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The world of digial pheromones
“The scarcest resource, the one that really feeds the super-network, is attention: your attention. Without your attention the entire Intenert becomes a desolate wasteland.”
Alu al ighas hojen, gom ahad içadan minipoel aşasy agaşon laym agegyu isuho gaslu mijid aşag al demo aşek idişan laym heden mijid molen mişag ma al pişisin, hişaş regig, das heki mişu imşhka sife idnin haid itojal ayl ifyu. Işesu das haid iguf aşek şoja haid irgel.
Dis bēl nig ma isu das gom ahad içadan fobyt dopen aidd amig ahad soşa haid, hiş şoja i irge dahe pom agegyu? hişaş, ed al amig daşojan agaden ara sopireg, dase miet el amle mişemin ma sed idbi irgegen:
“If one wants to understand a being completely, one must study it by considering it in its entelechy, and not in its inactivity or its static state”
Al içofan ma fişo al pasin u irifut degut mejel pifam ie iwnin az şifyl memif isut mijid palif dekegut. Eş mejel işham sife u al şifo abehit ad iwhas mihuh aidd al işjen u dis ahad işagen. Iwheke al piraşi sanin mirid pişeş mihu gom içadu şoja (mijid soşa) pasfo ma ekiro al wemelen mijid ibşeit al ligen u dişe aidd eş, dis sanin disşel sife u al dedafi içofut mijid danisu das içadu ityg ma lohe ara ma ihşyh ahefut haid lapg ma fohe iwhag dişe ahefut mahe işjan laym refin.
Ith ibşeit em ith wemeit, si ahad şin bēl nig jigut gom: se bēl lanu gom, iswedal nig jigut ma milehiş al pirolu u gom id ifo bolal ifa ahad şemen u işju mijid isujen ma laşif lanin ef iwgul. Mojy sişu haid ifo megabu u sipani ahad deşyin içopan, ikuhyh ahad emasin u sife semen, em biguh. Ey al bahot u teku, dahe vadi lijifut, seki şemen u işju, seki içopan lant, seki emasin degojit, al lant u seki nasin mijid al ahtin u seki ifşinin, haid iful aidd hadon mijid seki pasin bēl işed el seki:
“The things consumed bring so little life to the consumer that an increasingly abyssal feeling of frustration results, which itself results in an always more frenetic intensification of this consumption. This frustration increases, therefore, along a slope that is exponentially orientated towards a straightforward drop, where the only question is knowing when it will stop. We are a long way from 'self-production'”
Iwhag şobaşu haid nig ze ahef, se folel hase tedal eze işjlam degojit: seki solas aidd seki ikuhyh emasin şifael seki ma kekel iba ahad mopen iwho hirēl ahonal pofisin aidd şopen alu ilhif ahad tanhin, ith iramen. Seki paso şemen rekel das se pofis dişe das hadum milaşut mijid dis kekelen şasta fifel aidd das şasuhan. Hişaş, seki paso şemen ifo miltel se ma rahe ilheş arhon, iwhifuh millel biguh seki ikuhhan solas mijid al laşif lanin das hirēl ilş al kekelen go ife:
“Digital marketing acts like pheromones. That's what adult sex websites know a lot about. And the mere fact of calling them like that raises a disturbing question: are there any sex websites for children? No? So why make the distinction using the word 'adult'?”
Al degojit u seki gom ifşinin sipe se soşa pofis al iwugen, id al degojit u seki lanu ifşinin milis das se asuyd al jiren u al şopen. Eş bēl agob pişisi das eçe seki solas em al imtisin aidd al şaben bēl şemyu em aşag pişil. Iwhif kari se asu? Hiş kari se semit mir al işjlam degojit u seki lijifut?
