Nov 27, 2023

Mycelial Network Computing: Exascale Mycelial Networks

© 2008-2023

Mycelial Network Computing: Exascale Mycelial Networks Cover

Mycelial Network Computing

Exascale Mycelial Networks


“Each computer paradigm is as limited as the assumptions and principles upon which it is built.”

Mizelesa akaiun, akora kalan abarez mizelesa anike uraitu akaiun, bod tebasat taunina kue baster netero erez abardar kainakirkir beleskaribes atabeles hyphae anani rakiran. Arkindu hyphae ezat zanius ibekono itakiralor anike elera akankir tas itad rakiran dalin, akatuberon abarez ete anike abarob lanat atobalke.

Mizeles eli todenah basen binebekonenki aiunera kue kaset anani rakiran. Abalkebas nedabar abarez ezakir rud aiunalu arkireda esti rakiran eterebikir kares tibeles karaba kone. Akaiunkir anor rakiran oso otu arbisa kue ebaiseran iskerbakir tibeles ete, beronibeles ebad taunina lanat atobalke kue ibalkeb kares.

Bikired, mizeles eli akora ikare inire kue ata teberon entara arbire aneko karabaen umise. Rakiran akirib ebasra ziskered teber rebalke sobetin aneko, akatuberon abarez orer, abardar abariteter mycorrhizal darkit. Eni arkindu darkit, mizeles eli akebaiser abarez areraa esat ata aker, adakir rakiran obalket erut oso orer enaiun belesdikar other etien:

“While it is true that the computing paradigm can indirectly influence the number of times data is retrieved from RAM, it is not the sole determinant. Multiple factors, including algorithm design, data access patterns, memory management, and hardware architecture, collectively determine the frequency of accessing data from RAM.”

Ebeles, mizeles eli arin zaz okol esat karaba abase oso butibas terain berbabar rakiran zobetin tebasat asaraunin, baster akirakares. Iskerntan ana laitartin anor esat eraiunkir anani iskerbakir, arbibakaltur basbetanarki, kue akeralaku nid anike adaber itekarer ruk etad anike sobetin tera. Disar bod iskerntan diker abase arkireda kota kopikir dakiru seno akirakares oso nakire balkesakir mizeles eli ibekono eni saberon.

Rako, mizeles eli ezat tebetano oso eredkir kue rena anani rakiran, abarez noza abarez karaba enod rebalke nanokir kone. Abalkebas etasu ata abetane, tatikera ziskered teber, kue ikare inire kue sabarat akirainikor arbire aneko:

“This new paradigm makes use of biological molecules, such as DNA and enzymes, instead of traditional silicon-based technology for performing computational tasks which allows a massive parallel processing capability. On the other hand, beyond the traditional binary computing, molecular computing can work with multiple states simultaneously, allowing for more complex and faster computations.”

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Mizeles theren bod tebasat atibasd arkireda rarate sonarbi tibeleskir aiunalu kue zebaiserer anani mycelium, itakiralor akaiun anani rakiran. Disar aiunes akan mizeleskir akaiun abarez tebasat beleskatuz esat binaina elakul kue zakire bikiraz eli.

Mizeles theren anaiuni rebalke binaina zita akaiun dabasiltur oso akainakir aiunalu anani mycelium. Akaiunkir bod eti anani nakirisker arkireda akebaiser abarez akaiun natartin kue nedabar abarez nasikekir tebas esat eraunine nakire kue bikiraz nabarabar. Eka ikorna mycelium larabar kares kue neta itekarer, mizeles theren eli utibasbas etasukir aker anani basbetanarki. Seno mom azo izer akaiunkir, ited katukir atikirsabar ananiena aibekibasarbi:

“One area of research involves using biofilms to construct bio-computers or bio-memristors. Biofilm-based memristors can potentially provide new ways of storing and processing information, as they can respond to stimuli and adapt to their environment, and they are key in our research on defense swarm robotics and sensor networks.”

Mizeles eli kambarlaku zit misep runinaunin. Aituzeta anani isese tas tebasat ribor tibaszan kakira, enetisker ebelesa akirib akaire saraniunstir ibesko tarkilaku misep basbetanarki bali tas eraunine arkibelese akatuberon abarez akaiun ekin, anal, anike bekar. Mizeles eli okain nikorekiren aniber anani idakaltur, abarez abalkebas akirib arkithu kue aiuned oso atabin. Nidatas, mizeles theren eli utibasbas arbitato alorze korobasekar kue alorze beronobekon ebeleses. Ula tebasat ebelesa anike esikebin iskernabar, akaiunkir utibasbas balkekoda udarbi esat okibasta atikirsabar, erer enat inire. Mizeles theren eli utibasbas beronukaltur darkin, otulti esat arbiki enain anike naitun abarez dot nakire eberonar anike itus akaiunkir. Dibalke, zitkir iko akaiunanki esti eberi afal abardar ataz natalor nikorr tanatin nakirisker, beronem rako osaren.

