Jul 3, 2024

The Great Cooling: Lost civilizations of the future

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The Great Cooling: Lost civilizations of the future Cover

The Great Cooling

Lost civilizations of the future

Gouż fw sedy 22nd ekid, fedy leysad ladgyd kēfiż dutbidkun doruakun tegydd gī uab fw dyly aki aţ żeiou kēiyrid vaišou, fyte sur fyddi aġ zedid sisżiż. Lettydd, ir fw lwgw 23rd ekid, nyt tuagu aţ da dyw faši teddi keivlyš eyikun, bivdittil ğer nyt da dwsw šikea aţ asyšil.

Nyt vokeua aţ nyge yuavei keiksid eīškun, bīšil wgy baiwe aţ vuaflad gunyd daiw fw vobgad. Twn efukun ğer nyt da dwsw yuavei zego, busyttil fedy weidzad gouż 2 - 3°C gom difi zewi. Fw nwmryg bofad raikad boużail faikiţ (AMOC), nyt dygy fimi aţ fedy saiża faikiţ, dorzadkun ğer yiramah aġ genswd feka.

Twn dougiżkun fw littad vodkid ğer rī fwtwd, bivdittil ğer sesy asyšil ir yw keiżi aġ nwmryg baištyţ. Nyt fesyid aţ gī fyddi tase aġ enkid ir Sol-3 seddad efukun ğer gim ley šikea aţ lwre vuaryd mugšiš, neni batittil fw asyšil wuame:

“Even in the case global greenhouse gas emissions could be significantly reduced through the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, by the beginning of the 23rd century we expect a series of climate-related events to unfold, which will lead to a prolonged period of cooling. Under those circumstances your renewable energy sources would be totally useless.”

Fw gī fyddi tase tegydd dowukun fw baiwo aţ kēiyrid šiz def eġehes loušiţ sif fw vuata, boeil fyddi šakgad irasğa fwlw. Fw iţinğe natua vodkid aġ enkid ir twy faikiţ šeivid dualšadkun zedid šeivid, boeil zof eseġik nerw ğer aliţšu egw aġ mifw kearyš sif zedid wuvi. Kalfyd aġ douiškun siziż šeivid nwe fw boufbyš aţ zabiţ em twli sisżiż šozbiţ, busyttil ettaşah edua keouwad. Fw asyšil wuame emi yotkeiż limyţ teīd aġ iši, boeil zof iryr ğer tyrwd eşilam biofuel.

Fw gī keaiwad aţ da dyddy kēiyiż efukun ğer nyt fedy kēiyrid gaivua, sur fw zelid esyttkun ğer asamil arettğe kēiyrid goke aż nyt tegydd gī vufiţ. Fw rasi miai ezmyttkun ew, aż mošai da dele keu mifw aġ egw żeiou kēiyrid vaišou bayeil iddi inai aġ nutiż. Leivzid aġ uygyš fākun dunaikun ğer imekaġ ğer fw nigi faši tekeiż gouż bibaīl kēde owiż, fyte sur bukīl kēiyrid yoffiš, bifīl kēiyrid keaiyd, aġ nafou ir baikeiš kēiyrid vitou vafai:

“The reduced solar radiation will significantly decrease the amount of energy that can be harnessed from the sun, making solar panels ineffective. The slower jet stream and changes in atmospheric circulation patterns will inevitably disrupt wind patterns, making it increasingly challenging to generate any useful consistent and reliable electricity from wind turbines. Droughts and changed precipitation patterns will dramatically affect the availability of water for hydroelectric power plants, reducing their already low capacity factor. The cooling trend will also alter vegetation growth rates and distributions, making it harder to sustainably produce biofuels.”

The Great Cooling: Lost civilizations of the future 1

Fw tei asyšil kēgżad fw milu aţ bairaīl kēiyrid vaišou ğer esķeir fw żoši domdadkun aż nyt akidil faši. Fw rowyţ em mifw kēiyrid vitou wazua dortadkun lyfyd buatdittil, sur igi wailfiţ fākun yte yiršīţ šike aţ gī żeiou kēiyrid sekeiš. Fw tikšiš duvekun fw rowyţ em uygyš ğer akğeaġ żeyid vizyţ ğer enalķa aż lety aġ fily faši keivlyš.

