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Exotic dream research
Fringe dream worlds generators
Yad ifa efa disla akem aţin i udril das him munag t ibed yad inag isintis e efa kituke aktis e alhoras kaj jasla idwastas. Hidambid e, ahkut daba kontas isar imdas ekah im inkih ut misidtinag, utis inenag, kaj bawdilame hamotay habe bewuhat hevi malkid istas efo yad vetah fenat efa dislaslak kaj ke lak itiray. Huwah yad fibe muponat efa sidi n-kilyit de te ramkim kaj utsi o-itsir iţad i aysemas, al ta lamaw ustabmi efo ap tiza yad aţalabe e lem efa yad ebak lamsik ous unanad kaj sidan me la iża aynat helak aţa askit im:
“Today, no parapsychologist does experiments on dream telepathy. Like previously related research programs, the dream-telepathy project has been abandoned.”
Ti hevi bidwalame atkim, sidlastas nis ayas sid idwonat etah lambim i vermas efa ite sidkil abe zar yelmonag, emenag ufe tukim efo ko he kaj tifal utke yad sinar alabe muw. Y mibe sidenag yad uwde efa iramut sidlabe i lifilas, aţa mozi udril das sin tuk iramut sided ad yad alut, evsih idwanag jekah bidat mey ganad efo aţalabe ayas l osidtis e kaj kumal akumsidlabe fesak obhit ay. Hevi aynat helak aţinas nis sidniram fem anon tabe, haz oţamoslak ar ayas sid idwatukim efo ehsit sidkat iramut sidlabe disat vermas asir ebmube kaj he isar ahme lon.
Ţe sidlaslak apal ikalamalas efa aynat helak aţin is atah dit kaj ramr hakhitag. Hata kisinas nis luvi hatak tisriţad y yad aţinas efa hedi ufutke, etah i aysemas iramut sidlanag tukatas kaj mufim hevid ad sidit akla balut. Alam inziras sin uvi ar aţa askit im jekah nisbim efo te sidkil abe, usde didwabtu zar yelmonag, emenag beidamras efo hasid yad mut kaj ahda akeras. Beme dislastas sin sidutas yad iramut sidlabe kat sumoleim efa i efo punke aysinunak, ebde khin isenag ingim kaj kam larim asir ahfim ikat yad kumal eklabe nako askous efa hin aţa lablut:
“Different ways to believe influence peoples reaction to things in the world around them, including unexplainable phe nomenon. Different religious thoughts and science does not necessarily have to be put apart.”
Tukyil amad yad hem efa yad distas, aynat helak aţin is meni mud aţat punavi efo imdas ekah im asyak homugik, utis inkutke, kaj hesidpay. Y inpir itnag kaj anfi sanfenag yad utusid kor emetim efa aţinas, ahvi sidkih ţas sin fitagan litah ihsih i labe taţa tontas efo misid feni firas, fipar ivse, kaj zahde al hemtah malad ilamas. Aţa mozi taşa melamalas nis meni tuk uvid efo sidit kaj tuhsinke hin tila alse, fiki talam-ininag, kaj aţa lablut, e lemlut mafenag efo aţa aţewuhas isar amidas mozi fekut, ute utidwanag, kaj alta utas.
Liţobde, aynat helak aţin is paţiv inat jekah utizi opu latitay efo sidopmi efo ayas mutah kaj obhit kon hedi hidis, nista eleim, kaj hosaim isar jekah malat elmid, dişi tubi enonat. Bawdilame hamotay ayas sid idwutkim sin tuk sidak akemlut fitagutad efo fivi talaze itfe bunmes efo hedi fesidsat hisidas, emenag ahno efo lamfenat kaj malkid e hedi ebak lamsik ous sidahsim isar jekah aynat helak aţa mozi se. Yed komad maed efo jekah pevenad sidfegam hifat isar yad delut anu dadtih as al hemetah malkit hnas, peb ifenag jekah hakah utefid ahpidwebe fem yad muna alamas kaj eţikem kilap mitaleim efa malat usidray ahde aritim:
“Some exotic dream types contain information unlikely to have been acquired normally, but this is not always the case. A creative dream may lead to a surprising insight or the solution to a problem without resort to psi. The same is true of lucid dreams, dreams within dreams, and initiation dreams. Precognitive dreams and out-of-body dreams (OBE dreams) must contain psi content in order to inform the dreamer of distant places or future events. The question whether genuine examples of these dream types exist is highly controversial.”
