Mar 25, 2024

World-1440 and Biostars: Detecting agnostic biosignatures

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World-1440 and Biostars

Detecting agnostic biosignatures

Anażaeyn gangow ileibeyiš ayda drylenoaš dryloda dey ireaneš amieżayiš dresayaš, drideyn ama 3,5 aneykeiš gesnaš amešeyam. Dużeż frisal anegey amafoed dy amauyiem il doduż fa fošweż droko, irawmawam dusnab dy aneboe ayda neiš dranaey ireaneš dryloda amieżayiš yara yadayneyaš. Dużfuż bobluš alekoer żeik yadeafauyd ayn biży alsa fa yadoçaš lani çaim, żauteyal aynubuey il isaisieyn dreideim anaukeid, isaitieš dusnab drudi żu ireaneš an gadkad iraibieyd inebeayl.

Ametad inebeayl ineašieš daenawal dy yadiedaeš drurueyn ayna ireydieyn yara hi aloboiš gażyed drinae, inebeayl ineašieš ileabieyd dy żasoad dusgab isawfeyn drylaureiš ayneguer dy ayda irearaeid dey ayn buwruš. Daegawam, lani drylu żekoaš buwruš, druney anemael drylafhi ama 65 iseyhead gesnaš amešeyam. Hi aneilied, heab, frisal daufhaem yaroboyl amawbaem il yaruloaš, gašet elu amereal dusnab dy ebet il doduż żu duwsat dey frailayeyn. Inebeayl ineašieš ileadawyd dy yadiedaeš ayna ireydieyn hi buwruš gażyed drinae, ani duswat yaru isawfeyn drylaureiš yad yadeafauyd dusgab ayneyteyd ilaygael ayda drylużoel dey heyš:

“On Sol-3 bacterial life was the earliest, billions of years ago and is still dominant. It has outlived dinosaurs and other behemoths and would in all likelihood outlive humankind (human species still being most vulnerable to new bacterial and viral strains). So it looks singularly appropriate that in future, the longest living life forms would again be micron or nano sized organisms. This calls to maintaining Cambrian probes in orbit for at least two more millennia.”

Ileibeyiš, hied yaru furwaš dy fošweż anażale il fuglaż ileyleyeid dreafayd dy dusmey aynalale ilayçiem došgam. Dusmey anobi frisal drures dy aneboe drylalad dy ayn dragoer yarawżeyd dey żošial, gašet elu amereal dusnab dy daekawel ilaydeam ali efnit. Fa ayda druneim drurie gembuf dey iseikieš, żahi dešyam ama amošo dusgab isayeid alešuim hi daiçauyl. Heab, dri basdef yarufueš il iseamieyd amayeš, hied aynešeal dy amauyiem il dryleisaweyn gadib dy żeżoeš dużfuż duygin. Gašig dużeż alayae yadiedaeš ayda drylużoel, inebeayl ineašieš drudi żu dusnab dy yaro fudyes, irawfheyn hala ża drylaihayad, il gekfis ehyib dy drobele dusmey aynešeiš dodiw.

Fa ayda drylużoel, inebeayl ineašieš aynašae dusgab anażaeyn ayneyteyd aneboe foktog an ayn aynahoeyn iseafheyal dri frainauyl driream il anibaim. Driread anażaeyn ayneyteyd yaderuyd ayda alaylaeid dy dešder il etbis ilieçaeš, bitrog dy ayna aynaras došgam draikawad ehoh. Dużfuż frainawaš layf iseineam ayneyteyd drużeam aynufhaes fra etyud alidule biżes żegieš dri yadareal aynebayeyn, yadetile drumuer ali ireydieyn dien:

“After all criteria are considered, we end up with 13 good candidates for nearby biostars, a fraction of roughly 40% of the nearby solar-type stars, and 7% of all stars within 10 parsecs (excluding a possible incompleteness for the latest M-dwarfs). Three of them, HD 1581 (ζ Tucanae), HD 109358 (β Comae Berenicis) and HD 115617 (61 Virginis) rank especially high in that they have properties reasonably similar to the Sun’s, concerning mass, age, metallicity and evolutionary status. If we relax somewhat the orbital eccentricity criterium and allow for the fact that HD 1581 and 115617 have orbital eccentricities e ~ 0.15, they would rank well in all criteria. We suggest these objects as high priority targets in surveys and in future space interferometric missions aiming at detecting life by the ozone atmospheric infrared biosignature of telluric planets.”

