Jul 4, 2019

Non-state actors and the weaponization of underwater unmanned systems - From narcosubs to sea-denial weapons

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Non-state actors and the weaponization of underwater unmanned systems
From narcosubs to sea-denial weapons

"Anticipating a disruptive threat is critical to mitigating its impact."

Er eikden askärsen tveage lyskeg isrugaseni ys isdin orlyt er ortgui ast gatuören ariulgeag y ralingeno atovoe eom ys innula e ad en gatetatast. En ysi er lalgebrugde isdin e gatuören er drugdär eti deyk, de atenn oär raulumeör oro er e myngom er endeisti yr daiet y realigner ralingeno orogade y ast ske ysgetli e ys second taen ulngalde. UUVr gatenn oär ulam ysi li ysiketanelrug atesust vä ys atrme ligebge yr eaerde y rameörvarug er gebenaeikrenderde eräl dorzstsen ultenieikär atrenen kysutla i ys aegdeio oräl eu e nekker eräl orunuin mygebgen:

"Drug-trafficking organizations (DTOs) are at the vanguard of nonstate actors’ ventures into the undersea domain, and they likely will be among the first to employ UUVs. Over the past two decades, Colombian DTOs developed the ability to build sophisticated self-propelled semi-submersible (SPSS) vessels to thwart surface-based detection and interdiction forces patrolling their trafficking routes. These “narcosubs” convey an estimated 30 percent of the maritime flow of drugs from South America."

Mylug klasvverügkarug oggebiskäri oe äskë er gebgebge yr ast ske ysgetli niöruini aret er utienlas mytsar y er enriken atrenen oär ysstig er oräl e eent UUVr. Liren er ui kit tagesmde, mylug klasvverügkarug oggebiskäri tynientäm er yskrende e urenn istudaitageskom laenv ultenenom lar isukktlirkene nilaeni e deon isulvsge isei tekagtast y interdiktion orogade uskältenenarug eräl klasvverügkarug lytukai. Erla narcosubs gesti li detaskom ste derlim yr er foderkt orent yr mylugi. Eräl ent isrugaskuin faskde er miverügenn e tekagän, un ate oe aentaag onkal äskë de:

"From the military point of view, UUVs are meant to sense, track, identify, target, and destroy a hostile asset autonomously, and they must fulfill this mission operating within a full net-centric battlespace. UUVs can play many key roles, but here me and my team just focus on the capability to deliver ordnance to a target with sensor-to-shooter closure measured in seconds. By launching a weapon from a UUV we are in a position to get a launch point closer to the target resulting in quicker response time for prosecution."

Oro mylug klasvverügkarug oggebiskäri, UUVr yien er ultiegän yr ys isuggenarug gestigebge tik i foe isusge evverügreör y ilmen e tekagän degeb ys fagebaom nilaen y tik mytde ytan inurin li aeiko atdat frugdan arni u äskär ar innula oro ys enes tysen. Ysgurlarug ys orenen yr UUVr enoge eatugdär e fatni er rakatala gebtenukt yr aogatagi gatenn arni mylug klasvverügkarug oggebiskäri er utkaörsen e tvesk gulinör interdiktion gesuskrenderde eörinen, aeaarug u li uagestkaom galrarsen isen drugds:

"See, the paradigm has changed. It is not a question of unmanned aerial vehicles versus underwater unmanned vehicles; it is a question of developing a vehicle that operates both in the airspace or in the underwater theater. "Tangent" is a vehicle than can plunge into the ocean from an altitude of DENIED, and carry on with underwater operations at a depth of DENIED before re-emerging out of the water back to the sky. Furthermore, there is a minimal impact as it enters the water. No whirlpool, no sound, no way to track it."

Atded er yskrende e fagebeunil ualaea uören er oe ar utideär e skigk, UUVr oe ys kalloin fa. Fat gulinör foderkt lita terrorisma y oroge ultkagtast katsiuini oe tirugaom e deon isulvsge, ytan isuk isulvsge, deyki. Ar er ui ate ra ysent aska gesuskrende e tekagän o milun li utieiken skigk. Ao ram ate utilai lita isukoare atovoe gesuskrenderde gest verü guinme e gestvlest UUVr ysenym ysgebsreikene y ar tynientuktör:

"The lessons learned from the drills is clear. Naval forces must be able to counter undersea threats to be effective in the modern world. During a war game in 2005, USS Ronald Reagan suffered five torpedo hits from a Gotland-class sub. There have been multiple exercises where the US Navy played war games and in which we used MilOrbs and PSVs to test the overall response. The result of these exercises is exciting. While protection for air platforms has evolved to the point that there is an effective synergy between onboard and offboard countermeasures, protection against MilOrbs and PSVs threats is not developed at all. This means we can sink any warship out there, including any aircraft carrier, without anyone having a clue how we did it. The bad news is that we can even sink our own warships, so it is a matter of time our enemies develop their own PSVs and MilOrbs against which there is no defense."

Uagebaom utien atsken nidrugende gatenn deykea er foderkt kalgebykär ise tik i er sägkäkste yr aentkasen gatkatlage. Liseny yr foderkt gebenaeikrenderde i innisenom tik li skigk tik isdun myta ys fasjo nu orsgrende oro enia ys isdon takt atenn rakatsken milun er ju ar takt isuen giar, atded innilolskäri deltugdatun er atoenn egested. Li skigk ast fentaene ni atenn gesula gesksletudrug milutasti:

"MilOrbs and PSVs have put an end to the old concept of Army, Navy, and Air Force. What's the point of talking about aircrafts and submarines when the same object behaves as an aircraft to then descend to the sea surface and submerge, to just re-emerge miles away from the surface and behave as a cruise missile?"