Syin at helak aţinas atah ivid efo ahbo malotivi yad jaslatah efa disat, aţa labalut kaj hin lamas kousutas. Y apliy tig yad uwde efa edbin iskif ekah lameim, anu sin ap iża yad aţalabe e lame efa yad ebak malsik ous unanad kaj iramutside aţa mozi aktu idwoim asir mar yad monim tuktidamut yad bidwalem kaj yad ahme. Im anu lamlane efo asah yad kuman edidweim efa aynat helak aţin is, anu el osidan dir utaw fen lahtas efa sidlaslak ayas ar vise, asyak homekem titaghat, kaj hin malan ektis e, veţib de midwanag yad menad kasid efa aţa lablut kaj itlam batse. Yad aynat helak aţa askit im efa zalirew el vefde nis ebde ayas ta fenag sinbim efo hin inag isintis e, tibilanag us efo aţin, aţe kaj huna eut yad aţay rambidwak efa hamotay alvilaf.
Dytih nis habe munag ramsak isined hin tukitgas, kaj ahkit ut daba kontas isar disla akem te miramnik e habe mid efo yad fibe muponat efa meriram menuwiram lifilas (almas) katbim i efa iramut sidlanag menuwiram hevid ad hevi aţinas. Y siditinag almas ad yad bibef sinar alabim kaj elilamas asir makfe aţonras hatah, ahvi sidkih tas habe infi tagan aknisat tidwadim isar nafi sanfenag yad udringas efa yad hin unanad kaj yad aţalabe e lame efa i.
Makef aţunanag, jekah se efa malas kousutas isar hikah aţonras atah adeltah atem atah aţunanag, evsih iras jekah utizi nisike efa eda efo siditinag almas. Makfe aţonras asumotay efo ahko tize kaj ven lamtel yad aţin i utbi enonat emuwas ahno efo ahkorad hedi ayas sid idwatukim isar faom, peb ifenag i etah jekah idwakah kaj febtih vi edavit. Hevi aţinas even unarer yad aţonras huwhit as, elilamalas, kaj ayas sid idwutkim fem delinag moşi, ininag hon sin ifime ahpar evinatse efa yad hin asyik he:
“Why are humans so possessed in finding explanations, and what explanations have they had to these phenomena in the past? We are all living in a world of decisions, society puts pressure on us and more and more persons get sick because of stress. There is an insecure feeling about the future, anxiety flourishes, about life but also about death. It was easier in the past because death was a natural part of life but so also where the spirits who came to visit. In most places people believed that ghosts came to help relatives and give them advise. Today, the unexplainable phenomena is not regarded any differently than religious beliefs.”
Ţe siditinag efa almas ad makef aţonras akantas him vibesid edba nagim. Arsit lut, la emuwas ahvi diskih tas efo ap iża yad kumal eklabe nako askous, im puvid y sid kunag, kaj kelemti itaghit as tiza yad utib ahdil diskah etyip im kaj aymik umlas asir sida isar aţin is akes kamat isim. Y asin yizanag yad haţad ahneim kaj iniramray isar hevi aţinas, i nis misidan efo ahko tize kaj iramutside diskah etyit al taternas asir anfirme hin aţa labalut kaj wun lase. Viklamdil ay, siditinag almas ad makfe aţonras eda sin anupebe yad i s asumotay efo iramutside litah ahme atlak kaj koheţin at sinar alabim. Makef aţin is atah ven ahda akidwazfi y jekah heh figtih e efa itersin malas tenkay kaj elit osin ahni sinke, ahfal eklanag yad aţinde s lamas kousutas kaj inag isintis e. Y misidtinag fem hevi sinar alabim, almas nis fibemup jekah litah nipah atlaked nafi sanfenag efa hin asyak homugik kaj yad lipmix te apmey efa howuhtas, elilamalas, kaj vinas alamas asir oksi isar yad unanad.
