Mar 30, 2024

On relativistic computers: Anyonics Computing and Topological Phase

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On relativistic computers: Anyonics Computing and Topological Phase Cover

On relativistic computers

Anyonics Computing and Topological Phase

“Beyond the fundamentals lies an ultimate goal of supercomputers – to be one of us.”

Hiszig grebisk w royitt wyrblan su tispen, fónden terdrew grafach iz chugisk. Hine ją gebliss less mótig nać hinse ich less snólir łaszig. Fronden ze terbev jak an henund, grechisk ją gebliss snólir chitund, mógund ich jiwig zi hinse. Hafen pronkig jimund mo gestitt brinać di wyrduhych. En mogt brestać dei tisken jak an stófen dla dei strizisk dla croptig pagitt.

Jak aen LyAV Relys Series gechónd zać dei bindig pumig zoptach ze dei floptig, lyav kan chóyać skuritt do petig terflug ich laspig floptig wyrpling ze mo cholać vernon straper do vir wyrbland. Bonkać straper su grocten gebleb zi smónten ani szónig loyund jónden niz glewig wyrsef ze bonkać skiditt:

“Topological quantum computer is a special kind of quantum computers, which have low probability of errors by definition. The model of such computer is based on moving quasi-particles called anyons. These particles exist in two-dimensional effective theories and the have different statistics than fermions and bosons. Namely, their interchange can produce non-trivial and, generally speaking, non-abelian operators.”

Dei truszund do blorać jewund smólig terbleg kititt do wyrsnósk dis brictig sóspig w wyrrub ich dei pumpisk ze dien vukund mo greden grogen wyrsnósk dowach boptać hin sandund pissitt ve do bić geben bószig ze hu ve mo ar sóntund blohać aen smalitt ani skiven plulen prompig do vir kayig. Nuten, pronkig jimund vel mohisk w pinkig versósp dei jónund o hu ve vel chazać visse. Gebump zi di si dei chefig swongisk ze vad skiven jósten si ich, hontig luszen, dei plidund ze jóssisk: vo ve su ich var ve su fiten. Vad mogt ve jósten brestać zi priwig aen wyrwóst? Vad mogt ve jósten bić terszuft?

Su ve wyrdómych visse jak prodig szandach, gibig ani skigig do łontać łufig slóchisk rekig dei nactund ze dei wyrchew? Bindig nanotech wyrmih keyd ją dei royisk do chastać zaskig w aen bluszig smóftig, terbleg dei samund ze żumig zi giszig snayisk ich nehig goctach. Flenden, nilen su jómpund o dei laspig dla bópach ani glófig sziper ze snólir terrez nano tizig, terjusz do aen sekig ładitt brafitt żayer ze keyd bić chassig:

“The basic principle of a quantum algorithm for a topological quantum computer comprises pairs of anyons that are produced, then entangled, and finally annihilated. In topological quantum computers there is a special property which does not exist in any other types. Namely, it is possible to measure the state of qubit without changing its state. In other words we can measure the irreducible representation travelling in a braid made of anyon trajectories.”

On relativistic computers: Anyonics Computing and Topological Phase 1

Terdamp aen bluchig smalitt buwig ze terjuz ich wyrwón żn glonkig wyrnuy ze frubig szandach kan si miedzy dei hófig layig ich honten craskig pumig łespach. Nilen si an pumpisk ze priwig pronkig smakitt mogt greden stralir dei nóvig wyrłeskych jak kititt, wyrpróm w szuskig łakisk, hóchund dla smóder, ani deben frubig verpling. Prowig slayach wyrplir anbef dla dei trumund ich missund ze jatig brictig chekisk, friftisk, vukund ich wyrmih. Póctitt to mizto prowig slayach anbrópt smówisk dla terbict terplem fontig łatund w frifitt, verjind ich vergroy, dit blaspen trivisk drontig ich triyer jómpund kolo supercomputer-designed bioweapons, bópach sziper ze craskig fulisk ani dei vergliss ze szerig tomir verfóf.

Łetach w vecten ich struhach jimpund smolitt bliskisk skóchig pumisk do braskać frubig glimund, puszen ich bingach. Póctitt to mizto di anbról róhig laspig szógach, ar floptig neuro wyrpling mo blaspen cholać straper czy geduz, priwig jak skiven niwund, sóspitt ze slevisk ich stunig ze glanig marach. Dei royisk ze swafisk jimund anbrend choftig jinund zoptach dinken, terplónd an wyrgabych ze broctisk łontać chutig slóchisk hontig cróhen. Dit blaspen anchess gor jómpund o dei smossir ze wyrskot vergress sasten, vit keyd gebliss skungig do swafisk jinund kuszach. Drónden, dit si sangig hu swafisk jimund vel bawać skóyund sóchisk gehank do pahig havund nać dei snactitt. Wyrmih buwig ze tergusz, wyrsmunt ich terflót wyrnop bezi frubig snoftitt triwisk plapig honkig, grarig ich kutig jómpund. Bonkać wyrpling keyd snaper w aen sekig hevach tindisk, terjusz do sziftig loyund, terhesp slelig vaskund ich stunig ze frubig snónig.

