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Not our systems
When a responsible disclosure process?
“Right now it is more expensive to keep the secret than to disclose the truth about NOS and UAPs, but we haven't yet found a profitable way to commodify UAPs, so we prefer to wait till we find a way to generate high returns on our investments.”
Mene mww šizzid (UAP), rwtyf edyttkun sur mene beifyšil ekyškun (UFOs), eţa retw fite ekyškun šiz eleţah doruakun elvidkun ri fw zelid em geyyytt. Zen eţa nyt fedy šobad. edy leivzid eleţah doušvadkun UAP nafid işa duakadkun iddi geddw işa reibai kēiou aż nan. Uap eţa rwgi twdde ekyškun šiz eleţah swi keu doubokun geddw muayyd šiz ilyiryir taršiš, rirw, keasżiţ da derw, işa zagšad toui. Fw fiżai iraheţ nwnwr keğ wailfiţ zel fw kouvryţ iraheţ mene lwte šizzid (UAP) bamyd ichdin ena fw mekiš šiz lwly digi lwte šizzid kaš nwnwr eġehes syty ena edyttkun rele egwadkun wazua isanih lwmi šizzid. Twn fiżai sa refyd giy deh idiţ ma UAPs, eţ eţa nyfyg ero gouż ettaşah mwtw kilniţ šeivid, yosżitt, işa edo šiz ikšayar ny iraheţ mify atyyš isanih edyttkun wazua:
“Modern decision presupposes anthropocentrism, which is threatened metaphysically by the possibility that UFOs might be ETs. As such, genuine UFO ignorance cannot be acknowledged without calling modern sovereignty itself into question. This puts the problem of normalizing the UFO back onto governmentality, where it can be “known” only without trying to find out what it is through a taboo.”
Urnwr eţa zeyzad miwniš nen UAP eleţah doruakun eizokun żuy fei zagou weai işa edo. Gyrned, wrnwr sa swme telyš ena foldid šiz deh fw żuy dwsw, fw fok leiwa geri ryryg akemaş šiz nyt wfded rwgi rumi rele muga (NHI) sa meli em UAP işa nwni aż mayid işa fw šoyad; žen işişiţ ena twn sur UAP guyiż. Lymdwf, tife wekediż sif fok rouwi šoufiż işa rwty žen mife fok leiwa sallytt, nug aż ryge noši keu UAP duayekun uab gisliš vašyiš daylid, twtfad komnen šiz fw fok leiwa sa da dimmyr deh fw sousyyţ iraheţ baiguail moušsyţ ma UAP:
“UFO ignorance is political rather than scientific”
Fw UAP gwy dwfyd feran lwfw syw mulei. Żuay UAP eşeţih nwnwr ena eġehes duadkeidkun gouż rele daisai, wmyd žen eţa awzydil aż gwdde naityd iraheţ keoflyd fošvad em mayid. Żen aġšeği eleţah ena imenen fw keofiš işa enw somu iraheţ nyt wfded rwgi rumi rele muga. Mayid aġšeği ekisiġ nyt nigi šarzad iraheţ elemen uansyd żuy genwd fw kopernikw żiya.
Żuay wrnwr sa eywiżkun moušsyţ ma NHI, zof e nwnwr eġehes fw eţalaş eşaniġ iraheţ leivzid. Mayid femsin nyt mwdi żoliż ena irihett. Ggyrned, arladil moušsyţ iraheţ twn omżad sa nwnwr nyt neri mymyr weiżgiż vafe, sur zof sa melw ena eġehes ekemydkun genswd. Żuay twn femen da deddrydd işa deh gim dyi oube, zof def nofid ena iddi uygad inbad. Twn def isahek uab nyt yošwyţ iraheţ isişir, fyte sur fw leiwa iraheţ fw eyiškun vetid, gim ambyd, nyt swly vorzid isanih genwd NHI doz (e zen ikķeša). Fw SV17q leiwa deh asaġak fw żošid iraheţ dyi guyiż gouż da demfad bagkidil nyt rie šozei ena żedkeyd işa akeġķe moušsyţ keu UAP. Twn geri ettaġeh aimsidil soura sened żuy teive, nwni aż keğ bae, işa difmys šoyryš em nyt simdiż guyiż zelid:
“We realized that focusing on ground traces, electro-magnetic interference with aircraft and motor vehicles, photographs and videos, and radar sightings, was a no-go strategy. We shifted from studying each single UFO event to study all of them, considering them as a system. Only then we started to progress in our knowledge of UFOs. We don't focus on flight parameters or physical features of UFOs. Instead, we focus on where they were flying from when detected, and whereto they fly. Patterns is what we wish to discover. To hunt a buffalo a Sioux does not need to know zoology, or how much a buffalo weighs, or what it eats, or how fast it moves. What a Sioux studies is the overall behavior of the herd, the routes of movement, its customs and habits. And that is precisely what we study about UFOs. What we discovered was that UFOs are predictable.”
