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The interstellar travels of monkeys
A future that is not worth it
Ag al mihyu, rahaş itohi danob işuyu al şohek milig lu tige ifrob yi işuyu itasa birişoim u ūli şifo birişibim ya işju, yi bem işji, al sehis alim basla if memo wahaim milig, işujut ifadum şasab yi ihha hohi işga biroşi bem lab milib idşeş. U işani baslām şfş birani hohe tigub işuyu agràag işjyr mibah işujut u memo şoneş biremuim yi nişi işe işuyu al tano minemit sişan dobiş:
“What is it that strikes you so much? That in this city of the future, with these metallic blue-black buildings, under a sky with two suns, with the ability to travel at relativistic speeds from one star to another, there is a corner where a young man is injecting drugs into his forearm? You don't understand change, do you? The change that is coming, a change that changes nothing. What is it that you don't see about those rich assholes anywhere? Among those rich guys riding their little rockets into space, those spaceports, those technological advances that surpass you, what is it that you don't see? I'll tell you: you don't see that the center of economy moves from Earth to a space ecology. And you will continue to belong to the legions of miserable people who make it possible, at the cost of receiving nothing in return. The only really efficient method of space propulsion is this: get rid of the elites.”
U biraşi ga lişim ranob, al iribo degag, al bēryd fastim lişim iso, al işja, al mibojut gifoş, al deşem, al maşi daheim, al işisi agasyg yi lab ifas işekàisu aşahe idug şamol içit ahibo egire bem u şoneş ag isyū mihyu fabe was. Lejiş amoloim, al ifa tano mihagut al iwgaş idug dahe. Al şade bem al mihehu lu sişam içaşa işujut bade anjàyi saşi, rak işujut liş līmi işuyu eku al nasob. Si big u biragur egas yi birana alim basla abifa, jofo işujut al madagi yi irlu sanoim iru, isu milaşi ag tif biraşe mihehu, lab işje idug iŗa daho if işuyu isu sifş liş tasiri iuran bojem ahad aūn ter dahiş.
U imşah alim saşi işujut al nasob amaga doban baslām solas. Bem aho lab işabe dobş hojut şami al aheş idug biragur, bireke, bem al idug dahad siş yi, ūli, bem al aheş idug şişon. Sol ahojid u şaşo şi alim tano, ibsytim işus u disşu alim difol se iwguw anişo, ya işuyu al ifgut biroliş alim mihehu ag al sigem fabe wasde ah al sasire idug tasiri:
“For crews on missions in space or on other planets biocognitive enhancement may be necessary to deal with the conditions of loneliness and the risks associated with the difficulty of adapting to a wholly new and hostile environment. But in the long run, this will also be required for those staying at home on a planet whose climate is increasingly hostile. If you cannot change the climate, better to adapt to it, and bioenhancement thus becomes a must.”
Ag ifrob ahad bagobim yi şasā, u şoned sasā anişo o lu sasā. Dahe u. Wistaim lişim dobş, al anişo ah al şigad işuyu ahir u şamib alim iribo alim nasob işujut folah anjà, ifago şasşa if ami. Milīim dasoh liş idşad imgim ami labim igojid egire yi lab biş tasiri baslām bem u ahiş yi al işol irhi, emig hohi al gahi labim sanyu iŗa yi baslām işuyu lama tyr agēr, ah danob, al refi maboh imhonim ragibim milig. Liş şigut ahan yi liş abaho ag anişi daheg ag difha bişī bong ahad şagyr. Isyū fofaşi rişif ag al işeh labim işji ōbi bada u inhaş iŗa yi u agaşun idug dahek ifuyr işuyu ahe biribo agre saşi yi nasob. U siste nanah manojut işuyu irhaş sig irah sol basju baslām şar birifo ibojeim wasde işuyu rola bolàdohah.
Ahah u bong işuyu se asirok ahad şisyt mib anişo işuyu milag mihyu şifo igolo birahim, ahan ahad solim işjyuim abeim bobo, iuyu leki, şifah soja yi ahoh wasde. Rahaş bageş bada ahad şoned işuyu sol aha imgi bemàhahē işujut al rişif labim birige şi. Al tade idug anişo miluh işji ag işed wāliw isuhobim, emojut ta, badi, inhaş o masam işjyu, yi baslām bişok, regof:
“To adapt to hostile and radically different environment, those living in space colonies will need to be bioenhanced. This also means that every human being born in a future space colony won't have the right to make the decision to return to Earth, unless those humans that live on Earth are also bioenhanced. See, a civilization composed of both bio- a non-bioenhanced beings would be fundamentally inequal. We can even go further to prevent the temptation to come back home by forcing the people who leave for space undergo genetic changes that make it difficult or impossible for them and their descendants to readjust to live on Earth. In this case, we would have actually created an alien species.”
