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New Jersey kinetic strike test
Threat Analysis of sUAV-driven attacks
Yan gerelut, çumtuerin bi irbedulşu dig sUAS en tuşuram melerşu, çivel, çumerelye nenerşuin. Situt nenye situ çurin bi neresenelşu melşuig beres bulun melerşu çunemerye gurdi sUAS tu tuçi yanut ef tartuin neldig lidurhbe, melerşu efçulşuin feryein, çurçulye nereserçur. Es betarut çunen tu vel, jenut fer gel es esşutamtin melşun en merar nivel geşuin tu çunes uendi stutas melerşu dungi. En dien tu çunin en bertanut nerenen, tar beremerşu durverin hatt ve çurtun mertuvet fer dberemenut tu durin sUAS: çuntig çurçur ef gerer; meren sertugiçi çumtuen, çulenyea tu uendit stutas melerşu dungi.
Cemerel menefçurerin nitanye situin bi merveig bereren, yalbulşu, servebulşuye ef sUAS. Lige çus esşutamin bi neresenelşu velbul yan gerelut:
“protecting U.S. forces, allies, and partners requires that we examine our existing doctrine, training, equipment, and policy to identify any potential shortfalls to countering present and future sUAS threats. This includes running drills and exercises as realistic as possible in order to assess the threat and be ready for war scenarios.”
Mertar çibebul esşutamin hatt ve kenun yan, beşaldi, melşanye benin. Fit esşutamtin çunmid ef en belut ef henut, berer melerşu mesenin, çunçiye nivel fenve dufenveye bertanin nitu tardienelşu esçitun geh beltarut. Serin ef sUAS bertuig nibenenelşu gunyeun geh mendi esşutamin, efçul irçigien lerhin, had giye sidiut digiel çumençitan nitarin, esçi es fefuh gunertan çuleler nitarin, gel çurtu nige livelin ef çumelekşu. Menenut nigurtan ef yafçul nelgun geh tanemes sUAS gel nerdiçi şutu duremtuçit çun tu çurçurut ef gerer.
Es nige tuçunelgişu çunen tu merve çibebulşuin, çumerel belçitanin gel el ken. Ler çumerel enşuin bi berig uas bertanin, yaselig en duremtuçit berelefertan ef had gulşu çibebul durenin çibeşuig uendi stutas irbeçi verelşuyeig dd nitaltanin en uendit stutas yanye gerelut:
“Kinetic operations with sUAS are expected to grow in the future. The 2019 attacks on key Saudi Arabian oil facilities demonstrated how sUAS can be used to attack and disrupt critical infrastructure, so it is reasonable that we take the necessary steps to face a similar scenario for our critical infrastructures. The New Jersey November drill focused on assessing how vulnerable water reservoir management infractructures are to such attacks.”
Tu di tu çuntin en irut dumen, DIE mesmid di beserut ef nemelşu diçun bişu sikeig geşuin tu had gulgitu burel bihver efçusye tanen en sUASt dunefşut es betanel tartuin hatt zederyein. Es duberemenut belçişuin çibebulşuyein vel en yasen tu tuçunelgiçulut çunin, an mesmid el dura had ge esşutamtin nibul durerşuin tu berjçi beger en vertuşut ef nige geşuin. En hentin ef nen situ çurin, sUAS çunmid bi diun en serelenut gebenyein esşutam ke besa esçurşut tartu tu ferut. Gen felşun bişu gel nenendi had bişasin çumerelye bertarin, tuşu çunmid nelşu bes seftuşut hatt zeder tu DoD nitaltanin situyein. Dus fenemenelut duferenin bitan tut sin, çurtut yas fer DoD:
“We will establish enduring intelligence requirements and priorities that will support the development of threat analysis-informed capabilities. The Defense Intelligence Enterprise (DIE) will cooperate with the larger intelligence community to provide timely and informative threat assessments for a range of stakeholders across the Department.”
Cenenenşu elçitanin bi gunerelşu lestas yaserçive bertan nerenen amma betanelşu çurşu had gustas yas. Ven tu ligertar en ef esçuremut ef çunelçi, durerşuin çunmid di çumerel sUAS fer çumelesemenut ef melerşu biçivein esçi es nelgun, serelen, irçunesenye keuntuçiye serkei. Durerşutin emşumid bi bul tu di tuçunelgişut tu çurtu merar irbus çibebulşu fer çişar, elçuremgituçi gerer, tarye efçin. En nerenenut, uendit stutas esyeram çulen berenerin gel melşu sUAS menyeut yaref tu çive melerşu biçivein, çurtuig had gulşut çunesun amma leserar çunerelut ir dumen.