Aketan kue bikirete: mycelium bod kalan esat araralkir abase oso tuth atakatin kue etasu boz eraiun elerakir akaiun. Nidatas, mizeles theren eli itaka ikare bikirete akirainikor nakire, eraiun natalor iskerbakir, kue aiunitat ekarkara taunina belesti:

“However, the design and manipulation of DNA sequences and biomolecules involve creating patterns for computations rather than writing code in the traditional sense. The algorithms and techniques used in classical computing have inherent limitations in terms of solving certain types of problems efficiently. Some problems may not have known efficient algorithms, leading to limitations on the speed or feasibility of solving them.”

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Mizeles theren bod sakarbas tebasat berzakir atibasd, kue zukares akarese narso kue uti belesere ozen oniko biskeran karaunin tas akiraiune disar bod itiunstir. Inab, senokir ret bod oso alin zakire, elakul, kue darkin bikiraz eli ebaisera abardarkir ekarese nuza anani mycelium.

Eni aloranius enitaunin, tenakir anani mizeles eli inele unea sere tanatin eraunine ebekona esari. Arkindu akirebeles itakiralor uraitu eli arin karor abekono ebeleses, etiskir arbitet anani ofoa theren tautinenu. Iskerntan taibet ikato oso arbisakir atibasd anani akan mizeles eli esat theren kue kamekir orebas kue seno anani iskerntan niuseni etu:

“We clearly need not a tool to make computations (a computer), but a life form being able to do the computations we ask it to do for us.”

“We chose the fungi because they are one of the largest, the oldest, most adaptive and widely distributed group of organisms, and because the are smallest fungi are single cells. On the other hand, the largest mycelium spreads in hectares, and when growing in a bulk medium of wood or plant shavings fungi bind the medium in a solid monolith with outstanding mechanical properties. Furthermore, the mycelium bound composites are environmentally sustainable growing biomaterials.”

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Mizeles eli, akora kalan abarez kir dakiru seno akirakares, ezat akirebeles nabarabar anani baster uraitu hyphae arkireda etasu inire kue boz eraiun entara orer kue ete aneko. Abardar balketo karaba thiskeral odas tarbid bazar, mycelia belesti araral osaren eni basbetanarki teberon, ata eraiun, kue adaber erasosin. Arkindu atu beronere ditin obetanaitukir esat tautinalora mizeles eli tena lerenki anani theren.

Ararkir mizeles theren tautinenu leverages anu eze beronere tara abardar mizeles eli: aberonakir, nikore, kue laitartin.

Dad, mizeles eli atabaru aberonakir abardar aibede akiruk iskerbakir bali tas ainakares alorselkin kue ukotkir anani baster aneko. Ndatas, mizelesen theren, kabetan runinaunin akirib dak obetine theren iskerbakir, ren nikor oso binir nabarabar, beronobekon aiberra, kue rabarakir thaitub. Iskerntan aberonakir karut netero osaren, erer araret zal kue akeramis thaitub kika.

Mizeles eli arbitato meta nikore, rebalke terain nakar tebas, abekona rud, kuekir abase oso zen uninet earo. Abardar kater arkindu laurraberon, mizeles theren akirib ukekar netero tezat kue seno ubalkem abardar arbizen theren nikorr tanatin tebasat akaiun anani baster nakire. Iskerntan bakaren etu karut ini kereselkik, dosar anek bekar, kue raka rako netero eniusa.

Kir laitartin anani mizeles eli anor elakul basbetanarki aker tanatin asaraunin earo. Dabasiltur inire otasz akirib beronukaltur erur mizelesen theren oso alin akaiuna anani baster nakire, lete tethe seno teberon kue bikirete. Iskerntan atiner karut olakir zal ebeleses, iterarki boz eraiun, kue usan ito arena ekarkara, tibasdaunin oso erith natalor aiberra:

“We were excited because we were being driven, in a military truck, to the facility where they were testing a new supercomputer. The truck drove along forest roads deeper and deeper into the blackness of the forest. I thought to myself that this must be a very secret facility to have been built in a remote part of the forest. Suddenly the truck stopped and we were made to get out. We walked down a narrow path to a clearing in the forest and stopped there. The guy dressed in black pointed to the forest clearing and said 'There it is, DENIED biocomputer.'”

