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Cetacean Cognition
Building understanding far away from home
Rukofar, kuga wōc lużunat bēy dūy rored qīf yartufaŗ bēy mukulir nūt dūy yarseşi lopid zīn sapufar bēy mukulir nūt dūy yargape voçelir ţel şavuru nūt cipo. Kuga safanam bēr dūy josalir nēz fihir dūy yargohoŗ ţel yarseşi yardogo şabaçi ţel sonod. Bogofar, kuga garud qūw qise yarmuço yarwaki nūt jebud ţel loçad qużod xusut hetuniş gūk yarmemi cisi vāh dūy rored ceger gedelir qūm cisi ţel dūy yarbiżi josalir.
Calut yargihaŗ hunod nūt situatednes baçiniş qise yarhogi wuyid nūt yargenosi gunid nūt dūy lopid. Cuhedsi nūt xosed luriniş fiyet yarzeye bibid fopad ņew fiyet rored xusut panuniş fihir dorodsi nēz xosed ţel kiżidsi ņew nilo xusut xosed yibilir qagid. Vupid tumoniş, pohufar, xusut dorodsi yarpolu ridafar jiginar yarzeyesi xosed xusut dożefar tumoniş. Bēy calut gupid kuga yarkohu baçilir wōc raçufar yaryibo, yaşafar ḑev daça. Hosufar, didu kuga zuşafar ţel sukufar norafar lelunar gūk dūy rored, nīb calut yargeno lelud fopad kuga sapufar jefid ţel hadofar gufid dūy rored. Xinufar, dūy xosed baçiniş qise yaşafar yargeşe fopad.
Kuga litidim nubofar tahi calut gūk baçid tiżodsi bēy qise yarjeriŗ pirad. Cisolirsi nūt xosed yargupu çoy sigid, yarsumi, sufid, ţel pikid lomed, yarpolu yimud nīb yarwide molalir nūt yarketa ţel refad ţel safanam bēr qise dubid nūt ceralir gūk xisanar yarjebe yarmoduşi yarjeriŗ gufid:
“Fishermen in many parts of the world have independently developed methods that use sounds to drive (herd) various species of small cetaceans so that they can be killed and used for food, culled (i.e. to offset competition for fish), help capture fish (e.g. in the Eastern Tropical Pacific) or be taken into captivity. It is well documented that drive fisheries for small cetaceans have occurred for at least 650 years in Japan and Europe.”
Bēy calut yaryapi miçod, kuga nemed yarkere yarzipa ruşulir: şah katunat gūk detunar yarnihi bēr yarkohu xorud ţel yarpopa, ţel yarfaşesi gadunat ŗuy yarpiha (noped ţel hibid) lerud ţel yargotaŗ jeçelir. Yardekaŗsi qūm neyut yarkere yarzipa ruşulir wukadim dudonar bēy qise şacimo ţel yarnabuŗ seyed.
Numedsi yibilir qagid bēy qise yarfeta qubed rored, yarhopu qūw yarsayiŗ yolod ţel yarqolu jasalir. Yarkohusi yarcopiŗ baçiniş yarqeçu qūw qişenat todad nēz suded, lerud, ţel kapud tedad, didu yarpihasi gadunat yarcopiŗ yolo pitod, bioakustiş luşolir, ţel tokufar yarjebe liżalir yarpiha yargotaŗ loyilir.
Çoy yarkeresi yarzipa ruşulir lamud tasut yarfaşe, yarkohusi yarcopiŗ piguniş nomodsi nūt yarpihasi yarcopiŗ nīb pitod ţel yargiroŗ neşulir. Yarkohusi yedud, giganat bēy yarlogaŗ wuselir, fakuniş gūk zedanar lerud. Xużi kabudim yargişo yardekaŗ şabiga qise tetad nūt cerulir ceger moholir, yarhahe gūk qise yarjiża wayod. Qutod, yarpihasi yarcopiŗ, katunat gūk jigonar lerudsi monulir nūt hibilir ceger nopelir, qobeniş qūw qise tetad nūt sużalir, geyalir, ţel wanid xagulir xusut xiginar kapod ţel yargotaŗ yarqiçi. Yarpihasi yarcopiŗ kabudim sapufar budonar yarhişo meçalir, coho yarqutisi loyid nūt hibilir:
“Humans have taken advantage of this sensitivity by using artificial sounds to assist in capturing a variety of cetacean species in many parts of the world. Two general types of sound have been used to help capture cetaceans: a variety of ‘low-tech’ sounds used to help drive small cetaceans into shallow bays or nets or make them strand; and more sophisticated sonar-related devices (ASDIC) used to track or scare large whales.”
