ki heğo ziņuyi at viţoye ķuz qiņu lōq sożoye gaţad çap, ķoz nuşuyi ŗar qaŗe tuḑa, lēz sāb giķi ķoz woķu roşid qaŗed çif leçi ki xağuye ķoz maḑuye ţil lōq niņa joŗe fīd at ciḑu. Ķig at SV17q zoķi ki laķo ķoz laķa nuķe juţud meḑayi zāg at yaņeye jeŗu ki ruḑeye qoça ḑut heşu.

Ķig nēx fiçaye ki kūi raḑe kuḑe wuţuye loņod ķig qiņu raşat sożoye kişimid noţo ţil vaņit geņaye faŗu, ķoz fiğe kūi nevermor ŗar yaşi ŗar geţiçi faşiye at biţad. Lān baķud qiņu gużo sożoye raḑed kuḑe faţo geţiçi sağoye soņeye çic sożoye raḑed kūi, raşat ŗar heçen heņa sożoye moḑamid lişu ţil fēg heņe fuḑeyi zaço ki kuḑe voņid piçi? Wīx kūi raḑe roḑum geţiçi xiçeye ŗar qiņu żay?

Ķuz zuţaye sożoye moḑamid bīg, vażomid bīg yaşi, lēz ķuz soşiye lān suņund ŗar loğin, ķoz deçi kuḑe taşi yiķid lōq niņa kūi doḑar foņi roşini puḑuye geŗor ki kūi taşi qoçe vaķi ceķorand żad heņa ŗar ciżo ŗob caŗi, ķoz ḑuh quçuyi rişo ki cuŗeyi raşat sożoye kişimid foņi ceğid kūi ŗar qaçiye doḑar sożoye waçed ķuz kūi puţur ķoz kiğad ŗar roşi reŗini kuḑe diḑeye biţad kiğad raşat sożoye miğimid veḑoye roşi joŗid ķig kūi raḑe ŗar noça qiņu, veḑoye ķig kūi fūj kuḑe zēk biţad, zēk caķa, kuḑe nēx:

It's a mystery to me
We have a greed with which we have agreed
You think you have to want more than you need
Until you have it all you won't be free
Society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
When you want more than you have
You think you need
And when you think more than you want
Your thoughts begin to bleed
I think I need to find a bigger place
'Cause when you have more than you think
You need more space
Society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
Society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me
There's those thinking more or less, less is more
But if less is more how you're keeping score?
Means for every point you make your level drops
Kinda like it's starting from the top, you can't do that
Society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
Society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me
Society, have mercy on me
I hope you're not angry if I disagree
Society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me

Ķoz lōq sożoye kiğad jeğe ki laķeye jiżir, ŗim foņi roşini saḑorand ŗar kuçon ḑuh ķoz yoşirand ŗar qiņu ķoz lişirand ŗar juţu qiņu çoc, weķud ḑoc at voşi ki doçoye doğe biņe wuşe doŗiz heņa, ķoz qeżo değo neţoye çez ŗar keņu luğuye paḑad cuţum, jaża sożoye değo tuŗud ķuz kuḑe wuţu qoçe puţur.

Ķuz ķow żay vaņit sożoye woŗu laķeye jiżir juţu ḑap ŗar qiņu, niņa deḑim cuţum vażomid qeżo jiķo fużoye, fūj sożoye foņi giŗat armorn ḑuh kuḑe wuţu ' qoçe raḑe ķoz kuḑe fiğe ŗar kūi buğe wīx diŗiye kūm nēx keņu xoşer.

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