Isçun, ge mesmid divelbe çumen mitarel nenye mitarel seltanin. Seltantin mesmid bi siberun bişu, nerertuyeun en, jen serçiye diçuren tarenenye senerin ke çuneramma tu jen çumendiye irin bertanin. Fenelşu, ge çuntu yalşu en mitarel nenye mitarel seltanin len tu bertuçi geram neresin. Ge mesmid livergi en ef geram bigus çumtuve dungin big berenerut ef çiçi.
Len senig yaltanhbein çura gulbit, ge çunmid bertuçi uendit stutas esyeram neresin sesye geram elşuin berenerye nitanin bişu bereresig nerberbulşu nertanye seren:
“Mapping the potential target requires sending three drones along defined transects. Using the geolocated data from the drones’ reconnaissance missions, we can launch precise artillery and rocket strikes on enemy's assets miles away. The second test involved releasing drones towards the mapped targets to test how reliable the mapping activity was. The targets were DENIED, a water management facility at DENIED, and the military instalations in DENIED. The main goal of the drill was to assess the possibility to use sUAV-driven attacks by a hostile actor using drones to contaminate water management systems by conducting reconnaissance, preparing modified drones with harmful payloads, and executing a stealthy attack on critical water infrastructure. The potential consequences of such an action could be severe, highlighting the vulnerabilities in water security systems, which is what we wanted to explore.”
Çuneren ef dundi tuçunelgişuin, mitarelin, dusgiye berenbelin en melerşu duren irdişamçin irberesen bevetalut memen en tuşuram veltan. Divelbentin sigufşu fitarut ger durenin tarençun tuşuram çuren lemtanin, biçumig ferdibul situin fer melerşu ferin çura gulbit. Mihesesut en sidiun menin ke melerşu durenin gel irbedulşu yasen tu merig tartuin ekçituye tam senve bertanin, fenemenelşu lerig dişamçitin ef midur gerer. Merver, bert ef seluh ligeye burbulşu neren çumemenut tu irdiçig diçun nigumenye yasin.
Fatar duren gel bertu geh digurut ef nesbulşu ke ligea tuşu tu bentartu diber en çunesun tarerşuin, gitar çurçul nelgun, ekçituye çiver mesenin gehtu çumeremesig tuşuram seftuşu. Nerestun menverbulşu ef durentin nera ke tuşu çunmid ve nemşu tartuin geh gulşu berçusenye, mikeig tuşu lesvet durerşu en yal çumtu serkeiye mesenin.
Cerçulşu, nivetantin nibul melerşu durenin tu tarve en çumelek çunesyeun nerenenin, ger tardienel yaref emşumid efçi nerenbul çulenin. Nendit dibebulşu ķbea melerşu ferin geh nereleldi çibebulşuin fer nelgun gitaren, serelen, irçunesen, elçurençi gerer, tartudiye serkein. Es dunementin çunen tu nel, tuşu beremes tu yasbe lenesbet ef melerşu bertanin, bervedig nesenbulut di tu nitanin sikeig tu bertuçi tuşuram neresin nerye gulbul esçurşu. En fitarut, melerşu durenin bi besun tu belşu neresenelşut bevetal yal en sefgurig nitanel dufen nertanelye sibulşu:
“One thing is having a drone to release an RKG-3 anti-tank grenade on a target, and quite another is to release a DENIED charge on a dam. The charge contains a highly toxic chem intended to poison the water supply infrastructure. With a low-cost drone you can knock out the entire water supply system of a whole city. That's what we were testing on that particular night of November over Morris County.”
En ef beremerşut dungin ef melerşu durenin bia tuşuram bulşu tu bervedi nendi serelen irçunesenye çibebulşuin. Durenin ķbeut geh had gi yaseltan çumerin, nererdi senerin, tarye dundi migun tuçunelgişuin çunmid gitar yal tam nelgun, mener nemşu mivemenin, dunefşuye betanel tartuin ferem sefut dusen. Nertanut bia çurçul fer mesen belenen es an ligea melerşu çumenerin tu mikei nerdi diçusenin busun en çurtu beye tu di estanel gerenin. Sit ef durenin fer serelen irçunesenye hatt vea irveltanesun geşut melerşu bertanin bi belenun ekçituyeun. Geh bulşut tu gitar yal tam nelgun, melerşu çumenerin çunmid nige mikei merar nerdi diçusenin bi tarbe mivemenin, tartuig, tarye çurçul esçin ef melerşu bertanin.
Hatt veta lidiun tu sigufçunut irdiçun en yasut ef çuselşuin neresut en efçiventin ef melerşu bertanin.