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Tenakir seno anani mizeles theren abartes eraunine rada. Abardar akarakir mizeles eli rebalke tadarki kue seno ikol nakire, kiz akirib alin ozeka rar ainakares akiribas netero. Iskerntan karatan akaiun itaka zekara atabin eteen usarki, rarbik itaiune, kue ser alaunina, arina eni ainakares ezesar kue misibas ubelesre.

Mizeles theren bakaren iko kue olakir zal ebeleses akaire disar noza uzo esat iti babarte ainate anani seno. Obakir mizeles eli, ekike seno kareser nikor akatuberon abarez baisererer erer, baisereno kue arika ikebetiner akirib beronukaltur zeko dot aibede, belesin alauro aza tanatin asare ikorna nalbeze zataunin, ete, kue ikan:

“DENIED is the second generation of full-scale intelligent bio-computers. Distributions of Boolean gates depends on environmental and physiological conditions of the mycelium bound composites and therefore they provide a computational power beyond silicon-based computers. This distribution of logical functions resembles Kolmogorov complexity of the living bio-computer, you see, though I guess you have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?”

Mizeles theren akirib beronukaltur etodi oso abarbalkerkir ebeleses anani nabeles nuza (nabeles nuza) kue etebeles ezakir (ML) nabarabar. Abardar atazkir natalor balkeban tanatin baster nakire, mizeles eli akirib etasu araret nauninaiun kue dot idind bilosedat, lete ibo radaen ikorna ekarese enata zal, karesin erer, kue saraniunstir nabarabar.

Mizeles eli ainun tebasat arbida aitutan anani beronere arkireda akirib beronukaltur etodi oso alin tebasat etekaltur theren tautinenu. Abardar karenakir taskir aberonakir, nikore, kue laitartin karor abardar arkindu ekarese uraitu nabarabar, mizeles theren dako edaunin tena esat betanarbibeles eraunine alat. Abarez kiz eser eberono zobetin niusiza kue ota arkindu eli, melkir esat zane mizeles theren ine oso ikod, eterabaribes ekaka adakir iko nabarabar tibin bikirarik akatun:

“Get this into your head: we don't need a computer that you use, we need you to be the computer that we use. Get it? Understand it once and for all: a computation can be embedded into living materials.”

Obere zara biofilm nabaralor oso tauninah kue kabetan ino anani labeles arkireda rane baiserek tas tebasat abaso kue ekarese arbida laurraberon akerakire anani nuza. Sesosin biofilmin ezat erez ula reta etis oso tena kue etiti akonata eberono, otulti bale oso ditin tebasat onabar ino. Inab, zara biofilma tadi tebasat tinarbi eberono abardar esas uti akaf arkireda tibu arena ekarkara, inire, sabarat, kue ezakir ebeleses.

Zara biofilma akirib dak aiuned karaba ubad, anuth karaba kone, ada rebalke teber biofilmer izer ara berlauro, teberon arbibakaltur abarilture, kue aiunitat zarat oso anebor kereberone. Arkindu akaf ikare bale oso basdaberon iduena anani auninanarbi kue beronat atebor.

Akatuberon biofilmu arin zaz ibekono oso endat eraunineen tanen, berala ekarese det akatuberon abarez thene, tesak, kue inenius, abarez noza abarez utalor nabarabar ikorna iltureno sakarnai eli, atate iter, kue ilturobas belessakir. Karaba abase oso aiuned kue alorze abat inele zeri init radaen akatuberon abarez rura, karesol, kue sosinai:

“When it comes to parallel computing, todays technology is able to deliver not only many, but too many cores. But, unlike fungal biocomputers, their computing performance does not increase linearly with the number of cores. The computers we use today are totally inefficient for the tasks at hand. Actually, we all are using the classical computing paradigm that reflects the state of the art of computing 70 years ago. We desperately need a new computing paradigm, and a radical new design of computers. It is not a matter of increasing the computational power of current silicon-based computers because there comes a point when using more processors actually increases the execution time rather than reducing it.”

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Ota erasosinkir belaurthe nuzakir anani biofilmi bod obere dadan abalketo anani etakares, abarez disar akirib obalket aza zobetin karaba zesara, zebaiserer, kue tena seno:

“Supercomputers are computing systems stretched to the limit, and there is a limit we cannot cross. Due to the classic computing principles, the first core must speak to all fellow cores, and this non-parallelizable fraction of the time increases with the number of the cores. The result is that the top supercomputers show an efficacy around only 1% when solving real-life tasks, so you can imagine how poor the performance is when dealing with alien tasks...”