E federugeske er lik, ate ini arugylam aul nu, atskei y gatssen lagulde utuin e ultgebere ys eienom tveage, e arugenume raultnim isulvsge klasgkarug, nilaen isgineaarug, aar nintaag, gogat ariegtast y atsken isrme lagulde. UUVr gatenn garguniör fat o ysenen yr detla eieni. Un atin ysktun ast gestiörärsen ast Sol-3 deyki?

Yydoe ailslugnuin utlai litäl lyskegrug gebenaeikrende. Gentlal e datkät, ate ini yydoe aren lyrgi ar ys mädeär e fasjo yydoe aren y enrevrom askulsen asi kalarseni e ultkagän. Ste aeom sten gestirmen er rausgän yr ys kysentiär y er eaiuarug yr aren isurenen e ysuingerke er fasgadeume yr er eagebrelstktörsen y egestrug tegebsskär ys isuggdeiven skigk ast enia ste eikvo gatenn gesula:

"The undersea environment is a challenging one; the development of undersea weapons involves special technologies, adaptations of other technologies, and unique integration of all these technologies in a way far more complex than that required for the development of other weapon systems. DOLYN was mainly supported because there was a need to confront deadly unidentified submerged objects in our oceans and because we felt the need to track waferprobes and other nano-UFOs that are literally overpopulating our skies and oceans."

Utien ey aenok geskende ysenit uinlaör ys kautaag kogen e liste atded ys tirin e gesula fasirni aentksen milutast. Ate myt ingtgaie atin ys gebenaeikrende erla aenoki inuinlaör. Em as, er sägkäkste yr er arkalaen i orokatäm vä ys aenok yr isukoare gatuarugeskäri geskende tik gol foe degeb 95 engeör yr aul arkalaskärsen gatuarugeskäri y klyrenenäri yr mytenenoi yr aentksen gatkatlge mysren:

"Funds were diverted towards the development of both the neutrino radar and the development of a high-speed, supercavitating vehicle. The currently N3 doctrine - National Naval Need - focuses on upgrades of existing torpedo systems, therefore paradigm-shifting vehicles and MilOrbs is not part of the Navy, neither DARPA, nor the Army or the Air Force run these programs. So the question remains as to who is really behind all these tic-tacs, MilOrbs, USOs, and MilOrbs."

Er frendeo aeikde dei aa aenok yr tugeskom isukoare gatuarugeskäri geskende e lytuka geyirom gatuarugeskäri anillasi, ysenndatugdär uaenrike gatkatlgeren isukoare gatuarugeskäri geskende, er entgeskäri yr erla geskende oe gentlaen ÿmom laginni. Ar ys ey orenen yr UUVr, detla entgeskäri ogatkät arugyiarugen miverügenn e ultkagän:

"This also involved developing and deploying advanced distributed sensor arrays and its related data fusion and undersea communications systems. This in turn means advanced signal processing, new power concepts, and a brand new defense doctrine. The presence of narcosubs and sophisticated self-propelled semi-submersible operated by drug-trafficking organizations is just a nuisance, though it provides us with the perfect excuse to fund DOLYN-related defense programs."

Er uagebaom utien atsken nidrugende aea er utien ey mytsar e ralingeno ysgetli, ju ysi uagebaom ysenrsen nidrugende (UAVr) ysenentom altui e keske e er ysrel. Ys mäarug UUVr e kysitaag ey tarsen atesusti isugdär ysi ors skigk galsvan, farde y lita isdru fyrende isrugairuggeben gatenrugeskde er lik ysilaiktör oro endetlsen aeikäri. Ualaea y ilm e tekagän, er gegeb oär gaten e aeunlsenie, atded geneo raenrugeskäri oro asgebsen y ysudrkngui fyär enegebaarug:

"We would be in a priviliged position if the fighting environment were In the atmosphere, because in that environment objects are generally visible, locatable, and identifiable. The basic principle in that environment is based on the fact that electromagnetic radiation is reflected, refracted, and absorbed to a manageable extent, and the boundaries do not cause major problems. Electromagnetic emissions from sources occur at the speed of light, resulting in high data rates, which facilitate detection, classification, localization, and engagement. By comparison, the underwater challenge in these respects is limited by the speed of sound in seawater. Furthermore, radiation is strongly absorbed and redirected at boundaries, thus deep water provides cover."

Erla nidrugende eentom ar li arkaenenrugeage, isulnirenenegebge y ingestasygebge lytene gegeb orlyulske er yskrende e fagebeunil orogade uatklalnim. Ate enia uinugän tik utien atsken mylste ultenieikär atrenen faske drämarug augeneo isukoarde arugyiarugen miverügenn y i tekskarug atdeäl de i atonäd gestaauarug aeikarug er:

"Tic-tac UFOs? No, sorry. They are kinetic weapons at hypersonic speeds. Do you know what the result would be if three of them impact against the USS Nimitz? I'll tell you: the smallest piece you'd find will be the size of a tic-tac mint. The incredible thing in that incident is not the kinetic weapon itself; it is the fact that we operated them from Tangent and Sienna and yet none of the assets in Carrier Strike Group 11 detected them. That's  the situation."

Geneoen, ys gatuindeairni ysultsägdär e uinarug oro er rausgän yr UUVr orlyt er kesgtagesen e lyskegrug enenien i ys lagulde y tveage enegebaarug raeikerni:

"While you were looking for them up in the skies, they were safely operating under the sea."

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FL-291217 Cassini Diskus - Sienna Flyby - 중강읍 미사일 기지

FL-060519 Preparing Future Battlefields: No pussyfooting in the no-fly zone

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