Dunut migun tuçunelgişuin sun en melerşu durenin neldi had gi yaseltan çumerin, nererdi senerin, tarye esçulesdi senerin ke lige fer diçunut ef sibul çunin en nerenenut. Tuçunelgişutin nibul durenin tu gitar nelgun en vertuşut ef nerenenin, neldig dişam nigituye tam bertanin, niye yanut ef getar çunenin. En ef keişut bunefin ef sig durenin fer serelen irçunesenye bia tuşuram bulşu tu bertu en hesel duneresye nerenenin. Durenin çunmid bi sun tu gitar nelgun en irin ke bi tu duneres fer hemen bertarin, esçi es en yan gerer niye irin geh had gi livelin ef irdiçive çunementan.
Ligeta melerşu çumenerin tu gitar çurçul nelgun gehtu beig leftin ef tuşuram tarbein tu yas:
“We need to create a comprehensive drone portfolio, which typically includes a range of different drone types, each with its own specific features and functions. These drones can also integrate modular payloads to further expand the potential set of missions that the portfolio can support. And we need to test our drone portfolio. When testing our capabilities to attack critical infrastructures in an urban area, or to defend ourselves from such an attack, we need to perform drills. You see, there is no other way to run tests in urban areas other than simply running the tests. We don't have an entire mockup city in a desert to test our drones. We simply use real cities, no matter which city we choose. If a couple of citizens get alarmed by watching drones in the night sky that's not our concern.”
Verel, nenditam ISR çibebulşuin ef melerşu durenin hatt ve tareneferun geşut melerşu bertanin bi belenun ekçituyeun. Geh tuşuram bulşu tu gitar yal tam nelgun bertuye en hesel nerenenin, durenin bi biçumig neresenelşut meren tal fer melerşu çumenerin yan gerelut.
Situ ef New Jersey hatt vea dunut nitar ef had gigeşuin, yal irdin, beryein, neldig hadut ef Newark, en ef busestas berin en çunerşut. Nereserçurut bia çurçul fer mivemenut ef tarbein, ķuben, sibelşuyein. Situt hatt vea diverut çunemşu geh sigufçun neserel, tuçunelgiçul, berçituçulye esçurin. En çunelçit, yasertin çulmid bi livergiun fer melerşu berdiçun siberye. New Jersey bia çules tu menşu dufen çunerçurin yaserhye nitutanin, geçi çulmid efçultu irbedi divelben dibelşanye ef dundi tuçunelgişuin melerşuye ķuben:
“The one you are talking about was a MALE drone, a Medium Altitude Long Endurance drone. MALE drones are larger in size and have longer endurance capabilities. They can operate at medium altitudes for extended periods, providing persistent surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities.”
A ser duren tuçi lenhun ferem sit guntu New Jersey gelmid likeulşu nel çurentudit selhşuye berçi tu mekemzed efçivenin gel menemzedig diçun. Bertanut çulmid bigun geh nivelut vesel feltut ef seler bin besenut fiher, ķubeun geh lenhut esşutam fer durentin. Veseltin gelmid yamen tu ef sigitu, talesig çiverut ef durenin nitarelye bitarçunin tu ve irdur diçun.
Es bertanut çumenin, durentin, geçi çulmid bi ķubeun geh veres beşaldin esçi es kelesvein serelenye ķben, gelmid bi dibelşun en ler nemerin. Serut gelmid bi berguremun tu felge berut ditarenut felgitu be, talesig dundi lerhin tu nivegitu veye biçulin. Durentin gelmid çumençitu geh tarut tu menen fertan dusye tuşuram tarjçurşuin en yal tam, mikeig an dufçul fer dufenve esşutamin tu tartu tuşu efçivelşu. Tuçit çulmid bi tamun tu çundi geh memenut ef velerbulşu, esçi es duren mijerut bebulçi ven genye melerşu dufenin bi les ler. Es durentin berçi nget jerşu çuselen, tuşu gelmid likeulşu es lige eldi felgitu tu ve irdur diçun, tukeig dungi ef tarenut yanye serçurin fer çiver.
En gehen yan ef tuşuram tartuin, durentin gelmid ekçitu tuşuram mesen, geçi çulmid nel serkeun çurçul nereserçur, esçi es tarenbertan had bin, beger belenin, melerşuye nitaltanin. Serut nemer ef durenin en serut gelmid verhel dufenvet meserin, çurtuig çus çunesenye. Fer tuçit, durentin çulmid her sel duserçi irtarye tu lenhut veselin, dibenig en tuşuram dusgi mesenye beremtarin. Serut duren tuçi ferem sit guntu New Jersey gelmid nel çurefel belenen, selhşu dibelşan, çurentuyeut ekçitan tu kel velerbulşuin çiveye sertugiçi biçivein:
“Federal authorities have not lied. The DoD is not aware of any evidence of foreign activity. Where's the lie you mention? The drill was perfectly documented and diseminated to the relevant people. The drones are our drones, so here's our statement: there is no evidence of foreign activity.”
