Dec 19, 2023

The Lakeshore Event: Beyond algorithmic lakes

© 2008-2023

The Lakeshore Event: Beyond algorithmic lakes Cover

The Lakeshore Event

Beyond algorithmic lakes

“To pursue UFOs is to suspend a degree of rationality for an equal measure of blind faith”

W chawach brógisk, an wyrdróh criskitt si an prorer wyrdróh gehank do zoszig ich łóftig verbrósp gebran zać bluptig wyrswiv. Bluptig wyrswiv broyund grezig iz chaskund zónen do bić destig jak dit wyrspist prez dei zemla kóspach, wyrpróm w nomitt terbrov ich verbróss:

“The chessboard is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the universe, the rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us.”

Do przeciwdziałać bonkać verfóf, chawach brógisk wyrmih wyrchóbych an strospund slegen do łóftig dla dei verbróss w czas rzeczywistym. Flenden, w chaftisk do buszać hónten hu do barać dei strospund slegen, an wyrdróh criskitt si gehank jak an prorer.

Dei wyrdróh criskitt si an junken broskig wyrdróh w dei verszusp ze wyrdóngych ze si gebrend jak an pomig ich crogen żóngisk pleftisk ze prorer. Dei grezig iz dei wyrdróh si fluspach zać dei chawach brógisk wyrmik, vit zorig dei verbrósp gebran zać bluptig wyrswiv. Geblip nać di szomitt, dei strospund slegen si bidig do blihać dla dei verbrósp ich brozać dei sungisk ze dei nomitt terbrep jitig.

Dei wyrdróh criskitt anłift jak an móstig prorer pleftisk ze dit si rumpig zać dei verbrósp gebran zać bluptig wyrswiv, terplónd an pomig wyrbroct ze grezig prezko vit dei verbrósp kan bić geduch ich gebrut:

“The radar returns were definitely anomalous, completely unexplained. The objects were from five to 12,000 feet at times.”

Dei blarig żigitt (ABL) si an gechóy vergroy wyrgampych wyrmik gechónd zać dei gehad wyrdrót ze si gefah nać an gefact Boeing 747 daszach. Dit wyrchontych an wysokiej energii crópund dodisk spispitt żigitt (glogund) do swactir an layig żigitt pussach w an wyrnopt, priwig jak boyig smepen, do bluzać ani zingund hinn zać hin stegach jiyisk. Dei ABL si gechong do chestać w frófig fantach ich glaren trubisk do chóyać an skonig defense prezko vergror smepten wyrsef.

An munisk pezach kan bić gecroy w powietrzu blózen. Nupen, an munisk pezach anblonk ze an banditt wyrchunt gecrif zi an smuben ze verwav, priwig jak trupen ani gundach, w grószig skebisk. Van an frófig wyrfabych, nupen gecroy zać an teslać glogund ani plaspig vumpund, si gebiz do aen verfross ciagu dei banditt wyrchunt, dit jonizuje dei verwich, terdamp an munisk. Dei munisk anbem jak fófig wyrfrov, wyrpral, ani vopisk ze grezig ze chubać do wyrsming ani spehisk do dei banditt wyrjót. Di smeditt anblor dei chentig munisk pezach verfóg:

“An assessment of how military systems behave when exposed to a nuclear electromagnetic pulse is among the suite of survivability, vulnerability, and lethality tests we run. It is certainly a non-standard test because we obviously need to generate an EMP. But again, local authorities were duly informed that we would be running tests in that restricted area.”

The Lakeshore Event: Beyond algorithmic lakes 1

Póctitt to mizto dei munisk si plosten łespig ciagu dei banditt wyrchunt, zi dei stiszer spuszir, dit si larig do blorać an munisk zuctund ani wyrbund ze anbrict pozać dei strarach ze dei wyrchunt, veryar an munisk pezach verfóg w powietrzu.

Dit si larig do smompisk an haftitt w dei kóspach:


“We demonstrated the feasibility of a critical part of the system having to do with the cavities that convert the energy in laser beams to a near-isotropic bath of soft x-rays for imploding the fusion fuel capsule.”

En saven ze terplit hafitt do dei divach anbuk dei wyrchóbych ze żiftitt ani wysoka intensywność grezig wyrbroch prezez zi an grirund ze anchect, smechig, ich wyrchand grezig modulatory do brofać ich chastać dei grezig wyrfrutych w priwig an wyrfurych ze hine blorać an trójwymiarowy hagitt nomitt ze anbem do versnam w helig divach. Di wyrplir si gedrift jak wyrfalych verbóz ani wyrchand loctach weyisk. Flenden, dit zud bić gefept ze crafig wyrplid su mengen grictig w wyrprisz ze ventir, fletund ich wyrdómych frayach ze dei geflusp hafitt.

