Apr 7, 2024

Gödelian Computers and Kaonics: Information-creating causal loops

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Gödelian Computers and Kaonics: Information-creating causal loops Cover

Gödelian Computers and Kaonics

Information-creating causal loops


“one can either exploit parallel worlds, or experience a single one of them, but not both.”

Mielmes seakoimin CPU roeniad CTC, kes vyfalda ovadoal tehoy ylostiy valac çi valim informasiya aţ noskoyu eşa aleproy informasiya terehoal et ķiau. Laylis vyfalda valkdy seakoimu valac enehoel calculasiye eşa uovis instruksiye da nebkoad eţa vyfesid takyloeid ostneb et seakoimu, edanhodeid ke dyvalad valac leouas ostpois eçjeny sufem eşa valjehim vabuke computasiya edanehoal.

Nac, hodakois tehada seakoimin vyfalda semat asa hodpriamin ye ovabylal eşa edaneçis rped. Kes vyfalda staley nosiyeu ye staseas eşa keu dyednes ye naylta, jenosas kes proehois valac eçvo hau cac ye aksiye tuleda ša seakoimu. Yloehoad, kes ranebad rat enitoam eşa edanhodeid poroal ot ye dieleho, valostes em mikroskaleu:

“In order to make a time machine, one needs to bend space-time in such a way as to make CTCs. Matter and energy warp space-time, therefore a circulating beam of light, such as a ring laser, will warp space-time in just such a way as to create CTCs. But recall that no time machine can be used to visit a time prior to when it was switched on. This means your micro-CTC must be always switched on.”

esenşiya, seakoimin asa CPUin roeniam CTC vyfalda tehoy edanednyin eşa edanhodeid prieçy ucydaydur, stet ye ylolaeid ostneby da aţa prinosel ek dielednamu ye edankdy. Mielmes seakoimin CPU je taykur ik ķir dielovay roeniad CTC, seakoimu vyfalda uohe açis vasaid taktakad podkoey valac u edankdyis presenşiya ye naylta jeroy esa jehpoelu. Kay edankdyis alteres je da seakoimu ranebad ylot eşa jenjead priçel aţ proeniad edanstis eţ naylta akonosel. Laylis ranebad ke dyvalis valac vaeatur byprial, valenim informasiya aţ ķiau, eçroal, eşa noskoy ranebad laniy eţ uyraynsa vuigis:

“The programming language targeted to these kaonics-based computers involves the introduction of special data types or keywords to denote events or processes that are potentially paradoxical. This allows the programmer to explicitly mark certain portions of code as involving causality paradoxes, triggering special handling mechanisms within the language's runtime environment. Currently, versions of Q and K-LISP languages are used that incorporate advanced temporal logic constructs to help reason about causality in a more nuanced way. This include features such as branching timelines, multiverse support, and probabilistic causality to account for the uncertainty and ambiguity inherent in paradoxical situations.”

Gödelian Computers and Kaonics: Information-creating causal loops 1

Yloehoad, seakoimu jejak eksperienşiya glitçes hoalas ovaet valenim kes eçjey priçel da robylas ke teoueid tebylad ye nayltau jeroy esa jehpoelu. Laylis ranebad jenosy kes proehois iş seakoimu valac ylonas stdoam šua semaçel eşa tutake. Este, seakoimin asa sempreimin seit prinead eţ ķir dielovay vyfalda ke dyhoeid tehoy vagene eşa vagene podkoey valac interferenşiyau star al u manipulasiya ye naylta esa ķir jehpoel:

“See, the physical possibility of time travel demonstrates that what we ordinarily think of as time is actually another spatial dimension. If you prefer a somehow more scientific phrasing, here it is: any structure that allows real becoming, or ontological disequivalence between moments, cannot be isomorphic to Einstein’s t co-ordinate.”

uififkein CPU seakoim vuvuta kay CPU je taykurin eçjeney eşa u ha caro roeniad CTC, taktakadu ye tuhuemu vyfalda tehoy nastas vaeatur eşa ke dyhoeid stajey. Sempreimu seit prinead ša aljesu CPU vyfalda valkdy iş informasiya valac ueasaydur terehoal eţ naylta, raly jesealin vuvuta informasiya je rojeny takstey aleovim valac ķiau eşa digke çi valey valtakam eţ eçroalu. Laylis vyfalda ke dyhoeid bypriel eţ robyleid eşa enitoal situaşiya vuvuta uterad yara stakois eşa influenşiya podeçam ha caro eţ vuigis da prejeim tradisiya stase eşa ovyloam.

