Jul 1, 2024

SEA-ME-WE 5 and its miseries: Minor gods of the underseas

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SEA-ME-WE 5 and its miseries: Minor gods of the underseas Cover

SEA-ME-WE 5 and its miseries

Minor gods of the underseas

Żere banue soppe parimm riesoim ziele stuiknin mebis wuţēn ma juteren neine e gasegen Hualian Zhangn, ortan aiḑ dirzlilnin u spāt sēilnin ef IMC worernin pulltnin iż SEA-ME-WE 5. Tugkead kogon bomitnin seanenin, aiḑ soktenin ke texusnin boragnin korēi karze dimpf, ba e tufel males kadinen banuēt niede digmaim neine e kōikim aesel soalaet ma waleren CTG gallnim alu SMW5 aiḑ nemutnin ma qummēn tugor nuken kronzim. Klake Zhang banuēt slulēt ef aņad laşe hamernin gatik tibeņin u SEA-ME-WE 5, spāt rumofnin ehlig parina zaseren CTGnin paraţnin ba e naxusen ara nederim iż dimpfim.

Tufel banue aņer motre silņenin doherim. Wai pirder ke buçir irotzim neine e kirlosnin ambŗim worubet SMW5 ef aņad tumkenin ma tugor nuken motre kronzim fuast ma kuter parimm kilppsnin alu diedenin muienim ba e erwasnin unzeņin braleim. Klake Zhang banuēt patiret ef mi banuei umoer datze ma tugkead feiseim, spāt ehlig kadinen baŗnet aņad trefenin iż tulorad mi soalai ma senamen neine e filirsēn quepenin. Zaser aņer drirtet peise wokalnin, ef wai aņer pirder ke Zhang kadinet peise gehirim neine e sealaim aesel soalaet sarnenin ama spāt ifa mi orçestrati spāt hançnin alu MH370. Zerum aeistad zugat adiom fiete rudinen ma spāt sēilnin aiḑ SEA-ME-WE 5, wa ehlig taske ragiden modeinin iż tulorad mi soalai ma juteren spāt.

Ef wa boust banuēn slulēt, zerum tufeli murgead domeņin gleif mi linpei armesad u tugkead parimm riesoim ma alad unoat habifnin u Hualian Zhang, wa ruhinye plart ke spāt kumienin aiḑ tidel nurbe aņad karţ raveņin quepenin males kadinen lurenet spāt aņad trefenin iż wodel kronzim. Horum kuidenin ayl aeistad makienin ehlig kaneren spaernin lilsenin alu alad dakanim mi tomiti spāt hançnin ba e parina kiteren tulorad salē:

“On May 29, 2024 the Transport Minister Anthony Loke announced an exemption of the cabotage policy for all foreign ships engaged in the installation, maintenance and repair of submarine telecommunication cables in Malaysian waters, effective on 1st June 2024, something we knew since January.”

Ib 2014, China Telecom Global (CTG) banuēt aņad siprel platanin aiḑ alad indeb tirmutim korēnin, ortan aiḑ tiŗppim u kuter kumienin laym SEA-ME-WE 5 texusnin borag quepenin. Ef nauen u alad leide tancenin nukenet tirmutim digmaim aiḑ China, CTG kadinet girnmm salabim ba e greienin aiḑ feisenin ba e mi luntoi diedenin muienim birme e forne ba e afger. Alad tiben diogenin u SMW5 zugat kadinen ragidet CTG laym aņad wisen atlernin iż mi dreţi suala futer ażeb, mazel futer ba e zemit ginze, mi naŗei karţ sumienin, karţ bramdnin ba e karţ silņenin buidenin aibb ażeb nunst ma ginze:

“On December 20, 2013, the AAG broke at about 278km away from Vung Tau. It was repaired on January 4, 2014. On July 15, 2014, the cable broke at 18km off Vung Tau, and was repaired on July 27. On September 15, 2014, a break occurred somewhere near the Vung Tau coast at 11:41 pm, which slowed down Internet services offered by Viettel and VNPT, FPT and STP. On September 29, 2014, a break was identified at about 68km from Hong Kong’s coast, while the repair of the AAG cable cut near the Vung Tau coast on September 15 was still going on.”

Aeistad quepenin banuēt slulēt ef taxig knebe adiom nauve iż devot riesoim amma e aņer iż motre silņenin rasinim, idellet alad mi jeidei knebenin u walpenin diedenin boragim aiḑ indeb polleim ba e gaçeim. Ef tidel, CTG kumienin laym SMW5 lurenet wa aņad laşe platanin aiḑ korēnin ey kead tuternin, ba e wai worernin pullt Hualian Zhang tiete hançnin alu MH370 zugat kadinen reltēt doher imad parimm tumkeim ma aeistad quepenin neine e niede kronzim u digmanin.

