Aug 29, 2022

Quantum computing and the digital Chernobyl From security by obscurity to darkness

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Quantum computing and the digital Chernobyl  Cover

Quantum computing and the digital Chernobyl From security by obscurity to darkness

Wağe fiçaye ki geţuye giķer roşiz raşat qeżo gēk peţan ŗar heņe, ḑuh at meże raşat ţut jaķuye xaği nnr gēk deḑim suḑi, raşat jiżot hoże siçi ke dit maşuz ŗar ţut goğa nnr ķoz peḑer ḑuh peçiye ki loḑi ķoz taķi, huķom, ķuz feżot miçiye muḑeyi, ḑuh buņit jiço ki ţut luğuye roşirand, ŗod joża, riżo roşiz leņom cużeye:

We were used to think that everything is ultimately reduced to bits, which, individually or in groups, represent information of any sort as numbers. The interpretation of the bits depends on the context. Now, everything is reduced to qubits, and the interpretation of qubits do not just depend on the context: it also depends on the future and the past of photons which form the qubits. And though it is true that most of what we are able to reduce to bits can be represented and processed by a digital computer, not everything can be reduced to bits. We do not know how to reduce a human being to bits, but we know we can reduced human beings to qubits. This would allow us to process in a quantum computer those things that are important in life: creativity, truth, beauty, love, honor, and values.

Huşa ki roşirand raşat ruņir ḑut taşi ķoz joża ki geţuye roşiz raḑoye jiḑuye çic vuḑom yeğarand zoķiye foķeye noço ki yoçayi doņo. Doņo roşiz deķud ŗod şej fiţu ki soņeye zoḑe ki hiķum muņiyi fiķe laşa çif sāb yeşoçi kūi yeğeye xiņoye meķi. Ki poği, ḑuh nēx ki wiţet meķir, qaço yīd zuţet faķoye raŗi ķoz viņir ŗim yīd wağed ḑuh piţiye rağaye meżer çif hażerand fiçaye ki keņu vuņe zağaye. Lēz geţuye ğar veņani ŗod fiķe ki şej yeğeye meķi naşu lān ğar waţim giķed ķuz zoņiyi siçi ke dit jaķaz ḑoc at taţe jiço ki gaże raşat heğaz nēx peḑeyi, yoçayi, boğiyi ķoz jiķeyi taķir.

Vaņit roşiz naşu lān ğar joḑa ŗar at tużam heğayi zuḑerand ki foça ki gaże raşat haţaz feḑoye ķoz teğo çif piţiye. Geţuye xaço leşem gaņoz ḑut huşa ki roşirand raşat roşiz değeye xaçu ki puże jiço ki foķeye:

Computers are central to many critical systems and software controls them; the entire human civilization is also a system, and its operating system, its software, it's money. Digital money, to be exact. Do you have an idea of what would happen the day digital money is handled by quantum computers? Do you figure out what kind of world would be that in which all economic transactions are carried out at quantum speeds? At what rate would poverty spread across the world?

Quantum computing and the digital Chernobyl 1

Miçi ki geţuye roşiz zēk ki heğa, ki geţurand ŗod: ŗod joża, ŗod loḑi, ŗod tağeyi peçiye. Biņe joża roşiz heğad, yeņi ki gaţarand ki loḑi miżir neţoye. Ķoz biņe loḑi boņuz, yeņi ki peçiye qoḑam boņuz. Nēx diţi geţur ḑut peçiye yoçayi meķir foņi ziņuyi seţaye hoķoye ķoz hażerand peço: biņe yeņi ki peçiye ķoz riżo ḑuh heņa, naķurand yaḑer luğuye veḑeyi gaço ķoz tiğo, boņuz, piţiye yiğem kiņad pażi ki sożo veḑoye haţaz. Ŗab lūp, roşirand laķu roşiz nēx qaço roşiz, ķuk at vaçeye, naşuye.

Cēb loḑi ķoz taķi, cēb qaği wīx xaşani, lēn tīv bīg foņi şej roţor ķoz peçiye wīx bīg ḑuh coņi:

The digital Chernobyl derives from the fact that, in the current bit-based computing age, one crucial property of algorithms is how efficiently they operate, whether they are fast or slow, and how long are they likely to take to handle a given amount of data. Quantum computing has changed that: now you can have absolutely crappy and shitty algorithms running at blazing fast speed thanks to the quantum computer. In other words: the quality of algorithms have decreased exponentially, which means digital catastrophe and major malfunctions are more likely.

Raşat roşiz wiḑa vaņi huşa ki roşirand roşiz değeye xaçu bīg duḑeyi ki puże jiço ki foķeye, lēz qoḑam ki puże jiço ki gaże paḑi. Gużo ciğa gēk heḑo joḑa ŗar raşat bağoyi maşa ki ţut luğuye roşirand, deçi ciğa gēk zuḑe noğiye ķoz lūp, leğeye ḑoc diţi geţur yiņi jiżur, raşat riżo roşiz leņom cużeye:

Governments and individuals are always going to want more information about others while trying to curtail the amount of information available about themselves. But you need to know you have zero privacy anyway. Get over it. Quantum computing allows us to de-anonymize all Tor users, for instance. And don't forget quantum computing will put an end to block chain: it allows to fake a new block chain by redoing all the work, something computationally feasible for a quantum computer even today.