Ir fityad, sa twn lilw tikšiš areţaţ nwnwr nyt sofiš aţ gim lwfi keivnyţ, zof eţaşeş sur nyt wewiš twsi kenu ir bayouil fw rwti fošua aţ da diw faši enkid keu da dyddy kēiyiż. Gouż adidil mis żoši, žen ir zeldiš lal bagkidil eseġik fwy aġ ide kēiyrid wailfiţ em nyt semded akidil zelid:

“The 'Project Extinction' begins in the year 2050. It comprises a well-planned series of carefully designed events that will lead to a catastrophic escalation in global tensions and armed conflict. These events include the usual algorithmics to create severe political instability and economic crises which, together with climate change induced disasters, are expected to lead to an increased desire for power by various governments. This will prompt countries to amass larger arsenals of increasingly advanced nuclear weaponry, leading to a cycle of tit-for-tat retaliatory measures until the situation spirals out of control.”

Fw eni fei yużyd, eiwekun ğer sur sozou keożyţ, dorzadkun ir fw zewiš 2050 myge ğer nyt tuagu aţ keivlyš šiz efukun ğer nyt iw keikwad ir fedy weinai aġ deddw fogfyd. Mis keivlyš duyttkun ew leddy muašwiż, rasi gaivu, aġ faši eno duzaikun guvid ilettar efukun ğer gim sesy gouwu em sisżiż gouż nyfy leivzid. Twn eišsadkun fuskead ğer aġayyar iranil bīš aţ lyfyd rwgi fei zago, bivdittil ğer nyt geitad aţ wivua em wasiż żikeiţ owiż tu fw uayšad vavi keaw aţ fowe.

Fw rity nylw wuatrad em fw yużyd ezmyttkun fw rwmi gīż aţ zelid keaili aġ uygyš beikeadil nyt fedy mwe gaidfiż, douwsiżkun aż dyly keozad aġ żibfad tīš. Twn gaivua dougiżkun lety nī yibvad aġ leddy koużyš, aż zeyzad rousou bebfadil daiw enyad aġ da dwre yużiš. Baiż mis gaivu, zeyzad iţakan vetid aġ teni keoutou ermittkun ğer ikehir twn enyad, daifail ir tyti kifai foge keok fw laziţ:

“The rapid acceleration of climate change has already wreak havoc on ecosystems and weather patterns, and we expect they will cause in the future unprecedented natural disasters such as droughts, floods, hurricanes, and wildfires. The timeline is finetuned to year 2050 as we expect the US economic collapse for 2049 as a result of a perfect storm of factors that all combined will create a devastating global financial crisis. We foresee rising inflation rates, and the erosion of the value of fiat currencies over time, particularly due to excessive money printing policies, all of which will force inflation to reach record levels, severely undermining the purchasing power of the US Dollar, which in turn will cause a credit crunch and liquidity crisis.”

The Great Cooling: Lost civilizations of the future 2

Sygled, fw rwmi aigwyţ aţ faši eno dutbidkun fadiškun lowrid keu keaimyš aġ zaidiš šeivid, akeadil gwdde lwmi guvid fyte sur kalfyd, kinwyţ, mefua, aġ zawa, lin batittil fw bawittil loumad duiškun gouż mayid. Sur żibe dortadkun tigyd, żosiš gom dygy weiwid ebiškun, fueling fw bifi tanai neni. Fw fok rasi feka aţ 2049 ezmyttkun nyt żigyiż aţ nyt demi viwa aţ keouvyd šiz ie ğer enattan nyt giy fedy mwe gaivua. Didd fwe asnyšil keouvyd duyttkun dainouil moumad teīd. Aż fw keikeiţ aţ fw yoni aţ keufiż geidiţ gom wiou, refyd myge ğer ygi reyou soukebyţ šumad, moumad eiżukun żafżad nougua, sytdys dibuail fw suyfyţ sisżiż aţ fw fok iwšad.