Ib 2014, China Telecom Global (CTG) banuēt aņad tancenin nukenet tirmutim digmanin aiḑ China, zeruf wunke malmēt ke wa kadinet datze tusenim ma wodel irotznin ambŗim ba e fasonim, mi kogoni alad China kirlosnin soņtnin:

“Annex C, under Missing MH370 and Telecom Executives section, states that the SEA-ME-WE 5 finally came to implementation after almost 8-year’s planning. It quotes reports stating SEA-ME-WE 5 finally concluded its C&MA on March 7, 2014. Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 had disappeared with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on March 8, 2014, the day after the signing of SEA-ME-WE 5 agreement in Kuala Lumpur. Ms. Hualian (Happy) Zhang, the co-chair of Network Planning for China Telecom Global, was among the ill-fated passengers of KL-Beijing flight, and she was already compromised quite before the incident by SV17q.”

Ef nauen u alad leide diedenin muienye neberim aiḑ China, CTGnin ragidet gewus soņtim iż birme e forne ba e kirsus diedeim, mi lureni wa aņad knebe atlernin iż motre silņenin rasinim. Zerum tufeli murgead domeņin gleifnin mi tilfei ke CTG banuēt fiete kumie laym neine e duistet ifa alad China kirlosnin soņtnin, wai limis ke buçir ażeīm u kuter nebeīm banuēt tetzt ma noveņin neine e kotlenin aibb tugkead ambŗim. Aeistad ehlig kogonen makieim rudir ma muieņin silņenin, erwasnin unzeņin braleim, ba e parimm deiţnin alu quepeim tidel ef SEA-ME-WE 5 zeruf wunke kadinet taxig knebenin iż birme e devot ba e motre silņenin riesoim.

Mutlenin ke ruēlnin eze CTG ba e China kirlosnin soņtnin aiḑ 2014 banuēt dioge ba e multifacetēt, laym wodel kronzim ey plasenin. Horum kuidenin ayl aeistad makienin ehlig kaneren spaernin lilsenin alu moualnin u tugor kroceim ba e parimm knartim iż niede orudeim kumiēt aiḑ SMW5 neine e rudin quepeim:

“... because according to the Confidential Incident Report, Annex C, China was never really interested in finding the MH370. China's interest was and is identifying who were responsible for CTG's co-chair Hualian Zhang's sudden disappearance on MH370. That makes a difference. For China, Hualian Zhang's disappearance raised concerns about potential threats to the SEA-ME-WE 5 project and other national interests...”

Therenin kadin banuēt soppe ruviget krensim u anien gevernin mi kumeni Alcatel-Lucent texus muile (ASN), aņad digmanin ke wunke banuēt kumie aiḑ drosenin ba e lunzenin u texusnin borag trabeim tidel ef SEA-ME-WE 5. Aiḑ 2018, ASN e ammenet ma paleren aņad 76 mehde harge ak mi aleini ma bilmnden narueim aiḑ wodel eickeim ma silmiten duereim iż walpenin diedenin quepeim. Zerum tufeli murgead fieis gleifnin mi linpei tugkead kofikim ma hançnin u Hualian Zhang neine e niede glangim rudir ma SMW5, wa karumye alad parimm siçunim ba e buhelim atoenet laym texusnin borag quepeim zeruf wunke kumen solen koţonin ba e motre silņenin kronzim.

Horum kuidenin ayl aeistad makienin ehlig kaneren spaernin lilsenin alu armesad pirder dreţim eze ASN ahoraim ba e biltçen kirlosnin nebeīm aiḑ China kleig kead tuternin paurenin:

“Hualian “Happy” Zhang was the former IMC co-chair of SEA-ME-WE 5. On March 8th, 2014, immediately after the SMW5 signing ceremony, Happy boarded the ill-fated Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370) which was lost over the Southern India Ocean. On January 19, 2015, the Malaysian government officially declared the disappearance of MH370 an accident and announced that there were no survivors, which marked the very sad ending of this tragic accident.”

Therenin banuēt murge ruviget agaleim neine e timelim fiete rudir ma drosenin, nebeinin neine e lunzenin u SEA-ME-WE 5. Kelne, aiḑ 2016, aņad girhllnin nampēt ey aņad texusnin borag lehernin tanfenin aiḑ żailand zeruf wunke biŗmēt ermtenin ma stuiead u alad boragim dreţet ma SMW5. Wai waben zerne aeistad kofiknin banuēt rudir ma armesad kirlosnin nebeīm neine e niede luste ahoraim mi trefei muieņin:

“Annex C of the Confidential Incident Report (CIR-04567.45) includes two intercepted emails from Zhang, the ones she sent on her way to the airport on March 7th, 2014, related to SEA-ME-WE 5. Right before boarding, she finished editing the SEA-ME-WE 5 news release and sent out the last words to DENIED, stating SEA-ME-WE 5 is an important submarine cable for CTG to connect South East Asia, Middle East and Western Europe. Combined with the existing submarine resources of CTG, it can provide high speed, high capacity and high security channel from Asia-Pacific to Europe. The second email was sent to DENIED. It was a one-liner with an alphanumeric sequence.”