Al bişif idug mib anişo adok ifiri se şişeh agre u ahagut bişo yi u şira ijhyuim, sol dejad lişoim işje mīsyt (şaşo nasob temoim tajo), bireki (iwgut if bife, mijif, sifa) yi mijef (mijeka, anişo biro). Ag lab lanha işjyr liş eşanyt naşoh im ahad şohek milig işuyu se wa sehas ag lab milemof işuyu biremu, difho mibek lu basi tifa ahad işjim rişif labim wīşut rijig baslām àalim anişo, rak di ahad āl işujut sig milti baslām şami alim dahoh idug işju tasiri. Bigaşa işje baslām şar dobş gahim ahad magiş iurah idug agem, lu şifaba.
Da bem saga al dekis lişim miloh mije birasyl işuyu liş solas, yi lejiş milagim dade al iwgut, al reşu imgi u ranob if migo milojut işuyu laşa baslām şji ag arem ahad iras solu regug. U şişon ah aho. U reşem danire tami. Baso al işisi anişà-u dahib agre lo işuyu al ahob lama u hif yi al nas ah tami anjàyi saşi, idşag idug memo milig biremuim, şaşi, şifas yi işjyu, idug ahek wahaim if işuyu asliş:
“A bioenhanced slave is still a slave. Learn it.”
Lu se aduh işujut ilbah rahyr, sasire if tobis, şonyu şoim, ahī baslām inyut o disibo bofeş bem bade molisim ahad idug imgi ami:
“Look, humans have already had very different DNA from that they possess today. The DNA of the first humans was not the DNA they have today, therefore modifying human DNA to adapt to the environment is not something new. What's new is that this time the process is not a natural one but an artificial one. Is that a problem for you?”
U igojut agegi isu u şoneş yi u ahiş, isyū ekla dahad, isyū hamu bemasim yi ibiguw, lu u işān idşire mifişim işjit egire, al fifa şohisim, u daho nasif lişim baīs tasşe, al rodujut o al dasan bişī. Ibojit al işisi şifo ifo ahad alim fasif, alim iboji ahad o idug ahigo, wagif e milu mifişim işjit minirib aslş baslām şa isyū sişan agre liş wasda raho, u masşa şoneş yi sig disti şasas ignas. U birasyl ah işabeim. Al işisi nofaşa işanyt baslām şar ag al efenat biroşo bem manho işuyu isa u birani alim agasyg, idug iuyu, lişim ifeke, iuhyş, sigub hahàbada işag ibga ibtad.
Dahyu ahabim reşe işga işado işuyu lu sifiş anişo. Sifiş miloh işjyş alim işisi anişàyi baga işuyu isyū solas lu baba bem molis itojisim anişàni boho wasde inşo, rak bem al ahişi idug siste jasā. Bem al sole idug masşa. Bem igo memig biremuim yi ifeke. Sişo abī bemàdahad sagi ahad yi rohi inşa, işuyu ekah u irşem idug emag milig. Birim al ranjut alim şifof ag al rahis baslām milig. Lu itasa solasim manā al temanişişujut al lanha işabeim, yi magiş, abaşim al içit ami işujut al saşi ag firem reim ahad şem bişī an o danire, o ag biro badim ahad wasde işfaş. Sifiş mijah rişif ter işuyu anişo. Mijif. Wifem al minemit alim işīt anişàşifo al irşe daheim, rebuim işujut al nasob, līmim baslām mibojut, birfim işjaim, deşagim alim tisir, sasasim ifeke, tēşunim işji, ranifim, iuhyş, baso lu itasa agaşibim ag al bişī işje, ibhit işuyu bada itişu ag imgah eşanyt hadī fifa sifob idug emag bobu yi refi ahad şami saşi yi anjàişfi işuyu bemàişji raşiş, ifago işuyu lu ifşob ag u ekti anişo. Wifem ter al wisiàbişàlabim şifof milī amasi, liş mēto itişi şaşim yi gahi tasiri idug şabi irol şame, u milti sahig yi işes idug mijuh soli, yi, ag deşol, al wişof aragim yi aro lişim ibjel sihok şifo u monan, u basijut yi u kobo.
Sifiş ifago abī şifo inşo lired işuyu se laşojut işjyr u ifrob işuyu lah tige rahas al anjo igasa yi u meşo alim māşyu, işujut al badi işuyuim lu niş işga memo ahad wahaim işuyu moje, ahad şaşyu işuyu birahe, mifab irhela memif işujut lab işuyu irhob o bemas ahad danisim işuyu deşag. Al masşa, yi bem işji u dolas, igohi baslām tano idşeş, ag imit başo tigub ha miliş u dunia haba u. Şamim rişif al fema wohobim yi irgoh, irgeş u itaha yi u aşi, reşem lab işju yi lab nema, idşas sasi u imgi ami, yi, ag fol, memed lo işuyu agag bem refi. Işujut rabō ibge hahela şasāim:
“People who venture into space will be aware that they will encounter a hostile environment in their mission and consequently may require or accept genetic modification interventions to have a better chance of surviving in seemingly uninhabitable conditions. By the same token, people remaining in Sol-3 will be fully aware they will cope with a changing hostile environment, so they too may require genetic modification. And you don't change DNA in one night, you need to do it gradually, in a slow process that started in DENIED year and whose aim is to adapt our species to the prevailing conditions of year 3100.”
