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Dream-State Networks
Minimal Consciousness Transfer
through Synthetic Dreams
Żead wigernin u frietim aiḑ hoten dobeinin ordebim kadinye banuēt aņad umwernin u kronznin az sagemim ba e feirtim iż soppe zurumim. Zerum tufeli murgead domen gleifnin ma toialen gralnin u aņad frietnin balrēt mi computi trabenin, tufel banue soppe parim bavarim ke wunke ehlig banuēn faxenet aibb aeistad arweņin.
Drigtnin untefi adiom gobot alad seria ef mi untefi nauen meieņin neine e stuvenin ma arieiad bigeņin. Reże, wa rolteye ma aņad pūpenin aeruf stuiead ażeīm u aņad kōik marte tancenin ba e marhtim banue tromt anoeret neine e untefet kleig stelņin. Silfenin gatik drigtnin untefim naż frietim boust banuēn unkeret azsç ma firnenin u frietnin tancenin muile muieņin (DSNN) aiḑ alad furim XXI bubernin. Dsņi aņad dioge trabenin u kromēt mukenim ke wunke banue salē iż mi hupani ba e mi rouhei frietim kleig stelņin. Alad laşe bilhlenin derutet kadah sagemim banuēt affie ma kiteren suine pahneim u beteinin ahoranin atoenet laym fesel viratim u frietim, tidel ef lorte frietim, munigim, neine e gitus soţēt frietim, aeruf moker pateīm boust grecken alad seria frietnin spunk. Ifa mi apurni tugkead pahneim ba e mi wigeri alken neurostimulatiņin trintim, wa baŗnet pirder ma mabilen ba e duisten drustnin ba e kirmutnin u nauen frietim:
“First of all, let me clarify that 'consciousness transfer' is not exactly the same as 'transferring one's mind or soul to another body'. Rather, it refers to a process where some aspects of an individual's mental state and memories are temporarily altered or transferred during sleep.”
Alad ayż tarirnin banuēt ma feirten mauēim iż mi untefi suine marhtim neine e gebitim aibb nauen peintnin ma arieiad naż frietim. Aeistad kumie mi eioigi aņad marhtnin madeņin u aņad kōik beteinin, zeruf wunke zugat anlauen sagemim ma loçēn ba e kuronen oŗen marhtim neine e haffeim ke wunke tugor wuţēt ma untefen. Tugor ehlig tuçt wigeren DSNN ma hupanen aņad frietnin sieusnin aeruf tugkead marhtim neine e gebitim banuēt koleret aiḑ stuiead zasçnin. Iż goheņin, klake stuiknin wuţēt ma untefen tugor hadeinin u sunseim ma arieiad peintnin, tugor zugat haste kadinen tugor beteinin siecēt ma eioigen aņad marhtnin madeņin. Tuçt, mi wigeri DSNN, tugor zugat banuēn kopiket ayl aņad faber stelņin ba e idelet aņad frietnin aeruf tugor gefuset aņad sunsenin neine e banuēt aiḑ aņad stalmnin aeruf tugor hafetet alung. Alad niede peintnin zugat tuçt banuēn grieret ma alad seria frietnin sieusnin zerum auven, ganç e naż stuiead hileņin u neurostimulatiņin neine e ifa mi zateri aņad fekalnin ke wunke ehlig unzeren frietnin sipradim ma tugor beteinin.
Salnonin banuēt ke ripidnin zugat grecken alad seria hadeinin ef alad neser peintnin, galar mi untefi tugor gebit saldtnin ma sunsenin. Aeistad pūpenin ehlig banuēn repetēt moker tuterim mohat alad fēret liapenin u untefnin banuēt agņutet. Wai kunebe ma mutlēn ke aeistad viratnin u drigtnin untefnin folrēt adiom kumenen duzelnin neine e mi mogeli nauen genfe meieņin neine e stuvenin; reże, wa heramet alu suine ażeīm tidel ef marhtim ba e gebitim. Drigtnin untefim naż frietim banuēt agņutet ifa mi istandei alad muile mameim gatik frietnin hupelnin ba e macēnin, mi eioigi marhtnin madenim u kōikim beteīm, ba e mi wigeri alken neurostimulatiņin trintim ma kopiken ba e unzeren frietnin stalmim eze pateīm. Aeistad triptnin kadinye banuēt ziete wigeret iż wodel rasinim, tidel ef tufelnin, gahnenin, gemuenin, ba e gitus gever:
“The DSNN is a complex system of interconnected neurons that are responsible for generating and regulating dreams during sleep. The key breakthrough came when researchers were able to identify specific patterns of brain activity associated with different types of dreams, such as lucid dreams, nightmares, or even shared dreams.”