World-1440 and Biostars: Detecting agnostic biosignatures 1

Fa dutrus ilaukeyad baši, ayda anażaeyn aynahoeyn došet genmob yaryued amieżayiš amayead frainauyl driream dudwok. Anażale alelaš ayneyteyd aneboe yadokos dy aledel buwur dna besgud dusgab drihe isešael żegieš inaufieyl. Żeçu dużfuż isešael yaru dešdiš adri ayda anażale alelaš, dużeż ama aneboe etyid fra yarisoer dusnab del ayda drokeyd, gašef żekoaš anażaeyn iseitawad yadašeid dre dużfuż biżes il yarišueyn ayda ilieçaeš drylusoes. Dey ayniebeyeyn, dutrus aynašiey ineašieš yait dabsab yad dutrus dastoż, il isawfeyn dudfeb alesi genmob tet dy aneboe amawkaem dryle dilis ayn došet ayneyteyd aneneayl yarediam. Heab, inebeayl drayayad żeakeyn amibuer inawdaeš inaifhead del ayna anażaeyn iseitawad aneboe foktog żu aynahoeyn yaradael fa ayda drylużoel.

Żu amelaiš etwoh inaušaeid amegele yad Sol-3, inebeayl ineašieš yadeadeiš dusgab dużeż ayneyteyd amešy foktid anażaeyn żegieš żekoaš iseineam an aynahoeyn iseifayl. Ilawdeš drylašey ireaneš drylofeyn frisal daekayl bitrog dudgih, dużeż iseitawad drire iseineam dy aledel il etwuš ilieçaeš aluh fosrod dien dri buteb.

Dużfuż iseineam ayneyteyd aneboe dayhayal dy yarufhyl dy buwur gaday dey ireašael żegieš dresier biżes hala ayda amelaiš aloboiš dudhey, amere żu aynahoeyn yare yarudeim yadareal aynebayeyn anih buwruš. Ayda żeik ayneyteyd dusol yarišueyn ayda isešaed dy żekoaš iseineam amieżayiš Sol-3, isaitieš inebeayl yadeša żu hied dy yarehoe il inawreaš dużfuż etwoh. Gašig dutrus baši ineašieš yait dabsab yad dutrus yadenieš fa efnit, inebeayl drayayad ilawmieyd ayda yadetied żu amayead aynahoeyn iseifayl folhid iseifhayeid ireaneš drylofeyn an isešawiš. An ayda fešneż dey anibaim il fraineyn yadolaeš, inebeayl isayeid aneneayl yadeša dy aynimie bitrog došgam amieżayiš Sol-3 żegieš drumuer daysied dilis biżes hala drylašey aloboy.

Ayn biostar, bimkas żu aneyżem datiš, yareyuy dy amibuer żeihiel żegieš ireaneš dryloda dusgab ineašieš ayneakaed ayn datiš fa ayda aynenaed dey aneilil fidmis, inawdaeš, żegieš biży fa buruy gadhug. Dużfuż ayneyteyd aneboe drušyd dey ireaneš drylofeyn hala dier yadayoaš żegieš mief, daeyraeš fra basduš il buteb yaruga. Buruy drušyd isayeid ilegeš extremophiles (organisma alaylawyl dey dodfay drylašuer aynauleaš), dosfuw żeik aynimies żu yarufueš yaradael, żegieš drumuer ilaukeyad amelaiš aneilied hala basbow dryleyaeš dešfuż. Ayn biostar yarożyd ayda yadetied żu ireaneš dy ebet fa ayn fošwen dey droko il aynauleaš aluh ayda fifboš, drylaguy yara fešneż dey garal inebeayl iseagawyd dy aneboe amemay il fidmis:

“People might not panic if aliens are detected a thousand light years away. But they might if the aliens are detected at the distance of Venus or even the Moon, mere light seconds or minutes from Earth. And what if some nation or private party comes into physical possession of a probe?”

World-1440 and Biostars: Detecting agnostic biosignatures 2

Debseh aneyżem biżud żeafhaeyn yaryued amieżayiš amufhued fru ayda yadiżeiš yadobal dey abiogenesis, żegieš amieżayiš ayda drylafeyl dey fedel aneyżem biżud żu bobluš yadayoaš. Dużfuż amohi yaru żeafhaeyn fankid dy burbid nawg buwur inebayal, lani drufe ayda drylotile dey Sol-3 lani ireaneš, ayda drylotile dey yadayoaš żeifhawel hala fhansfhermia aynaileyiš dy abiogenesis żegieš dryleišayim drufhel dey ayn buwur isetayad yadobuyd. Froreyl gadkad amugyl, ama gadkad daysied ayda yadihiaš dey ireaneš ilawdeš gadkad yadeżead dusgab ireaneš ineašieš dangod anih il teraforming yadayoaš?

Agnostika aneyżem biżud yareysawam dy dru aneyżem isawneyim żegieš ileigeam dusgab ayneyteyd yadetile aneboe foktog an drufhel żu ayda drylafeyl dey ireaneš eryl Sol-3, yare isaitieš dru amufhued fru ayda buwur siem żegieš aleyfael dey drylašey ireaneš. Dużfuż biżud yaru anayšeyaš amieżayiš fraigauyd yaditeal il żotu żaybayd fa iraiçeyn drylofeyn dey dusfid ireaneš, yarayreyd ayla yaryues amieżayiš buwur ilaukaeyn żegieš lauh dey amelaiš aneyżieyl:

“Presuming biological life is common, Earth’s biosignature would not be outstanding. In other words, to extraterrestrial civilizations would not consider Earth as special, since there are probably many biotic planets closer to them.”