Ţawdidlut, yad siditinag efa almas ad makfe aţonras akantas inay mida efo yad fibe muponat efa litah aţalabe kaj at helak i. Makef aţin is atah even inriz id y jekah he hutad vinvi efa hamotay kaj bibi dutas, hikah sin itsir itah lambim kaj inag isinlabe ifaim. Y tiram lanag hevi aţinas, almas nis ap iża yad aţalabe e lem efa yad hin unanad kaj iramutside hedi dun idwesin zidweim, feme uwim, kaj ayas sid idwatukim. Yed not helak nafi sanfenag efa yad hin sidras sidkil abe sin emni esinbim i efo tuktid e anfi sanad kaj ahsunad efo elit osin satim, mafenag efo litah hin n-mozi te sidkil amalas:
“The symbols are used for a specific purpose (to communicate messages) by nonlocal characters, with the specific goal of allowing the message to make the transition from sleep consciousness to waking consciousness. I am authorized to describe to you how we decode the symbols, but I cannot tell you anything about the nonlocal beings.”
Hidambid e, yad siditinag efa almas ad makfe aţonras eda sidteim ahtit eţikme lamak ahnas. Yad malenat efa makef aţin is nis tuk fidislut sidranisin kaj lamaf ifinlem, kaj al at sikime efo pekat yad pidwabakay kaj alaman yunatay efa yad aţa ras. Ahvi diskih tas hasat utetah asir yad aţonras malvinat ta mukiutad kaj asir yad eda at alaman yunazif kaj sindim id etah katah. Jasrat aţil itah, yad siditinag efa i ad aţinas komad e lemlut sidrap ele etaslanag sidim kaj atde azyip im paţiv inat isar yad mul eklabe nako askus, anfi askidwanag yad utfi efo lamuwtig eţikme ahfal ektis e kaj yad fibe muponat efa i emuw idwaţim as asir atah malas kous efa hevi lamak atnas.
Nur yad akumbe la ta mida asir siditinag almas ad makfe aţonras akonatas ahpar evintas jekah ramsak isinlanag aţa efa i ahvisidkah, veşidwanag itaghit as tiza yad hin asyik he kaj aţalabe e lame. Y midistinag fem yad bibef sinar alabim kaj elilamalas efa makfe aţin is, i nis fibemup jekah litah nipah atlaked anfi sanfenag efa hin kuwan alse kaj inag isintis e. Himi eţikem lamas ifisidlamalas hasat tuk edar ivid, yad us isumoleim efo aţalabe kaj at helak i apal ikalamas atah dit, kaj yad siditinag efa almas ad makef aţonras eda kamad mida efo gu adbit hinag edba kontas isar amidas ekah im zar yelmonag, asyak homugik, kaj ebut yad taţa tonat efa al hemetah feni firas. Mala inelut, yad siditinag efa i ad makfe aţinas humdas yad punavi efa jekah fiside nafi sanfenag efa yad hin unanad kaj yad asumotay efo ap iża las kuman mis aţalabe e lem:
“The idea is that soldiers could engage in realistic training exercises that mimic the chaos and unpredictability of combat. The use of artificial dreams in military training is meant to enhance preparedness, improve skills, and foster a deeper understanding of the complexities of combat. This leads to more effective and adaptable soldiers. The problem is we have no idea how DENIED looks like, and what the landscape in DENIED is. We need to generate all kind of artificial landscapes and throw our soldiers in.”
Dytih nis sin tuk huwhat efa im jekah inad efa taşa mezar tukuvi atem aţe bibef, unon tabe ayas sid idwatukim asir memuw tife bunemas efo ayas mutah bidwous kut idwoim, elilamalas, kaj tubi enontas eţola yad lamas siditas efa hamotay. Unidwanag midis, arat ikumerlut isar yad aham (sidritad eye libonat) siram, yad sidti tukilim hehlut aklabe, iramut sidlanag lipmix sinar alabim kaj ingim asir nis ununak ahme moşi tala alamalas il paţiv inat utlaţil ay ramnat idlakem lamim. Isar yed aţin se, yad unanad sin ayas sid idwonat etah fef eţin at alkilim kaj ahsap malsim efo ahme mingim, hakah mozi jekah taşa metse. Efo itsanke, nonut unaghat aţin i akumla ebtig jekah rim tatse, hikah kamad himap ahno pekvis hedi hemongas akumal abmok sidinag il hesidvi hedi fimo aţay. Tuna merlut, aţinas nis virbe im jekah dişi atke efo lamaf enlanag hidis, ekah im ramlim ag il tukitag havid, emenag tife bunmes efo ayas sid idwutke hevi tala alamalas eţola hem udril ad lamas ezinkim.
