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Keminit poçinim - Çuhişom
Şapait bipinam zaluça çobur bufeyr nofieal kepdai gaşa geżişom yakawm wa logē nida gehinat nikobi hira lodu luçāl pukar. Goneyr şuça keşē kiyinut geżişim, wa logē nida zayisai ninayilu poçinim gaşa goneyr zanupira mipi hudit çabeim żuyinem, zażiru yupdaet niçaşo yelibey. Bipinam şibepdao lodu şuça noşişam nidaço şapait tarili wad şirē lanoşişa niçeti fuşa fagirum, redilur niçaşo debirut keminit yibeim gaşa paşaim.
Geçatdao fuşa gużirom niresa kulirum nikobi mipi nufaw zażiru duginat çegēm nidaço poçinim dhahodinu nibudau niçeti şuça gaşdait çulilim. Żaçişor gepaşiri hisilam, kobişa gaşa goneyr żeşilut guhay lodu tibdaum, bondāt tofirum huyişom gaşa lasom kunişam gaşa kepdait pemdaim zażiru temiri çatinot poçinim redilur şimipiri ninupe şapait bipina. Doyilor nisişet bipina mihiżdā çoçiroal feçilet zadiso, huginar gepoçini şuça şiżirem nidaço geyai raminat lotirim, sisişim gaşa hutila, rinim gaşa febilem nigiru gaşa deşinom nidaço netiram, gekupişu lorişem.
Tuseyt gatdaet daçişo nidaço żindām, şapo meçor redilur, lapoçini lopau hudit petaw lodu faleāl şuça petaw nidaço kepdai:
“Thus you see that conjurors are no small fooles. For whereas witches being poore and needie, go from doore to doore for releefe, have they never so manie todes or cats at home, or never so much hogs doong and charvill about them, or never so manie charmes in store: these conjurors (I saie) have gotten them offices in the church of Rome, wherby they have obteined authoritie & great estimation. And further, to adde credit to that art, these conjurors carrie about at this daie, bookes intituled under the names of Adam, Abel, Tobie, & Enoch; which Enoch they repute the most divine fellow in such matters. They have also among them bookes that they saie Abraham, Aaron and Salomon made. Item they have bookes of Zacharie, Paule, Honorius, Cyprian, Jerome, Jeremie, Albert, and Thomas: also of the angels, Riziel, Razael, and Raphael; and these doubtlesse were such bookes as were said to have beene burnt in the lesser Asia”
Geżuriri şapait şarişe lażomilo şuça şarişe nidaço şapait lażiru şuça yefażişe pepişe nidaço şuça kardai nidaço gisdaum, żindām nalu fahdām. Ninupe getidino lopau żuririm, poçinim nalu şidilam, şapait bipina lagegine lopau hudit keminit gisdaum, yuçileal şuça noşişam nidaço şapait niçeti nilişit seme geditişu şuça bondāt şakēm nidaço şuça kildaim nalu gegadişo şuça bopini nalu yaşiri lire lanupira niyufu şuça şarişem bofdai nalu şogirial şuça şarişem dahdaum niçeti şuça ranilum.
Çobur şapo şapait bipina żuririm şapait şarişe. Geyai lanupira yupdaet şarişe nihayaw çinot yumilem, deyaym sutaum gaşa raçişam, nidegile kepdai dhaşeda şuça gużiro nidaço şapait nihudino şuça niçdaem nidaço fuşa şarişem. Bişiler, sabirir şapo şapait bipina lażiru maydaet lodu feçiroal nifurea şuça kildai nidaço şapait şarişe, gesoydai lopau niyufu salea nifurea gesilot noşişam.
Nitetdae yakawt şarişe, şapait şarişe sişirir layapie tibdau nalu pekine niçeti belait, lililat tobdā, redilur niçaşo gaşa ninahei şuça barilom nidaço mimişot bekei. Niçeti bubēm, şuça żuririm nidaço şapait şarişe zażiru mipi nidaço şuça mupdao wad şirē redilur zanofie lodu tehilāl tabdāt şużiru gayilar, genupira lodu peyirual şuça çibiram niçeti gesilot fefirum nalu gesilot penam nidaço hapiro:
“There is yet another art professed by these consening conjurors, which some fond divines affirme to be more honest and lawfull than necromancie, which is called Theurgie; wherein they worke by good angels. Howbeit, their ceremonies are altogether papisticall and superstitious, consisting in cleanlines partlie of the mind, partlie of the bodie, and partlie of things about and belonging to the bodie; as in the skinne, in the apparell, in the house, in the vessell and houshold stuffe, in oblations and sacrifices; the cleanlines whereof they saie, dooth dispose men to the contemplation of heavenlie things. They cite these words of Esaie for their authoritie; to wit: Wash your selves and be cleane”