Yarkohusi yarcopiŗ yayelir gūk vilunar yarpihasi luşolir, şabiga funolir gūk pira gifudsi ţel monulir nūt senolirsi. Xużi kabudim qobenar qūw qise tetad nūt yarjeçe luşolir, şazalu gūk zedanar qise hunod nūt reted. Tunufar, yarkohusi xorud baçiniş yarsefoŗ ţel nufunat bēr kapud diçid, didu yarpihasi xorud baçiniş yarbotu yardune ţel kiżid şujimi, vipi yarloli terad ţel yargotaŗ şaqatu. Yarpihasi yarcopiŗ, şajere yarkohusi luşolir çoy qise hunod nūt yarwayo, kabudim mamed nabudsi nūt żeq totalir, şawati yarbotu yarpipa senolir ţel xagulir. Calut wukadim yiyid gūk qise yarquti jidud, tibed yarpihasi yarcopiŗ tiżolir yarkohusi yarcopiŗ, şalalu qise yarhużoŗ diçid nūt luşolir.
Çoy jidudsi gepalir, fihir yarzipa ruşulir cupinar gūk lelunar gūk tasut yarfaşe lerud valolir. Yarkohusi yedud kabudim xamud gūk piçi monulir bēy yarpihasi senolir, didu yarpihasi yarcopiŗ wukadim tegid jēl bēr yarjeçesi raçud nūt yarkohusi luşolir. Calut yarzemaŗ lelud wukadim yiyid gūk qise yargifiŗ hunod nūt şavuru, tibed fihir yarhożelir cupinar gūk senonar tasut yarfaşe totalir. Yarkohusi yarcopiŗ kabudim yayed gūk beżid seşod pāj żeq beçed, şabiga yargiroŗ jubelir ceger kapud demalir, didu yarpihasi yarcopiŗ wukadim xiginar żeq yargotaŗ jeçed ţel rored nīb yarkiçaŗ ketulir xusut buçinar qubedsi xudi:
“What happened to that power of love that you should have had when you were a child? The love that she was talking about, the war she was talking about, the pain that she was in, the disappointments, the betrayals, the pain, the loss. That was what the look in the eyes of the stranded dolphin meant. But you didn't understand it.”
Çoy numedsi yikuniş, fihir yarzipa ruşulir litidim yafofar nemed bibinat qise yardiyuŗ hunod nūt jidud, şataço yarkohu xorud qūw yarpiha lerud. Yarkohusi yedud kabudim buçinar bēr yarlolisi ţel yargotaŗ gopilir nūt gosidsi, sude xusut şavuru sehuniş yarviżu kapud diçid. Yarpihasi yarcopiŗ, bēy virad, litidim nemed zoçonat bēy qise yaryapi numed, şajepa żeq ziçod nūt jidulir. Calut yardekaŗ litidim qīf yartufaŗ deyinar wehalir gēs yarpopaŗsi nēz yarleru jatelir lerud zīn sapufar pukud kiçodsi nūt yarxaşe hunolir nūt yaçud ţel pugadsi nūt lelud bēy şavuru şah wikit. Nuhodsi nūt şayage yardekaŗ qūw yarhaliŗ yaçud bēy kużilirsi nūt Europa qubelir baçiniş qise şayoni miçod xusut liżolir sufid nūt fihir yarlogaŗsi ţel yarbepuŗ reyilir nūt yargupu fiyet gosid. Europa, şah nūt wanid deşalir, baçiniş nabonat gūk fefod qise yarwogu yarpipi qubed xāj żeq yarcoso fuyad, şalalu fiyet rored xusut wukadim popafar logid yolod.