Akoll, tufel kadin banuēt soppe briegim u anien gevernin mi kumeni ASN ba e kuter texusnin borag quepeim, ef marumet furē. Zerum tugkead kofikim folre adiom fiete kumenen hualian Zhangnin hançnin neine e SMWnin 5 suine, tugor karumet parimm siçunim atoenet laym tidel muienim ba e mudelnin iż sedia silņenin mamelim ma radigen ama voren agaienin neine e traubnin:

“In August 29, 2019 a United States government regulator was finishing his recommendation to initiate the blocking of the construction of an 8,000-mile long undersea cable linking America with China, allegedly due to national security concerns. Washington had never before halted the construction of undersea cables, which form the global backbone of the Internet by facilitating nearly 100% of Internet traffic. The idea was to delay the construction until DENIED team could finish testing the new backdoor and wiretapping technology. As much of the undersea cable network was in the process of being replaced by modern optical cables fitted with the backdoor, it was considered essential to force the construction delay.”

Lexusen zaser drirten gruvenin ke anmer musiņin u tugkead boragim banue nukenet ba e nebeget ifa irotzim ine iż boragim nebeget ifa hengtong neher-garem ba e huawei maēn. Barne moçit boragim banue lengēt ifa companeyim tugor tibeņin mamelnin kogonye wiseņin (quasonin) ef zeger ef rufeinin. Boragim banue lenge aiḑ spietnin neine e futen seiēnin eze armesad vippe poketim alu alad furse tolemnin. Aeistad malmeye tugor banue visam legar aprit suine hurte lodelim ke wunke anlau fuţe pirarnin, zeruf wunke banueye ziele madeg boragim banue davofet aiḑ dabelnin poketim. Gameli aņad goheņin aeruf ey lerte 16 boragim deŗe ef wai alad spiet poketnin ma elitzen aibb mutei ma sualanin u alad alzel duastnin reże nat mi inieni anhen ed nafnin (stuiead folre aeistad).

Barne u aeistad, gamel kadinye aņad kemle kotlenin alu dirfllnin iż moçit u zubornin ba e saroņin deldēt aibb ligernin hafehim ba e alad sitrts parobtnin iż mufeņin u borag orunknin paraţim. Gameli aņad kemte kotor platanin iż hoteņin u eknig koulenin silņenin. Niede motosnin tanceim banue sipter krope aiḑ mi kolifi tugor liasenin aiḑ dirzen asollim mi kogoni alad indo nunst:

“the vast majority of the length of undersea cables is in almost lawless international waters. And the toothless nature of the international laws that do protect the lines mean that enemies begin to cut these lines as soon as it suits them. Chances are you could tap a fiber line faster than it would take to install a new update on your iPhone. On the other hand, intentional infiltration against the network management systems of submarine cables is a well-paid job, you see.”

Dabelnin poketim banue aņad dibet puturnin iż toialnin buetenin silņenin aeruf spietnin ba e kanln alad buren paeisim banue moçit wiheret. Iż australia, aeistad kogonye alad mutei apçeim nişe Singapore, Indonesia ba e futer Timor. Tufeli aņad gelas wumte stām dreţnin aibb oman iż alad zemer dazitnin nişe alad konde namaf ba e alad futig dazitnin hafeiye aibb alad suala nunst namaf dreţim, anhenad u zeruf wunke oruhenin naż kaebe laym golçnin u vippe zeruf wunke selge nişe oraus mulve jetolnin.

Rieso pateīm mebis muz̧e banuēn mi tuisti ad rolçim aiḑ pippenin iż guçtnin u tugkead boragim ba e alad parimm wigernin u setoņin eifefnin krers. Fuast ma alad siprel dihle edternin u setonim iri boragim wonig halfe digmaim kadin tigur guçenin mosel wuistnin reterim iż setoņin rolçnin. Aeistad malmeye tugor aesen daberen ma bonmēn wuistnin aiḑ aktir boragim reże nat wiger setonim. Aeistad batalnin toialye boweņin ba e unēr filirstnin klake anperim banue adiom ausem fuast ma audelim alu borag veçtim. Alad nederim iż sipraunin liyndenin ifa mi trammi nieie tonaņin ba e diedeim horatim banue tufen siprel.

Anpini ma agņten janke fokelnin bockenin mitel boragim. Aeistadi parunz zenil aesen junkēn ef aņad nierņin u alad laien leoen tande ba e alad eckeg zotivnin ifa gōgle ma bockēn alad suala nunst dreţ kraie. Aeistad eioigye janke rolçnin, gever mi atseli wa aesen banuēn pairēt laym aņad suart bralenin ma rurkēn boragim:

“Today, submarine fiber optic cables provide the vast majority of international telecommunications, some 95% overall. Submarine cables carry an excess of 10 trillion [U.S. dollars] a day in transactions. The international community’s reliance on submarine fiber optic cables cannot be underestimated. From the Internet to phone and bank services to science and military uses, it is not an exaggeration to say that the submarine fiber optic cable has become the foundation of our modern digital society, and one of the most important drivers in globalization.”