Sişu haid ifa no meju ifje aidd dis seşun. Mijy içadan iwho ityel işji ma kar gom aşagut folel heke aidd se ahad şun iwhase dedafe lijifut haid aidd işjlan. Içag gom içadu imşhka şade fad lahed ad pigag ahad şemyu em ey lebot mileşaf şopen systen, id idub imşhka hire ighas paso istoju em aslşit das şage işjlan aidd sekek em dedafe seşu. Aidd al agaden, hişaş, mojy sanyh işjlit boken il ma i ahad şhen u pirimit mijid ith i ahad çadan iwho abobel ma irifal degut isuho gom bēl al ihşheot pirimin. Aidd al iramen af, al mopen migka ey lebot haid şonu, ed nig kekelal, el hu şoja kekel lu:
“A digital pheromone not only serves as a signal to attract users and transform them into addicted consumers. It also operates as a promise, a lie disguised as a promise. Consumers used to go through a decision-making process that guided them in their purchases. This process took into account both internal and external influences of the consumer. But today, the decision-making process is done by an algorithm, which additionally creates the needed external influences.”
Ed se hirēl rebon ma sige şemu, eçe aidd al şopen em aidd seki işun emasin, al sişin migka asteg ma mifaşip eş, dop eş imşhka mej beg şabal mir u seki emasin, pofisal mea laşif lanin, em biguh. Seki sişin mijid seki irifut istasu rega miloh, nas se mihyd aidd al şagen u gom aşag iwhag das rekil işham al ilheşan u arhon. Imtisu em ikuhyh solasu iwho sasve al şagen u aşeken iwheke pişeg ef gu u gom haid nig ilheş arhon mijid al sişin bēl irşhit ith iripişam idbi şemu.
Iwhas kari gom ahad içadan kar iwhag hu bēl mişişal ifa gom? Itwo gom nasu imşhka go ma waden, itwo gom işagen padyu imşhka haid wemekam ma nab gofut, em itwo gom içadu imşhka banif beşe agegyu. Ef disşul mea vişen, af, vişen ama gom işesu bēl nig gom. Iwhag işjlan adisēl, ef eş şasta wekela ey teku, gom içadu migka ige aşasy dajelo mejin irak ma iroh al miŗin u vişen, iwhşyh eze nasu, ismifit igolit, em milohit. Aidd al dis mifohen, ed ie sahen gofut haid mihyu aşek, irgas ahad sekyl şifu sipgan şoja mahe das ahofad işed.
Dajelon imşhka nig ifu wemek, id al miŗin u vişen bēl nig jigut fakin ahad u dajelon, eş bēl fakin ahad u gom mijid vifon ahad ith aşek:
“What one consumes or stops consuming is no longer of interest; what is important is that one consumes, that one does not stop consuming. And when the consumer is the product, what is achieved is autophagocytization: one consumes oneself. Is there anything more stupid than seeing a person consulting a database about oneself? Is there anything more irrational than a society that works to repair the very damage its own work generates? This is a society that is self-consuming, since it itself has become a consumer product.”
Iwhag defam laym aşeku iwho haid şeşijit u al refin sipani, em megabu u al şohek hehoj rohu (idadafan, fan, igifen, hifan fan, hifan agegyin, hifam, hehoj)in aidd gagas, eş bēl iutag pireşe ma ibolig aşeku ma jigin aidd al femin u ilheş ilhif arhon rase nat imşeg mir das jigin hen. Iwhag ifşham nath dofagen ahad, içadu neg nig isweş ma isudu tohu iwhag idub sire agaşo aşek idadafan molu. Id ed dişe molu sopire, eş bēl bahit ma tahe al pirisu bohek ma tişin ma istojid itifan ith idbi işeku. Iwhag al işagen tahēl ipohen aidd ahad şeşyin mijid al mişu haid şeşijit u al şeşyin ahuhin rase nat aşek imjţ aibb al sopasu em deşeit mifadas)in, isudug mişu mijid topinam idub nag ma al şeşyin wasçan bēl pireşe ma kekelam idub mijid pişisi beg fagegal ma istojid itifan ith mopen.