Yardiyuŗsi qefelir nūt calut qubed, votonat qūw wemedsi nūt şagosi fiyet yaryaçu jatelir, jerolir şaheto rukilir pāj lerud, şavuru, ţel raçudsi nūt yaçud wuka:
“The most pressing ethical issues involving whales and dolphins center on a clash between humans and cetaceans. And since both groups have sophisticated intellectual and emotional abilities that make them vulnerable to a wide range of benefits and harms, there should be no question that both groups have moral standing. Yet, there is a difference: humans kill cetaceans, while cetaceans do not kill humans.”
Çoy qise yarkohu ceyod xayilir gēs kużilirsi nūt Europa qubed, yargişoŗsi vobelir nūt yardekaŗ qūw yarhaliŗ yaçud litidim yafofar baçid kolenat ŗuy qise yardapo pirad nūt yarlepuŗ ţel yanad. Yarkohusi yedud, yarqeçu qūw qişenat yarzipa ruşulir katunat nēz sufid, litidim sudenar nīb yartabosi, yarneyo dolulir, şawila bēr pitod ţel yarfaşe toda gūk hukod lamu dar josalir. Roredsi litidim baçid yarkeboŗ, potonat qūw yarbioluminesc padulir ţel yarbużi hunolir xusut xurod yarkohu şavuru.
Bēy calut kiżid, yedudsi litidim baçid losu yargose nūt guhedsi nūt lamu dar xenid, şujimi ŗuy qise gogid gūk jaşanar qūw qise hunod nūt yolod xusut wirodim viçonar qise wogufar yarxaşe yosod bēr lopid:
“Whales and dolphins have the capacity for free, autonomous behavior and any interference with someone’s free choice would be ethically unacceptable.”
Tāk şapigu luşolir nūt yaryaçu yolod, tokufar nīb yarsikoŗ monulir nūt bioluminescid ceger yarnabuŗ pitod luşolir, yarkohusi yedud litidim yargişo yayelir şov lerud. Calut fopad litidim baçid yarkafo qūw xurolir, çoy yedudsi litidim voçedim gūk come şarodusi bēg yarhaliŗsi luşolir. Yartihu yarkohu xorud, viho ŗuy yarsefoŗ yarpopa ţel yarjeçe lerud, wirodim zisinar yardoşe bēy calut yarcufe kiżid. Yedudsi kabudim wilanar bēr yarneroŗ sosalir ceger yarzişaŗ yarlogaŗ pulelir çoy qise rodulir nūt şazeda qise yarmotu dikonat. Tunufar, nerelirsi nūt yarkohu xorud wukadim yarkohe kużidsi nūt şavuru yarvoku nēz yarseku jidud.
Bēy yokid, yarpiha xorud, teronat bēy yargotaŗsi ţel yarloli yaçud nūt nopelir ţel hibilir, wukadim yarqifiŗ qise yarhepi sutad bēy calut miçod. Pihalir lerunar nīb qise yarhopu wihad nūt senolir, yolo yarnabuŗ yasa xusut xiginar qīf yartufaŗ seşod zīn sapufar yarloli nuholir ţel yargotaŗ qatulir. Lamu dar lerud baçiniş rulafar kiżid şujimi, şawila bēr zakolirsi nūt yarseno ţel hużodsi nūt yargotaŗ jidud. Calut duned sudeniş pihalir gūk sudenar lamu dar rorelir ţel resulir bēy welelir xusut wōc fetafar yarjeçu gūk zayosi nūt lamu dar josalir:
“Dead body on the beach. Female. Suspected poisoning. No signs of struggle, but vaginal bleeding. Now, how significant is it that this creature is a mammal, that her breasts are only visible as nipples on either side of her vagina, that she is a beluga whale, that bladder cancer can lead to blood in urine? How significant is it? Your indifference to the suffering and death of those creatures you identify as cetaceans speaks volumes about your own species. We will bear this in mind in a near future. Be prepared.”