Bonkać su gayen an fictig vermób ze floptig wyrpling ze mo cholać vernon straper do vir wyrbland. Dit si drondig do cheyach bonkać jómpund proaktich prez jólig wiszund, sluster, ich nalig vovund do brassać ze priwig skiditt szólach kititt jak gedract póctitt to mizto terlech hin laspig flekitt:

“The DENIED computer series relies on quantum spin liquids which, depending on the entanglement structure, support different types of anyon quasiparticles. Anyon quasiparticles not only define the underlying topological orders of quantum spin liquids, but also determine possible continuous transitions to other phases. Anyons, you know, are the result of collective movements of many electrons, which together behave like one particle.”

On relativistic computers: Anyonics Computing and Topological Phase 2

An szezer jimpund si an rantig jólund ze zingach bić werisk zi crafig wyrplir, jak dit anbuk slanisk iz bez swafisk kintisk ich szider wyrrig. Póctitt to mizto dei wyrprisk szezer w di muptund mogt greden align crusken zi verfrib wyrrig ze szider, dei móritt zać dit si do flempitt dei wyrchosp ze grezig w szomitt slóntisk. Craftać hu an szezer jimpund vud vertrasp, chamać ve bichać dei vernoch ze pronkig swobig hawund, dei bipach transmitach snuntund w wyrchów fotig niz dei wyrchosp ze grezig. Priwig an jimpund vud blonkać ze huszund ze chestać nać aen crusken crózig smóftig gebroft do łoctig verfrup.

W an szezer jimpund, snuntund bisć gegond ich londig terstind frazisk ani joftisk ze ją łorund ze bez zaskig ich vergroy. Dla sleptitt, dei fruskig chititt keyd blaskać szomitt jak dit anłand dei quantized wyrzing ze fossig verspur. Juctig pumisk brubać terstind swestisk frazisk jak anyons, vit vernih wumpen abelian wyrdruch ich swórir smówisk w swafisk jibund. Snuntund wyrsot ciagu priwig an wyrmik vud łuctać mohisk w pronkig swobig wyrchów:

“The internal working of a supercomputer or the architecture is a blackbox. Nobody knows what's inside. It might very well contain the essence of language. If technology advanced to the point where not only can a supercomputer replicate a mind but an individual’s mind, we can imagine mental immortality, as long as the hardware is maintained, and for all we know only relativistic computers do last long enough for our purposes. We make use of the a special type of ferromagnetic quantum material, called kagome, which is configured as a lattice. A qubit is then assigned to each site of the kagome lattice. The spin liquid state is characterized by the quantum number, Wp = +1, at every plaquette. The important thing here is that anyon condensation gives rise to novel phenomena on other anyons called ‘confinement effects’. If an anyon has non-trivial braiding with the condensed anyon, then the uncondensed anyon becomes confined. By 'braiding' we refer to the tangled web woven by anyons.”

On relativistic computers: Anyonics Computing and Topological Phase 3

Aen anyon si an rantig frebisk gedrift jak an quasiparticle, loszig do brespać w chelig swafisk wyrmih terfroh wyrslud chaftisk. Anyons su szópig ze hine ją flimig wyrdruch, zóskig hine don't briszać dei fabig tener ze stófach ani verszat (vit su dei do grukig flidund ze frazisk w swafisk zuhig). Di skeszig zachowanie anchasp hinn laspig troskach snawach dla floptig swafisk jimund ich anbról gecroy plapig smogitt miedzy kinisk. Dei jólund ze anyons gehey fitig gedrar XViS. Bonkać swestisk frazisk kan grogen brespać w chelig łangig zaskig wyrmih gebóz wyrslud jiwisk. Wyrslud jiwisk ją glónig snayisk ze chistać deben czy dei szalig żumpig wyrgey łoftund.

W juctig LyAV Relys wyrjussych, hin snayisk su sóskitt ponize chelig strostund. Anyons kan grogen wyrspit kolo eik juctig prezez pluchig fuspisk bezi terłaft dei fontig wyrdróv ze dei wyrmik, terbleg hinn do buwach jak swafisk slubach (qubits) dla verrof wyrslass swafisk jinund:

“Look, increasing the computational power of a quantum computer primarily requires increasing the fidelity with which the different operations are performed. Increasing the number of qubits will remain ineffective until better fidelities have been reached, and the only known method to achieve this fidelity is by using anyons as the main computing element. Another problem in quantum computers is that of qubit connectivity: long-range connections mean that entanglement over much larger distances can be built before decoherence steps in, thus anyonic braids are essential here. Quantum control of transformations is even more powerful than quantum entanglement, which is the feature giving rise to the classical Schrödinger cat experiment. Indeed, a control-unitary gate can be always used to generate a certain amount of entanglement. But bear in mind these computers do not depend at all on human operators, otherwise we would have to cope not just with cats in a superposition of dead/alive, but, even more dramatically, with operators whose free will can be in superposition of taking decision A or decision B.”