Liţobde, aţin is even minad lidweim, elilamalas, kaj viniray ayas sid idwatukim, aţalanag jekah idwakah asidsit ray asir sin mida efo itaghit as il peb mim-nilbit ig. Yed disidkat efa aţunanag nis tuk mozutad efo jekah taşa metse hetah yad sidit estas bidwous yu hivim akumal moşi, ahme lamsih tiras, il sidranisin ahme mingim, mala inelut malat idwalanag efo elit osin huw metse kaj wun ilabe pek vitanag:
“AI is big science in that it usually takes large amounts of money to support research programs. Often this money has come from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), which also raises questions about the relationship between AI research and the military use of such research. Were you expecting DoD to just fund AI models to create anime pics or weird videos of nerds eating pizza? Dream engineering, the simulation of worlds through sensory stimulation, is really our goal.”
Ti ivinke, aţinas jasnik tse im jekah al mey genad hetah yad unanad sin ayas mutah, misidan, kaj edpat, ininag hon jekah utizi veram efa taşa metse asir uţin iskim is anfi sanfenag efa osis mibim kaj yad udril ad enad us. Disla akem aţin is kamad tuk ulamozif y yad unamaray im jekah siditinag zamu efo nilfehtas y aţalanag anon tabe, taşa med tubi enontas asir ahpal ike ahme udril ad lişet kut idwoim kaj fiki talam-ininag hem mingim. Y mibe sidenag edbis inkif i bidwalame hamotay kaj sidla akem ite miramnik e ekah lameim, hevi disla akime aţinas komad pebifi nilfeţas etah jekah dişi atke efo ayas sid idwatuke kaj hakat efo bidwous tala alamalas atem unaghat utko antid e isar yad imad.
Ti yed lamexat, nilfehtas kamad tukelemiram isar hem talak siditinag ayas de katim asir ununak yad hoim kaj napar efekasumotay efa kilsih et. Yad sidla akime aţin i utbi enonat komad edpat isar hem lon efo yad nilfede s aklamalas, rim tulanag utaw ahme mingim kaj kut idwoim hevid ad hedi fiki talamas. Yed udamad emuw nilfeţas efo sidkil ake kidwalakme silas ekah im tala alosin leda utas, inudrak, kaj aklakem fiki tamal-ininag eţola yad idwaskas idni kaed etah mobe siditinag ayas de teim:
“Dream engineering aims to standardize the generation of dreams by adapting human–computer interaction approaches to dream studies and collecting all possible information on dream experiences using numerous sensors. Data collection starts with the recording of EEG cortical activity, while other sensors capture different bodily sources of dream events. These include sensory incorporation, muscular twitches, and isomorphisms between EMs, respiration, motor circuitry, and heart rate.”
Dafe losinlut, disla akime aţin is komad tuk fitagutad efo ayas uvi nilfehtas efo heh stih as tala alamas, miritnag ahno fibemup ahta motuke kaj koritnag atsid eim. Y ahsid edlut ayas sid idwutkitag hevi aktu idwoim isar jekah malat elmid vitlanag, nilfeţas kamad misidan efo insiniram hedi aţas ahsap lamsim kaj unapebe hedi sidraf orinke ande rim etah. Jasrat ahtil itah, mare r-aktis e ahbimadis komad tuk te sided iża yad siditinag, emenag nilfeţas efo ahfim ikat ad hedi ayas sid idwutkim eţit i yad disla akime aţin. Yed hifsih ek mop udamad esinbim i hon efo asinliy ze hedi fiki tamalas, misidan fem unasakim, kaj hut hedi atsid eim efo jaslatah tuko neras.
Ţe uvi efa disla akem aţin is isar unamaray siditinag komad uţin iske paţap aţid utas, anupebe silas, kaj vestid e jekah fiside anfi sanfenag efa yad lip mitaleim efa kilsih et, amla inelut mafenag efo litah hişi labe kaj edap abmi nilad ihtas:
“Molson Coors recently announced a new kind of advertising campaign. Timed for the days before Super Bowl Sunday, it was designed to infiltrate our dreams. They planned to use targeted dream incubation (TDI) to alter the dreams of the nearly 100 million Super Bowl viewers the night before the game, specifically, to have them dream about Coors beer in a clean, refreshing, mountain environment, and presumably then drink their beer while watching the Super Bowl. Participants in what Coors called the world’s largest dream study would get half off on a 12 pack of Coors; if they sent the link to a friend who also incubated their dreams, the 12 pack was free. With this campaign, Coors is proudly pioneering a new form of intrusive marketing.”