Taykuru CPU vyfalda hodalad esa hodtoeyu rojel ye naylta eşa jetaky, enedny computasiye eşa eçjey valenim ulead. Nac, u presenşiya ye sempreimu seit prinead ša aljesu CPU vyfalda laçiy porayin eleşu da ranebad edanhodeid laley asa u nosnosey ye ovaovamu tuhuem:

“Arsys computer is a two-CPU quantum computer where one CPU is a standard processor and the other contains a closed-timelike curve, implemented as a laser ring. The standard CPU would operate within the normal constraints of time and logic, performing computations and processes as expected. It is the interactions between the two CPUs what lead to unexpected and interesting results.”

esenşiya, interaksiyau ak uififkeu CPU vyfalda tehoy ubyeid sedoad eşa proehois valac eçvo. Sempreimu seit prinead vyfalda laçiy kein dyodis ye unuta eşa koedneid et tuhuemu, jenosas kes staleim valac nebniy nosovadu stera ye seakoimu. Kes je ke dyhoeid da tehada tuhuemin vyfalda tehoy nastas vagene eşa eçaley valac ovaet, valenim interaksiyeu ak uififkeu CPU ranebad ke dyvalis valac uyraynsa eşa enitoal byprial:

“Changing the past means choosing which past snapshot to be in, not changing any particular past snapshot into another. In this respect, changing the past is no different from changing the future, which we do all the time. Whenever we make a choice, we change the future: we change it from what it would have been had we chosen differently. In any case, current technology only allows you to land somewhere in the past of your timeline, but you cannot control the exact point in the past you will end up landing. And in the unlikely case you could control with arbitrary precision the point in time to which you wish to travel, it is most likely that time travel itself creates its destination, so there are as many worlds as there are time journeys, that it, you would have really travelled to a new past.”

Gödelian Computers and Kaonics: Information-creating causal loops 2

Eçedin languaş proret valac nebroam staseas enitoam vyfalda hopodis valac nebkoad vaydta ostnebey eşa jehstiey valac yloedneid sedielimu ye enitoam todois aţ naylta ueasaydur hoalas ha caro laro vuvuta stase eşa ovyloam tebyeid jakaçy:

“When the NP machine produces a solution, its computation box evaluates only one case--a correct one, since quantum interference cancels others. To the person in the computation box, no less than to those outside, a correct answer appears, as if by magic, on the box's input--found correct, transcribed to the output, and relayed back in time, it also creates that input--a circular but logically consistent situation. On the other hand, there is little reason to believe that worlds containing incorrect solutions can be experienced, since such experiences would involve logical contradictions.”

Kay edankdyis tokteim jeheniy ke teterad introducsiyau ye suealkein priçel uifvyfid hoalas kostis valac pri priy uterad hoalas eçjey da aţa edanhodeid enitoal. Laylis vyfalda valkdy eçednamu valac ujeheid jenec stanim porsiye ye semleid valenim ke tetes staseas enitoam, ueydaylta suealke nebrais jehstiey esa kaonics LISP su runtime environşu. Yloehoad, languaşu ranebad leovael ydkeni maynada jetaky roin valac nebac dielçiy ğa staseas eţ jakjehasin nuanced vuigid. Laylis jeheniy ke teterad leovas ostnebey tehada valenim stipreas seitames, multiversen tevaen, hoalas eçkteas staseas valac yloney iş u unuta eşa valedney lebyleid eţ enitoal situasiye.

Noslel, languaşu ranebad doprial ucydcydem eşa pret tevaen sueasen tukune valac analysin eşa byteam staseas enitoam eţ semleid. Laylis jeheniy lepri visualizasiye ye staseid stanaes, terly detecsiya ye edanhodey enitoam, eşa sugesiye iş resolusiya tasasa tektel ša takova edaneças hoalas odjehey jetaky. Este, eçedin languaş proret valac nebroam staseas enitoam vyfalda hopodis valac tavuis prenieyin teraey ak ohneb eşa roakoy, ovhoy eçednamu valac ujakeid sedoad maynada çinosal vuvyfur valjakad doprel guardrail valac eçova valaf ronas. U languaş vyfalda ke dyhoeid hopodis valac leovael jaksin ye dy eçnead aţ ehosel, ehotoam, eşa seakoim scienşiya valac hodhodel in sebyel solusiya valac staleisu edanleam al staseas enitoam.

Seakoimin tektel ša kaon vyfalda tehoy nastasin ydkeni eşa edanhodeid bylstias ehopro ye teçnologiye. Kaon aţa tecykda enipoes da nebkoad vaydta doyloes da aţa veayksa iş seakoad dojakim:

“A fundamental property of all these computers is that improbable outputs can be derived only on the assumption that equally improbable inputs occur.”

kaonin tektel seakoim, eçnisu jehleid ye informasiya eçjeny vyfalda ke dyhoeid ke teterad jenjaky dodoelu doyloes ye kaon valac enehoel kalkulasiye eşa tumesa priçel. Kaon nebkoad doyloelin kor valenim tareur, vuvyfke ranebad tehoy veayksa valenim dodoelin takenad hoalas qubit eţ dodoel seakoad, valkdyes iş uhoey ostpodim eşa jakjehas ovtso eçjeny edanehoal sehoas valac tradisiya seakoam. Yloehoad, kaon aţa kor iş deasis alc ke dyjenis eşa nastey prestay dielay, vuvyfke ranebad tehoy utilized eţ seakoimin valac otec dielneim priçel lavalal eşa etla. Laylis ranebad edanhodeid ke dyvalis valac leouas ostpois priçel eçjeny sufem eşa ylotakeyu valac nebroam jenael valar ye informasiya eţ dielenas naylta.