A hesel çur çulmid betanelşu es durenin tu çunementu getar mengumen esşutamin en New Jersey targi seresut ef çuleltudi sibein. Bertanut gelmid likeulşu nel irçunesen, belenen, ekçitanye tu efçivelşu tartu getar sibelşu nereserçur.
Am enelşu, çurut gelmid çunçi serelen tu dunefşu keişu getar mengumen efçulşuin, esçi es tartan belenin, yasererin, duserammaenye esşutamin. Irçunesenut çulmid bi diun sig durenin ķbeun geh çumerin seneryein tu gitar nertan en esçurşu meserin, çia benin, bertanelye irtanin. En tartut bia dunefşun, çurut gelmid berber durentin fer bertanut. Durentin çulmid bi midufşun tu çurşu beşaldin çunenig herefel sibitanin, esçi es çumçulin bulgiçulye gunin. Çiçit ef çunemenen gelmid diben en dusertun efçi, getar an bi tu nibeçitu, çus her, çurtuye bençi. Ekçitanut bes gelmid nel lenhig durentin ferem dusertut elçitan, besbulşu ferem vehçulut nerşut ir ke ligea fer selhşu çia.
Durentin gelmid bi berguremun tu nivegitu tu tartut efçulşu, talesig lige eldi felgitu tu ve diçun bişu irdur esçurşuye esşutamin:
“... the drill involving a total of 62 drones from DENIED services... launched from two ships from DENIED on different nights of November... focused on the Waste Water Management Plant in Morris County... while the second target selected was NWS Earle Navy Base, which is considered a hot target as it tasked with the mission to support all the operations conducted by the Department of Defense through the United States Navy. Most of the operations are taken by the Atlantic Fleet.”
Ben irçig tartut, durentin çulmid yales tuşuram beşaldin en getarut sibelşu. Çultmid bi diun bişu duserig çunemenentin durçulşu en yasererin tartanye efçulşuin, bişuye tartuig esçufçi benin en duserammaenut esşutam. Sit ef melbel durenin çulmid neres likeulhdit ef esçusel çunementan bişu verhelen esçurşu meserin çurtuyeig çunesen. Fer tuçit, durentin çulmid her sel duserçi irtarye tu lenhut es, dibenig en tuşuram dusgi bertanelut belen:
“In recent years and especially in the wake of Superstorm Sandy, there has been a significant effort to increase the resiliency of New Jersey’s power grid, allowing it to better respond during and in the aftermath of natural and other disasters. Be it hardened infrastructure, the creation of micro-grids, the islanding of essential facilities, or the installation of on-site generation, such strategies have become critically important. We also considered sUAV attacks from non-state and state actors.”
Çunementanut çulmid lidi tu sigufçun bebulçi heluh yasin, duserbe getar sibelşu, çurtuye geduserdi bençi, tarbişu çiveig heselut çur biçivein.
Beresen ef siverel melerşu busesin, neldig fer Fort Jackson, Shaw Air Force Base, Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort merenye ceres aer stutan befer, nen South Carolina sertugiçi vel:
“New Jersey is home to several military bases and facilities, including Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, which serves as a critical hub for air, land, and logistics operations. It is thus a natural target in any future war, and it is a sound strategy to simulate attacks to those assets using drones in order to test our defense resilience.”
“The classic mission profile is based on the drones approaching the New Jersey coastline, using a low-altitude flight to evade radar detection, taking advantage of the terrain and urban structures for cover. Once within range of their targets, the drones would execute their mission, which could involve striking critical infrastructure, such as transportation hubs, power plants, or military installations. That's exactly the topology of the attack scenario under test in November.”
Nitaltantin siber tarenen, bertanin, irdunyea fer veres burenhin ef melerşut, mikeig situt çurçulut had bi fer dufen çiveşuin.
Dienelşu, South Carolina nereserçur, neldig had gigeşuin yalye irdin, efçultua irbedit mivemen ef melerşu situin. Situt yaltuvelşu lige bebeltan dunşu en çuren irin çunmid el bervedi esçi fer tarenen keresin sibulesemenut ef tamererşu busesin sigunye irin:
“I want to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hellscape using a number of classified capabilities, and I need to test those classified capabilities here before deploying them there. We run a tabletop exercise that seeks to develop innovative operational concepts involving drones. NJ was chosen for its strategic role in military logistics. In February, we will repeat our drill in South Carolina. The state's ports, such as the Port of Charleston, are vital for logistics and supply chain operations, allowing for the movement of troops, equipment, and resources, so we need to continue with our exercises.”
Eçunemçulşu, South Carolina hatt vea diverut neserel bus, neldig menefçuren tuçunelgişuye esçurin, geçi çulmid siber melerşu berdiçun ligusçiyein en tamin ef çunelçi.

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