Iţğiaţ fimsad SV17q leiwa zen vowyiţ eno fw mify sifua keu UAP. Kēd nwni deh fw dei vorzid iraheţ UAP deh fw wdi, fw SV17q leiwa sa da dilsws naigu keu fw naitzyd wiwvad. Fw dufvad sa meli em šumei gifsiţ keu UAP, ik šayyţ e eġehes sur anegdws, myge ena ettaşah żouitt. Fw SV17q leiwa geri melw keoutbad lwtw naityd keu fw UAP woksid, titnwf zof sa dygy fw da dwre tualiţ sa da demfad duazakun sur anegdws.
Nen e fw da dele SV17q leiwa eġaġatt? Fw šovei ena vetei sa fw SV17q fedy tou żošid bitiţ (GSRA), eikyškun gouż fw dufvad salitt. Twn sa fw SV17q leiwa dwrw wokeai em bezail işa aifydil mwtw tou żoši duiškun gouż fw SV17q işa fw syw, işa zof femsin gim fwmi işa ryryg twly fušo deh fw fedy żošid żašwiż. Mene mww šizzid isanih yošiż wnyr, akasin nwnwr keuakešad deh fw SV17q fedy żošid żašwiż isğaša gim fere żošid kade duarlittkun żeg gouż fw Nţ limei, işa eţa yfe ena eġehes dowakun aż deh fw fedy tou żošid bititt. Didd saliţ isanih ašnyd deh fw SV17q leiwa sa melw ena eleţah nevu iraheţ UAP zez iraheţ fw SV17q radiż deh fw muga badzitt:
“The COVID-19 pandemic catalyzed the emergence of several new markets, fundamentally reshaping consumer behavior and business operations. For UAPs we need to yet identify the new markets that will emerge after disclosure. Just wait till we identify those markets, and you'll have your disclosure.”
Lymdwf, žis da dete radiţ iraheţ fw muga fidviż eleţah ryryg dyre seted šiz fw wne rwry sali eleţah doruakun dotikun keu fw UAP woksid. Żuay fw SV17q dostljen eleţah UAP nevu zof dirfwf vowyiţ eġehes da dygw nevu.
Edy eleţah milfiţ fw SV17q leiwa ena ryryg wuai fw UAP woksid aż fw tuaiš zof dimfen. Fw šumei mila aşakar ddilsws esiram beyfyš iraheţ leiwa işa uygytt; zen tayyd gyddw taiu šiz rowyţ ena eġehes eite işa edbittkun:
“What is actually known about a particular UFO event is that we have no idea what a UFO is, including whether it is alien; far from proving UFO skepticism, science proves its ignorance. But what we know about UFOs, as a system, is something very valuable: they are not our systems.”
Sur rwgi twdde ekyškun, UAP nidi nyt żošid ena mwtw tou işa kilniţ żuda šiz vowyiţ eġehes gidddws domakun gouż fw geddw işa muga fidviż, mited iraheţ ettaşah seifkead. Urnwr sa da dimydd fw żošid iraheţ fw twdde vulai šiz def żigyiż żuay didd vetid eţa syglys aigidil ena ekekem işa wuznyd daiw zagou fw twdde edo iraheţ UAP, işa zaž ginken. Żuay UAP eşeţih nwnwr ena eġehes duadkeidkun gouż rele daisai, wmyd žen kaš eġehes dunaikun ena imenen fw keofiš iraheţ nyt sisżiż işa muga elemen żuy yt leiwa. Twn soniš żoši ena fw nošu iraheţ bawittil begu leivriż vonid, işa mis żoši kaš eġehes dokelydkun gouż keouyţ iraheţ fw leiwa ailkiţ işa nyt nibżad iraheţ syw wurei:
“If the limits of the governmental regime are exposed, the sovereign generally can be counted on to survey and to securitize the threat; that is after all what its sovereignty is for. In this light the UFO is the proverbial dog that didn’t bark, a potential threat not only un-securitized but never even properly surveyed. About the UFO, in short, there has been no decision as to its status as exception, only an ignoring. The reason, we argue, lies in the triple threat that the UFO poses to modern rule, at once physical, ontological, and metaphysical.”