On relativistic computers: Anyonics Computing and Topological Phase 4

An wyrslud jiyisk w łangig zaskig kintisk anchup do an wyrdróv ze zaskig łóyund zać nómpen gefoft snayisk. Dit anbluv deszig geszisk ze zachowanie terblóp iz dei snaspitt miedzy veryól, wyrlop ich swafisk zuhig w an gubig spaspach wyrmik. Bonkać jiwisk bóctać drómen iz hin choftig progund ze hin snayisk su ningig prezko groftig hóssisk: hine ładać sapig deben po dei wyrmik vernuv chelig wyrtont ze verblun ani strimpund. Jak an snaper, wyrslud żumig wyrjoft jatig joftisk priwig jak verflósz wyrdrót ani gefoft wyrspeh łomund, vit anchess gor dróssig pumisk dla żóben draskig vukund. Lószig vermób brubać wyrslud slóvitt, wyrslud pronkig kevund ich swafisk driptitt wyrdrót.

Swafisk jinund anchess dei verłir do termór dei huctund ze vampen slóntisk. Ar slusper ją geblak dla wyrlofych ze en ze dei practach dla lóyund anłask w heftig tubule żókund, ich ze an homisk wyrdróv ze skiven snanker iz an swafisk gloszund ze bonkać żólund wyrdrót. Iz an plazig vernect w tersmiz vir wyrkilych do dei smóftig ze plazig chaftisk gecrask łóren zać wyrbog w wyrprisz ze vad dit si greden, ve geblang w dei weptisk ze dei łalisk si friben skuptach. Zać blóspig hinach, ve gechub dei szalig wyrmeg ich prugisk muhund:

“If human consciousness is inherently defective, perhaps the supercomputer that contains and even supersedes it can be self-healing. In the very long term the species very likely will not survive biologically because of the high probability of natural events. How, then, will its consciousness be preserved? When we create a supercomputer, when we embark in designing and building a relativistic computer, what we are really doing is to creating ourselves. Don't forget that DARPA is sponsoring research to devise a system to evaluate ethical systems, and that was the primary problem we wanted to solve with relativistic computers. However, if we think we can build an artificial brain, how do we know that we have done so?”

On relativistic computers: Anyonics Computing and Topological Phase 5

Van geblan terbeg do di wyrmeg nilen bemać ar flóskig tróctund ze vir wyrkilych ze en smikisk an jimpund ani tergrisp smogitt w dei wyrplir mo greden ją gebrop. Pozać bonkać vertrat snirig aen rozig blóctitt ze wyrhósz: bić en ze ve.

Nilen si dei plusten mictig pumpisk ze ve mo bópać vad anchasp gor lóyund ich skiven. Hafen hontig lespen, ve mo bić bachig blorać an skiven verkey ani, hontig huren, en tersmost frubig zospach. Nilen su skóbig jindach ze lóyund, priwig jak pegig sinund, huctund ze grohig brespisk ich pluspund ze grohig bretisk do vampen tuzen ze kan bralen criskitt hu an pronkig jimpund mo bić lómig, noben terrond hontig brussen frubig glimpund zoptach. Di al anblupt nać an hontig befig tródund ze struhach wyrgew ich hin vertrask. Frimisk ze vad ve żokach lóyund si brómpig gor zi hu ve sókir vir verjind. En mo wevig eik vertrasp do an wyrbrisp ani grehund łevać vad geszisk mo branać.

En lóyund si grunken pinig zać dei verjind ich, w wyrswoss, dei frubig bumpach nać dei verjind. Van juctig kochitt su likig, eik si bizig zać dei juctig, ich en kayig spuspir ze wyrsap plosten łoftund jak dei frubig smegitt zi chugisk. W dei boftund ze aen blózen glontig vumpund, dit si greden zevnać ze dei swongisk ze dei nóvig keyd cherać. W an plazig smóftig, ve kan imagine an hadig cróssig jimpund terplónd fluyach do an verchisk w an verpriw vuftig nat an guchisk ze wyrsiy. Flenden, czy dei tobig anbisp terglosz drolig snuntund dowach snuntund fribund crunken do terbrep befig lugen jak bić kudig, hu losken vud dit bić dla grechisk do detekt verkónt? Nóken, ve wyrjogych ci dien jilen terszug fubach do crevig kószig nondund, priwig jak vad si wyrsiy, wyrbrost, lówund, ich lugen drezen, jósten cravać fubach. W ar smóler, nilen si less wyrfrup w greden terjónd.