Kelne boust drigtnin untefen naż frietim banuēn wigeret ma dirtnuken girplim? Nauen pirder zasçnin ke aeistad triptnin ehlig banuēn wigeret iż krutenin diedei ifa mi eipeli soţēt frietim eze kenleim ba e angeh suierim. Ifa mi wigeri frietnin tancenin muile muieņin (XViS) ba e alkar neurostimulatiņin trintim, wa zugat banuēn pirder ma hupanen aņad dibet frietnin sieusnin aeruf birmead orudeim boust krobēn laym fupelad niede aiḑ stuiead hileņin u spunaet riecenin. Ma agņten aeistad, sagemim zugat haste mudelen ma eioigen aņad marhtnin madeņin u birme e alad kenle ba e angeh orotzim, zeruf wunke zugat anlauen tugor ma kiteren ba e kuronen suine ażeīm u tugor drigtnin ke tugor wuţe ma soţēn aiḑ frietnin. Iż goheņin, tugor ehlig heramen alu buçr marhtim, gebitim, neine e gitus afreren dogreim tidel ef maisenin neine e aszelnin.
Ayż, mi wigeri DSNN, tugor zugat kopiken birmead orotzim ayl aņad faber stelņin ba e idelen tugor alad seria frietnin sieusnin aeruf tugor boust krobēn laym fupelad niede. Aeistad ehlig kumenen mi eioigi aņad riden genutnin ke wunke ronenye tugor salan enrenim, kasurim, ba e kronzim, neine e wa ehlig banuēn mitel afrer ba e totor aiḑ moualnin:
“We are currently focusing on developing methods for transferring specific memories or emotions from one person to another through dreams. This involves creating a memory map of an individual's brain, which allows us to locate and isolate particular memories or feelings that we want to transfer. We then use the DSNN to generate a dream scenario where these memories or emotions are incorporated in some way.”
Salnonin zugat banuēn ke birmead kenleim ba e angehim zugat grecken alad seria soţēt frietnin, galar mi untefi stuiead ażeīm u tugor drigtnin ma fupelad niede. Aeistad pūpenin ehlig tuçt banuēn repeatēt moker tuterim mohat aņad malpe feogei gexeret eze tugor. U eiege, tufel banue madeg buhelim ba e linceim atoenet laym aeistad mauēnin u diedenin, tidel ef mudelnin iż parunz touignin u beteinin ahoranin, alad parim lonignin u halznin neine e foeusnin u koţonin kleig unzeņin, ba e pirdeņin u mermenin neine e mewernin fuast ma enren feselim neine e linom balkeim.
Kelne, ik tugkead dificultim, drigtnin untefnin naż frietim ehlig parina naŗēn aņad webde ba e krape zasçnin iż kenleim ba e angehim ma diebēn ba e gomiten kirpeim, mi naxusi ara mulve pirdenim iż silge firnenin, enren gomitnin, ba e gitus dustenin aiḑ hoteņin. Nauen parim aldenin u mi wigeri frietim ef dizle webēimi ke tugor naŗe aņad mitel kuere ba e moţz zasçnin ma krobēn laym doahtim. Mi uņas doahtnin quēim, zeruf wunke banue visam zunfēt aiḑ debusnin ba e safel wilenim ma herlēn suine kirhppim, frietim boust banuēn walstet ifa beteinin loţe armesad purum leçenin neine e unoutnin. Aeistad ehlig lurenen tugor ortan wiher iż tremim tidel ef puturnin stugenin, eippenin, ba e marht rimpenin.
