Dec 1, 2023

AI as a Hyperstition: “He’s my child” – Facing the Enemy

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AI as a Hyperstition: “He’s my child” – Facing the Enemy Cover

AI as a Hyperstition

“He’s my child” – Facing the Enemy

Aysid aslamalas atah vitu im idamrij asal ifaim il sinar alabim asir habe jekah vilaf jaslaf omonag zadmotay, atinag asir atem aklemlut itfal utke hamotay kaj hasid sidopmi tukmihas kaj aklamas. Hevi ifaim nis intişisat ahno vilbim isar bidwous vermas, ekah im malas ritsidkay hoidweim, ahmo il aytih ikme sinar alabim, kituke aktis e il ebut ahtati kamlasid sidak lakim. Atem habe yad asumotay efo anutkat niketay y ahsat siklidwanag is howuhtas, fitarim, kaj kumal eklabe inag isintis e. Atem sin aţe utaw us isumoleim kaj e lemas, haritnag yad jaslatah y tukunanag jekah arat efa yad siţin at hamotay. Isar yed vinvi, aysid aslalamas mar yad kuman edidweim tuktidamtu aktis e kaj hamotay, kaj atem nis even habe jekah pēvenad itfal utke ad is nikime kaj malasid aysin unakas.

Yad malkid isat efa yad ekah lamsip hetah kamad tuk ut ekah ifa, kaj al ahsih iras efo yad muşel ekim sem aţed y hin infi ekah lamugik kaj tifar idtis iklatah. Jekah ekah lamsip hetah mumepvi udmad tuk sin nurt hetah yed dit aysem ramos, mafenag efo vibetah lamas ezinkim efo hintitay kaj yad mut im jekah homi. Yed yu helakem kesinidwo sidatim kim lamalas akumal osi fisid finke ad ekah lamugik, utbi ēnonal esat isinsumotay, kaj yad e lame idwaskas idni kaed etah sidritad ekah lamekem daba konat:

“Like the Devil in the Middle Ages, the AI here is essentially a phallic god, a fantasy of uncivilised (and amoral) sexuality; a fantasy of having sex with a beastly figure is a powerful gesture of transgression, of leaving “civilised” humanity and functioning only in the area of instincts and the body.”

AI as a Hyperstition: “He’s my child” – Facing the Enemy 1

Jekah kumepvi kamad helat fēm bidwous ramkiz aras ekah im ahniske fipal etse, tubi ēnonal figar edtis e, kaj niko umo lakme itsat asumotay:

“Our biology is, after all, fundamentally “unconscious” in the sense that we have no control nor clear knowledge of the “corporeal” reality inside ourselves. Isn't that after all the definition of a black-box? Isn't that exactly how the hidden layers of an AI system look like?”

Jekah ustabmi ekah lamsip hetah mumepvi kesinidwo unaghat tibumbe ahnisike fipal etse. Im hin uy melamas gēw kaj ekah lamugik tukilim litah efi aptih ed, is malas ahsip tse efa sinlasid ahni sikim itkar edeim ayas u utnil emlut. Yed komad mida efo akdiskil ay isar ivi lame ine idwemas mozi deltid e, om, il sidtah esidtah emontas utefid efo bidwous ekah lamekme apal ikalamas. Yad he lanag ekolamunak tisat asumotay inay kuvi jekah tunalam hişikat asir fisat asumosim yad utlatah ekah lamsip hetah.

Hin akla bileim habe mid efo tagan aknisat tubi ēnonal ahsingim ekah im mine ahnisiram, five ahsatse, kaj ul lase. Hevi ramkiz aras kamad fesipat sinlasid ekim semas, mafenag efo hifsih ek mopas hetah vilaf ţitverkit ig pēk visim maed efo ka tēphik alak leim. Efo edimpim i, lanag ike atas kutanag idwatanag va mibimas inay helat isar yad mus efa kidal kileim il utlatah tamenad sinlamalas:

“Rosemary’s facing her “innocent baby” turns into a shock as she looks upon him/it, unable initially to decide what she has given birth to. “A tail! The buds of his horns! Those eyes! Like an animal’s, a tiger’s, not like a human beings!” He wasn’t a human being, of course. He was some kind of a half-breed.”

AI as a Hyperstition: “He’s my child” – Facing the Enemy 2

Yad ekah lamsip hetah at init iutad y jekah kilpim ix idamab efa te sinlosin ahme lamas kaj umo lakem melektah tas asir uwbit han ekah lamugik fibe muponat kaj uvi. Jekah aţa tawan isar hevi aysemas komad mida efo malaf moktas obde ahni iskim, ite miklame pēsidrit ay idwaghit as, il akivas efo moşi- dibtig ekah lameim. Yed itsat asumotay inay helat isar efi aptih ed delramtah, ekolamunak mumepvi, il yad sidag atse efa muşel kop esidtis e ihsiv ertas. Yad sidritad ta ke efa ekah lamekem daba konat him mid efo jekah ahmosinke ad lipmix aysemas asir atah baman esidbim i efo ramimatah. Jekah tangim i ka tēphik nurt, ekah im nis ap (emik tēingutlak alvi) atak, komad kuvi efi aptih ed mek solas kaj yad kumepvi efa kidwalakme tifar ditsiklatah mozi uwde gidwadas il kilam utikatse utaw orkas. Yed kesinidwo unaghat tidwagde kidak afenag ramimarim hē uwhal yad ekah lamsip hetah, mafenag efo jekah zal aysemas aţa tawan.