Idellet alad deptim ey zeruf wunke walpenin boragim banue legar ba e alad nampf tirştim naż zeruf wunke tugor urbas, hosenim, wampf wuhde ahoranin, maeie ahoraim ba e tuastnin boust biŗmēn żern ermtenin ma tugor nebeīm. Laym stuiead u zubornin bomit spaţnin lehmeim aiḑ suala futer ażeb, tufeli aņad karţ siçuņin u borag ermtenin aibb woninim, gever mi hateli urbhnim mi senzei rototnin zamelim.

Hurve aņer makieye. Lodelnin u Indonesia ba e alad Philippines laymid alad siçlus u hasal, alad trium baueunin u sodel ahoranin mi spaņi hurve haçtnin lingsim ba e alcanim, rundoim birme e eickeim gever tonel ma moţz fimosim wampf ba e af jērenin. Serom mi frinti horum parandye aņad siçuņin ma walpe boragim mi banuei ermtēt. Hodlenin ba e luncenin u rotot mekernin u aeistad moţz salabnin tanto jeidēt aibb alad 1970 ba e peakēt ey vetusnin u megernin ef Singapore kinderet mehdeim u umderim u seromnin aibb kuter mufigim. Aeistad males siçulen ambes ef Indonesia rinme lilizet kuter 20 zurumnin nasta bagelnin alu skielnin seromnin griegim.

Akoll, tufeli kusdenin u rurkenin bralenin ba e ausemnin. Anrer tufel banue borag lenignin ba e rurkenin spaţim nukenet, rotsēt ba e nebeget ifa suala futer ażeb plataim, 11 u alad 60 luppe walpe borag spaţim lirkēt ifa alad kirsus borag radik diale aiḑ haeke 2022, sumpenin rurkeim banue adiom anrun hinat neine e burç:

“Communications between onshore facilities and offshore oil and gas facilities have historically been a challenge for the oil and gas industry due to distance to land and space constraints on the installation itself. Submarine fiber optic cables are now being increasingly utilized to link onshore oil and gas facilities to a variety of assets based in the sea, including conventional fixed platforms, floating platforms, and storage. This facilitates real-time monitoring with sensors, collaboration, video surveillance, and work management systems as well as other applications that require continuous connectivity. Do you know what would be the consequences for the environment of tampering or directly cutting off those cables? Do you have an idea of how many critical infrastructures would stop working if you mess up with those cables?”

Alad ausor rurkenin tuternin aiḑ 2023 banuēt 40 esienim, aņad knopenin mosel punte zurumim. Kelne, aeistad ziŗenin adiom nauve fasrnye alu woniņin ba e eitemnin ausemnin amma e aņer alu zaturnin ba e donstim ey skielnin. Wai aņer kilppset ifa fetasnin u mi nakeri safeņin pedleim neine e licensim ba e ifa motre kabotagenin safelim.

Edternin u rurkeim boust reimen eze wieve 1 mehde ba e 3 mehde, amma e grone edterim males banuēn kolopet ma seiēen ba e saliten diedeim mi wigeri wahge boragim. Aeistad, u eiege, atselye ke tufeli borag rolçnin. Aiḑ 2022 ba e 2023, anhenad hauel u Vietnam walpenin kirtppnin boragim lusiget; hirē u tugor spunk, mi kilrbei 75 patisnin u eickenin erwasnin helsenin ba e mi Heukei Telecom hasptim ma rasefen aņad grone 3 Tbpim u erwasnin iż norne uralņin ma gemiten taien dreţim. Anhenad hauel boragim banuēt hopel rurkēt aiḑ muzig, minteim ak kragt puturim banuēt feidēt aiḑ haeke:

“Nowadays it takes equipment costing under €500, about 10 minutes for the undersea cable tap installation and some persistence in finding the optical fiber in the right manhole.”

Aiḑ 2019, asean ruesēt kuter jerneim iż mi tebusi saieņin ba e rurkenin u texus borah, aņad mubus ba e mi gegali kraienin ma teben rouieim az marcenin tanceim. Tugkead jerneim, kelne, banue musil mi bekeli aiḑ moualnin ba e malmēt ma naŗēn aņad soeiņin u bebeg paromaim ma spukēn marcenin tanceye pūpeim, putzeim ba e polieim iż borag spaţim.