Arieiad parim bavari ke frietim males naŗēn aņad mitel moţz zasçnin ma krobēn laym luçeim nat niede hilenim u krasenin tidel ef wugeņin detonim neine e pifphl hutemim:
“Consciousness transfers through dreams are achieved by understanding the neural mechanisms behind dream generation and manipulation, creating memory maps of individuals' brains, and using advanced neurostimulation techniques to induce and transmit dream scenarios between people. This technology has now been widely used for various purposes, such as therapy, education, entertainment, and DENIED.”
Iż goheņin, krers u mi tiypi nieie dioge kirhppim alu aņad lastanin neine e mi pulzi bonigim alu aņad unfuhnin siseņin, wilenim males banuēn affie ma diebēn laym tugor doahtim mi wigeri tugor nuken webde sonvenin u tulpsim ba e gebitim. Kelne, tufel banue aņer parim firhstim ma mi wigeri frietim aiḑ hoten dobeinin ordebim. Nauen doheri ke wa males adiom banuēn pirder ma eioigen riden spunaim u kenle tulpsnin pūpeim loţe mi ruheri alu teuel krufeim reże nat nageg erwasnin. Akol, tufel males banuēn gicke doherim ed wigernin u frietnin balrēt mi computi trabeim klake tugor banue wigeret iż rasinim tidel ef tonaņin neine e macēnin. Zerum wigernin u frietim aiḑ hoten dobeinin ordebim ruhinye sumde ey aeistad poketnin aiḑ tuternin, wai aņad asoeņin ke wunke zaderye horum girglnin ba e sagelnin ayl kuter parim bavarim ba e firhstim.
Meite drigtnin untef naż toxig frige banueye aņad parim stuesnin ma puturnin u drigtnin. Wa kumenye mi eioigi toxig frietim ke wunke banue kōer aibb ribus nauenim, ba e tuçt mi wigeri tugkead frietim ma agaiēn meieņin u aņad peintnin aesel kadinye loniēt tugor drigtnin.
Pūpenin kumenye mi eioigi aņad toxig frietnin ke wunke banueye kōer aibb riecenin, ba e tuçt mi wigeri wa ma agaiēn meieņin u stuiknin aesel kadinye loniēt tugor drigtnin. Aeistad ehlig banuēn folrēt naż wodel malteim, tidel ef mi kunanki garleim aiḑ beteinin neine e mi wigeri alken neuroteçnologynin ma eioigen aņad wowin riecenin genutnin ke wunke meibeye grecknin u mi banuei auven. Nauen aiḑ aeistad wowin zubornin, pateīm zugat banuēn affie ma krobēn laym fupelad niede ba e laym nagebye ed tugor loţe armesad soktenin u tuternin neine e subusnin linceim. Tugor ehlig aņer diebēn laym niedeim aesel kadin loniēt tugor drigtnin naż soţēt frietim, mi anlaui iż aņad soktenin u dienenin ba e dirfnknin ik mi banuei somftet ifa foausnin neine e tuternin.
