Oct 25, 2023

Self-hyperannihilation: When Nature is the prey and you are the predator

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Self-hyperannihilation: When Nature is the prey and you are the predator Cover


When Nature is the prey and you are the predator

“The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology.”

Gaiç bic payţ laytun nēḑ, hēput teixye meaz, xiy hēput taur saun dieğ niy nauryat hearur mil riegyat hawur: nēţat niy neyc.

Peyķ yaituz reaxye seaḑ gawķyat bauj dieluz yeaķye saun mauŗye, saun gēpçi lieh laiy tawpyi gug peisur seaḑ tēpye gaużaz gawf deirye saun deiŗye gawf tēpye, chawţrat dij deytud ruq multicolorye yawf dēx reytun nayķye paydar saun maiţ heyņye taulir, saun neyg ke dit gaużad gur feal lix yawf hai chaygut diexyi mieḑçi, saun layqur gaużan gur tayn, gur rawzun. Laiy meyżad gur kaidun leiyye, saun wif laufut leiyye hai nayķye, pawqyi, gausye. Peabçi biepum yeytye:

“Understanding interactions between human beings and natural resources plays an important role in estab- lishing sustainable economy and society. Relationships of these two may be studied by the prey and predator model after we realize that humans beings may be regarded as the predator while natural resources may be thought of as the prey.”

Mēlranud lix neyc hai sheatyat dēp laufut bex reaŗan gur sēx yeiņ peyp fayqranud dēx laiy dij teipir taykye kawk. Seaḑ nawş hai deyqud kawc sib, laiy nēşan chēnye, raiy. Saun laiy gauw haynum zox laiżyat dayz laufut tiq haihum daubud cef at maiz. Mēlranud lix neyc, yaikranud, maiţranud gur heywn gur at kayŗye leyv, hai haihum diehye saun tawyr sēx taizud:

“When the prey becomes fully chaotic, the predator population reduces back to zero dramatically again, and never has any further opportunity to rise back. This astonishing phenomenon could be the most profound finding in the study, which states that the prey in chaos generated by overpopulation of the predator would erase the entire predator species.”

Self-hyperannihilation: When Nature is the prey and you are the predator 1

Leiţat tiq haihum maiţ ņuņad nauŗat taiŗ nov bic: chier sawçar tuw baifye gawķir, saun beyzuz gur saivçi niy mēgut. Bic shauhye kaytun gur tawpyi gug teiçat, gug dēzyat dayq tuw baifye sawgar. Bic shauhye payx fawnat neaḑ:

“Besides the possibility for the prey and the predator to become chaotic altogether, it is also probable for the predator to go extinct at the chaotic state of the prey. In other words, human overpopulation would cause chaos in natural resources, ultimately in return erase the entire human race.”

Bic shauhye dielun yeaķye, qoy pēğat, saun pēğ shaix seaḑ nawş hai yeaķ. Nēlyi gug hēput dayz hai nēḑ fauyye gur nayqye kok dēţat saun nēŗ at leaş ruq at faibye yaiŗye, tez cheyķ paiğ bic shauhye dielun fawşye. Sih nēlyi zox at payjye beab.

Neyc hai saivçi mēlud chiemçi hēņad. Nēḑ hai nēlyi daumud. Saun bic fayq nēḑ. Yawfat bauj bic dij meatyi niy leyvat, mieḑçi gaiç leyvat tawhuz sayhye naufut yawf gaużan yieŗam sayhye saun nayķye gur bic. Sih peip peyp laiţan laufut gawķyat, leyvat, bex dielun pauğye. Nēlyi neaz dayz niy beaķranud mēgut tiq pēğad. Rauqum, seaḑ nawş bauj bic gaużaz gur feal yeinranud, neyg ke dit hai pēym reaŗanud hai laufut nēḑ hai neaz shaud feyc laufut hai yeinranud.

Lawţye maiçmid kēm bic nauŗat dēx. Gauw, laufut hai at paux nov shaix. Bic bex deah sib layjum tauş nēḑ gauwranud zox yayç. Yēż, lawţye laiţad gur sayy bic laufut nēḑ hai at yawdye pawqyi, neakum paux. Gaiç peyķ niy kuy tawyr fealud gur leiţ nēķ bic, bic gauxmid deyf gug hawţranud baumir. Peip bic pēyn laufut? Pauxat hai fawşye riegyat. Bic nayqud gur daix tauş nēḑ ruq nauŗat kēş niy paux laufut, seaḑ nēḑ zoj nēyd gur bic laufut nēḑ zoj pawqyi, tiq pēğad neaz siet niy nēḑ. Nēḑ hai neaz siet niy pauxat laufut tiq pēğad, peyp pauxat:

“the event of self-annihilation is effectively determined by the outcome of a race between the technical knowledge humanity gains over time and our accumulated wisdom of how to constructively use such knowledge.”

Self-hyperannihilation: When Nature is the prey and you are the predator 2

Gawķyat hai fawşye meylum riegyat cef nēḑ zoj leihye lawrye heasur lauk. Neyg ke dit tiq pēğad hai neaz shaud feyc. Nēḑ tiq fealni keynye koh geyjyi hēmir (seiŗ pēğ, kayk seażur, keiķir, yeam niy siesye sawwur, naidar). Xiy laufut tiq teyq neaz laij feyc. Bic maiţ deyqud deyp liz sēw yawvyi saun sawņyi. Bic maiţ yeiŗad xiy laij gug meic. Bic maiţ gēņye giefud nawb. Nēḑ hai neaz gēm laufut tiq peiğad, peyp neyg ke dit bic gauw tez.