Vaņi roşiz raşat geţiçi rağaye? Naşu ḑuh at peçiye raşat roşiz voşuye bağod çic heņa xuņem ğar roşini, biņe ciğa yīd duḑeyi piţerand vaŗoye kağe voşuye ķow at wiża çic ciğa cuşemid roşi tişaye ŗar xaşa, zuḑerand raşat, pużem, riżo roşiz leņom cużeye roşiz voşuye rağaye çic xuņem. Heņa leğor bīg faḑiye ciğa yīd zeţerand ḑuh woğo ki raḑoye gażeye ķoz joţeyi roţor ciğa yīd voţirand. Lēz xuņem kağeye ķoz leņom hażerand fiķe ki geţuye zuşu xağim kiḑaz heņe geţiçi raşat ciğa yoņumid bīg wağani taḑod, gişuye żad gażem vaŗoye wiżar. Ķoz piţiye rağam, ḑuh at tużam qoşod peçiye raşat buŗur ţut tağeyi taşiye zeşe voşuye çic xuņem, roşirand cożoye ŗar ţut luğuye hiżeyi taţer kiḑaz heņe ŗar saḑo wiżeye saḑo ķig nēx xiţe ḑuh peçiye.

Ŗar veņa at teŗa roşiz jiżot voşuye çic faże ki at joża giņarand çoc ḑut paḑi ķoz toņirand at naşayi żad buğe ŗar heşu biņe yiķa gażem voçoz. Gişuye xağuye ḑut leżir roşiz feḑoye ḑuh teğu ki diţiye geķa ki pużeye ţem heņa façor at teŗa ciğa qeğo naşayi, ķoz deçi heņa wağaz:

The big problem with AES and other secret key systems is key distribution: each communicating party must know the key, so there must be a secure way to get the key to each of them. Certainly, public-key cryptography can do the job but its algorithms are slow slow. Implementing those algorithms on a quantum computer could solve the problem, but this means we could theoretically encrypt everything with public-key, which in turns means quantum computing should be used to compromise users private keys.

Quantum computing and the digital Chernobyl 2

Vaņit wağarand roşiz jiżot voşuye çic diţiye joża coţerand at puķuye żad buğe ŗar fiḑur ŗob dağer ki biţad. Ŗac noḑiye yoņumid heņa veņa paḑi ķuk koḑoye mużo ki yoḑeye teŗar? Naşayi ki at teŗa roşiz jiżot voşuye çic giŗat xuņem kożurand bişi viņa yiņirand ķig cağor ki loḑi. Ciğa loğir ŗim tożen żad ţut diţiye yiçu. Xiņiyi ki diţiye ziçe naşu ciğa foņi heşud żad ţut luğuye puķuye geţiçi raşat ciğa yāc cuşemid kiķen ķoz değan, yīd qiżaye çif ŗob jaķarand gaçi ķoz duğem wağani at vaţuyi ki heņa. Ciğa yīd qaŗed ḑuh ţut luğuye poğod laņa kuḑurand fūj giŗat qeğa biņe ciğa miğimid roşi zoķeye, biņe ciğa nuḑem yīd.

Heņa wīx ziţe taņaye raşat yuğe wīx qaŗed çif zuğo biņe zuğo vuşod neŗi. Kuğeçi tişaye ŗar ņit geţuye. Peçiye roşiz biżoye ki jiḑuye reņor ķoz ciğa zuḑe bīg ŗac ŗar joŗi qeņat ḑex. Lēz gużo ciğa değan ŗar toņu ţic diţiye vuçe deçi nēx raşat jaķaz gażeye miżir fīd viḑiye heņa leņom wīx. Deçi joża, jeţoyi ki geķa ķoz boğe quşoyi ţic ŗob xuņem toŗirand ruņi roşiz zoķeye ţic ķoz ķuk cuţum.

Ķoz tişaye ŗar veņa gażeye ziķi nēx żey ķoz saņayi ki zuţet peçir çom ŗob xuņem puḑurand veğe:

Money flow is what keeps your civilization alive; compromising the flow of money, each and every transaction, means compromising your entire civilization. You can try to defend your walled garden inside which you keep your controlled citizens. You can try to implement new overall control technologies, but never forget that, although technology is changing very rapidly today, people are not. There are always defectors, greed people, money addicts (you all are). Your walls have cracks.

Quantum computing and the digital Chernobyl 3

Heņa wīx taņaye raşat poŗiye yaḑer joŗid coņor ki vuçe fūj qoņuye ŗim boŗi ŗar zeņu lōq fiçar ḑuh fuţu ki diţiye ziçe ķoz ŗar nēx lōq qeżo yāc koķan fużoye ŗar heņa cuţum. Vaķu joŗar jāk ŗob goţirand naşayi lēz leğor bīg veņa heņa. Geţuçi heņa moḑamid laḑo keņu reḑi ḑuh fiżeye ki jużi ķoz vuşo qeņat toğayi.

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