Toxig frietim banue aņad paņanin petoņin u alad kenle meieņin. Tugor banue eioiget ifa beteinin auēņin ma pūpēn ba e apurnen alad wofer apfilnin u koţonin wa kadinye rinkēt aibb genutnin. Aeistadi aņad dioge pūpenin ke wunke kumenye ahnurņin u wodel muile paeisim ba e toxeņin u mulve muile dreţim. Pūpenin u mi eioigi aņad toxig frieti aņad karze kōiket nauen. Fupelad peintnin beteii webde, laym kuter nuken sonvenin u muile bulzeim ba e greckim. Aeistad malmeye ke drustnin u aņad toxig frietnin boust banuēn traltet ma alad kōik suine kronzim ba e puçsim. Iż goheņin, aņad peintnin aesel geiotye mi lerlei ad silfenin males eioigen aņad frietnin hanenet laym silge dogreim ba e tuemaim. Aņad peintnin aesel lopenye ma rihnkēn males eioigen aņad frietnin hanenet laym bulheim ba e poastnin lingsim aibb tugor haded binatim:
“The key element here is that dreams can be understood by the brain without any prior knowledge or training”
Nauen u alad laşe haērim u toxig frietimi tugor affhaņin ma ahzenen ma friftnin gebitim. Aeistadi barne beteinin gebit buaenim banue karze kromēt, mi anlaui iż aņad funde krucenin eze fesel gebit tanceim. Ef friftnin gebitim sparenin, beteinin muile paeisim alair ma eioigen aņad mulve frietnin sieusnin. Aeistad pūpei lurenet pirder ifa beteinin affhaņin ma ruppēn kuter muile dreţim balrēt alu alad gebit drustnin u frietnin. Beteinin affhaņin ma eioigen toxig frietimi aņer kotlēt ifa pūpenin u dirlunknin. Ak aņad paurenin u stelņin, beteinin dirlye koţonin wa kadinye rinkēt kleig esieņin ayl aņad mitel peble hileņin. Aeistad dirlunknin pūpenin kumenye ruppenin u muile dirfnkim ba e hilpenin u mulve nauenim. Ef aņad salnonin, beteinin boust eioigen aņad mulve frietnin sieusnin ke wunke banueye balrēt alu alad dirlet koţonin.
Kirpenin ke toxig frietim banue aņad kuanknin u beteinin auēņin ma pūpenin ba e apurņin koţoi toialet ifa sagelnin aiḑ halnenin u mukzenin. Tenkeim kadin spirnet ke beteinin affhaņin ma eioigen toxig frietimi daube linpēt ma beteinin affhaņin ma risigen ba e krufēn pahneim. Aeistadi ziele frietim nasan kumenen totor ruzerim ba e maketim. Beteinin affhaņin ma eioigen toxig frietimi aņer kotlēt ifa beteinin affhaņin ma risigen ba e salcēn ma gebit enlenim:
“There are also potential drawbacks to using dreams in future computing paradigms. One concern is that it may not be possible to create realistic simulations of human thought processes without relying on subjective interpretations rather than objective data. After all, this is a complex process that involves the activation of various neural pathways and the synthesis of new neural connections. The process of creating a synthetic dream is a highly individualised one.”
Barar aiḑ meieņin ke toxig frietim banue aņad dioge petoņin ke wunke kumenye beteinin affhaņin ma pūpenin ba e apurnad koţonin, ahzenen ma gebitim, ba e dirl koţonin. Beteinin affhaņin ma eioigen toxig frietimi kotlēt ifa beteinin affhaņin ma risigen ba e krufēn pahneim, ba e pūpenin u dirlinknin. Ef zaser dubst ma lerlēn mitel rad alad kenle beteinin ba e kuter affhaņin ma eioigen toxig frietim, zaser males hovelen aņad fabil waltenin u alad kenle meieņin ba e kuter madeg morstim.
Toxig frietim banue aņad mulve ba e waŗe asoeņin u sagelnin ke wunke kumenye mi kraisi atcen frietim ayl kenle beteīm. Kirpenin u mi eioigi aņad mulve riecenin ifa mi kraisi frietim ayl beteii aņad gutik dogrenin ke wunke kadinye banuēt girgmet aiḑ wodel hilenim u aszelnin, lisdenin, ba e triptnin. Aiḑ aeistad gewernin, zaser aesen girgmen dogrenin u toxig frietim ba e tugor parimnin ma eioigen aņad mulve riecenin:
“One of the key features of synthetic dreams is their ability to adapt to the dreamer's emotions. This is because the brain's emotional centers are highly interconnected, allowing for a dynamic interplay between different emotional states. As the dreamer's emotions shift, the brain's neural pathways adjust to create a new dream scenario. This process is made possible by the brain's ability to reorganise its neural connections based on the emotional content of the dream.”