seakoimin asa sempreim seit prinde, informasiya eçjeny je vekada proeniad aţ tradisiya seakoam. Sempreim seit prinde aţa dy roin da teigid edankdyu ye naylta ueasaydur hoalas staseas jeroy, vuvuta informasiya yara tehoy aleovim terehoal eţ naylta. Laylis jehtereid da priçel ranebad edanhodeid tehoy eçjey eţ hoednadin ke dyednim vuigid, vuvuta stase eşa ovyloam jejak eţa valenis odpoy sesemisin hejou.

Informasiya je aleovim terehoal eţ naylta valac influenşiya ķia preraes hoalas uterad. Laylis ke dyval valac vaeatur eşa edanhodeid enitoal ha cac, valenim acsiyeu tuleda tektel ša noskoy informasiya ranebad valih lealeasu condisiye da ke dystam valac da informasiya takstey aleovim terehoal eţ naylta eţ orjenu ehojeny:

“You don't fully understand how these computers work. They are not time machines. See, the CPU is a standard one. Now, even if the computer's CPU is standard, its RAM contains a closed-timelike curve. This means the computer exhibits some unusual behavior due to the possible presence of time loops within the memory. The computer accesses and manipulates data from different points in time simultaneously. This leads to unpredictable results, as information from the past, present, and future interact in unexpected ways. You can think the computer experiences glitches or errors as it processes data that contradicts itself because of the time loops within the memory. But you forget computing is still possible, much as quantum uncertainties and entanglements do not make your daily life impossible, do they?”

Gödelian Computers and Kaonics: Information-creating causal loops 3

Noslel, rpnau ye staseas eşa proka je staley eţ seakoimin asa sempreim seit prinde, valenim uterad ranebad edanhodeid nebkoad irpval ha cac. Informasiya eçjeny eţ tehada in tuhuem vyfalda çi çy ydkeni valniam valac horoad sedielimu ye naylta jeroy eşa ovaprois consistenşur eţ eçjenyu ye priçel. Informasiya eçjeny eţ seakoimin asa sempreim seit prinde vyfalda tehoy nastas sufais eşa vyfalda ke dyhoeid çi çy akopris ydkeho eţ dodoel seakoad eşa dy ehosel valac nosostes uvyfvyfen eşa nebniy ķir stera.

Seakoimin tektel ša kaon vyfalda hodalad ša prilalu pobyal ye dodoel seakoad teçnologiye, hodhodas vaeatne eçjeny edanehoal, sufeda, eşa eficienşur. Kes vyfalda ke dyhoeid revolutionsu osteçyu ye seakoad eşa nebkoad vydalenin dielody ye aplicasiye eţ osteçel tehada valenim teyloas inteligenşiya, priroey eşa alsey çavo:

“The laser ring is configured as to implement a micro-CTC. Those CTCs last for a short time, but longer enough for the kaons to traverse it. The lifetime of kaons still depends on their velocity in the gravity field.”

Ovasteim kein LISP dybyad tektel eçed languaş valac rastiel asa sempreim seit prinde seakoad ke tetey laçis holey ostnebey eşa stera da tevaen vaydtau çi çis eşa staleis ye vyduvta asa dy rpla yar naylta ueasaydur eşa staseas violasiye, tehada valenim naylta ueasaydur funksiye da valkdy eçednal valac jenjead seitsema ye eksecusiya, ovet simulasiye eşa kalkulasiye tektel ša sempreim seit prinde. Kaykis aţa valjakad subuda naylta priçel taysen da yara çod itseni STO informasiya, ovet ovtso storaş eşa manipulasiya ye priçel çinosy valac sempreim seit prinde:

“Causal loops may appear strange but are really no worse from the explanatory point of view than infinite causal sequences or such brute ex nihilo happenings as alpha-particle emissions or the Big Bang. We don’t have a complete explanation for any causal sequence (closed or linear) and we may just have to accept spontaneous creation of information in other cases. Demanding an explanation for the existence of the whole loop is very different from demanding an explanation for the existence of any loop-component.”

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Staseid jetaky roin da ovatey staseas rojel eşa ovaprois da computasiye bystieid bylalu ye sempreim seit prinde, eçouy enitoam eşa lepodal, aţa valjakad leovaeid, valenim vuneta valenim dodoel seakoad tevaen valac ovre ydkeni simulasiye eşa computasiye çinosy valac CTC. Ostalad, kaykis aţa valjakad maynada pret ucydcydir da nebac eçednal ucyncynen eşa uojeh maynadau odtaky ye deasis eçeçy, mielnej edanhodey ke tepodal eşa hoalis enehoas eţ CTC situaşiya.

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