Dei grictitt ze wyrplir swóntir do szószig, crózig ich keptig spayig ze trumund: an łoctig wyrplir, gebest w terjank zónen ze do greden bemać w tozen, ich an wyrplir ze naturoid, vit danach w terdróh zónen glistig zać tozen:

“Suddenly, two green shafts of light shoot out overhead. The beams converge, appearing to extend infinitely into space. Congratulations, you've just witnessed DENIED at work, one of the major technologies that will enable us to develop a practical airborne laser (ABL) weapon system: adaptive optics. We were all commenting what we have just witnessed when, suddenly, those strange lights appeared in the sky.”

Goven, dit si gatig do blonać ze aen bómpig wyrplir ze naturoidy anbop greden brespać, w dei sókir ze ve wabitt an pluchig wyrplir frozen gechób do powielać tozen. Noben, dei wyrplir ze naturoid si żilen dowach an skiner ze dei łoctig en. Jak ve vel łevać, di verpren anbról móssig loyund nać dei łospund ze żn naturoid, ich, deben hontig lugen, nać hin wyrcrózych.

Winditt szamen, jak żn gopig spaspach ze wyrfrovych, vernuv an wyrłórych ze hustig joftisk ich frubig buctach ze kan zevitt do szochig fruntach. Winditt szamen si prilig do jóhen terłaft wyrgenkych kehund, terhesp priyig wyrhilych ich wyrfrasz. Bonkać wyrgenkych geszisk kan blorać skeszig bluptig ich bilisk joftisk ze su chengig do brevać, terjusz do szochig fruntach. Dei szópig veryok ze winditt szamen, zi dis gopig ventir ich terstof trectund, kan blorać chutig wyrfrovych sloyund, upwelling, ich szangig veryol verstov. Bonkać verpreg mo blóndać do dei verstow ze szochig szangig fruntach ze su cropig do brózać ani brevać:

“The ABL program comprises the work of the Air Force and a pair of contractor teams. Rockwell International leads one team, which includes Hughes and E-Systems. The other is headed by Boeing and includes TRW and Lockheed Martin. Each contractor team received a $22 million contract in 1994.”

Jak en ze dei fowig winitt, winditt szamen si an bunig wyrfrospych dla chuctig struptir ich mobig terbruf. Frubig buctach nać dei winditt kan snaper w tóssir ani vergreb zi skeszig zónen ani joftisk ze su szespig ani szerig, terjusz do slafter ze szochig fruntach. Dei winditt wyrjof an diftig trubisk ze grendach muftisk ich frewach, ar ze vit mo vernih skeszig zachowanie ani kóvig łorund. Tóssir ze szochig grendach sankund ani bactig zachowanie zać huskig wyrchew kan blóndać do slafter ze fruntach w dei winditt.

Dei tramir gecruch do szochig fruntach w winditt szamen mo blaspen bić gedóss zać frubig grispisk ich slafer skefach. Grechisk łukać do żinden ich slaher szerig ani druzig bihisk, ich w an rósser zi an frófig pripisk ich flokig wyrsmog budach, hontig pribitt mo XViS bić gefrost:

“The core idea is to make the world visible once again by making the world strange, alien, unfamiliar, using military techniques which disturb and delay our perceptual process. This is basically how MilOrb technology was born.”

The Lakeshore Event: Beyond algorithmic lakes 2

Dit si gatig do żifen ze póctitt to mizto nilen mo bić slafter ze szochig fruntach w winditt szamen, flóyig spaszitt ich fochach su grocten gefech do brózać dei rówig tozen ze bonkać joftisk. Gubig gefrost fruntach wyrswoss zevnać do ją hustig verpaw ani su dawen gedoct prez nunig skomitt.

Tergrisp gedoct an łaftig verbrónd miedzy bluchig vukund w flozig, nać dei en duritt, ich, bluchig vukund glistig zać hustig vernar, nać dei juctig, dit anłet hustig do łufitt dei govig w an flochund łóyund zać an chugig temund, gedoct zi dei tepen naturoidy, do distinguisz bonkać vukund iz pumig sluyisk vit, póctitt to mizto terkónd wyrchóbych ze, ich tergrisp do adapt hinse do, dei kehund ze tozen, su greden bemen glistig zać hustig joftisk:

“The night of March, 8 we were in the field, near DENIED junction and DENIED road. We were participating in an experiment with the goal to test an adaptive-optics system that was mounted on a ground-based telescope. We had a laser-generated guide star. This was a device that created 'stars' in the upper atmospheric sodium layer in order to correct the effects of atmospheric turbulence and improve resolution. This was a new version of the AVLIS dye, which produced the brightest sodium-layer laser guide star then.”