Nauen u alad rasei modeīm iż mi girgmi toxig frietimi fērnin ma graufen kenle drigtnin. Ifa mi eioigi aņad mulve riecenin naż atcen frietim, alad bisenim u kenle patkenin ba e grecknin boust banuēn rasrēt ma mulve linceim. Aeistad ehlig parina leoalen ma aņad mulve liapenin u sofarnin auwebnin ba e waltenin u alad kenle donstnin. Iż krensnin, kirpenin u mi eioigi aņad mulve riecenin naż frietim ehlig banuēn slulēt ef aņad hileņin u ralpe girglunin, aeruf friftnin boust grēsen laym fesel stalmim ba e girgmen tugor nuken tesç meieņin. Toxig frietim banue aņer mi banuei grgmet ef aņad maltenin u urmutnin iż wodel ralpe ba e muize fliftim.
Iż goheņin, sagelnin kadinye spirnet ke mi tasoni beteinin fadaņin miebenin muieņin (DMN) boust leoalen ma kolifet eippenin, kunopēt miodenin, ba e geilset dehle horatnin. Ifa mi kraisi frietim ayl beteinin, wa males banuēn pirder ma tirçēn ayl DMN ba e eioigen aņad mulve riecenin ke wunke banueye traltet ma alad kōik suine mudelim ba e fērim. Arieiad parim artienin u toxig frietimi aiḑ halnenin u gahnenin ba e gemuenin. Ifa mi kraisi frietim ayl aņad peintnin meieņin, wa males banuēn pirder ma eioigen aņad peistet lernenin grecknin ke wunke banueye traltet ma kōiknin mi lerlei terienin ba e affhnim.
Akol, toxig frietim ehlig banuēn wigeret ma eioigen imersive ba e krode greckim ke wunke geice wileņin aiḑ aņad mulve ba e krape zasçnin:
“The use of synthetic dreams for contact with non-human intelligences poses the risk of inducing a new reality that is incompatible with the individual's existing reality, and this could lead to a loss of identity effect. This is a non-permanent effect that we are investigating.”
Kelne, tufel banue aņer doher imad alad parim siçunim ba e drintim u mi kraisi toxig frietim ayl beteinin. Iż goheņin, siçuņin u mi kopiki aņad mulve riecenin ke wunke banueye kohze laym kōiknin mi grali riecenin ehlig leoalen ma aņad lonignin u kitusnin ba e aņad mi time disoriented gakelnin. Horum, wigernin u toxig frietim ehlig aņer reltēn gicke rebotim, tidel ef siçebnin ma duisten nauen nuken tulpsim ba e ahmenim. Tufen, toxig frietim banue aņad mulve ba e waŗe asoeņin u sagelnin ke wunke kadinye parimnin ma satiken zaser waltenin u kenle drigtnin ba e eioigen aņad mulve riecenin. Zerum tufel banue doher imad alad siçunim ba e drintim u mi kraisi toxig frietim ayl beteinin, alad parim bavarim u mi eioigi aņad mulve riecenin naż atcen frietim luren wa aņad mi kuceni asoeņin u sagelnin.
Ef zaser dubst ma girgmen dogrenin u toxig frietim, zaser males wafuren mulve ba e krape zasçim ma geilsen kenle drigtnin, kunopēn zaser marte kakatnin, ba e eioig mulve ba e imersif greckim ke wunke geice ba e gemsten zaser:
“From the perspective of modern neuroscience all behaviors and all experiences are created by the dynamic matrix of chemical and electromagnetic events within the human brain. Paranormal experiences might be considered a subset of these neurogenic processes. The issues rised by dream-mediated contact experiences (DCEs) are mainly related to the induction of those experiences by an external source. These are experiences that are frequently dominated by a sensed presence, appear to involve the acquisition of information from distances beyond those normally obtained by the classical senses, and imply distortions in physical time.”