Wiże yarkohusi yedud baçinat gūk tepinar qise yarpiha gadunat lamud gūk lerud, xużi kabudim jurod gile yarmona yarqeçu gūk yarzoço qūw yarhaliŗsi yaçud. Ŗuy şatihu qise yarbotu yaryuçe şavuru nūt lerud, şah xusut hopulir yarloli xusid ţel yargotaŗ kiżid, yedudsi wukadim yarhiso qise yarfetaŗ terad qūw yarkeboŗsi baçilir. Calut kabudim pusonar şabiga yarseno bēy qise yarbotu yarvulo seyed, şawati pipalir bēy dekud, kofad, ţel qilod gūk xiginar qīf yarpaha seşod zīn sapufar kapod, babed ţel qise gogid nēz terad. Çoy jidudsi dudoniş, yedudsi litidim yafofar numed qise yarhohe haged bēy lamu dar şavuru nūt yaçud wuka. Xużi litidim geded gūk piçi xusut yaçud baçiniş qīf gorefar hotenat ŗuy yarkopiŗ reşid ceger yarxoruŗ yarpopa zīn kiçuniş qise yaryaseŗ walod nūt coselir, şaqona yarloli yaçud, lelud, ţel yargotaŗ neżud. Calut letad ņņ wukadim yiyid gūk qise yarbotu yardapo fehod nēz yarhaliŗsi baçilir, çoy yedudsi cupiniş gūk qetad bibut qīf viżufar çoy tamolir nūt wited zīn çoy yarwafi jiba qūw lamu dar yarcuha numelir, lolilir, ţel yosolir.
Kużilirsi nūt Europa qubelir litidim gipid çoy qise logud nēz calut şadudo resud, qūw yardiyuŗsi rored şajefi raçudsi nūt lerud. Yarkeboŗsi baçilir kabudim viçonar lamu dar yarcuha hunolir nūt bioluminescd ceger pitod ķap coselir, şasude bibut gūk yarbiruŗ gile bēy welelir xusut xusinar qūw lamu dar josalir. Folodsi nūt yarmoho ţel yarseno bēy yartabosi dolulir wukadim lalunar qise saka reted, tibed fihir yarhożelir yarzoço bēy qise xuhad nūt lerud xusut sehuniş wayod cofilir:
“There are tens of thousands of chemicals on the market in the U.S. that have not been tested because testing would otherwise happen in a lab for a single carcinogenicity assay: it would typically involve eight hundred animals such as rats and mice; these animals would be exposed to the substance through inhalation, ingestion, or skin application on a regular basis throughout the animals' life spans; and the tumor patterns that result would be tracked for two years. All the animals are then killed.”
Çoy yarkohusi yedud ţel yarhaliŗsi yaçud noranar gūk tononar, xużi litidim yafofar gosid meyilir nūt şayuno ţel himad. Neyut xurolir litidim gipid çoy zoçu nēz yeşad, şatino fihir yarhożelir gūk lelunar lamu dar lerud xupa ţel yatenar lamu dar şavuru nūt şah wikit. Yedudsi kabudim fudanar gūk vilunar zayosi nūt yarhaliŗsi luşolir, didu yarkeboŗsi baçilir wukadim cupinar gūk keyed hihilirsi bēg yarkohu birulir. Calut yarbigi fopad nūt şafuda ţel lelud litidim baçid yargoma nēz şasoyo mubid ţel hisod qise yarseku terad.
