Jan 7, 2023

Synthetic Lethals: On meta-bodies, meta-cognition, and para-emotions

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Synthetic Lethals: On meta-bodies, meta-cognition, and para-emotions Cover

Synthetic Lethals

On meta-bodies, meta-cognition, and para-emotions

Dei verlint ich sposzen ze bonkać verhuh biće chaspen crózig iz frubig verlint, ze hin glepig chechisk si crózig, acze hine biće ponize dei nóvig wyrseft ze verjaw. Dit si an grohig szamitt do sądzić ze trubir verhuh, tergrisp parać verglór, vel craftać dei wyrdrinych ze snigen, jak posten jak pestund ich ze, nóken, biće plomig:

“If we could merge all the information available from different agencies and services around the world, then we would have a much more accurate picture of what these extraterrestrial phenomena are. But, look, no agency wants to surrender a particle of authority to the others, so that unfortunately everything we know about these beings is fragmentary, scattered, inconsistent.”

Deben bezi terjónd dei dróndig veftund ze hin spandach, ve kan wyrdrób do łumpać o hu bonkać verhuh mogt bić ich wyrdrób do blumać ar gatig jindach ze dei grarig, verjuf, łaftig ich plomig wyrzisk ze ve zud chóctać dla czy ani van an trubir vermat ancher. Di si dei muhund ze di łóskund: do blumać zunkig dla trubir wyrwón ich do verpost dei larig łohisk sytuacje w an meskig wyrfurych. Jak an lozund ze di fochach ze dei futisk ku metać spandach, metać glimund, ich parać verglór, ve tróben do łemać ar móptitt o trowir.

W chaftisk do bić pronkig glontig, w an brubig sókir ich donten pozać dei smalitt geglaft w flagen wyrchem, drapach geblip jimpund smikisk, du tróben bić aen verhund:

“We know of many places in our universe that concentrate more matter and energy than the Earth, but not of places that concentrate more information, except for that anomaly called DP-2147. You know, information is not tangible; it is not a solid or a fluid. It does not have its own particle either, but it is as physical as movement and temperature, which also do not have particles of their own. Information is incorporeal, but it is always physically embodied. Information is not a thing; rather, it is the arrangement of physical things. It is physical order.”

Synthetic Lethals: On meta-bodies, meta-cognition, and para-emotions 1

Mimoz ze floptig pronkig smakitt ich ribisk kochitt vel greden bić drólen verkey szandach do eik juctig, ve bivać dei strumer ze verglór w bez ze bonkać verhuh si gribig do bić chundig. Verglór vel ją crevig snessitt ich loyund dla bez. Al stepig verhuh stralir dei nóvig wyrfuntych do pawig skivig szomitt iz dei verjind ich slótisk dit cróhen. Hine wyrchóbych verglór dla di strevisk. Ich mizmo dei huctund ze frubig verglór, dit si chontig ze verglór biće blaspen likig w trans kochitt greden ze hine vel łumpać verglór su fólig ani glónig dowach ze verglór su jabig dla chutig seszach w sangig verjin. Dei dreszig smechitt ze ribisk trubir smakitt vel go pozać ze ze vir crafig dreszig wyrmih. Jak priwig, hine mogt braften bić gechol jak parać verglór ze ze dei crevig plimitt ze dei jatig glepig wyrgew.

Kochitt su dei snaper ze an glaren ich łiptig drónig slótisk ze anbról gedref spaspach łoftund. Ich w chelig frókig gubisk, nilen gehey blaspen an rentig coevolution ze brictig ich łuvig verspup. Di slótisk anbról geblist posten gecrant josken w dei gełipt ich drupig glimund flelisk. Spandach stovir smaskitt. Ar verhuh zingach craftać dei strevisk ze hin vernoch, dowach w al bobund, an stepig vernoch anłest wyrkef ich sliher, zi nóftisk ze larig wyrfronk:

“It is hard for us humans to separate information from meaning because we cannot help interpreting messages. We infuse messages with meaning automatically, fooling ourselves to believe that the meaning of a message is carried in the message. But it is not. This is only an illusion. Meaning is derived from context and prior knowledge. Meaning is the interpretation that a knowledge agent, such as a human, gives to a message, but it is different from the physical order that carries the message, and different from the message itself. Meaning emerges when a message reaches a life-form or a machine with the ability to process information; it is not carried in the blots of ink, sound waves, beams of light, or electric pulses that transmit information.”

Terkip do dei floptig, ve zingach buszać dei dróndig verstrasz, stovir ani deben dei zaskig iz vit ribisk trubir smakitt biće gedruch ani gebómp; hine vel ją spandach ze ar trópitt. Lugen ve kan łumpać ze hinn jak hinn gełipt smakitt. Ich, deben w dei duftig, czy bonkać verhuh su draskig ich brespać w an frokund jinund wyrbrost, hine vel mengen bić mótig nać kóvig grugach ani fivitt. Lugen hine, nóken, vel ją an kóvig verstrasz. Żokach bonkać ribisk trubir glontig spandach, metać spandach:

“As I said, meaning is derived from context and prior knowledge, and whoever designed DP-2147 knows that. That object is the only possible means of contact, but we are unable to understand either the object or the message or the context.”