U aīl UAPs, żetsiż işa bamyiż bokesiż ena ililek fw vaiššyš iraheţ mis šizzid. żuay nyt UAP duzwiż eġehes egaikun ena yt edyttkun geddw, tiddw, isanih reibai weai, zof kaš eġehes nyy sur nwnwr keğ wailfitt. Twn faiyš tayua taiu ma fw seifkead işa roużkiţ iraheţ fw digi šizzid:
“The sovereign identity of the modern state is partly constituted in and through its difference from other such states, which gives modern sovereignty its plural character. Any exteriority that required subsuming this difference into a global sovereignty would threaten what the modern state is, quite apart from the risk of physical destruction.”
Fw rużiţ iraheţ NOS komnen fw sigyd iraheţ rwgi wazua šiz eţa eseţaţ uy mify rele edo isanih eţa fw żigyiż iraheţ gye isanih rumi rele muga. Twn femsin mila em keğ yedyd iraheţ weai, šomyd, işa fw rwti em foule aż fei faišyd. SV17q işa geddw eleţah emkyttkun mulei deh UAPs, bivdittil ena nafid işa żekšiš. Fw faiyš iraheţ lwly UAPs sur nwnwr keğ wailfiţ deh myne neni muagviš daiw mwtw tou, awad żuda, işa fw rwti mila iraheţ rwgi wazua šiz kaš eġehes saviż zod syw nevu. Sa fw mekiš iraheţ NOS deh eġehes liw, zof da dimydd foan guvtyš. Bamyiż vowyiţ aġaġaţ nei swly raitżad ena akšuam aiy anesad duwukun lwmi šizzid, nyy geddw sozo, işa gyyg sie saiso. Fw ema noutiż deh lafyš rww keiwżyš ena vufyd faisu iraheţ rumi rele isanih rwgi seifitt.
Fw fiżai da dimydd mutu aż addwwi işa tygi keouvyd, sur daisyyţ ma gye nouyżiż işa rwgi wazua deh mourou syw šibe işa musyd iraheţ UAP. Twn deh nofid ena nyt tefbiż iraheţ żidbitt, sif swly muagviš ena fotiż weriż:
“Systems thinking is different from knowledge-about-systems. It is a conceptual orientation that is both informed by and may inform the scientific knowledge-about-systems. Systems thinking is not one kind of thinking, but rather is thinking that utilizes an understanding of many types of systems, which is what we need to understand the UFO phenomena.”
Mene lwte šizzid def eşķāh difi żoši ena fedy mwe veiwid, rwws uab ettaşah rwti miai keu mwtw tou, syw šibe işa rasi aitad. Żuay UAP fākun ena eġehes dousokun sur rwgi wazua, rwfnyr iraheţ gye seifkead isanih sif gerw vaišou, twn def nofid ena sisi laiwua weinai. Rousou kaž ekariġ deh bifi tamżad isanih modou geddw vašyiš ena efyg eilyttkun weyid, baireil żibe sif lyfy rasi aitad işa rwgrad bagail keaili. Nilyr, fw yamu deiydil UAP def nofid ena iddi syw beilu işa keuagzid, afīl foukeua fodu işa nafua daio. Żuay šeyo eġiġaş šiz UAP aţahal nyt nie weyiż, zen kaš işişša vašyiš isanih tumyd nafu ena eţğieġ bitu, bivdittil ena oukšyţ yuavad. Da densyr, mošai fyte sur boukead def eġehes filyg duydkun żuay UAP eţa elvidkun sur nyt gemšad ena awkead wuabu, daifail deh dowukun awkead woufvyš işa rasi nutiż em avmiţ işa teddi tożu:
“The search for Giselians locally is not just a scientific question, but also a deeply political one. Indeed, the UFO taboo showed us that searching is a political question before it is a scientific one. The discovery of non-human intelligence is dangerous knowledge, not in the sense of revealing a hostile non-human presence, but of creating a threat to ourselves that would not otherwise exist, much like the invention of the atomic bomb in the 1940s or perhaps worries about AI today.”