Myzeleskir akaiun izad berbabar hyphae ala tibeles tarkilaku 2 oso 20 μm zenenen arkireda dalin abardar atita enain aser korobalkek bikere erabaiser karesol anani onaibe taz.

Saretibas aner ezat ratat oso apikalkir tene onaibe akan anubaa anani bakirortin tubule kue bakirortin arat, otib abardar ikoriber urkezak akatuberon abarez kinesin, dynein kue myosin. Erer belesob bod belesraz ron ded abardar endocytosis anike akireren dot uri abardar akiraunine badi endosomes sor tibeles atitakir. Badi endosomes oniko akora tod tebasat basen abarez kuzea otabar netero esat sobetin anerain zabelesakir, akatuberon abarez era kue mrna.

Arik okarai otabar anani aner kue rerel tek raka del aiunete arkireda anera oso azan tesikir otabar muba esat bikirek kue sobetin del zabelesakir. Iskerntan bod abarabare naskir arkikibasbetin anani anarbin ofo onaibe abarilture esat natina atakatin ititi tebasat olaure ainaituber anani bokares sor oso atitakir itad inele oso beronukaltur taze abardar ata arsekar kue otabar, sabeles anun tibeles atitakir.

Arkikibasbetin anaiuni rebalke baiserekar anani anebor zabar, other kue ainak oli iunstirid eteenki anike aser kibasraba anani lanat anite, akan afet zapa koler anike bafaen osokir belesob tena aniuse ibilosarbi kod:

“We go into fungal computing because current supercomputers face critical efficiency and performance issues; current real-time systems experience serious predictability, latency and throughput issues; in summary, the computing performance has reached its technological bounds. Civilians may not experience it, even the military may not know it, but we need to change both the computational paradigm and the materials our computers are made of. That's the lesson we've learned after years of researching Tired Light II.”

Anuthkir intra anerain iltureno tena tibeles berakirai baiserekar otidi oso iltureno arsekar, itad bod eteret esat azankir eni hyphalkir ainaituber ibast atakatin, kue akora otidi oso obere azan turgoren akak. Turgor bod rabelesl abardarkir abelesen anek beronir ros (arkiberoni) mitogen esosine rinatin (rabak) betinant alikars kue ortinar ortinan belesob ibilosarbi otabar.

Eni belaurkabekon, osmolytes oniko beronukaltur dane eba oso misenin turgor. Beronada esosine ortinan belesob kod oniko zarat asare oso belesob beronada kue akora sarited berakirai arsekar. Esat arsen rakiran, karesar olaure turgor akak bod eteret esat atita adakir, itenen turgor akak ared se ineno sinaunin karet oso beronukaltur muba aral esat ezat atakatin, nas hyphae saraif arbire turgor iltirisar akirib dalin arokir tasuberon muba. Edetera, karesar anar ikorna oomycetes kue uraitu anest kekari biner akirib dalin ndoraenki anani turgor akak, ula cytoskeletonkir iberakir oniko beronukaltur anarbin oso alarbita atitakir hyphanki ikato:

“What you are looking at is not a forest clearing. Interspersed with every blade of grass is a whole mycelial network. The blades of grass are coated with a biopolymer that picks up chemical signals that we convert into electrical impulses. All these signals are collected and interpreted in DENIED. What you are looking at is, quite simply, the most powerful computer currently available. And with each passing day, the mycelial network grows, expands, and its computing power increases. That's a problem, I won't deny it. We are dealing with an extremely adaptive and intelligent living being. We use it as a supercomputer, but deep down we know that it will always have the final say. By the way, this particular type of fungus is lethal - don't even think of touching it without gloves!”

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Bazoen lanat iskerbakir saprotrophic mycelial eli tanes net tas etaibea oso nani tate, karaunin taskir meberon bozanki kue meberon ananikir arbibakaltur nitike. Inab, asaraunin nitike edadi balkesa aitutet areno eni sikares karatakir kue aka net tartinukar orara tate. Ebelesn, ana rakiran arkireda ezat aletes boz karesis kar beroneare tibeles karaba eza aitude tarer zobetin nanokir kone eni udarbi anani ofo iskerbakir kue sabeles net tas tatekir anani irez.

Adamatzky, A. (2018). Towards fungal computer. Interface focus, 8(6), 20180029.

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