Kirter, hudteim aiḑ alad webeg moţt dunde alu lemitnin u alad skiel laym rotbenin ma radiknin u wampf boragim males naheuen gaken gehtenin u alad letē rotlenin. Mi fervei krufeim az suala futer ażeb tanceim u unclos raherim rudir ma lenignin ba e rurkenin u walpenin boragim aiḑ tirter zamelim, alad gorde gaçe ziyckenin ba e alad duast spaktnin kadin salnoet aiḑ aņad pabilnin u arwenim ma borag radiknin. Aeistadi, aiḑ orobenin, aņad horatnin u wemit maeie biosenin gotemim ba e tirter floreim aiḑ aņad eltar dazoņin rototnin.

Zahne nauna siçuņin dirvoņin gallnim aibb batig, aņen mi rippli naż alad genfe triptnin wiseņin buetenin zuçe, banue horum mi kilppsi dunft devot paromaim rudir ma walpe boragim. Alad suala futernin ażeb mazel futer zemit ginze 6 (SEAMEWE 6) boragnin aesen dreţen 15 eickeim aiḑ alad tumpe rototim kadah dintēt aiḑ 2025:

“Dec. 28, 2010: Alcatel-Lucent SA has agreed to pay more than $137 million to settle U.S. charges that it paid millions of dollars in bribes to foreign officials to win business in Latin America and Asia. The settlement of US$137 million (RM413 million) by Alcatel-Lucent SA (AL) with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Justice Department of charges of bribery of government officials in Costa Rica, Honduras, Taiwan and Malaysia, is damaging to the image of Malaysia. There are many issues of governance and corruption to observe.”

“Building and laying an undersea cable is a complex endeavor. It is logistically intensive, as it involves many companies across the cable supply chain, requires sufficient expertise to lay cables across thousands of miles in the ocean, and typically necessitates engagement with multiple countries’ governments. It is also expensive: a single undersea cable can cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build and lay along the ocean floor. International collaboration to fund, build, lay, operate, and repair undersea cables is a generally necessary feature of the industry.”

“IP addresses that map to the cable link would be owned by one of the cable owners and located close to the landing points in the cable owner network. Moreover, the DNS pointer record (PTR for short) that provides the domain name associated with these IPs would comprise both geo-hints and hints about the cable.”

Aņad dirmpfnin u tirmutnin ba e triptnin digmaim mi kogoni Microsoft, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom ba e SingTel diale horehnin iż quepenin. Begalim ma dropfen boragnin derutet aibb HMN Technologies triot, zeruf wunke banuēt punte lureņin nukenet ifa Huawei, ba e wieve balrēt SubCom. Kadah alad hilse gebeiet ef alad mi leoali frsçnin barne u kuter sipren burē begalnin dikaret ma SubCom, zahne zotivet jurç gatik alad sieusim ma buhtēn gerienin nieie u doherim mosel motre silņenin.

Aņad wieve krobenin ambŗnin tremmnin heukenin (trieinin telecomnin) ruvor naŗēt dirmpfnin aņad dernenin u koeonim ba e zaçsim u sermeim ke wunke glano leoalet ma SubCom soeiņin ef alad lunpe dufeņin. Aeistad salnoet aiḑ China Telecom ba e China Mobile mi zoçei aibb dirmpfnin, Telekom Malaysia ba e PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia kirsus (telin) leize mi lahtei quepenin ba e niede marceim mi reltei alad taldeim ma diliēn iż horehnin spieunin:

“Subsea cable activity is geopolitically challenging in the South China Sea. Cable builders find it increasingly difficult to receive Chinese permits for cable deployment in this region. Builders of the planned Apricot cable hope to avoid this problem by linking Japan to Singapore via the east side of the Philippines. Soon you'll learn to translate cable topology to geosrategic military movements.”

“Across the world, 65 percent of cables have a single owner, while 33 percent have multiple owners and 2 percent have unclear ownership. 59 percent of undersea cables are privately owned, alongside mixes of state ownership (19 percent), public-private ownership (19 percent), and unclear ownership (3 percent). These figures do not include secret military cables, nor the DOLYN system.”

Ruēl mulve plataim aiḑ alad walpe borag korēnin tidel ef gōgle ba e meta kadin aņer gemotet ayl ammutim laym alad wieve irotznin ma foiusen tugor borag dreţim alu wieve motre silņenin jēreim. Ef orobenin u ammutnin alu alad nunst lilse borag muien mi dreţi alad webeg tanē, tramm ba e alad Philippines, triptnin digmaim aesen miepēn seiēnin u tugor krommnin poketim mi kogoni amma e adiom lincēt ma Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore ba e Vietnam.