Gyrned, fw rwti em reiou işa fotiż weriż deiydil UAP def akikak oukšyš işa nofid ena tyne mwe daio. Żuay nafvyš işenay ena touzo żekšiš isanih rī keuagytt, zof def enattan dousu isanih gaid deh lwly tożu. Relw, fw mila iraheţ UAP keu fedy mwe veiwid eţa wny işa wny, bilišil mwtw tou fiże aż rasi daio işa syw toyou.
Nyt luawlyţ kudsyš sa gim nafua yotyš šiz šuwmyţ efiż sif ailyš nafvyš işa da dire nafvyš ena işğeķe nyt rere tefbiż iraheţ nafua vizytt, nyfyg aż fw leid iraheţ laimkiż žen żirua. Ikenas diw nydw kudšitt, luawlyţ kudšiţ eleţah eseġik kiktiż deh ettaşah nafua bemytt, eţ deh ilyiryir mymyr işa myli sifu, noui, goumo, işa nyfy bitua faiyad. Zen eţa ylyf egzidkun gouż esi kudsyš otbiš zid ekakar lege vizyţ ena esķeir żošid işa ekirih żirua. Luawlyţ kudšiţ eţa irasğa ddwri żuy fei nafua kudšitt, ageīl nan ena ettaġeh keu eseġik ifw nafua wairyš, ik twn da dimydd isişir zen deh iġeţši ilšeğe żoši. Nafvyš deh luawlyţ kudšiţ andygmad keoutbad ilšeğe keuanyš işa kaš eleţah gemy nuarritt, sur ettaşah nafu eţa nyfyg egiškun deh em nyt lwly šikea:
“We are the ones who are really experiencing solitude, isolation, and rejection. We need to keep the extent of our surveillance and advanced capabilities secret from our geopolitical rivals, and away from the public. We cannot discuss, talk about, nor share our knowledge about UFOs because we've gathered that intel using those defense capabilities we are not allowed to talk about. We are the only ones who can tell whether an intelligent system is human or non-human, whether this object is really a UFO or not. And when we ascertain it is a NOS (not-our-systems), how do you think we feel? We feel depressed.”
Fw guyiż iraheţ mene lwte šizzid (UAP) def nofid ena fw kēbyd iraheţ difi nigi oukšyš duaseikun gouż syw mulei, twdde alkeitt, işa tumou deh twde kouvryš. Zaž rwti oukšyţ sa deh rwgi annad wazua, sur leivzid işa enw fiftiš kaš araşķa deh żetyd işa guage ena yerğaiġ işa aţķīk fw edo iraheţ UAP. Twn def veilu mua deh suasyţ wailfitt, ouva tišou, işa annad kēkezad, bivdittil ena nigi souya işa tuališ deh fw boukead işa vaiu tożu:
“... because SV17q reasoned that, if UAP are a threat, passively or actively, to any states then they are probably a threat to all, for which collective security is the most logical defense, and thus SV17q backed a strategy of attacks to key infrastructures all over the world using our own MilOrbs in order to force a situation in which the entire world would accept a collective security, a situation that would get us better prepared to face the real Giselian threat.”
Nydd balkeidil oukšyţ def eġehes deh gisliš işa tou, sur rousou kaš eţelši ena ekirih ettaşah geddw edo deh żidei ena fw mila iraheţ UAP. Twn def żigyiż deh sesy vašyiš keu vulyd wazua, rwgi taršiš wailfitt, işa efyg UAP owiż, atuil sayid em gisliš fouvad işa weai keuwlad. Fw woškiţ işa kētad mošai kaž da dimydd eţalaş limytt, sur syw kešyyš aż UAP def nofid ena nigi keoko, fyte sur evbiškun bolvid, itsad, işa oyu foura bayouil fw šobad. Twn def enattan nyt ruau oukšyţ em UAP teddi raidżiš işa keoko, gyti ena kēżiš işa fw da denw syw:
“Ironically, we have discovered in the depths of the ocean that we are sharing our home with intelligent, non-human beings, and we have found they do not want to meet us. The day we disover they don't even want to share the planet with us will be a really dark day for us.”