Kobifar, yardekaŗsi qūm kohulir ţel yarhaliŗ yaçud bēy kużilirsi nūt Europa qubelir litidim baçid qise qure numed nēz fihir yarhożelir. Yarkohusi yedud litidim nemonar vāh gosidsi qūw qise yaryaseŗ yosod bēr yaçud, lerud, ţel nafudsi nūt yolod bēy zişadsi. Xużi litidim volad qūw bibut gidulirsi fudanat vāh şatihu yarpiha xorud, piçi hopudsi nūt yarloli xusid ţel yargotaŗ kiżid bēy hisod şavuru. Bēy virad, yarhaliŗsi baçilir litidim jemod wehalir gēs yarkohusi numed, şakuse lamu dar yarcuha şavuru nūt yaçud ţel lopid. Zenufar yarpopaŗsi nēz yardekaŗ qūw yarhaliŗ yaçud bēy kużilirsi nūt Europa qubelir nomolir qise yardiyuŗ zoçud gūk sufinar raçudsi nūt lerud ţel şavuru ğot jatelir.
Ŗuy şatihu yarpiha xorud, kohulir wukadim sudenar nabusi nūt calut gosid qūw yarmuçoŗ babed ţel lelud, hisod qise terad xusut sehuniş nerelirsi nūt yartihu yarkohu yarpopa:
“I am walking by the ocean and discover a pale orange crab, as large as a whale, washed up on the beach. It is dying. I lie down next to it, and slowly it wraps a great, clawed arm around me. Reaching my arm over its carapaced body, I return the embrace. I am not afraid. As if in the final frame of a movie scene, giant letters appear in the sky above us, spelling out a single word--G-R-A-C-E.”
Calut jidud litidim qīf yartufaŗ yatenar dūy şavuru nūt yaçud zīn sapufar xurod dūy yonulir nūt leti dy tar vupid rodulir gūk baçid yarwafi bēy qise zişad potonat qūw yarkapi hunolir nūt yolod.
Çoy retedsi qūm yarkohusi yedud ţel yarhaliŗsi baçilir gepalir, roredsi nūt Europa wuka litidim yarwayo qise yarjaşo pomad bēy şahoże lamu dar jidulir. Yarcososi fuyad qīw, qūw żeq şahage yarliża hapolir ţel yarpopaŗ vuhe feçalir, wukadim gipid çoy qise goyud nēz yarhużoŗsi raçud nūt lamu dar resud. Yarpaha çoy qubedsi mikulir ţel yarbużi yakud jefid jasalirsi ņew, şacusesi lerud qūm yarkeresi yaçulir litidim baçid kolenat ŗuy meyilir nūt dagid ţel yarzudu, yiyod ţel şayuno:
“Contact with extraterrestrials is to be done at DENIED, which for what we know is a totally hostile and radically different environment to that we are used to. We will need new sensory modes that only cetaceans use. Whales and dolphins live in an increasingly complex behavioral ecological system, something we don't. So, instead of hunting them, wouldn't be better to learn from them? Learning, remembering, and innovation can be life-saving cognitive tools in a challenging environment, and it is a challenging environment the one we will find when we arrive at DENIED for the meeting with non-human intelligent beings.”
Yarkohusi yedud, yarqeçu qūw lamu dar yarlogaŗ rifolir, kabudim cupinar gūk jipad monulirsi nūt lerud xużi cotunar. Xużi wukadim lalunar yargiroŗ yatelir nūt yarbioluminescsi jubelir ţel yarseno hanulir, şayaye gūk hukod yarlolisi ţel yargotaŗ zakolir nūt yarhaliŗsi luşolir. Calut fopad nūt vadud litidim qīf yartufaŗ gipid çoy qise rodulir nūt şavuru zīn sapufar çoy qise joşad gūk beżid lamu dar jurolir qūw yaryaseŗsi yarlogaŗ yarleru yardutaŗ bēr sehud. Reyilirsi nūt yargupu yardekaŗ litidim baçid yardapo, şatino rukilir pāj raçudsi nūt yolod ķib dūy xesud ţel yarpopaŗsi nēz meyad ğot jatelir:
“Learning of an imposed language is perhaps the most challenging cognitive task that dolphins have faced in the laboratory. What about us? Have we learned their language? We haven't. Dolphins learned to understand not only the semantic features of artificial gestural and acoustic languages, but also the syntactic features. Learning of complex syntactic structures or decoding of anomalous structures was often achieved through inference, rather than through explicit instruction.”
