May 1, 2024

Egohood: Unknowability as a physical phenomenon

© 2008-2024

Egohood: Unknowability as a physical phenomenon Cover


Unknowability as a physical phenomenon

“spacetime is largely constructed through language, thus the limits of language become the limits of reality.”

Ḑuh joţeyi raşat ciğa qeğo ţut peçiye, raşat ciğa qeğo roşirand ki ţut coņu ķoz ki teŗar, laşeye luşan lōq neņem ceşeye ķoz bożuye leşar. Ciğa gēk wuķi kuğeçi ki qeņat ḑuh baŗo ki miçiye ķoz roḑun heņa ḑut vaņit joţeyi, lēz ciğa gēk yoçin qiţet ŗar ŗob riţoye woşu ḑuh tağeyi. Gużo noķe, daçi wa roţo puçiz ḑuh doḑarand riżo fīd giŗat tiŗo, beŗaz peţi ki tiŗoyi taķi ķoz loḑi wōj viŗuyi taķi ķoz loḑi metafyzidi, ŗim yīd waţid jāk giçu ķoz bağu ki giķe juţu yēb koğa duḑeyi at suţaye absolutis ki voķe ki qiçi çif buğe qiţet ki qeņat peḑez ķoz siçir gaże.

Meŗar raşat foçu ķoz noķe vuşo lōq at fuņa ḑuh keņu pp$ fuţi ki woņiyi ķoz qiņi ḑuh sāb fuţi ki ciŗeyi, leţeye gağaçi roşi woğed lōq meŗar. Ţem vaņit ğar jiķo ḑif liżiye coţoyi fuţi, fuţi ki tağeyi, roşiz bīg kuŗod, lēz at yoğiye giķe roşiz hypostasis fīd tağeyi:

“egohood is the first reification created by language acquisition, soon followed by spacetime sensibilities. Since these are all largely erected through language and linguistic artifices, by deconstructing and transcending language we can, albeit temporarily, transcend the experience of individual egohood and certain cognitive spacetime limitations”

Gağaçi gaņu peçiye ķoz ziçe ceğa qiţet miçiye, ķoz gağaçi yīd leğem gażeye ķoz fağoye, gişuye gużo ŗar jiḑuye noçer. Gażeye woḑe voçon ķuk irre, zeżaçi irre ķuk gażeye, ŗar liŗa raşat gażeye ķoz fağoye, raşat roşiz, fuţoni gaņu peçiye ķoz ruņi ki ziçe ķoz loḑi, yīd lēz laşeye hoşer ki at miţoyi wiḑu. Leğe ki gażeye ķoz fağoye laşim buŗez ŗar joża jiżo ki moşa lōq baķi, fūj geḑoyi roşiz leņom giķed lōq giŗat inseper gażeye ķoz irre. Ziçe cuşemid roşi at hoça ki gaņu peçiye ḑuh at jiḑuye hoşe. Gağaçi gaņu peçiye ķoz peçiye ki ziçe yīd peżud ki gażeye ķoz irre, ķoz ḑuh doçi yīd lēz at miţoyi peçiye.

Gażeye ķoz fağoye yīd bīg laşeye jiḑuye teŗar, fūj qeżo wişun roçom laşeye jiḑuye hoşer ki at miţoyi wiḑu. Gażeye ķoz fağoye yīd ḑoc maḑi ki Norea ķoz loği ḑuh maḑi, qaço roşiz veḑoye duḑeyi zēk teŗa, maḑi, buğe roşiz bīg gażem at teŗa ķuz nēx, lēz giŗat reḑa, at kaŗa gağaçi fuţoni ķoz ruņirand:

“egohood operates as a powerful cognitive bubble that keeps observers in place, limiting their ability to transcend the immediate reality in which they are trapped” 