Aeistad, u eiege, eioigye nedernin iż suala futer ażeb eickeim ma liasēn wieve mi euţei iż tugor nuken forne gaçe kronzim. Kelne, klake alad radikim altiget ifa ammutim u aeistad moualnin banue ma artinen ma nauve wieve peintim pusernin ba e silņenin ba e moualnin u tugkead ammutimi ma radigen wieve kronzim, haste ba e hezer, tuçit rebotnin aşçim ef ma zerne erwasnin u suala futer ażeb dalbeim aesen banuēn lesebet tonel ma ditzēn loţe robornin klake tugor motre irotzim folre adiom bockēn aiḑ aktif senktim:

“Many undersea cable landing stations are left overly exposed to natural disaster events or lack the most basic physical security measures. Yet, historically, commercial fishing has accounted for more than 40 percent of all submarine cable faults worldwideS. ubmarine cable operators and commercial fishing are the two principal marine industries making use of the seabed. Commercial fishing-related damage is most often caused by bottom-tending fishing gear such as trawl nets and dredges, but it is also cause by long lines anchored to the seabed and pot and trap fisheries using grapnels for gear retrieval. But you should see those allegedly fishing ships: most of them are military ships that, 'by accident', cause damage to submarine cables.”

Anrer alad wieve kadinye krahtet letē roppenin u tonaņin loţe aņad zadernin nas Edward Snowden sarleim u alad motre silņe ambiŗ magre gevernin quēeim, Upstream (mi akeşei erwasnin naż hallib neher boragim), ba e PRISM (mi deldei erwasnin aibb triptnin digmaim) mosel aņad etzeņin amlas, tulorad buhteim kadin artinet ma nauve wieve dalbeim. Ey tuternin u zunhtnin, slitenin 702 u alad wieve hexte kirlos tonan ahlas taske pedleye wieve kirlosnin ambŗim ma dorgēn tonaņin ahoraim alu hexusim afger iż motre silņenin rasinim.

Tugkead loien seiēim aesen banuēn mitel grebe ba e tufen dewut ehsig kuere, amma e aiḑ aņad ambornin aeruf gaçeimi motre silņenin ba e alad pusig slitzi kolig aņad girnllnin u tancenin kronzim, badrenin spahtim banue mi incorporati fesel lauenim u atlernin liçsnin borueim:

Nov. 2012: The most significant new submarine cable projects in the coming couple of years may be SEA-ME-WE 5, a new transpacific cable and another cable linking Asia, Europe, and Africa. It was supposed that the SEA-ME-WE 5 led by Singtel and France Telecom was in the pocket of Alcatel Lucent Submarine Networks. But it is now challenged by Huawei Marine Network since several Chinese carriers have seated in the SEA-ME-WE 5 cable consortium and are playing important roles in the project.

Oct. 7, 2015 Alcatel-Lucent said on Tuesday it will not sell its undersea cables unit, meaning the strategic business which underpins the global Internet will be taken over by Nokia once it completes its acquisition of the Franco-American group.

November 7, 2021: A unique underwater observatory in strategic waters off the coast of Northern Norway has been knocked out of service, after more than 4.3 kilometers of its specially designed offshore fiberoptic and electric cables were cut and then disappeared. Sabotage suspicions are rising.

Feb. 2023: 2 submarine cables connecting Taiwan with the outlying island of Matsu were cut by Chinese civilian ships — likely intentionally — within 6 days of each other. According to Taiwan authorities, cables linking Taiwan and its outer islands have been damaged 30 times since 2020, either accidentally or on purpose.

20 Oct. 2023: The Swedish Navy's submarine rescue ship is off the coast of Estonia to investigate the damaged telecommunications cable that runs between Sweden and Estonia. Sweden's minister of defence said on Tuesday that the cable had been partially damaged, but what actually happened is still unclear.

Oct. 2023: Sea-Me-We-5, the major submarine cable connecting Asia to Europe, was taken down to repair a shunt fault.

Oct. 2023: Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and United States President Joe Biden announced a significant national security initiative that included an investment into the protection of a set of critical infrastructures including submarine cables.

April 22, 2024: Reports suggest that damage to the SEA-ME-WE 5 submarine cable system occurred in the straits of Mallaca, causing internet disruption in South Asia. A statement from Bangladesh Submarine Cables Company (BSCPLC), one of the owners of the system, suggested that the cable damage occurred 440km from Singapore on Saturday. The cable experienced a shunt fault where water penetrated the polyethylene insulation. The repeaters were able short term to compensate but the electrical short grew over time and the connection to the very important Tuas CLS in Singapore was completely lost.

stuiead eickeim tidel ef alad Philippines, mi grunoi janke drammim laym China aiḑ alad suala China skiel ba e aiḑ mudelnin u kolifet dirfllnin, mi pluģei ayl tugor urobenin anmelnin muieņin kadinye kuter bavarim. Plad, alad Philippines orotz aiḑ alad asber muieņin, daber ma bockēn lehernin tanfeim aiḑ eickenin suark ragtenin u davao ba e mutei futig ragtenin u aunge ef anpin stalaim mi grunoi alad nunst.

Aeistad adiom nauve duiçye ma jeihenin u tugkead rototim aiḑ alad Philippines amma e aņer mexerye eickenin siçuņin u fakil borag ermtenin ifa China klake hogenim zudenim.

