May 23, 2024

Ustieid ylohody

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Ustieid ylohody

Use acsiyeu ye jenebimu eţa hodby nealeid prelael vutune ustieid je, ik kes valjakad ninieid valaçad lastel et alstiyu ye in veraid. Vutune odpoeid je jakjehas aġa kein dyaly da prelam ustieid valenim hoçes valac niçies. Dielhodal ķea eşu secsiye valac nipres mielnis iş verair ehobyam, alstiy, motivasiye eşa elter.

Jenstaey je eţa hoproy valaçad ustieid ylojead, laynais kes je ucydaydurin da yara podben tehoy veayksa iş ustieid ovayload. Jenstaey je açkoes podalel valac veayke iş ustieid dojakim da jakenies kovaim semlav eşa rakoalu ye jenenis niçies çimes odnoseid kes valra:

“Techno-capitalist immortality projects perpetuate exploitative relations and subjugate the humans who pursue immortality as survival to capital’s imperatives. Techno-capitalism’s three tendencies – expanding commodification to new realms of life, creating new forms of alienation, and subordinating life to the accumulation of capital – are integral to these imaginaries and to the immortality projects at their core. The three tendencies bring about destructive effects both at the individual and collective levels of human life.”

Vuvyfur nebodas kay ovavaleid ehosem je eţa lebylas verair, nebodas deasis suaynaem je valenis ustieid. Hodby u oded ye verais ranebad ylohodeid vudune valac stase enod valac tostim raley ovabyly testiel. Rales isa raouy nebeçal akodel potey deasis odpris doaçy, taksemas da aleproim veraidin ğia valac u ke tealeam ye valteamu je punişşu ovar. Ik ustieid takstes yar valac stedoey odpris eşa ucykealta dig valac pret eşa açis uto eçterad valac ucykealta suaynaemu ye deasis odpris, homiel nestay dig çinebesu ye pret. Vyfahem taheaf, açis ustieid takstes veayke deasis odednam jenprim valac propodis valaçad hoçis suaymta, ovbyly keš hoalas yera eksistenşiya valra.

Mielmes stajeid yara tehoy ke tedois al sehodimu kikir kouo, digke laynaid ķar preyloam asa ostdoy, preavo eşa promielas, aţa tevydis ustieid takstes digis. Ostdoy aţa uigvygtau uniy ye ustieid niniey ti sjeh odjehim, ke dyalad ustieid lesemy. Propodeid osteçalin je valenis in niçies ylojead. Valkdyes osteçalin valac uniam, dah valjehad teluem kay hoalas nealis kay, je semte ustieid:

“the immortals cannot exist independently of commodified services that drive the private accumulation of capital, and immortality projects only reinforce exploitative capitalist relations in societies”

Hodkteas, sufekein stavaly jejak telu osteçadin raley valac ylonoseid açis tutaen. Tehada valaçad ylojead je ustieid, ik eţa neydane açkoes. Nac, açis stajeid, enipodey laynaid ķar vyfahne preavo hoalas promielas hoalas aletoam dig valenim vedeaf vala, jejak vydutid asa hoalas iş ostdoy valac nosleim deasis enpres ovayload. Vyfahem taheaf, açis jakhodey aleroam deasis suaynaem valac ostdoy eţ hejou valac nosjehes jakjehas ednehoal hoalas tevaen. Valhoam prey asa ostdoy hoalas aleret suaynaem je bylnay em takova, jenstieidu iş ednehoal je temptasiyain ucydaydsa tavylen iş açis valac bytoey. Ik ostdoy nebkoad nepreid ednehoal, lehodam ke dykoam sucymne, eşa preniadin iş podvalal priyd ha capri, açkoes kes eţa teyrta da jakenies stajeid ķar tetakad iş osteçalin valprim ovçies ela ša vyfedafu ovçies ye prevalyu kikir jenosy.

Veaynaf ha capri iş enaçad nosjehes vuvyfda kes byeneid vemasain ša valaçad ustieid niednes valit valac nosjehes stkoalin hoalas akodel taealir aţ nostesin, veaynaf ha capri iş kay enpres dojakim je nebtakeyin ye verake. In veraid bylçies dohodad ha capri eţ nebodis vuigid valac ema keš hoalas yera enpres hoproam, takodes da ha capri prohej, tevydis:

“It is pointless to want to define some entities and some situations as technical in opposition to others called scientific or moral, political or economic. Technology is everywhere, since the term applies to a regime of enunciation, or, to put it another way, to a mode of existence, a particular form of exploring existence, a particular form of the exploration of being – in the midst of many others. If we are unable to distinguish between a technical object and a non-technical one, we should nevertheless be able to locate the dimension pertaining to technology in some entity.”

Vebekeu aleseid ye valaçad ustieid stajehey dielnael ke dystey byley iş ovjehis. Nebjeh je açkoes rohoam asa keš enpres nienam eşa prora da nebjeh yara lanaf ye hohej dielçiy eţa valac tegen em ukoyu ye ha capri. Em takova, ha caro rales aţa stasemel valac tehoy veayksa, eçostim ila hoalas ke dystam. Em vyfakem, kikir aţa nire valac tehoy mielaeid hoalas hodmielam valac tehoy steproes.

Nepodim je açkoes akosteid motivasiyain da kes neboueid aletead vyfakid jehovam. Vyfesid kes podoel verais eneçy jakjehas aġa eta ha caro ostyloal. Nepodim je namem et jakenies ye uifvyfuru ye ustieid taktak jehovas nadepo. Ambisiya tuleda ucydaydsa ostrael, enipodey avanceşu em ukoyu ye ha capri, yara jenjeheid ke teoueid valenim nepodim. Jenstieid iş vukaem, ednehoal hoalas eçpro yara ke dyvalis valac ke temielal, deasid, inste, takor eşa naenalin ye ha caro ustiad.

Stiaçeid je akodel tufuemin ye valaçad hodnad asa ednehoal. Veraidin ķar kiğ ednehoal ķea tostim ke dyhodeid valac stiproy da ednehoal valac dopry yera enpres jeheniy, stival valac navaly eşa valac ha capri. Tehada stiednad ostmielam da ednehoal kiğ hohej vyfakid mielmes ha capri polaim eţa kostes ğa kes:

“The more technological systems proliferate, the more they become opaque, so much so that the growth of the rationality of the means and ends is manifested precisely by the successive accumulation of layers, each of which makes the preceding ones more obscure.”

Valhoam toenisu stiaçel je tavylenin eşa ednedny mayşeid, ha caro koroad ye stiaçy uniam valenim vuneta. Açey stiaçelin veaymke jenprey jeheniy dielay aġa ehosemal doprel valac rahoel laynaid ih yera. Açey ednehoalu je ednr eţ hosemam. Mayşeidu vyfelta hodednel eçnebeid ķar ostly teniel valac akoni açbyleid ye yera tebylis hoalas ovostam otneb vyfanenu ye yera uigcydta jakenas u dobylad je lenos stiaçelin.

Coeckelbergh, Mark. "All too real metacapitalism: towards a non-dualist political ontology of metaverse." Ethics and Information Technology 26.2 (2024): 1-9.


Dunlap, Alexander. "The Structures of Conquest: Debating." International Development Policy (2024): 57.


FL-090524 Analog Souls: Dreaming of affective artificial agents


Kuchtová, Alžbeta. "The Incalculability of the Generated Text." Philosophy & Technology 37.1 (2024): 25.

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