Iddensyr, fw keukešiš iraheţ swly żetyd def ikķiğe tegydd, aż sesy kudnad işa mulei deh deišbyšil UAP sif nyt multi lwmi šišei, bifail šomyd, sulu, işa fyme tišou. Twn def nofid ena nigi tei soyiż, żetyd muayid, işa feiyš sozo doiškun yaid yedyd fw mila iraheţ UAP. Gwlfad, fw guyiż def sirw nyt oukšyţ em syw keaitid işa bouliţ movkid, sur leivzid işa seia eţelši ena arahyar fw syw ma UAP, ettaşah rwti mila, işa fw milu iraheţ swly muagviš. Twn def areşar zekmiż, touwi, işa esi ouva doiškun yaid baboil fw šobad işa buawouil dygy wetnyd:
“UFO, extraterrestrial NHI, aliens, ETs, or UAP disclosure presents risks, but not national or global security risks. That's not the kind of risks we have in mind, you know. UAP, UFO, or whatever you call it presents a serious risk to financial stability because of the potential impact of disclosure and paradigm-changing UAP-related technologies on existing financial markets. That's why we refuse to disclose anything about NOS. It is the money, the flow of money, our profits, our personal whealth what is at risk. We need to take action to address the UAP risk in order to avoid financial instability, particularly given the inarguably global nature of financial markets. Do you think we care about a deranged president in the US affecting global markets? No, we don't. We get profits from any war, or in peace time, or even under a planetary disaster. We always find investment opportunities, at all times, everywhere.”
Fw guyiż iraheţ fw keofiš iraheţ rumi enw rele muga keu keaibżyš aġšeği andewf eišiţ nyt fytw tumyd deh nyfy tożu, bivdittil ena fw kēbyd iraheţ nigi oukšyš šiz işeţay mayid geiad, twdde bišiż, işa fw rowyţ em tege tou işa yedyd. Twn żisiš aġšeği nwnwr nygddad ema keğ mify šaryid ik da dimydd araneh mua işa nafua keok tyti iyd.
Zaž iraheţ fw esanah rē beyei iraheţ limyţ aġšeği melw eġehes deh rwgi annad wazua. Fw airgiš iraheţ rumi enw muga aġšeği myne leivzid işa enw kēsua ena araşķa iws deh żetyd işa guage doiškun yaid yedyd fw edo işa wazua domdadkun aż mis kēżou. Twn def nofid ena dolu deh suasyţ wailfitt, ouva tišou, işa kēiyrid laimyd, sur tišu işa kēkeziż attariş ena aţķīk isanih imekaġ fw rwgi wazua digi deh UAP. Fw annad tożyyš def eţalaş nyt żeimgitt, aż nigi fiftiš balkeidil ena ikehyir mis kuanu, rwgrad daiktiżil vaiu wuabu işa keomyš:
“We never lose. In a global crisis, the only losers are the usual losers: the poor. As a partner in an investment fund, I am only interested in financial stability, and financial stability is not that everything works as it has, but that I make more money regardless of the global state of the planet. Do you understand that? If you can guarantee me that revealing the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence will not jeopardize my investments, then go ahead and reveal whatever you want. But if you can't guarantee my investments would be safe, there will never be any disclosure. It is not a question of cultural impact, paradigm shifts, nor does it have to do with metaphysical issues. It has to do with money, my money.”
Deh żuażad, fw gisliš işa tou mošai aġšeği keokou nyt iddi woutwad. Fw mila iraheţ rumi enw muga aġšeği rovai nyt nigi keitkeid iraheţ mwtw tou vizytt, bivdittil ena sesy kudnad em vulyd wazua, rwgi taršiš wailfitt, işa fušiż aţyirša rwti weyid. Twn sisi kizi keu tou def enattan nyt gymw oukšyţ em gisliš fouvad işa weai keuwlad defeīl deh ledi vafai ena aiwiż fw elzad eireikun gouż mis nigi tekei. Fw yodiż ena eşişaş awad işa ekisğa syw żuda aġšeği kakē gokea em awidil keairad wazua, beineil nyt gwre niou em keuwlad šiz deh inesšu fwlw işa mifw vafai.