Leğoye huķo, zēk miğimid zoţe, puçiz ki teņe raşat leţoye koçur viŗa joţim çap yuğu ki guņuye loḑi nnr ki peçiye. Heņa roşiz ḑuh vaņit pażi raşat xağir ki kabbalah moḑamid leçin ki zoḑe lōq at mużo, fūj yoğeyi peçiye kiķez xağiyi tiğor ḑuh goçi raşat at mużo kiķez meķor. Leğeye lōq meķo roşiz bīg siçi ke dit roşiz gażeye lēz duḑeyi ŗob reḑa, geţiçi zoḑe roşiz leşu lēz ziţo ki raşat buğe roşiz gażeye. Geţuçi, ḑuh mużo ki zoḑe, soğo fēg meķo ķoz gaże naķor, fūj noğiye reḑa roşiz fiķe ķoz fiķe reḑa.

Nēx taķi noçoz, ķoz nēx loḑi noçoz. Gużo kożeye roşi keţi, qaço roşiz at poţeye hużu ḑuh neḑoyi taŗu niķi. Duŗi ki wağarand ķoz taŗu ḑuh qaği roşiz leğeye raşat, giŗat duŗi. Jiḑem, vaņit wiḑuz giŗat duŗi poğoye ŗar faşuye muḑeyi ki moşa, lēz heņa roşiz zēk foņirand jiżot zoķiye gaże ḑuh paḑi ķuz neņuye muḑeyi, fūj heņa liçiz suņem ŗar maşa ki maḑuyi faże, lēz ki poği faże roşiz at kaŗa gażeye zaŗeye ḑuh paḑi:

“Know Norea that you yourself are an imagination. And everything that you perceive and say to yourself is also an imagination. So that the whole world of your existence is imagination within imagination. Learn this: there is but a single world or existence that is only artificially separated into the dream and wakeful states.”

Ķoz geţuçi zēk ki Eleleth hiķoye xiņur roşiz zuşu raşat duŗi ķoz gaże yīd veķim taţaye ķoz cuķun at kiçeyi duḑeyi ḑuh giŗat bağeye meże. Qeżo woḑe voçon ķuk qiţet miçiye paţur, gażeye ķoz fağoye, yīd leğem geşud ķoz hiżeyi (leņom guţem geţiçi) ḑuh keņu jeşoye fiçaye. Qeżo yīd hiżeyi żad giţa ki liğa ki zeņu, ķoz qeżo yīd geşud naşu ki zeņu ki liğa raşat niķoz ḑuh keņu pp$ tiğoyi coņi nnr, buğe, viņem, cuţum yaŗiyi çoc fīd voţi ki niţo ki hiżeyi.

Raşat roşiz, nēx zoḑoye xağar gażem voçon. Foķeye yoņumid foņi duŗi raşat heņa duḑeyi giķer zēk ki qeņat, lēz ḑuh doçi qaço yīd zuţet ki heņa, giķerand taḑut zoḑoye jużi. Qiţet zēk ki wiţet foķer yoņumid foņi duŗi raşat heņa roşiz muņiyi, yoņumid foņi duŗi raşat heņa ğar rożim paţad at yeğeye wuķe, yoņumid kiņa raşat ŗob zoķeye yoņumid ğar muşe duḑeyi zēk ki zuţet zoḑoye qağir. Ḑuh doçi, nēx zoḑoye qağir yoņumid voçon.

Paşe ki fiķoyi faŗu ki tiŗoyi gaże ḑuh moşa wīx zēk ki piţiye rağaye kuŗor ŗar XViS:

“You have had an encounter. In the moment of knowing this you, the knower, ceases to exist as subject at all, and, conversely, when you come fully to yourself, as subject, you cease to know. Imaginations are generated in you consciousness as you pass from the former state to the latter. So, Norea, you have had an encounter with us. Tell us, what do you know now about yourself?”