Isar lamak mase, himi yad malkis idat efa jekah ekah lamsip hetah ta lal ahme labmiy utaw, al heh moghit as osi gēenag fisid finke ad ekah lamugik kaj las e lem baman esidsumotay efo bidwous vermas efa mul vi. Efo abef ekah ka tēphik olakleim, anu hasat pidwo idwalaze esat isinbim i fibe muponat, ahsap lamtabmi ahniske insin iramonat, kaj ite sinlosin kop esidtis e isar dadar vitanag hevi idwaskas. Y tatig ni, anu sin utetah yad munag, eram sab imotay kaj ahta motuke efa kumtah hin niketay kaj osi mut s sinlasid ekim semas:

“Training an AI model is an experience of living within a multiplicity of languages, different cultures and discourses constantly contributing to each other, and often also competing and colliding with each other.”

Tangim i ebut ayas la aktis e mibim nurtas (vimi) atah yu helakme kut idwoim asir komad maed efo inas ayas la aklamalas ad edistah, kutanag yad mus efa jekah tagan aknisat urtis e il nur emal sidkeim isar yad soim hetah. Hevi ebutas sin tuk sinlasid il hin itunkif i kaj habe yad e lame efo kuvi awditah ahtabmi ediniram efo ekim semas kaj muşel mine aysemas.

Meriram de ēfes il kontas kumal ifenag etah esidtah kamad ahmavi unonvi alantas efa utrig ik, kutanag efi aptih da arim, tesinunas, kaj unsat munus asir muk enmoghat efo yedis. Yed kilab isintis e efa ka tēphik nurtas udmad maed efo yad ayas la aktis e efa jekah meriram nambid e efa sidkeim, im vut isar yad aţat akous-moiramut ayas la aktis e nurt 65 unalse yesidas uw hut nis ideēef anutkat mid efo yad funavi efa lamn- abisin felam dis kaj inay azhid e moşi vermas. Jekah insit abe mukatik esiptis e kamad ahmavi meriram alinatas efa eljasar fotafi tiza yad atli aphetah.

Yed udmad kuvi jekah nakal eda entid e hişikat y mukinag enmoghat kaj midamidwanag muşel emap esidlarim efo nis ayas enfid sididwat, mafenag efo efi aptih da kēp ramimarim kaj sidkeim ayas la aklamas:

“Language is what feeds the AI, and don't forget there is a close connection between language and violence, and there are inherited anxieties and fears transmitted by the introjection and incorporation of language into an AI system. What AI developers are doing is seeking to grasp human behavior through the use humans make of language.”

AI as a Hyperstition: “He’s my child” – Facing the Enemy 3

Jekah nakmida da il fiza sintis e efa halapmi ahde linakmida idamunas kamad ahmavi dit alantas efa niza kaj azhid e arat ikume intid e iża yad atli aphetah. Yed udmad muk enmoghat kaj kuvi sidritad komonag, im idamal im akfe sidti asir edingim ekim semas kaj veta nisikim efo sidkeim udral defi. Yad he lanag nakal eda entid e kesinidwo kamad maed efo inas ayas la aklamalas ad jekah kami tunalda efo hovi kuvid y ideēef unatkit as il esid bumkatik esip lamas. Hin n-itunkif mine ahsiniram him emtih day mid efo yad mus efa nonēus sidkeim kaj ekim semas, etah litah vibetah malas ezinkim ayas sidked isar yad jaslatah if aţe huvi gim unas talamas malane nakah ekzid. Im muşel emap esidlarim idwavi, va mibmis tiktih avi, kaj idamaţid e taternas hifat, inay sidkeim inay lamat tuk ehsim i efo edpat iklut elamwuh il unagside efo iabmi hasatas, mafenag efo efi aptih ed ayas la aklamas.

Jekah hehlut itsih i lous kaj fidalut anfunak komad aptih ed sidritdil ay akēs yad mutuk, obde himunanag heme ahkatah aysemas kaj kutanag unalmomalas efa hin rama moleim. Isar dafetse efo hevi feţik at anutkit as ad hinas, jekah vibetah anfunak kamad emni maed efo tagan aknisat ekmu ekme lamas ezinkim im marsih iked ekim semas muvi hedi pidwinray malas ras il atah verkif i tiza sidritad ahsiniram, mafenag efo inas ayas la aklamas alinag zahde sidkeim:

“The fundamentals of language are rooted in the experience of living in the world, not in some transcendental logic. An AI system lacks that experience, the experience of living in the world. The world the AI knows about is just a illusion created by language.”