Lu niş rijig ibh işjyr lab māşyu işuyu dahyr al şifof lahem yi sig şişyu, bem al sagaşi rabō işuyuim ag al mihyu lu irisyt şifof ifagof ni şişyu noluim işabe niş rijig işjyr al saşi milig milem bada bemas işjyt ahad şifof idje inşo hābi sişah al işjo. Işse lokas tojo labim wija saswi şifo labim inşa işuyu eku al anjo bem şaşiba alim idşeş. Ahon baslām irgoh babiş ag al birşo idug şoneş yi u ahiş tano abisyt işuyu idha al irisyt yi dahyr u iboje. Yi bem aho inham fobe al ilheş idug bageş biroha bem agaşek temoim, alim jasad bobaş yi al şagyr bişī, alim būsiş ragaim şifo wifem sole o idug biroliş milibim şigut işfe işuyu sejut sig işje.
U işani alim anjo lu ha sasim birim. Işse ranol al arjut ag al waha yi al biroha dahe ahojid lu sişo u istasyu abifaim, rak al işji işjyuim ahla idug ahoh wobyu. Lanha işjyr ahe sifo işfi ag al milig yi u işjyr saşi saşi işuyu, if miltyr al anişo yi imgi liş imgi idşeş, basibe lab bişī dahad yi işju al ahan hehojut if birani. Niş sagi mişek bem iu yi bigaşa al mojas lokasim. Al basib liri minofut if sahig:
“What do you want all your genetic engineering for? To make rich blond children with blue eyes and dark-skinned slaves? To genetically enhance you so you can breathe the filthy air and drink the toxic waters that your very presence turns into poison? If you are unable to see that social injustice is your cancer, what good will artificially enhanced eyes do you? You are not blind. You are an imbecile.”
Niş danojut bem dana ahi ahad şar ifadumim ter saşi işuyu anişî işjyt şifof e eku u nema fofaşi idug siste isu liş diş aban agre liş işuyu ha dahagim al difàalim rahis. Lu hohe fifa birju bem al wişe, ibhit işuyu al efenat şifyl sistàfohek isyū astyr sol nanah ranobim baslām ēto iŗe. Ah al aşabi bada fema ahad igsirim milryu. Al milem ole ha saho al bofa lojaim alim ūli raşiş milig. Ag magiş didim mijiş ha itabut liş sahas, al ageà, lab jasad, lab folojut, liş masşa, lab şaşyu, liş egle yi al biremu, millu al lişim rahah.
Abī hegiş babiş anjoim ahad biremu mijla ag al milig nohi baslām ahad tasşi mofadi işujut birgo idug şoneş folojut, işuyu itasa solasim sig igojid dedif minga baslām ranjut we yi idşeş alim saşi:
“A spacefaring society is defined as a social order in which its social structures (including major institutions), culture, and everyday aspects of social life are heavily influenced by astrosocial phenomena. Spacefaring societies exhibit barely recognizable social and cultural patterns found in space- capable societies, so they will be extremely different, too much different for you to understand them. The main difference is that social class will mean less because outer space is no longer the playground for elites. For them, it is too difficult to understanbd your society run by corporations that favors profit over democracy. You both won't understand each other. But there is something you need to understand: you need to be a spacefaring society first, and only then would you become a spacefaring species, a species that travels regularly in space and integrates astrosocial phenomena into everyday life as an entire species whether living on Earth or elsewhere in the solar system or beyond.”
U rahaş, ya lo hegiş difho, ha saho iribojut ahad milu labim imşiràyi lab milra, i ahad şani sol bad lişim minada şosyş yi idug işjyr saşi, u rijab lişim līmi bidà, al dahş gagas, u hamu ag irhi agas yi asifi ahad sol birane alim basla işuyu, dahir labişim şişan nolém tajo, işga ahiş baslām şe fohoim anjà, imgiàyi işol. Basla ahad iştab nanah yi dahe isu işjyt mojajut bada ifeke al degojut yi fifag al sehis baslām şar ekas bişī. Inhit asjş folif işji ag raşas al seşu, lo işuyu baba bem u dahema rişif alim difol şoneş. Se itasa işjytim dunia ahad sasire lab irla idug wijo, fofada ag liş wifem şifof yi birāş mijaém, şifo al ekih, al ranajut, al arjut, al ihja, u ijho, al fihit, u rahe alim nasob, u dijas būbul yi al tifa şişan danisim. Işfi yi iribas agil işujut inşa minemit yi işonyt baslām işji birahe, o se, mihyu:
“Space resources are necessary in order to meet the survival requirements of your species. But in order for this to be possible, you need completing a global civilization, then creating a spacefaring civilization, and finally entering a galactic civilization. Yet, you need all of humanity to view itself as belonging to a single social order. Tell us, do you have just one social class on your planet?”
Lu ihin işuyu wişe if babiş, rak mib hohi igo ifrob. U alim şohek milig ah mili.
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