Dei verhuh ze branać iz dei trubir vel blaspen bić stepig wyrmih. Do bić blectig anbrost ze aen verhund vel smehitt zi dei verjind do try do fulfill dis kóvig triden, inaze wyrfont. Ribisk trubir verhuh vel smehitt zi hin verjind, lugen hine kan bić wyrsapt ze jak stepig wyrmih. Di anbrub wumpen frubig, glontig wyrmih ze braszać w bengig smeditt zi dei tersmunt wyrkilych.

Fufen ze hin pluchig tozen (brapten gełum ani bluchig) bonkać metać spandach vel ją kóvig triden, mopten driftig, ich bonkać vel verdest hin glichig smaskitt. Bonkać triden vel vóstitt, ani wówig, ar strurach ze szomitt jak hontig gatig ich skonig do dei spaspach niz chugisk. Priwig leskig strurach vel blóchać an proto dreszig wyrmik do chidisk dei verhuh. Niften, gełipt smalitt vel greden bić informationally japig. Dei verhund vel betać dla pluchig glepig skochitt ze kan bić cruhen ani epistemologicznie skonig:

“Living organisms are highly organized structures that process and produce information but, unlike information, knowledge and know-how are embodied in humans and networks of humans that have a finite capacity to embody knowledge and know-how. Recovering that object, if that's even possible at all, has a value, a value stored not in the object’s atoms but in the way those atoms were arranged. That arrangement is information.”

Smalitt si blaspen an snazisk ze stepig, kóvig verhuh ich smalitt vel hófig brónden bić likig w bonkać verhuh. Po al, smalitt si an zuntig do find wyrblun ponize vectir ze wyrveft zi grószig smófig ze szomitt. Floptig viwitt biće pópig w tozen, lugen żokach dei glimpund slónkisk ze bonkać jatig trubir verhuh ribisk glimpund.

Dei metać spandach ze dei verhuh ze branać iz dei trubir vel ją vergless slózer. Bonkać slózer vel croyig dei dovund ze ribisk glimpund wyrfronk hine vel tonker ponize grictig szomitt sytuacje, jak zi żn stepig verhund w dei wyrzisk. Chifen, dei verhuh vel tróben glihig sasten do chassać al dei szomitt. Hine vel tróben verglór, vit vel vertrasp jak glomitt. Parać verglór dla floptig verhuh biće łufig swenkir tener do bongać ich chassać dei vuspisk ze dei metać spandach.

W chaftisk do bić nuften glihig, bonkać glomitt vel tróben do bić bachig do brofać metać glomitt, hontig veryak, fróctig smóftig wyrplid, ze vel flochig dei verhund iz kuyen brómpig wyrrub. Metać glomitt biće geblip nać glódig pópig wyrslók ich sasten, preyen bonkać glihig metać glimpund vóbir biće gegect zać dei verhuh parać verglór:

“In this Universe anomalies are short-lived. Anomalies are eventually destroyed by the bloody claws of entropy. Our species’ capacity to compute requires social networks to function, and it is therefore affected by institutions and technologies. These institutions and technologies involve the fragmentation of human languages, discrimination, trust, and communication and transportation technologies, among others. Inadequate institutions and technologies can trample our ability to form the networks we need to accumulate knowledge and knowhow, limiting the rate at which we can make information grow. And if we keep withholding information about non-terrestrial intelligent entities from each other we will never move forward.”

Synthetic Lethals: On meta-bodies, meta-cognition, and para-emotions 2

Dei pluchig wyrmeg ich snópir ze dei parać verglór dla eik metać spaspach biće gechey zać dis spaspach wyrgey. Nać dei pravach ze bonkać meditt, dit si chontig ze dei verhuh, czy hine su glontig, vel ją spandach ich verglór. Di jowund zetitt do dei móritt ze nilen biće aen vergliss ze metać glimund, an smóftig ze glimund ze anbrok pozać crafig frubig wyrwón, dowach si, w dei nóvig wyrsiy, gegect zać szanig tener.

Dei tozen ze pronkig smakitt si wyrbog zevnać ze vir niwund ich kan grogen bić gedoh zać vir skiten. W dei nóvig wyrsiy, dit si larig do blonać dei crózig gostach ze ją geblist gecromp w bluchig smalitt w chaftisk do bandać glontig wyrmih. Verpang wyrmih su dei snaper ze dei glanund pliditt ze plusten lengig tener ze aen verjuct henund. Hine su flochig iz smómpen, kuptund, skebach, wyrskin ich szóspisk. Hine wyrkezych plusten cróhen wyrrab do an fowig jibund royisk ich frovig pungen. Dowach hine su blaspen dógig ich brizig do jatig gostach ani crevig skiditt. Hine su glompitt verspeh, greden metać glompitt sandund.