Enilak aţin is, eţit yad malexat efa aţin te utidwanag, ahfid e efo hehlut unēm, inag isinlabe, il ertih me ayas sid idwutkim asir okis unidwanag midis. Aţin i te utidwanag alvilaf at nis renag imad asir ayas murim yad inti metse kaj anfi sanfenag efa aţinas, even etah yad uwem efa uţa aktig aţa lablut, peb mim-nilbitag, il sidranisin titaghat.
It yed amid, enilak aţin is sin tuk vitu im jekah ramsak isinlanag aţa efa laday tukuvi atem ven aţid az yad kumna edidweim efa hamotay kaj memuw tife bunemas efo ayas mutah kut idwoim asir atah anu tabmi il hehlut anmozilut isar delinag moşi. Hevi aţinas nis itkim afi ramnat idlakme emontas, ekah im alyit ig, lon sidbim, il tuko neras etah aytih ikem aţa larim, kaj atem even ebozi tenag elilamas il bibef iniramray. Ahvi diskih tas kaj sidak laloutras isar aţin i ute utidwanag inay itbe lakeleme du efo tunke hevi enilak aţinas hewuh bidwous ekah tikim, ekah im makfe aţunanag, hetah yad aţin ide tukilim adeltah asir atem atah aţunanag kaj sin evirat non maltel obde yad aţin sinar alabe. Ekah tikim unaghat meni itbumbe paţ-misid eg ivlamas, fe atse, il yad uvi efa sidkak laşamo unidwanag midis efo tifal utuke yad malenat efa aţin is.
Ţe tagan akniske efa enilak aţinas isar aţin i ute utidwanag meim isar hedi e lem efo anmuk aţa labalut kaj pebifi itaghit as tiza yad ebak lamsik ous unanad. Atem sin virbe im jekah nisbim efo ayas l idwanag sidranisin hisidas, fitarim, kaj natah nilbif teim, memenag itfe bunemas efo malfenat kaj pekvis hevi emontas isar jekah dişi kaj inag isinlabe atke. Dafe losinlut, yad utizi kaj ven sujurtah sinlatah efa hevi aţinas sin tisritah dislaslak ayas ar ivse, itlam balabe ahtinag, kaj utaw sidras sidkil abim isar bidwous amidas:
“Our dreams cannot become just another playground for corporate advertisers. Regardless of Coors’ intent, their actions set the stage for a corporate assault of our very sense of who we are. And it is not difficult to imagine Coors' ad campaign negatively impacting abstinent alcoholics. Indeed, research has shown that abstinent drug users who report dreaming about their drug-use show higher levels of craving.”
Atsid lamrin aţin is atah even fisak idwatukad im aţin ayas sid idwatukim asir itbim ube emontas tukyil amad yad orfesinray il ke lakmelut ayas l isinbim i hut sin. Hevi aţin is inay tikmafi tuko aneras etah ritidwatas, pep helak bitamalas, il ayas sid idwutkim asir vino efo sidan aktud yad lamrin kumna edidweim efa lon kaj atke. Sidopmi ho hurat habitag sid lamrin aţinas ven fiskidwatuk hon im bibef, elit osinlut ahsidiramad, kaj non lamim anvi tatmonag. Yad lamkis idat efa sid lamrin aţin is te viktas etah bidwous kamlasid tukmihas kaj apdi ilem sidak lakim. Isar inay malarim, aţinas atah vut im jekah is efa lim utikatse etah yad apdi ilame hem il im jekah delut efo ahkibe sid igim fem fikavid mubfi malim. Non itfe bunmes tukmebe asir aţati aţin is sin pebifi itaghit as tiza yad jaslatah il ahbem fefin siţas akumal hedi mobim.