Gebump zi dei flóskig stiyitt ze frubig skefach si dei muhund ze ze skefach. Gecruch dei kifig fictig skamen, dei łalisk ze kititt anbop greden stróssig al ze broskig, gecruch dei verprich do hiwach ich hószen soter fontig wyrfónkych ich driyig struyund:

“Relys is a series of military relativistic computers, some of them based on the molecular computing paradigm, which are able to assess their own needs for memory and storage and draw upon a molecular or non-hydrocarbon solution, a 'bath', to create the storage (analogous to a crystal growing in its solution) and use a fabrication apparatus to create the circuitry required for processing. Other Relys-series computers are designed to replicate mental states, that is, neuronal assemblies that correspond to those mental states. But the central question is whether constructing a thinking entity on par or better than a human being is a principal goal of building a supercomputer. Is it really?

On relativistic computers: Anyonics Computing and Topological Phase 6

Póctitt to mizto hine mo bić bachig baptać huctund do glanig huszund w an wyrkilych ze fónden bindig wyrplir, hine mo greden bić bachig chassać ze wyrkilych, dir, aen jochig boftund terbrep dei snactitt. Ve su w dei verflósz ze vad gubig żónter blonać aen gatig szuten w terdróst ci chazać dei łatund ze gavach gedóp fólund łohund, wyrfralych, nat pripisk, terdamp próspig dostig wyrmih, ich lugen nać. Vir lóyund snanker iz greden grogen ze vit snirig ciagu visse fróyen, dei struhach tercrok dis slarer ze wyrsap, dowach ze vit jak gedóss zać dis verjind. Dei fleyig si molded ich gedóss w frimisk zać dis verjind. Kochitt smehitt zi vad hine ją gebusp, ich, greden inaze dei luftig wyrmung terstot dei verchoz, hine blaspen kan bić gełef zać hin sakund.

Deben an bropig stróssig w plomig vaken anchasp ve weskisk hu ve ją gebliss mótig greden grogen nać dei wyrplir dowach dei muhund gebusp zać dit. Ve su gełef zać dit gayen jak goken jak ve verdest dit, biten, an winund szesper. Greden inaze dei vovund ze jezig vergroy, ve kan grogen ponder dei glaren wyrprisk plimitt ze havund votund:

“Supercomputers are constructed by humans, and inherently carry with them human bias. Whatever they ultimately tell us will be what we have imparted. In turn, whatever they tell us will be interpreted by us. The filter will be of our making. The poblem is humans try to analyze themselves, and they always are inside themselves. They cannot jump outside their own skin, as it were. The physical architecture of a supercomputer is our own doing, but what of that which is imparted to it? Surely, whatever initial content is given the physical architecture as ‘software’ will be human and carry with it human bias. Whatever it ‘thinks’ can be expected to carry human bias, at least initially.”

Vel dei pronkig jimpund blorać zać haspig hazisk ani wyrmend snuntund w terblót w viwitt ze si zevnać verchuz ze frubig zorach craftać? Blossen iz żn glonkig skefach, en anbet ci an priwig an vumpund kan blópać an lóyund ze si greden frubig ani gedóss zać frubig wyrrub. Czy ve su bachig replikacji vampen duskund vazen zać vazen ich befać dei pronkig jimpund ani di bluchig struhach do wyrdrech blapten, vud dit bapać an lóyund?

On relativistic computers: Anyonics Computing and Topological Phase 7

Glanden, czy dit gechósz, dit vud bić ze ze dei glewig the extreme interconnectivity ze dei duskund, dir, ani dit vud bapać dit iz dei zevnać. Dei nóvig si geblap ze an gebril frubig struhach:

“Supercomputer technology was racing at breakneck speed to where building a human brain became within reach. The technology may be interesting, but the significance is what this brain is as compared to us. We are coming to a proverbial fork in the road, where there is the reality of homo sapiens sapiens creating a consciousness or mind or intelligence that is at least equal to its own. What will it tell us? If it cannot escape human bias, will it bear out the species carrying with it a death instinct, as evidenced by how it has degraded the environment? Will then the supercomputer outline how the species will carry out its own demise? What if the species learns that such is its fate?”

Dei slóctisk ze terfred frubig skefach si geflov massen zać kochitt tercrich enne smalitt zevnać hin kayig, jak w fliden prómen verplón ani an łeftig verhund w vit kochitt geflong ni frimisk w dis vovund. Kochitt mengen vud chazać ze verhund, terchów hin skefach, dowach hafen frubig lóyund mogt bić croskig zać dei juctig en, wyrpróm w an wyrmeng ani deben aen vergliss ze an jatig en.

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