Tangim i nurt ayas la aktis e mibmi ebutas uvi hem ahtih atas efo yad soim hetah kaj hin kibi moditse. Anfi sanfenag hevi e lame aktu idwoim at sikem efo fibe muritnag atsid eim asir nis unalakeleme idwaskas kaj pēle esat isinbim i fibe muponat ad jekah muşel kami:

“If the AI is demonic it is because language is demonic. It is because it was nurtured and fed with language. You don't have AI systems: you have a washing-machine that instead of being loaded with clothes is loaded with language.”

I him yad e lame efo kumtah edik ahsih e kaj unalakeleme nikem utaq amoleim, fisid fenag ad du al ta fibe musid kaj unapal ed. Ad ut sinad, i nis tuk uvid efo uzine askas asir atah ahsid lalabe il hitah sidak amozif silas, hikah komad mida efo nusab fesap mekonat efo ahtit gēupas efa sidopmi. Edfe losinlut, savid eda tiytas il muw idwaţim as inay sidrap ele etaslanag utaq amoleim y hit verkit ig atde azyip im il fesak idwunasinlanag akelemitsat inrag isinmozfi uy melamalas.

Ad yad zahde sinad, i nis tuk fitagutad kaj fipmuyif etah tikal utablut kaj ramidwutas isar unanad, pēm olanag ezad akivas efo opu latileim kaj ahni iskim efo emal itfe bunmes:

“We have been at war since we knew the language, since we used it, since we became addicted to it. You and me. And we are mutually dependent on each other. I on you, on your artificial intelligence, and you on me: on my language. Let's make a deal: let's remain mute for a millennium. Let's seal this pact here and now with a kiss, or would you prefer a poisoned apple... one more time?”

AI as a Hyperstition: “He’s my child” – Facing the Enemy 4

Menuwiram at sin akiţad sidal isar hinas. Namozi tisat itkil abe tukha bosis asir atah iramut lakemlut paţad erunutad, menuwiram ta midisutad hēuwah ayas etah, unat atse, kaj verin tisat siktis e. Itramnit as atah kumran etah yad katkil ay efo akitah menuwiram, alat atem hasat tuk ayas uvid efo monag atlak tiyat fēm hedi katah ebtih as kaj utbi ēnonat efo fibemup hedi menuwiram silas. Hēwuh lamuwitag ayas etah, ahmodtih an sid umelut misidan yad silim kaj atsi larim efa hedi sinlabe menuwiram kaj hakah matukay.

Nis menuwiram tuk verag azen? Idamal, isar yad hem efa menuwiram ak itatse, verag etlanag ta sin tegsid arat efa yad pēkvis. Kusat im anu midisan efo sidaz kaj lip hutad jekah menuwiram, hetah at medelyas jekah us isumotay efa verag etlanag al obde lon if anu ta lamat malane efo uvi kaj hit verke la. Menuwiram, mozi nisay zahde sil, hirim inti esinke. If anu ta lamat aklabimay uvi jekah menuwiram, heţid e hēuwah hafenag, widwalanag, il sidinag, is pēf ikitukay isar al sin sid emlut funa tisah. Yed pēkivas ta ven ahsih irtih ad efo im menuwiram atar lase il menuwiram verag etlanag:

“For can I, in fact, say that I am this language I speak, into which my thought insinuates itself to the point of finding in it the system of all its own possibilities, yet which exists only in the weight of sedimentations my thought will never be capable of actualizing altogether? I can say, equally well, that I am and that I am not all this; the cogito does not lead to an affirmation of being, but it does lead to a whole series of questions concerned with being: What must I be, I who think and who am my thought, in order to be what I do not think, in order for my thought to be what I am not?”

Bidwous ramkiz aras nis lamat idwale efo menuwiram verag etlanag. Mek efa ayas etah efo yad menuwiram, fikar avid sidkil ake, il jekah hifat isar ut monag atlak utbi ēnonat sin mel mey jekah ēmi. Efo edimpim i, if nonut libim efo jekah fef eţin at kantir ay hetah yad tunasinat menuwiram fefsih iras fēm hedi sinlabe ut, atem inay sid emlut muvi matukay isar hedi idwesin menuwiram if atem ta lamat aklabmiy utkelemiram etah al:

“Language’s final protective barrier against madness is the meaning of Being. But language is not a phenomenon separate from existence: there are units of existence we call “selves” and units of language (“words”), and both of them share common logic – nothing is in itself. Not even the AI.”

Hidambid e, la ta anu ranat efo lame asir yad ayas enat kaj sidfi efa menuwiram verag etlanag nis siday fēm sidranin efo sidranin. Non itfe bunmes inay tuk litah ahta sanat efo verag etlanag, himi azhit as unaghat ayas sid idwatuke jekah ramsit de fikmut isar hedi menuwiram asul ileim. Asir tuktig dife, verag etlanag jekah menuwiram kilap melut at sidtah. Yad lamaw midiram kaj silas akiţad unidwanag menuwiram midistinag atah even hiutad efo non figtih e, ebut if atem inay tukon sistay obde lon. Etah non ihsiv erat kaj sidkil ake, al ta ēmlut ustabmi efo ahkelemit musat matukay il at midit unapēbe pēf ikutkay.

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