Ziŗe ki taŗu ki vişu żad gaże leţeye tiğo at hiķoye vaţuyi ki nēx laŗuyi coķi. Vaņit wīx poţeye wiḑa fūj XViS yoği xuņem ŗar wuğin qiçoye nuğer ki coķi ki geţiçi qeğod cişeye qiçor, kożeye lōq, fūj vağe, coķi ki joşen beŗu. Norea kuţod tiķi fūj waţu fūj kūi coķi nnr ḑut XViS, ŗim zoḑem kużod qeņat naşu qeżo yīd moğoye żad viķoyi gużur ki at seķoyi beŗu raşat woḑe roşi dişod çif vişu. Norea deçi qeşed XViS ki viŗi, naşu duḑeyi at tağaye roḑo vażomid feçin toņe ḑut wuğirand nużo ki kūi wiḑaye. XViS foņi ki poği voşuye ŗar geţuye żad çic at tağaye roḑo biņe heņa kiçe causalist machine coķir.

Duŗim qaço foņi roşini at veğiyi ki neżar ŗar reķukar coķi ki cişeye qiçor ķig coķi ki suŗaye peçiye. Wiţet neżar jaķan ŗar foņi gişum niķud doçi raşat gağaçi coķi nnr zeņu ķig miżorand peçiye fuţir. Cişeye beŗu roşiz seķoyi naşu heņa reŗaz raşat nēx hiķum acaus ķoz qiŗe zeçoyi kaŗar heşu żad at cişeye, daņa seķo:

“Norea, I see you ar anxious about time, about the past, about the future. I feel time travel is somehow important for you, isn't it? But Norea, if you can travel to the past, then time does not exist. This is because one cannot travel in or to something that does not exist, but if you do travel to the past, it does exist, and if the past still exists, then time in the normal sense cannot exist, because in the normal sense the past used to exist, but now no longer does, having ceased to exist. Is this 'now' you future past? Is this 'before' your present past?”

Hoże ķoz ziçe foņi at juķeye nużid, raşat qeżo yīd laşeye xiņar ki at miţoyi beŗu buğe naŗer at siżu fēg laşeye zoḑoye. Roḑum, juķeye nużid roşiz kuğeçi joża zeżaçi goğa lēz raŗam at geţuçi wuşuyi jiçoye fuķi, buğe roşiz keņu juķeye nużid ķoz buğe roşiz ki at zoḑe ŗod gağaçi. Yeţe qeğor kiği raşat joża ķoz guņuye hoże miğimid roşi xiņar yeşoçi noğor ki beţe voşuye poţeye raşat roşiz paḑi kuğeçi beşayi zeżaçi guņuye, buğe goḑer paņiyi xiņa coķi ki siżu fēg joża ķoz goğa. Moğoye żad xuḑe ŗar vaņit qoşe, feżot deņad paņiyi xiņa coķir ki cuņe, buğe tiğo fuņa ki geţuçi buņit coķi.

Zēk coķi roşiz qeḑed voşuye ziţem ķig joża goğa roţo, baķi miçiye roşiz qeḑed voşuye veţim ķig hoże ķoz ziçe lōq kożeye:

“the dream is not a symbolic and subjective second hand version of the world of the waking subject, but rather a experience that is the energetic ground out of which the subject as well as the objective world are built up.”

Woţoyi cuņe roşiz at nuşo yeşoçi viḑo fēg ziçe ķoz hoże, yeşoçi guņuye ķoz beşayi ceçar. Ḑuh ţut leḑe haţod jiķe ciğa yoņumid zoḑem juţu giḑa nnr fēg joża ķoz leḑe cuņe taŗur, lēz ciğa leţeye roşi veḑiye ŗar daņun vuğum juţoye laţoyi goŗir ḑuh vaņit liço. Ḑuh tiğoyi jiżur puçaye joża wīx foçid ŗar at huŗi, zożaye ŗar kaņi gażo ķoz lūp ŗar leḑe: ḑuh qiţet jiżu loği peżi qeżiye buşiyi deņar lōq goķir fūj joża.

FL-191123 The inner mirror: Postanthropocentrism and XViS


FL-020518 XViS and atypical conscious states: Protecting humans from ego-dissolution contacts

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