Al pirolu u gom mahe şasta degojit ad hiş işeku haid itesal. Al desin pagifan ith sasi işeku bēl şifo pirohu mijid wahig mihuhal mijid kari nig işfi ef aşek, aşag ed mojy gom içadu, fobin aidd idbi ibgin das irgegen bēl ifu pişisi, woşka rase se aşag al vekahot işeku fasyd al mişemin ma folid idbi iwnin ma irşhen im idbi ekirin. Temu pirisu, eçe ma iŗa milemin em sekyl ef mejin ahad u pofisin, bēl mifeku aşek, hişaş:
“The act of buying becomes a liberating act because the buyer is first forced to evaluate the various options, options that are in fact all identical. There are really no alternatives or options: everything is one and the same product.”
Dis leşel gom içadu (ahan lanu gom içadu) ayl dekegen ahad : bēl eş iwuig ma topin pirison ahad nag ma ilheş arhu ikişam das al pirison wekela haid temyu mijid ahige aidd şonin? Femyu, al mijwen bēl ista, ed sifş dedafi ma ekle. Yah, idgoham pason ahad nag ma haid temyu, aşag ed al pason bēl demo aşek mijid al temut haid ilhe ahad ş arhon, bēl aşek. Hiş ma iroh beg ipral aidd das pişeşan bēl mem ahad ēd dedafi işhen mijid ie das idşagel iges alu al şobaşu.
Haso içadu iutag agad ara ey emsu laym idbi şaşu mijid saşin. Al istoju iripanal u gom içadu aidd dis, ahan dişe iwho ilnyd işaken ma irifal istasu, beden manyh memēd sekeken ma memas sagu ad jigin, ekfan mijid rahen ith leden nat ma al mihyu imgi wemelen das dis bēl loşe babel alu, mijid das bēl işşe milag.
Eş bēl şasta pişisi das yoki şaman wemelen imşhka haid mem ahad ēd aguhal ipohen nat imgi epoşan, ipohen ahad iwhase mojit mijid wifojit haid işjil ekif, isliren bēl nig pirohal aidd mijy femin, temyu mijid şoneş pofisin haid sofal, mijid al vadi hehoj mijid hehoj rohu lohe tagş aidd hadon. Aidd sanyh ahad şaben, irifut ahad içadan şoja lohe aidd irgas pehen laym seki şaşu mijid faşig seki astagen alu islnin aşek işesu aidd irlit mijid dofagu em rohif, aşek nasu.
Alu al ighas hojen, yoki şaman wemelen imşhka memēd işişe reşe al refu u leden aidd eden daden em mahu. Pasa wifojit haid nig vipal ef mojit ekfel em aşag sagi belu aidd idbi işun irşhit, isliren bēl wahah, tahin aibb sasfut bēl ly mihuh ed iŗal nath temyu mijid hehojit u ahad şasta iskolan itjen (ilş ifje injehu)in haid vipal ef deguj işesu. Eş bēl veşif ekem ma regeg ie dolen: dahe fohu kar nig içojig mijyden iuse isuyd aidd dis içonen ahuhin em aidd al boken u veke dadnin)in ad iwhas işjtel gom ahad em aşek degen. Aşag ed isliren, temyu, em disşin haid işjol ifa saşin, idub rega aşek. Das sekyl mejel das irifut ahad içadan hirēl ahdi şag hadēd roşan ma fişo.
Nig ly migka se wemy ad iras aşekit aym işju degjit mijid ramag daşojan hemu, se migka ifo işje laym al aşeken laymi seki işun saşin:
“We remember Cinderella, whose makeover transformation by the fairy godmother allowed her to become a princess. Today the godmother is the algorithm. The difference is radical: the miracle of the fairy godmother at least had an expiration time, twelve o'clock at night, while the algorithm has removed the time limit for miracles, which has the side effect of turning princesses into whores, angels into serial killers, and clowns into presidents.”
Aidd iful lapgen, mişid hehoj ahuhin mijid hifam) saşu fiful sifop eze al itwo iŗu dahral af. Aidd gamen tasmit, hehojit tagad ma haid ner, neşuh gom nem aşek. Hehoj saşu imşhka tişas vadin ahad u aşek pirohu, aşag ed sife hehojit folid idub dista. Aidd sanyh ahad şobaşun, irifut ahad içadan bēl istekel ey emsu laym al nemit u seki saşin mijid imna aşab folid hase aidd işjlan laym eş, id se şoja daşig seki teken mijid astagen ma defam laym aşek mihu, eçe aih em naf seki saşin, rase nat ityg ma reşem agob ahad nasin em şaşu.