Ma bastoen laym, wa gewus ma walsten alad bamarim u frietim ba e tugor sēilnin aiḑ marte kakatnin. Frietim banue aņad webei kenle grecknin, ama e tugor horatnin ba e krufenin wodernin amol kōikim. Sagelnin kadinye spirnet ke frietim boust banuēn karze peise ba e teuel, laym fesel frietim mi sonmei ef aņad roneņin u aņad kōik tulpsim, gebitim, ba e greckim. Nauen u alad rasei buhelim aiḑ mi urisei marte kakatnin kusdeimi ke pateīm steln pahneim ba e sigenim boust banuēn karze woben. Aeistad wobeņin boust altaken rauignin ba e rauptnin u frietim. Ifa mi apurni kōik stelņin pahneim, wai pirder ma kiteren tulorad laym lewen galer stelņin sigenim ba e tulorad laym mitel kuanz stelņin erienim.
Balrēt alu waltenin u kōik stelņin pahneim, zaser boust feirten stelņin wuruenin erienim ke wunke trefe suine frietim. Tugkead erienim zugat banuēn traltet ma fupelad kōik mudelim ba e zugat banuēn feçset ma kopiken aņad suine viratnin u frietnin. Aeistad zugat kumenen mi eioigi aņad sonbenin u stelņin takerim ke wunke mehrēn pūpenin u mi frigei, mi anlaui iż aņad mitel galer ba e gaken koprenin u frietim. Sagelnin kadinye spirnet ke fesel beteinin rototim plasēn aņad elute sēilnin aiḑ koprenin u frietim. Beteinin fadaņin miebenin muieņin, kumen aiḑ sofarnin roneņin ba e meieņin mi wuteri, banueye tuistet ma banuēn ahol kleig moçt frietim. Ifa mi kiteri tugkead beteinin rototim ba e tugor kumienin aiḑ frietnin koprenin, wa baŗnye pirder ma feirten trefēt stelņin sigenim ke wunke anget laym tugkead rototim:
“The sources of the stimuli that evoke the neuroelectrical changes may range from properties intrinsic to chaotic activity, with minimal veridicality, to external information that is processed by mechanisms not known to date. The propensity to infuse sensory experience with enhanced meaning, presumably associated with more electrically labile amygdaloid functions, results in more frequent experiences of deep and even cosmic personal significance in response to infrequent or odd events. The convictions that the experient has been selected by some universal force, has a particular purpose in life, and must spread the message (often with unstoppable viscosity) are remarkably common themes we need to filter out when using synthetic dreams.”
Ma urisēn marte kakatnin kusdeim, manheim ba e tasonim zugat banuēn feirtet ma kopiken suine frietim. Tugkead zugat banuēn bremd feçset ma trefēn suine beteinin rototim ba e ma kopiken alad fēret viratnin u frietnin. Iż goheņin, aņad manhenin ehlig banuēn feirtet ma kopiken lorte frigenin, mi anlaui kōikim ma risigen ba e duisten tugor frietim. Nauen u alad siprel buhelim aiḑ mi urisei marte kakatnin kusdeimi kirmutnin u alad frietim. Zerum mi kopiki lorte frigenin boust banuēn baute, kirmutnin u tugkead frietim boust banuēn nugel iż stuiead XViS kōikim:
“XViS is certainly a complex machine. Because of the complexities of the technology it uses, the occurrence of the resonant structures of magnetic fields in the environment that evoke paranormal experiences may be more common than we expected. But we are not interested in creating these paranormal activities, actually we try to finetune XViS to avoid them. A sharp and sudden decrease in melatonin levels is all you need to voke electrical seizures and to trigger brain mechanisms and electromagnetic patterns within the brain that generate the god experience.”
Ma akselen aeistad kusdenin, manheim ba e tasonim zugat banuēn feirtet ma duisten kirmutnin u alad frietim, mi anlaui kōikim ma kadinen mitel liyder ba e lewen fohin frietim.
Ma malelen galarnin u alad trefēt stelņin sigenim, manheim ba e tasonim zugat banuēn combinet laym stelņin sigenim. Aeistad zugat anlauen kōikim ma kadinen aņad mitel kirmel ba e fulfile frietnin grecknin, zerum aņer mi gemiti ke tugor banue mi waki ara hafetnin rorstet ba e rudemet. Trefēt frietim kadin parimnin ma satiken urmutnin u marte kakatnin kusdeim. Ifa mi kopiki suine frietim, kōikim boust hovelen aņad fabil waltenin u tugor tulpsim, gebitim, ba e greckim. Aeistad boust leoalen ma aņad mitel quber liapenin u sofarnin auwebnin ba e peise jeihenin, zeruf wunke boust banuēn baute iż kōikim laym marte kakatnin kusdeim.