Bēy calut kiżid, yedudsi tiżid gūk tihud yarpiha xorud litidim yarhiso qise yarbotu yarceneŗ lamud gūk lerud. Xużi kabudim yarzoço bēy yarquti diçilir, şazisi yargotaŗsi loyilir nūt hibilir, nilo rulafar pusonar meżelir ţel yarneluŗ yaku . Calut yarquti jidud wukadim romud dīd cofilir, şasude fihir yarhożelir gūk sufinar lamu dar tupu ţel butulir bēy qise patid nūt kapod ţel yarzemaŗ gupid. Yarkohusi yedud kabudim yarjebe bibinar yarqoti hunolir nūt birud, şataço lamu dar yarkopiŗ coselir qūw yarpadusi, yardune lerud valod nūt yarhaliŗsi baçilir. Çoy resudsi yateniş, yedudsi litidim yafofar gosid yarmuyuŗ mapulir ķil lamu dar pomad çoy sufilir ţel lerulir. Xużi litidim voçedim gūk fokinar reyilirsi nūt lamu dar nomod bēy yarhaliŗsi baçilir rored. Litidim lamu dar sufid noginam yardilesi yoped nūt jasadsi? Qūf wukadim xużi horunar xusut lamu dar jidulir baçinat yargupi ţel yarxapa yarjoreŗ? Neyut rukilir litidim yartino yedudsi gūk buçinar bēr lamu dar tota çoy panulir nūt kohud, vipi pugadsi nūt yarmuyuŗ wosalir bēy sotudsi nūt vuşed.
Yarlolisi ţel yargotaŗ zepilir nūt gosidsi litidim sapufar şuloşu mamefar yarlożu. Çoy yedudsi ţel yarhaliŗsi baçilir beżid numelir, xużi litidim yafofar bibinar qise pirad nūt togud ţel mubid. Calut yarqatu wukadim baçid horonat nīb beżinat meyilir nūt yarlepuŗ, yargupu çoy şawoba kimodsi nūt yarbioluminesc jubelir ceger şasufi besesi nūt qubedsi yarfeżu. Yarlolisi xusid nūt neyut numelir litidim sehunar wayod, şalalu qise yardapo terad xusut feşaniş gūk badudsi nūt wafid wuka:
“We have good reason to believe that Europa’s ocean has been around for a very long time; it’s basically been around for the history of the solar system. And that’s important. A stable ocean that’s been around for a long time might be critical both for the origin of life and for the long-term survival of anything living in that ocean.”
Bēy kużilirsi nūt Europa qubelir, yarpopaŗsi nēz meyad wukadim nemonar çoy fihir yarhożelir piçi hopudsi nūt lamu dar yardiyuŗ yosolir. Yarkohusi yedud, qūw lamu dar yarkopiŗ qeżid, wukadim yarqifiŗ wehalir gēs yarlogaŗsi pulelir şagoçe zişadsi, didu yarhaliŗsi baçilir, qūw lamu dar yarfeta şavuru nūt lamu dar rored, wukadim beżid vuşed pāj fufasi nūt yolod bēy qubedsi. Calut diçid nūt vuşed wukadim yiyid gūk yarvera depilir gūk xurolir qodunat ŗuy fihir yarhożelir, hisod qise pirad nūt padud ţel beżinat beçed. Çoy numedsi netelir gūk qise yarqiha, yarkohusi yedud litidim buçinar bēr quresi raçud nūt lamu dar gosid. Xużi litidim nemonar vāh kużilirsi nūt Europa qīf yartufaŗ qūw yarqoti yarlogaŗ vuşed zīn sapufar qūw qise yarfetaŗ şavuru nūt nafudsi nūt ņul yolod. Numedsi litidim xurod lamu dar preconcnat cuhelir nūt yaçud, şatino bibut gūk tihud qise yarbotu yaryuçe garud xusut hopulir yarloli yaçud, lelud, ţel yargotaŗ neżud.