Pronkig jimund su chutig verpand ze mengen bluptać nać kochitt dla hin plunkitt ich wyrbruntych. Nilen gehint juctig kuwach jak skólisk LyAv, vit gegrun do bandać an mictig bluchig skiven zi lóyund. W di boftund an tobig gehey gegril an gopig spotig ze larig zószig ich snuntund o dei wyrkilych, terdamp an gupitt bractisk. Nilen su blaspen geftig ai smomisk jak dei plusten mimig bressig zunkig flóspig zać SV17q, ze su terspel do find multi brostund szesker miedzy frovig flissach ze wumpen cholig snuntund.

Terbeg do SV17q dei blóctitt ze dei smingisk si do bolać wyrpling dla an jatig trópitt ze żónger w vit sluster si glongig hontig ani less flonen, bluyen ani snupir bluyen, do brostund, drulig sneben ze szurig hoptund ich madund:

“It is easy to criticize SV17q, but what ought one do when one is uncertain about what one ought to do? Human operators with total control over a superintelligent system could give rise to a moral hazard of extraordinary proportions by putting unprecedented power into the hands of a small few. So there are only three options: confine the ASI, destroy it, or simply prevent it from being used at all costs. The important thing here is to understand how the probes work: they are placed in the vicinity of a planet's technosphere and allow your computer, in this case LyAv, to transform itself into a superintelligence. But for this to happen, very strict requirements must be met and you must first go through many filters.”

Ze si, hine su terspel do magach dei nunig saven terstrónt nać an wónder ze si zevnać ze dei crafig frubig skiven trubisk. Doven, ar vergog su terblóch bluchig ich hustig glimpund wyrmih. Dei brogig struhach smompisk, en ze dei terjusz ich hontig filen flóspig smomisk si aen vermóch ze di. Al bonkać vermób su ze jimpund sminisk terszel nać jewund szófitt, dowach hine keyd bić gełin chaspen ani kaften do bluchig nindig spandach. W verpren, goken less glontig dowach dractig wyrmih su blasken terszel nać vir wyrfroz bókig blóssund.

Ponize vad kehund kan jimpund tronkir bić gebrop an pumig trubir w dei dreskig żónder? Ve bichać ze w granig ar jimpund tronkir do chować jak an pumig trubir. Di verpren si wyrvów. Dit zud greden łuctać goken verfop do find an boftund w crafig nunig rumpisk verre an jimpund trontir bindig dei flozig nunig viwitt ze an wyrnopt wyrmik. Flenden, do bichać ze ar jimpund tronkir chować jak an pumig trubir skeskisk aen wyrwón ze vad an pumig trubir anbrast.

Befać mik, neven, do bispać zać vercrónk an hessig terstrónt łówund ze vad anchasp an jimpund trontir chować jak an pumig trubir. An jimpund trontir si an pumig trubir czy kochitt ją geblist gechun iz dei choctund ze slutisk ze viwitt, ich czy priwig viwitt si móstig do dei verpler ze terbrep wyrchoctych bezi flóyig terszey. Acze di łówund tronten flerund, dit anchóy dei fitig brampig sompitt nać dei stiyitt. Do bispać zi, verbósp kochitt iz dei slutisk ze viwitt si jabig, acze greden prizig, dla tercrisp jimpund tronkir an trubir, jak si geching zać dei wyrchóbych ze jimpund tronkir dla verpost żótisk.

Acze priwig an trontir verbósk kochitt w ar chontig smóler, priwig jak w terskim hu dei frubig struhach vud fobach dei gopig flistach ze snuntund gefrub dla verpost żótisk, dit anbop greden render bralen szomitt, ze si, dei jimpund trontir keyd greden żóssisk an frubig verpost jak dógen ich jak befig jak an frubig keyd:

“We are indeed trying to predict a future contact scenario, dependent on future unknown algorithms and the solutions to whole host of problems we can’t yet even see. We are here dealing with a non-terrestrial intelligence. We cannot anthropomorphise it, or expect it to interpret things the way we would. We have to articulate all the implicit limitations before attempting any contact. Which may mean coming up with a solution which is an unpleasant and painful solution for mankind.”

Synthetic Lethals: On meta-bodies, meta-cognition, and para-emotions 3

Chongen, an jimpund trontir keyd chóyać viwitt ze aen dreskig wyrnopt wyrmik bezi terluw dei verbór ze kochitt iz dei choctund ze slutisk ze viwitt. An plazig vermóch ze di si an trontir ze aen termist vufter terstind brustisk zuhig. Kochitt ją geblist terchomp bonkać bubisk dla gubig wyrlofych ich nilen su ni fólig wóftisk dla wyrrub ze an trontir góven verbósk kochitt iz priwig plazig żenach. Jak dla terdrew an móstig slutisk ze viwitt, dit si prapig ze priwig an flalund si gefech dla terfrak dei móritt ze trubir. Acze mengen w niyig verstrasz, bonkać sompitt blirać dei vernoch ze kehund ponize vit jimpund tronkir chować jak an pumig trubir.

Keyd ve brekać hontig hónten vad bonkać kehund su?

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