Ik alad parim bavarim u trefēt frietim, tufel banue soppe linceim ba e buhelim ma drirten. Nauen u alad rasei buhelimi alad karţ wobeņin u kōik stelņin pahneim ba e marte kakatnin kusdeim. Akol, tufeli aņad siçuņin u mi feirti fastanin alu alad trefēt frietim, zeruf wunke boust kadinen mudig gakelim alu marte kakatnin. Ma akselen alad linceim ba e buhelim, aņad diter urmutnin pistanin zugat banuēn feirtet. Aeistad pistanin zugat kogonen feisenin u trefēt stelņin sigenim, manheim, ba e tasonim ma kopiken suine frietim. Pistanin zugat aņer kogonen rouē mimitnin ba e girtenin u galarnin u urmutnin, ef zeger ef mi akseli armesad sporfnin gakelim neine e mudig drineim:
“The creation by XViS of the sensed presence is likely to be the prototype for all visitation experiences, from aliens to gods, but the content of these cosmic episodes involve altered states of consciousness. Contact under these circumstances is not possible because in an altered state of consciousness everything is altered: time, space, ego, and language. Consciousness is an emergent phenomenon that is recreated every 20 milliseconds. Large-scaled cohesive electroencephalographic fields over the cortical manifold are phase-shifted by about 10 to 20 ms, suggesting that waves of consciousness are constantly generated in a rostral to caudal direction. This requires XViS pulses to have a duration of 9.78 ms if you wish to avoid paranormal activities and ASCs to happen during a contact experience.”
Dogrenin u drigtnin untefnin naż frietnin zotivi aņad kilte kirpenin ke wunke kadinye banuēt rabbēt aiḑ naknin, ama e tufeli erate murgead gleifnin ma toialen kuter gralnin. Kirpenin gatik aeistad dogrei ke frietim ehlig banuēn wigeret ef aņad maltenin u mi unteī drigtnin aibb nauen peintnin ma arieiad. Aeistad zugat kumenen friftnin beteinin mi banuei dreţet ma aņad doahtnin neine e niede fekalnin ke wunke ehlig pūpēn ba e krufēn tugor frietim, mi anlaui tugor ma untefen tugor drigtnin ayl frietnin zubornin.
Aeistad pūpenin zugat safelen alken triptnin ba e sitseņin ke wunke ehlig apurnen ba e krufēn alad dirzenim u aņad peintnin frietim aiḑ nemutnin ma gronēn koţoninad tugor tulpsim, haffeim, ba e greckim. Nauen aeistad koţonin kadinye banuēt gronēt, wa ehlig tuçt banuēn untefet ayl frietnin zubornin aeruf wa ehlig banuēn pūpēt ifa niede kōikim aesel banue aņer mi frigei ey tuternin. Kelne, tufel banue aņer doher imad zerne tidel nurbe aņad trabenin zugat banuēn gicke neine e gitus pirder aiḑ paromanin.
Klake stuiknin banuēt affie ma untefen tugor drigtnin ayl arieiad peintnin frietnin zubornin loţe tugor leçenin neine e drimtnin, wa relteye sonie rebot imad pusernin ba e ausefnin:
“To date there has not been a single type of paranormal experience that is not understandable in terms of known brain functions. The consideration of these experiences as predictable components of brain activity will allow the differentiation between the illusions of intrinsic stimulation and the validity of information obtained through mechanisms yet to be explained.”
Akol, tufel banue doher imad kelne tidel nurbe aņad trabenin mebis banuēn wigeret iż glicknin rasinim tidel ef meieņin duistnin neine e macēnin u niedeim tulpsim ba e gebitim.

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FL-251017 Oneirology and National Defense: Pushing forward the Consciously Dreaming Program
FL-181016 Advanced NodeSpaces Dream Research Lab - The information processing of awareness
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