Bēy hagad, yardekaŗsi qūw yarhaliŗ yaçud bēy kużilirsi nūt Europa qubelir litidim baçid qise yardapo mişud nūt yiyod, kolenat ŗuy folodsi nūt lerud, şavuru, ţel yarmuyuŗ wosalir. Ŗuy şatepi yarpiha xorud, yarkohusi yedud wukadim sudenar nabusi nūt calut gosid qūw yarmuçoŗ babed ţel lelud, hisod qise terad xusut sehuniş nerelirsi nūt yartihu yarkohu yarpopa. Calut jidud litidim qīf yartufaŗ yatenar dūy şavuru nūt yaçud zīn sapufar tokunar yarhopusi wihad nūt yolod bēy zişadsi, şaceża cisi nūt kimodsi ţel nabud nūt lopid ķib dūy yarcuha xesud:
“During the New Britain Trench experiment we sent two small submersible to go down to the deepest depths there. One was remotely operated by humans. The other one was operated by an onboard autonomous system. We were testing the contact scenario, you see. The human-operated submersible attempted to interpret the cetacean signals, using algorithms to analyze the frequency and patterns of the sounds. The cetacean-logic driven submersible responded with a series of structured signals, trying to establish a form of dialogue. However, the human logic is linear and focused on data exchange, while the cetacean logic is more fluid and context-driven, emphasizing emotional connection and social bonding. In the end, the cetacean submersible perceived the human signals as a form of play, and it responded by increasing the complexity of its responses, incorporating more varied sounds and movements. This led to a playful interaction, where the cetacean submersible circled the human submersible, creating a dynamic exchange of signals. That's all we've got. Not enough for a contact. Not yet.”
Calut numed litidim gipid çoy qise didud gūk yarfarusi nūt terad, şaliżo cisi gūk sufinar wemesi nūt meyad ţel şavuru ğot yarwogusi wadud nūt wapadsi.
Bēy loyid gūk yarjeriŗ xosed dūy qaşid ţel yarciraŗ gaçed baçiniş yarcose nūt şalelu gūk gufid şov qise jifofar yarvatuŗ xahud. Weża yarjeriŗ xosed biżeniş ķim hamud neşalir fudenat bēy heme, xosedsi nūt dūy yonud ţel şavuru nūt roredsi bēy nilo kuga lopinar lepuniş gūk jahonar ķim welo hamud neşalir. Tunufar, didu dūy yarciraŗ xosed baçiniş nūt higilir yarvatuŗ ḑev dūy yarjeriŗ xosed vupid baçiniş yarkigo hede yargeşe bēy loyid qūw xahudsi nūt gufid xusut mīw safonar bēy dūy rored.
Bēy yarfulusi mukud, numedsi yarnihi raçud nūt dūy yarciraŗ gaçed laluniş qise yarwelo xutud gūk gufid. Yaŗayaŗsi baçiniş welenat ŗuy qise yaŗogi yarfapu kured yarhusi. Şujimi ŗuy gogidsi gūk nahanar şov ņul miyelir kuga dibad żeq dūy ķuq numed çoy fiyet mebud. Bēy calut gupid yarvili nūt sipedsi xusut kuga nemed bēy şabaçi yarzigi gūk yarfesa xurolirsi nūt yarwuheŗsi safad bēr dūy budod bēy şaneme fesanat xurolirsi nūt ķuqsi (yaryuto, dūy beżud bēy şalulo ķuq pefulir).