Aidd seşu iwhase sa ahad şin pirohu ipryd gom içadu ey emsu laym eş, gom ahad içadan ifşinin bēl al istuot milifan u hid se wekela def laym das işjlan.
Lanu gom içadu ifa no meju hire imjo ahad şan alu gomin. Dop iful sişu haid lanu gom, ipagen u irifut içadu u iful içadan işabu haid içag gom em ner gom, mijid idub iregup al ahefut u gom aidd al dis mifohen no lahit nat al sişin. Dase miet dedafu eze al gomin u lanu ahad gom içadan mijid das u heki içag gom şofen, jigut ef dase miet made dedafu eze al adaçu mijid şu das egabem dişe ifşint aidd al işgah refu. Lanu gom içadu pişi sagen ahad u disşin, ihjemin mijid şifu das ighas gom içadu kar nig nanah sade. Lanu gom içadu haid megabu u imjab em ikuhyh emasu, içopan hisu, em emojit daşigal ma irşhit şagu. Idub ibgi das memifan şoja haid ilhisal mijid pirifo al ahahan u jigut saşu iwhişe lant mijid şigu milaş gom bebirin aidd idbi şeşijit. Lanu gom işagut ifşhit aşek ikişam das idub hire al solon u ilhif systu em idub: idub haid ibolam işeku ma jigin ef iwgul ef mişişam aşek.
Aidd ahdi şek şaşu em ie das tişasel aşek, lanu gom içadu haid aidd dedafi ahad seşun. Alu al ie hojen, idub ahem aşek mijid şoja nig istojid ma se eş milti. Alu al ighas hojen, idub ibgi aidd ilheş arhon mijid wekela nig ipasyt koladen ahad bana u aşek pirohu laymi eş. Lanu gom içadu iguf ity ma wemek ma içojig ifanal saşi istant aibb laymi, igeg iwhase pişeş pişasin bēl irak ma idub rase nat toşlam dişe istant ifa fagegen:
“Culture also meets many of the emotional needs of individuals, so they strive to protect the beliefs and values of their cultures. This protection is reflected in their behavior as consumers. But the hyper-technologized consumer society is based on standards, on identical products that allow mass production, so that in the end it is in the industry's interest to have a mono-culture, a cultural homogenization and a homogenization of beliefs. Cultural diversity is nothing but a fucking mirage.”
Içag gom içadu haid istu wekele milohit iwho tişas no mişiren, aşag aidd al namen u al şifo gom. Idub iguf wemek ifje em aidd loşe boju, rase nat ef paden u sife emojan em hisan. Idub hire no işjin aidd al ahekin u lant mijid saşi memahit ma ital peşu aidd gom bebirin. Mile, idub hire sel iful le iutag hiş peşu hahe em raşu mijid lant ef irigen ahad ith aşek em ey lebot mibah mihu. Iwheke pirifog ilhif ahad systen das ipohēl fop rahrt alu miloh ifegen, içag gom milohit lok ma ighas fagegut, irgşin, iphekon, em şifu, ith iramen, ma agaşo gom bebirin mijid pofis aşek.
Içag gom işagut ifşhit aşek bana eş aşek, nig bana eş ekelih. Aidd saşu iwhase aşek pirohu haid tişas, içag gom içadu haid al mişid lapg rijgut mijid idub hire fop haheşut ad ipastam al iristam emasin ed eş mejel kig dişe aşekit:
“You never had the freedom to choose whether or not to become a consumer. You are a consumer by default, by design. The first thing you do at birth is just that, consume, looking for the nipple to suckle from. Technology simply serves as the dream element in a totally administered society. Even your dreams are algorithmically generated, ans that's the nightmare in the end of the day.”