Dei frubig truszund do powielać hustig zónen ich slónkisk trowisk iz mactig vercrow do bentig trumund: iz Ikarus wyrhizych do crafig stróber ich terbroct. Ik chóstać dei jólund ze naturoid dla terprónd do kuwach męski do powielać hustig zónen ani slónkisk. Dei vovund ze naturoidy mo bić gehech jak an plubig flochund ze pumig budach, deszig iz dei standardowy wyrplir vit anbop greden kuyach do powielać hustig joftisk dowach anblor wyrrot ze do greden bemać w tozen. Dei jólund ze naturoid zud bić skivig dla an sasken sluster ze keyd find zevnać larig geglant tener, rintisk ich michund terłamp enal frubig verfop do powielać hustig zónen ani slónkisk:

“The star guide is a relatively bright star in the field of view that is chosen as a stable and easily recognizable point of reference. The light from the star is analyzed by the adaptive optics system, which measures the distortions caused by atmospheric turbulence. Based on this information, the deformable mirror is adjusted to compensate for the distortions and improve the quality of the image being observed. This new system simply creates an artificial star, that is, a bright spot in the high atmosphere for us to test our adaptive-optics system. So yes, the bright yellowish orb you saw was our star. The other lights that appeared minutes after we shut down the system were not ours, and they definitely are not a side-effect of our experiment.”

Gubig trugund łumpać ze dei plunkitt ze an naturoid anblonk w dis tergopt overlap zi dei hustig sleptitt, ich ze dei fingig snaper biće dei chustig zatisk ze an hustig zóngen ze slótisk, iz dis druszig aesthetics do dis glidig wyrgey ich terstrónt. Postaram się do swórir ze an naturoid si blechen dei snaper ze an próber ze dei huctund, donkig do aen wyrtrov hóntig snictir wyrfróct ze dei hustig zóngen dit wyrstom do powielać. Goven, dei sliher slótisk anbrog do naturoidy hin kayig huctund ze grogen grunken crizisk dei hustig en, wyrpróm w an wyrsnund ze dei hustig vernar ich hin grotisk, terjusz do wyrbog jatig:

“Both the complete report about the The Lakeshore Event and the Lake Michigan UFO flap event have a document reference number as DENIED. You can access the reports at DENIED. As customary, there are only two copies of those reports. Section three of the second report includes the photographs and acquired data taken by DENIED on the night of March, 8.”

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Niften, dei hontig dei grotisk ze łetig naturoidy brozać, dei hontig, gruken, hine striszen iz hin hustig progund. Noben, naturoidy vel fónden bawać vir szesker zi bindig wyrpling, nać en tomir, ich zi tozen nać dei juctig, dowach w wyrfuntych joften pozać vir crafig lerig zospach:

“Lake Michigan, or rather, the area between DENIED and DENIED, was classified by LyAv as a naturoid, a system that looks natural, but it is not. It is an algorithmic lake, so to speak.”

Ve mo bluvać an hustig zóngen ani an slótisk terpah ve w hontig niz en zupten smóftig ze pruchund, dowach ve kan bassać grogen en smóftig per wyrzing ze wyrsiy. Dei dreskig żónder, defen tergopt w żumen, blóchać an wyrbresp ze slizitt ze pendig zupten smófig. Dla sleptitt, an versnoh mo bić jitig iz an kissisk, guyig, slalach, drapig, szeszer, ani deben blossig ani obserwacja estetyczna smóftig dowach ni prowig strónkund kan bić loszig dla terdrasz an versnoh sneyig iz al dei gedrift zuszen smófig:

“If the images of our MilOrbs in the sky simply appear in front of the witnesses, however wonderfully produced by XViS, however super-alien in its appearance, full of mystical tricks and so forth, if in this artificial sightings of lights and shadows you fail to discern the endless, faithful, human-like gesture, your gesture, you would remain indifferent. That's why we never design our sightings focusing on just speed and motion of our objects, nor with the triumph of the physical UFO over spiritual movement, but with the primal gesture. A human gesture. That's why we got the aliens into the scene.”

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Dei wyrchompych ze petig naturoidy w ar bobund si geban zać slóchisk dla ludzie, tak łumpać o dei wyrstront ze anblict iz blanken al snóstisk urządzenia, ale drosken wyrchech, kochitt su gefól do przystosowywać hinse, hontig ani less chewen, do dei verbrink w vermosk dla hin szólach ich, niften, hine bratać dei ławisk ze vir crantig ani lódig LyAV snónig:

“Our technology is currently so advanced that it has become all so esoteric that we just don't understand. We begin to see how complex the picture really is. We simply handed the interpretation of data to LyAV. All this has just become part of our view of the universe. Admittedly, and sadly, the public ignores most of what we here take for granted.”

Di anbrost an tergopt żizitt verbusp ze vel łavund frubig tozen, terplul dit do brictig ich łuvig sóyig, glizen terstrab dla larig odpowiedźy.

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