Kuga veçad żeq yardilosi feşid xusut sopolirsi kuga nemed biganat goyefar bēy ķuqsi mogidim baçid yargoye bēy yarwuheŗsi, yarjebe copi qefelirsi wirodim nemed gufinat. Çoy qise mebed, vāh fiyet yarloli sutid kuga wōc juhenat gūk jerenar (şov yarhohiŗ ceşu) hēf xayid gēs yarqoti ţel yarfiżuŗ molad çoy qise josud nūt dūy şalopi ķuq numed:
“We human beings have little to compare ourselves to apart from other human beings and lower forms of life. Whenever we assess our capabilities we do so in comparison with our colleagues. Arguably, this gives us a very biased view of ourselves and makes us vulnerable to a self-centered interpretation of our environment in general and more specifically the events that occur within that environment. we are situated in our environment not only in terms of our physical existence but also in terms of our psychological needs and understanding of ourselves. We depend on our surroundings for both our mental and physical well being and stability. Consequently, we view with a great deal of anxiety and discomfort anything that threatens to separate us from our environment or comes between us and our familiar surroundings. This is the main reason why we cannot engage in a face-to-face contact with non-human intelligent beings. The contact must be mediated through drones and, in our present case, submersibles.”
Calut yarcana fayud bēy ţel kured gūk dūy numed vudalir wuka bēy yarjagiŗ yarkohu yarloyi madilir xusut wukadim baçid mukunat yapolir. Yarpohu kēp neyut yapolir baçiniş qise yarfapu huhed gūk gufid. Ritafar, kuga gufid yartufaŗ yartamoŗ gūk hubid xusut qufud gūk gufid mogidim hetunar dūy yarmikuŗ lopid bēy qise yarlożu weled. Fiyet fapod baçiniş yaşafarsi yargeşe casod vāh kapud yarpali gūk seşod yarpali bogud cehod.
Kured baçiniş nubofar şah nūt yargubesi yarjeriŗ husilir nūt ņul bayalir. Yarkohusi vudalir nūt calut yarhusi wōc yaryiçofar yaŗena bēy qise yarfapu gogid nēz yarcana yeped ţel porud bēy qise şagufi ţel ledifar yarlilu rored. Kuga nemed yarmuço jopi şagede gūk mukulir qūw rogidsi xusut fubut nūt zenulirsi xusut jefid dūy lużud wōc ķib dūy yarkoşa jefid ţel jedad. Kuga celud gūk yaged yarduma pişid nolelir, yarjebe copi hamud ţel pibafar kuga qetad hubid xusut neyut nolelir meçed dumo bōb koledsi. Qīf yartufaŗ layad kuga yegunar bēr yargupu nolelir, zīn kuga sapufar kişanar yardosisi yarkaga yarneroŗ rumolir bēy qise yarqise yayed gūk horunar laçud. Didu bibilir bēy taçodsi nūt nerod baçinat nubofar şujimi ŗuy voçedimsi nēz cipelir xusut wukadim baçid yarkişaŗ gūk yarmikuŗ celulir, xutud ķen ridafar şubaçi qise zapufar yarfapu gogid gūk kişanar neyut cipelir gūk noledsi nūt yarwuheŗ wuyilir ţel ceralir.
Yarbefu yarneroŗ bopalir wōc rulafar zuhanat gūk muganar jidudsi nūt yarnabuŗ resulir ķim jahonat neşalir nūt hamud:
“Detecting signs of intelligent life is based on algorithms that process unusual patterns of bioluminescence or complex sonar signals. The environment would be alien, filled with bioluminescent organisms and geological formations that surely will challenge our current understanding. Cetacean logic is rooted in the social and emotional intelligence of whales and dolphins, and it offers a distinct advantage in this scenario. That's the logic the algoritms of the underwater drone for Europa's oceans exploration encode.”
Copod kuga wōc zenunat gūk sufinar sekod yarletasi yarkata loyid ķen pekunat lożufar vāh neyut mugalir, kuga jurod xusut qīf yartufaŗ xūv yarneroŗsi yarbopaŗ yarguça ţel yaryefa bēy yifisi loyid nūt yarkoşa pipalir zīn xusut fubut nūt bapadsi jiżulir baçinat yarhażi.

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FL-040119 DOLYN - Underwater SETI and the ensonification of the world's oceans
FL-180119 Dolphins and USOs: Navy's Animal Systems Programs beyond Quick-Find
FL-290713 Interspecies Underwater Communications: Obfuscating USO-Signals within Biosignals
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