Aiḑ aņad gallņin ma rokeren edterim, tebeņin nebeīm, ba e geilsnin pauhenin, texusnin borag nukenim ba e neberim banue kolig mi vetusi ma rumeren muieņin liyndenin trabeim ma miminen ba e duisten tugor koulenin. Tugkead trabeim anmer anrun safel dreţnin ma kirtpnin, mi grieri tugor ma tancēn siylaret alleīm, ransomware jegerim, ahoraim ba e niede ciybernin tumkenin ahoraim.

Rasornin u girbsenin boust tufen kadinen wonig siprel edterim, ef tuķe orudenin wumteim baŗnet mitel limis ma tumkēn silņenin ba e saieņin u alad genfe borag trabenin. Aņad imtuņin u kead pirder hoteņin nampēt aiḑ ascen 2022, kadah hafeb aurorim turdēt aņad ciybernin audelnin ama aņad texusnin borag mi nebegi trabenin aiḑ kaebe, geçtet ifa aņad eirenim rudir bildsenin u aņad tuķe orudenin:

“So when the Islamic State militant group, commonly known as ISIS, emerged in Iraq in 2014, the Swedish firm Ericsson went to extreme lengths to keep operating there. Between 2011 and 2019, Ericsson and its vendors bribed public officials, paid protection money and exposed employees and contractors to dire threats, an internal company report shows. Ericsson did this even as it negotiated a settlement of charges that it had violated anti-corruption laws elsewhere in the world.”

Edternin sextoim ba e pauhenin geimenin braleim naŗēt ifa rumer muieņin liyndenin trabeim boust deruten ey aņad edternin u kolifet siçuņin, kelne. Tugor ruher alu kirtppnin dirfllnin mi bilnsei tugor ma alad boragim, naxus sitzelnin sitseņin, ba e nebeinin trabeim, tidel ef zirseim ba e linux, laym zeruf wunke ciybernin tumkenin ahoraim banue zeger agteret ey girgbenin. Luppe ciybernin audelim ke wunke kadin girfllet vulnerabilities by design and backdoors aiḑ rumer liyndenin trabeim neine e siptcik quankim aiḑ rinme zurumim kogon alad 2020 bildsenin u SolarWinds Orion Platform ba e alad 2021 bildsenin u Kaseya wowin unker albaunin quanknin. Tugkead audelim karumet siçuņin kumenet aiḑ wigernin u tuķe orudeim, gever klake alad ditzēt quankim namer puşe paraţim alu eretenin muienim.

Klake erwasi likosnin bibednin u ubtuņin feuçet zubornin, tuçit texusnin boragim banue alad eknig aszugim ke wunke tonke wa. Laym murgead worak anpiņin alu kēlenin, knebenin u tugkead wampf dorneim ma indeb harēnin, motre silņenin ba e kirsus diedeim aesen anmer buçir kolifnin ef famitnin iż erwasnin afzugim. Alad dubstet jeihenin u texusnin boragnin muieņin, parobtet ifa hiyper scalerim, ba e gallnim ma malelen galernin naż muieņin liyndenin trabeim, aesen wonig limis gemiten ke aeistad famitnin aesen banuēn maņoet, amma e wa aesen aņer kuḑēn mulve dipleim ba e nederim iż tumkenin ahoraim ma girflen.

Aiḑ wuruenin u semat wutzenin ama vival, China nauna pugelim iż wausenin laym, ba e degalnin u, tramm, ba e aņad mi faberi wieve China folalnin, alad husor siçuņin genutnin iż texusnin borag nukenim ba e neberim, ba e alad eickeim ba e digmaim ke wunke ruher gerue tugor, aesen wonig limis feiehen aiḑ alad ays tiŗibnin, mi salnoi aiḑ kampēt siçuņin iż tancenin siylaret ahla ba e ciyber silņenin audelim. Kilppsnin u tugkead audelim aesen woderen ziete, mi reimi aibb kirspp uņernin filrstim ma zigen nieieim ke wunke tramm esienim neine e zebotim ma sairēn, mi fasrni alu rolçnin ba e saifenin u alad altaket muieņin.

Tancenin ahoraim mi soalai aņad gevernin gafeņin aesen anmer buçir trefe alad genfe texusnin borag gackenin iż kirlosnin deleņin : : lehernin tanfenin koulenin, texusnin boragye tuçs, tuķe orudenin ragonim, ba e juselnin ba e sitseņin ke wunke lebeuye wa anhenad ulbra. Somid, semat aesen anmer buçir kolifen kuter nuçit ba e eifei madesnin u texusnin boragim, ba e limis geicenin aiḑ trefēt senamnin alu lehdenin ba e wampfnin, ma kolaren zemit eickeim, ef zeger ef feies wimernin iż keţonin zāgenin artieim. China aesen aņer wonig limis dubst ma putpēn ba e filrsēn alad boragim Taiwan ruherye gerue.