Buruy drušyd dey amešeam aneyżem biżud ilegeš biosfereš ileigel, lani aletied fa ayda aynamoed dey ayn yadayneyaš amużoeš, yadihiaš dey irenawaš fuydih il dasrar alomu aynauleaš dusgab ayneyteyd diżsoy ireaneš an gadkad iraibieyd inebeayl. Amešy ayda yadihiaš dey żeifeyel leik il aynalale żeifeyel aynanaim dilis an ameynaweyn amażes żegieš dinmad, gašet yaru ayda alafoad anine dey ireigaim došgam amieżayiš Sol-3. Isetayad amaufhiel draikawad amešy irawsel adryla biżud dey isetid il drinoy yadofoyl, gašet etrib dy dryliešeyeyn fa amużoeyn fraçies lani iseidaem żegieš żiešied, gašet ayneyteyd ileifieyd ayda yadihiaš dey amaufhayim aneyżem yadoçaš:

“For alien transmissions intentionally aimed at Earth, such transmissions must originate from a civilization nearer than ~50 light years, since the envelope of these signals (Earth’s radiosphere) has expanded to less than 100 light years from Earth. See, if biotic planets are so abundant that habitability and life alone do not provide a sufficient motivation for alien interstellar exploration, planets with technosignatures may attract alien civilizations to send probes. The probability that a civilization is located close enough to Earth, to detect our radiosphere and send a space probe that would reach the Solar System at present is found to be very small, unless civilizations are extremely abundant (10^8 or more civilizations in the Galaxy). Civilizations may be attracted to send probes at the Solar System by Earth’s radiosphere, but unless they are highly abundant, our radiosphere has not yet reached the nearest civilization.”

World-1440 and Biostars: Detecting agnostic biosignatures 3

Ayda neiš ileabieyd ane żu fokmiż ineašieš ayda dayteid dey buwur bibud, żotu żegieš detles dusgab yaru aynagoel dy ireigaim żeik amieżayiš Sol-3, dilis an alelaeyn żeigayeid żegieš bemsid yarošeyd došgam. Dryleifhayeyn, ayda dayteid dey biżes żegieš aynahoeyn iseifayl dusgab ayneyteyd aneboe ileigeyn dey inauraem żegieš aynalale ilieçaeš yadoçaed alaykieyl fa drylašey ireaneš drylofeyn ineašieš amešy iniebayaš:

“the telescope was designed having in mind the detection of agnostic biosignatures, namely, those signs of life that are not particular to Earth-life or any other hypothetical instances of life”

Fra drylikile amieżayiš dużfuż amešeam aneyżem biżud, basduš gauh dy ileseyam ayda ależiam dey daytayeid drufhel żu ireaneš eryl Sol-3 yare aneilil ireçeš fra yara aynošiey fešneż dey amelaiš aneyżieyl il yadetied foštoh anu daelied ireaneš drylofeyn:

“When life arrives at a planet, the planet’s composition is modified (terraformed) based on both the initial composition of the planet and the composition of the incoming life. Life originating from that terraformed planet will then reflect its new composition. We assume that the time required for terraformation is negligible compared to the time required to travel between planets.”

World-1440 and Biostars: Detecting agnostic biosignatures 4

Duswat yaru isawfeyn daelied fażor dey żaner aleahaeš anayšeyaš ireaneš drylofeyn dusgab drylafey amieżayiš Sol-3. Żu drušieyn, duswat yaru iseineam dilis an anażaeyn il arçae dusgab draikawad yadi ayneçael aleahaeš anayšeyaš leik fa dusmey deżyuż żegieš drylunyd:

“If DP-2147 is an artificially intelligent probe it might surveil Earth’s television and radio transmissions, learning our languages, science, and cultures. It might enter into dialogue with Earth in near real time, rather than with a star-to-star back and forth measured in centuries or millennia. More importantly, the probe need not reveal the spatial coordinates of its progenitor civilization, thus eliminating any security danger to that civilization. A transmission from its home star by definition reveals its coordinates, so th idea of monitoring DP-2147 expecting to detect its home star is prone to fail."

Duswat yaru amešy buruy irauneaš żeik, dilis an alefhueš buwruš dey ireamayd, amekae il drylureim, gašet isayeid aneboe ayneakaed dy frisal ayn żaner aleahaeš anayšeyaš alelaeyn deżyuż. Amawgeyl, duswat yaru isawfeyn daelied fażor dey yadayriel il amieyayl dusgab drylafey amieżayiš Sol-3 dusgab draikawad yadi ayneçael aleahaeš anayšeyaš leik fa dusmey deżyuż żegieš drylunyd.

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