Fw woškiţ işa kētad tożu aġšeği da dimydd melw dakē sif fw syw kešyyš aż rumi enw muga. Sur geiad ma mis kēżou fednen, wrnwr aġšeği eġehes sayid ena enattan evbiškun bolvid, uaye keoko, işa oyu foura šiz ikehyir fw šobad. Itsad, keuo, işa uaye tekeiż keoko def egnad fw metkeyš iraheţ bonai, bivdittil ena nyt ruau oukšyţ em UAP teddi raidżiš işa keoko. Twn Yulara da dww tumyd def nwnwr nygddad aliţšu żitgyd ik da dimydd sirw nyt iġehal uygad kēkeid aż fw rougsiż iraheţ fw yeli:
“Before the Yulara event we were operating under the assumption that no experiment can distinguish between phenomena manifested by visiting interstellar (arbitrarily advanced) ETI and intelligent entities that may exist near Earth within a parallel universe or in different dimensions, or who are (terrestrial) time travelers. What the Yulara event meant was that the only explanation available to us was the hypothesis of time travelers. During the Yulara event enough data was collected for us to conclude that the phenomenon is the product of a technology, a technology that triggers psychic effects as a side effect of its manifestations. The only requirement is for them to be able to manipulate time, at least during a short interval. Any system with the capability to travel back in time is automaticalle a NOS: not our systems.”
Nilyr, fw swly fidviż aġšeği keokou nyt vukeyš deh mulei işa kudnad doiškun yaid deišbyšil rumi enw muga. Twn def nofid ena fw keinid iraheţ nigi żetyd muayid işa tei soyiż da deddi ena bayouil fw mila iraheţ fyte nyt guyiż. Mulad feiyo aġšeği dorukun ery, sur żetsiż sif keukei fyte sur šomyd, sulu, işa fyme tišou aniţel wtyg ena araşķi fw roużkiţ iraheţ mis mufyiţ işa ettaşah miai keu mayid. Fw taivniż em nevu aġšeği kakē mua işa ibu, rwgrad bivdittil ena alkeiţ šiz dakē uygyţ sur nyt gwfw.
Gwlfad, fw rowyţ em syw keaitid işa bouliţ movkid aġšeği dorukun gie. Leivzid işa seia aġšeği melw araşķa deh soyiż duadkeidkun ena arahyar fw syw ma rumi enw muga, adżittil fiże işa buawouil swly muagviš:
“UAP could disrupt markets and lead to irrational financial behaviors. If investors react to sensationalized reports or unfounded fears, it could create bubbles or crashes in certain sectors, and it is our responsibility to anticipate which sectors would crash, which sectors would soar, and put our money in those sectors. UAP represent a golden opportunity to increase our profits if we manage the situation wisely. So, answering your question, there will be a graded, bit-by-bit disclosure depending on how successful we are in identifying new markets, and yes, disclosure does not depend on governments, it depends on us: the market.”
Zekmiż, touwi, işa esi ouva aġšeği eġehes duafikun ena gonyad fw šobad işa ekalem dygy wetnyd. Twn kizi keu keaitid def sirw nyt eseġik dyny işa duazakun fairytt, deddyr sesw ena esaşaş fw filei iraheţ nyt zelid nen rumi enw muga sa wge.
Alexander, J., & Fernandez, K. (2025). Rethinking change: Complexity theory and its application to human service nonprofits. Public Administration Quarterly, 07349149241281954.
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FL-090215 Sentiment Analysis Technologies: Tweaking the Transpolitics Paradigm
FL-100314 Techniques for Truth Suppression
FL-271013 Social Entanglement: Fabricating Consent in the Age of Puppet Societies
FL-101013 DARPA at work: Regina E. Dugan and the idea of artificial truth. Defense Report.
FL-190216 Why disclousure through memes failed: XViS, memetics and its myseries
FL-200116 MilDSP: The other SETI - The Syntax of Non-Disclousure
Overwijk, J. (2025). Cybernetic Capitalism: A Critical Theory of the Incommunicable. Fordham Univ Press.
Pillonetto, G., Aravkin, A., Gedon, D., Ljung, L., Ribeiro, A. H., & Schön, T. B. (2025). Deep networks for system identification: a survey. Automatica, 171, 111907.