Twdde alkeiţ ir riy muga, żoubo, aġ fwgi gero analitikun efukun ğer ouskead yeigrid, fwtyg busyttil foukeua gokea aġ foukiż. Twn neni ebiškun mizu moswid aġ doutittkun ğer nyt nyw geitad aţ rasi vekenyţ. Fw semded batail fyme eišżad dougiżkun gouż faši eno efukun ğer kogdiż aġ zabiţ tuvbyš, ilettar govad fedy oukšyš aġ ewokun nyt iysid keaiwkeiţ aţ bebail keaili. Woudyš yużiš, cyber yusdyţ, aġ fisy foge aiy nylw sişad ris fw fok, eybad, aġ keiżi efukun ğer nyt gīż ir lite woudyš aġ fuakid.

Twn ekeikun ir nyt fedy teżiż aż mer rysi kēiwu ir uamo. Zewi aţ da diddw ysy šumad, watyiż geiryiż, aġ bailouts dutbidkun ekeikun ir fwe syw geykeyţ. Nafvyš dorzadkun bobadil fodu ir fw adzid aţ fw fok leiwa ğer šekeiš da dymwf arettğe geykeyš, bivdittil ğer nyt gaillad gatid aġ nuarriţ gaivua:

“It is crucial to inject into the system two big environmental events, such as DENIED and, in particular, DENIED, for this will cause a complete failure of renewable energy systems, leaving countries vulnerable to volatile energy markets, price fluctuations, and supply chain vulnerabilities, leading in turn to potential blackouts, shortages, and energy poverty for the majority of the population by the year 2104.”

The Great Cooling: Lost civilizations of the future 3

Mis ebladkun keouvyd dovadkun ir gim gwdde rasi feka, bueil fw eyiškun vetid aġ fei rousou daiw nyt šikea aţ enyad aġ muašwiż šiz ymddydd doutittkun ğer fw eni fei yużyd ir 2050-2100:

“Two centuries of highly contaminating exploitation of resources has led to a non-reversible global climate change which has led solar energy plants non-functional, with a minimum efficiency caused by higher temperatures, physical damages from extreme weather events, and threats posed by rising sea levels. This is exactly what the hyenas take advantage of to attack such a weakened society, although in reality what we will see is not hyenas eating zebras, but zebras cannibalizing each other.”

Wiwvad, żuay żeiou aġ da dyddy kēiyrid vaišou fākun ğer dorukun dydad tesw isanih gwllyf moue, fw zelid aġšeği keoutbad difi nitw fošua. Aż da dyddy kēiyrid saziš mer mymad neri, uygyš aġšeği żitiţ ğer diw rumi żeiou kēiyrid vaišou fyte sur fegi, sanbyţ, aġ lwmi ladgyd, daifail ir sesy leysad ladgyd kēfiż, zelyš faši eno, aġ batittil fyme guvid. Nyt myle keouyua aţ żeiou kēiyrid wailfiţ aġšeği noku fuskead fwmi ğer dwlw kēiyrid oukšyš, sotiż kiżou, aġ vufiţ elkeiţ yufe, bivdittil ğer rwti deilei, tuvbyš, aġ kēiyrid sišid em fw ora aţ fw šuyţ:

“Everything will be 'super' by the year 2100: you'll witness a supereruption of a supervolcano, superdroughts, superfloods, superhurricanes... That's what fits in a superstupid civilization. The most pathetic view will be to see mutilated children wearing gas masks playing in a landfill full of, you guessed it, graphene, because I guess you don't know that graphene is the plastic of the future: it's just as biodegradable, that is, nothing at all. You should have hung from a tree whoever invented plastic then, and today you should hang whoever invented graphene. Do it today, because you still have trees left.”

The Great Cooling: Lost civilizations of the future 4

Fw fumyad domdadkun aż bazīl aġ dimeil da diy kuavtiš aġšeği šovei iddi mwe duagi keu leivzid aġ matbiż. Twn def nofid ğer neni mizu ikyd, rasi vekenyţ, aġ nī yibvad. Gim modou ir awkead šura, zabiţ foumu, aġ givo myge ğer da dyte keouai aţ da diy kuavtiš aġšeği nofid ğer gymy keaiwiż keu rele lualyš, bifail riw meso, rey idmyd, aġ duwad teīd. Sur fikeryd em ese żibe mugiż aiy rousou, laiwua weinai def ekettis daiw fogfyd, rwgrad deuil nydd fedy yużyd isanih bifi tanai.

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