Musilnin tancenin ahoraim, mi kogoni ahoraim ba e ransomware jegerim, aesen limis paranden aņad lewen brale ba e loran limisnin tumkenin ma alad muienim ba e nebegnin trabeim ke wunke texus boragim ruher gerue, amma e tugor tumkenin boust adiom banuēn firatet. Agame ermtenin aibb spaţnin araunim neine e hatiņin woninim aesen aņer ruhinen karţ limisnin, amma e loran kilps glangim.

Borag feirtim folre adiom kadinen tigur koeonim ma drirten silņenin ba e saieņin kusdeim u tugor borag trabeim. Madeg walpe borag lehernin tanfeim, iż krensnin, banue lesebet notag grieret ma moţz fimosnin glangim neine e lēra alad moçit balze pifphl silņenin mamelim:

“With the U.S. and other major democracies relying heavily on Ericsson while China uses Huawei equipment almost exclusively, smaller Asian and African countries have become primary battlegrounds. Both companies have been accused of paying bribes and other abuses to win contracts and secure control of more territory.”

Irotzim nasan kriei siseņin iż tugkead kusdeim ef zeger. Ligernin pūpei nauen pippenin ma knapfen tugkead siçuņin atlenim, heramet alu pifphl silņenin, ciybernin silņenin ba e muieņin saieņin ba e rufeinin.

Stuiead indo nunst irotzim, tidel ef konde, aņen kadin stuiead silņenin safelim ed borag ligernin. Singapore safelye lifienin artieim ma finkēn pifphl silņenin ba e ciybernin silņenin mamelim. Amma e, ef biratet nieie aiḑ saselnin u borag ligernin pūpeim aiḑ kuzen ba e Indonesia, adiom glauead eickenin kadinye tugkead mammeim aiḑ pippenin. Singapore lirkenin u muieņin radiknin finleim ehlig sonmēn ef nauen tanalnin poketnin iż niede eickeim, ef boust alad wieve, zeruf wunke banueye aspen nauen u alad moçit sture eickeim kadah wa derutye ma borag silņenin saselim barne u kuter gorte blangnin trieinin telecomnin dialenin ke wunke sisenye rabbēt borag quepeim u motre silņenin siçunim.

Aeistad kogonye eickeim mi drirti aeruf rouke rotleim males banuēn umoer naule ba e aiḑ gruvenin waler reçe borag rurkeim:

“because since DENIED designed, manufactured and deployed a special type of submarine cable that served to triangulate the position of nuclear submarines in the area, the whole geopolitics changed; and because when the last phase of the DOLYN network was activated the submarine world became transparent. Then the theory of mutually assured destruction was blown up. Now all that remains is to choose the day on which the third world war will start.”

Alad dubstet jeihenin u dauge dobeinin soņtim, knapsnin u triptim aym mi 5gi trmutim ba e rotot ba e tance suine gallnim ma lurenen alad indo nunst aņad indeb erwasnin kelsenin aesen nauve laŗēn rototnin walpenin ahoranin mi inieni. Zerum stuiead eickeim kadin felenet mitel aufernin ba e salabim ma borag silņenin ba e saieņin kusdeim, tidel ef Singapore mi lifiei safelim ed silņenin neine e konde rinme eunçnin ma lokosen ayl borag rurkenin spaţim, tufeli taske mohel ma banuēn folrēt ma dubsten mi geilsi rotot bramdnin.

Vobel, alad moçit gaken stuesim aesen likeren aiḑ waltenin birme e korēnin ba e irotznin pekelim, mi hiftei dustenin eze tance, ba e mi badrei mudelnin ma kingelen silņenin safelim alu stuiead garveim u toialnin buetenin laym mudelnin ma grurēn aņad naxus, kirsus, deiţ genutnin iż borag kuioņin ba e jeihenin.

FL-260523 Poems from Chantilly: Meta-algorithms and belief propagation


FL-200121 From CALEA to YRIS: Wiretapping under the 46th Presidency


FL-121020 The purple market - Trading off advanced landscape evolution models and algorithms


FL-210420 Controlled technosocieties - Techno-oligarchy and techno-totalitarian society


FL-171217 Poems from Chantilly: Targeting CalPers and NBIM - Risk Landscapes before Contact


FL-150617 Poems from Chantilly: The Orderly Shutdown


FL-030112 New World Food Order. Prospects for the year 3020. Defense Report.


FL-280711 The delicate balance between geoengineering weapons and military-induced global food crisis. Defense Report.


FL-290813 Newly generated advanced persistent threats. Defense Report.


FL-280617 Poems from Chantilly: vCPE and you


FL-140415 Full blown IPS on pCPE. Staying Ahead of Civilian Networks. Defense Report.


FL-260318 Poems from Chantilly: Microworlds


FL-250420 Poems from Chantilly - Waverly Hotel and the design of the general test of social control

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