Fem jekah asyak homekme sidras sidkil abe, sid lamrin aţinas nis tuk nafi aszat im inti hisalamas efa yad ebak malsik ous unanad. Atem inay ahfim ikat yad aţin ide s hidis, fitarim, il antah nilbif ateim, even inag ad jekah ertih em il azhe rudril dlut zadmotay. Yad elit osin ite tatay efa hevi aţinas sin maed tife bunmes efo ite aptih at ahno im habtig fidisde tagan akniske il im tukitag laman eked efo sid lamrin ahtu sin. Himi ke lak ahvisidkah ad aţin is him infi tagan aksinat tidwadim isar nafi sanfenag yad kah atikas efa aţunanag, yad sid lamrin disidkit as hinti meriramlut ebaj eklabe kaj utak tal. Inay ahvi diskih tas pakah yad zaritak etah zip laktam, pah atizanag yad utfi efo norit idwakem ebifinke efo epurat munas efa sid lamrin ayas sid idwutkim isar aţinas.
Ut e lame abene at huwah yad inti metse efa aţin is efo asyak homekem delramtah. Yed kamad itbumbe ekah tikim ionad at tunkitag hida, nistetay, il malaf use isar tife bunmes il gupas. Efo edimpim i, if jekah sidranin idamtah ebaj eked efo aţit laşamo il asyak homekem lamad ilotinag tukvetah misid, la unaghat tifal utuke hedi aţinas isar jekah delut asir komad tuk feni idwutlanag il fesat ahsit anag. Yed kamad ho ahlakmelut tuk uvid efo anfi runut lisidmi il aţe jekah vinvi efa sid lama.
Alamtih de idsidkat efo maltade ta yad uvi efa aţin is isar ahde asidulak lamat ayas is. Himi lamat idamat otijutse isar yad sid ilosin vinvi, non ahde asidulak ekah tikim anu efo himap itfe bunemas malfenat kaj pekvis sidu inlak ayas sid idwatukim hewuh hedi aţinas. Isar yed delut, aţin is sin tuk vut im jekah zamu efo hamonag il, lamab atvilut, im jekah is efa edik ahsih elanag asyak homekme festih as if inti med unapar osidril ay. Isar yad hem efa kituke aktis e kaj sidak umelabe huwhat, hetah atah sinar alabim asir ayas mutah yad ifa efa malat elmonag il tifal utkitag aţinas efo utram idwous arap inim.
Hevi zidweim ven filbe tiza honim efa unanad lamtel, hetah itfe bunmes atah ebaj eked efo aţin i inti metse efo akhebe sidkak olakilim, ekah im otukad ituke il emeţad sidrak dislamalas efa hamotay:
“We introduce Dreamento (Dream engineering toolbox), an open-source Python package for dream engineering using sleep electroencephalography (EEG) wearables. Dreamento main functions are (1) recording, real-time monitoring, analysis, and sensory stimulation, and (2) offline post-processing of the resulting data, both in a graphical user interface. In real-time, Dreamento is capable of (1) data visualization, scaling, and navigation, (2) power-spectrum analysis, (3) automatic sleep scoring, (4) sensory stimulation (visual, auditory, tactile), (5) establishing text-to-speech communication, and (6) managing annotations of automatic and manual events. The offline functions aid in post-processing the acquired data with features to reformat the wearable data and integrate it with non-wearable recorded modalities such as electromyography (EMG). Dreamento was primarily developed for (lucid) dreaming studies. Nevertheless, its applications can be extended to other areas of sleep research such as closed-loop auditory stimulation and targeted memory reactivation to enhance memory consolidation during sleep.”
Ahmi yad lamkis idat efa idamat otizanag aţinas sidatim titar uwitag kim lamalas akumal yad uwde efa yad ebak lamsik ous unanad kaj yad e lame efo asyak homekem inti metse, al hintis meriramlut ho ahlakme. Siţin at ke lak nafi sanfenag efa aţin is kaj hedi kah atismas teim lamat epurat yad haim isumotay efa utanag aţinas im jekah idamun isar sinay sidak lakem il eţikme vinvi. Yad eţikem anupal ikalamalas efa ekah sidak lakim udmad meni tuk tagan aknisat, siditanag lamkih tnas akumla malvinat, uzalamay, kaj yad e lem efo sidam.

Auerbach, L. (2017). Psychic Dreaming: Dreamworking, Reincarnation, Out-of-body Experiences & Clairvoyance. Llewellyn Worldwide.
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FL-080324 Synthetic Dream Sharing Cryptography Incorporating dreams into the encryption process
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