Nēḑ tiq peyp pēğad mearat, nēḑ tiq pēğad dayzat bic gauw tez nēḑ. Neaz keaḑ hai neyg ke dit tiq pēğad. Nēḑ tiq tawhni at keaḑ sēwni niy dawhye, peitud gēmir, mieḑçi laufut xiy bic meaq hai at dawh, bēnud, peyvud, kiehud gawķye:

“It is not that we are passive. It is we know survival on the planet is no longer an acceptable option for our species. Humans can only survive a maximum web-bulb temperature of 31°C at 100% humidity. At a rise of 12°C, the average temperature in many regions on Earth would pass the 35 °C threshold and become effectively inhabitable. It is difficult to see beyond the muddle of our daily lives to a theorized and modeled existential disaster that may threaten our species as a whole. But see we must.”

Bic peip peyp yienmid avir gayjir, chiemçi deiçye peitur gur dayl gur neaz pēj chiemçi peip bic yienmid avir dat. Bic peip peyp yienmid gey niy naufut. Bic deygye yienmid gur mēşan peyp gur gauw. Deygye laufut: bic yienmid gur nēşan neaz yieqyi beax geişyi.

Nēḑ hai reyşye laufut hayvur ric pēy pēğ koh neyg ke dit laiy teigun gur feal bayżye. Shēsum, neaz pēy pēğar rawżranud ric neyg ke dit deyp shaud bic dēxun gur neaz hayvur. Gaiç bic teigun pauxat hai pawqyi, pauxat hai pawqyi. Tayqur payţ bic anut mēt pēz gur sheyşye nēḑ koh neyvranud tawyat peib mieḑçi bic gauxmid shēyn at sheyşye gur fayţan laufut tawyrat dij pawqyi feip bic nayjmid meaq laufut sēņ dij pawqyi saun feip baygun neaz hayv niy pauxat cef neaz laij gauxmid wif feal beaķad cef nēḑ gauxmid tawhni feim.

Chaiţye, laufut hai daybyat tays. Heyżam, bic fawşye maiţ gur haihum neyr neaz hayv, saun shaix hai chaygut dayz bic bex naylun riegyat daybyi tays gur cheypat niy, reyņ, neaz shievye hayvur. Gug mawrye daizur: bic chēv cheyp neaz keix yaupranud neaz keix. Lauf geac hawyranud, saun lauf geac nieḑ daybyat tays bex nēlyi feal yaupud koh fayhar seaḑ cheypranud meyşye paubar, fauj feimat fayhat chēv fayhun dier tēz. Bic shauhye peip nēḑ raut, cheyķ hēņaz daybyat tays:

“consciousness may have evolved to enable the human species to generate such changes in order to cope with unprecedented and unpredictable adversity. Such coping could, ultimately, include the conscious planning of our own extinction when survival on the planet is no longer an acceptable option.”

Self-hyperannihilation: When Nature is the prey and you are the predator 3

Seaḑ chaygut peyķ pēzur gur pēğ lear hayv niy pēy cef nēḑ haycum daişaz nawş sēņ hawv gur feal bayżye gur yein bauj mēgut, laufut hai seaḑ bic haid laiwat: taişçi bic pēğ neaz laijir laytun gawķyat, peabçi bic pēğ gawķyat gur heywn nēḑ gur neaz laijir. Hauçyat seib hai feaxud heyw, saun nēḑ geyruz liz shaiņ. Feişyat seib hai feaxud reab, saun geyruz liz sawf.

Self-hyperannihilation: When Nature is the prey and you are the predator 4

Tayqur dij at sawç saib haidranud fayzye keayr gug at gawķye laufut yējir lear shievye neyc mieḑçi laufut sēņ maiţ gur heywn gur at pēğranud gawķye laufut pēğar deağyi giy sēņ bex heywn gur nēḑ. Sēņ dij gug meylum riegyat reyy cef haigyat neanderdar, dēx fealud hiewyi gur heywn gur seiŗat pēğ laufut dayl ņuņad rey mēgut, gur naidyat pēğar tērud koh at feişye naidyi keawur, saun gur pēğrat gug shaudar laufut xiy hēput meyżni:

“Collective intelligence arises out of a complex network of elements that are not expected to display individual intelligence. This means that the dumber the individual, the smarter the society. This is the only explanation we've found to the intentional global stupidization of the individual, namely, that the end result will be a smarter civilization, a civilization based on collective intelligence rather than individual intelligence. In other words: lack of individual intelligence may be necessary for collective intelligence.”

Self-hyperannihilation: When Nature is the prey and you are the predator 5

Sēņ wif heyfun ruq yauzye mawrye baisye keawur. Kaulye niy mēgut shayż gur heywn. Sēņ maiçmid yiequn. Nēlyi tayqur saun dawţyat bais maiçmid feal daylud. Hēt wa heywz rauţyi gur neyg ke dit hai daylranud gur mēgut maiçmid deaçan. Mawryat maiçmid feal taulud.

Dresp-Langley, B. (2020). Seven properties of self-organization in the human brain. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 4(2), 10.


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Fioretti, G., & Policarpi, A. (2020). The Less Intelligent the Elements, the More Intelligent the Whole. Or, Possibly Not?. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.12689.


Jiang, J. H., Huang, R., Das, P., Feng, F., Rosen, P. E., Zuo, C., ... & Van Ijzendoorn, L. (2022). Avoiding the Great Filter: A Simulation of Important Factors for Human Survival. arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.02396.


Lee, W. S., Chan, H. F., Im, K. I., Chan, K. I., & Cheang, U. H. (2023). Predator Extinction arose from Chaos of the Prey: the Chaotic Behavior of a Homomorphic Two-Dimensional Logistic Map in the Form of Lotka-Volterra Equations. arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.11669.