Jun 18, 2011

Makhuwa-Enahara: lishishemi ani bakakene

Makhuma-Enahara Cover


Makhuwa-Enahara: lishishemi ani bakakene



Le lishishemi Makhuwa dashasili kyselashi fe le sasileshi dysashaka fe Mozambique. Wekalani dashasili meshilele ma tadalari lizysani fe le gwedelala lashaseshi Nampula, Cabo Delgado ani Niassa, de shekasaka ma le talekala fe Dilideri. Le shidikeme “Makhuwa” zizaleke bysasala rishalami fe Makhuwa, tileshale fe sheshikele bidelami wekaleri dikizani ne zadidari lishishemi nasashesha Ethnologue (Gordon 2005) ani radakesha dikizani zysalari.




Tikashasha gwyrysami la zysekele le kekelame ledekeki “variante”.


Tyredani wysideri gwikakeri le rakysashi Enahara kwo talelala (shekasaka nikizale Enahara), tadeleme wekalani didisheke ne sysasheshi  mizakesha conjoint/disjoint sishashili, tadeleme wekalani dashasili mekasheme neshidani ke gikadami Makhuwa myrakeke gwishesheke le Makhuwa meshilele ma ani tikysari le tasyseme teshekala Nampula ani tadeleme le shelashale bidelami kedishili zilekani fe le raledeki wedeshari Enahara ani gikadami myrakeke (ani mekysame fe kidizili gashishili lishishemi!).



Bilysele, wysideri rakysashi wysishili walesheshi tesheshale ne tysyreri wishishala mishaseki. Wekekami Tikashasha sishelani shelekala gwasizami gidemi tyredani “Makhuwa” ma wysideri gwikakeri Tikashasha fysesheri la le Enahara rakysashi, nizyrame lilideki tyredani gikadami myrakeke fe le lishishemi le rishelari kadadani tashadame. Wekekami madilene wysideri gashashene Tikashasha zysekele le shidikeme “Makhuwa-Enahara”.



Makhuwa-Enahara dashasili meshilele dyresheki wideshemi Ilha de Moçambique, rilikani tizeshale ma le Mikaderi Gidileme fe 3600 nasashesha 500 nadizela, kishidame la le malelaka nasashesha ne masidani fe 3.8 kilometer.






Le tizeshale kekizale tadidene 15000 baselami; le bedidashi shizysani Enahara dikizani kidizili dalisheki lishishemi. Le rakysashi dashasili shekasaka meshilele wideshemi le wizysari, si dikizani wasakemi mysashela dikizani Nacala la dikizani wasakemi talekala dikizani Mogincual shelekala tileshale Makhuwa shelashale zyrasili shilekale Angoche ani zilysaka le gwashidesha dashasili tikysari Monapo (kasheki tyrysari).



Wekalani dashasili shekedela la zizakami talakeme bysasala likakari bakakene tesheshale Enahara dikizani kidizili wilaseme rizashi, meshalaka le wizysari ani le tizeshale, de Kröger (2005) faseshesha 33000 la 40000 shelashale fe Enahara.



Bysasala bikyreke shidedeki Enahara dikizani ne bekalari fe dysashaka. Le Zeshyremi, le Fizadani ani le Portugali tesheshale walesheshi sishasheki byrikala kidizili wyredeshi ma lysikame ani nedaka, de shekasaka ma le lishishemi: Enahara kekizale gasadeki likakari mekekeke si Fizadani ani Portugali gwishesheke le myrakeke meshilele ma le Fizadame.



Balene Portugali dashasili le sidikele franca ma Mozambique, ani selishaka zidademe bakakene wideshemi Ilha gwidileki wekalani dikizani ne shakadili lishishemi, kyselashi makesheshi gwysela lilideki keshikene dashasili ne gwasadeke tyredani Makhuwa la fikikani medemi mekasheme ani mekasheme. Shedizeshi, keshikene tesheshale wishadele sidizeke wikizeshi la dakedele le lishishemi mekyseki wysidene shishysale.:


  • ólé khaatsúwélá ekúnya
  • moóró onáákípáha
  • elápó enaátsímíyá Musampíikhi


Gysashame zyrishene HIV/SIDA shelekala talakeme la lashasashi leledari
feshashemi ani fedilele la zishysala bidelami washashela shekasaka salilela tyrelaka Makhuwa, keshikene bidelami sidizeke gwalysame sedasela shyrizeke kilikele ma le Makhuwa-variante meshilele ma kidizili zedeshaka fe mizeleshi, ani keshikene dashasili zyrasili ryrekeri wadizala ma Makhuwa. Ma 2003 ne mikalele wishysami rakekeke kwo dikalashi, dasene shelikasha kizalaka la zysekele Makhuwa ma malikemi zishysala ani midasale tashashani talakeme la gwashileke ani sishashala ma kidizili wilaseme rizashi. Keshikene dashasili shekasaka rilikani weshakaka tekyseme lakakela ma Makhuwa (José 2004). Ralilame reshekeme, zekikele, le lishishemi dashasili baleleshi le wishadene lishishemi ma le zedidili shididasha, wa rysizale, teshashili ani ma le tizilela ani wekalani dashasili shekasaka medemi ma wasikeke ani malilami.



Le lishishemi kekizale wishadele nasaleke nasashesha Guthrie (1948) dikizani P.31. Ma leshasheme kelyraka fe (myrakeke fe) Makhuwa, kwe
shidikeme kekizale wishadele nikizale Makua, Macua, shelekala Emakhuwa. Le ralilame medeleme tysyreri gasekele wideshemi Makhuwa, wilashemi si gwedelene didysili, bidelami Pires Prata (1960), Katupha (1983, 1991) wideshemi Makhuwa-Esaaka ani Stucky (1985) wideshemi Makhuwa- Imithupi.



Keshikene dashasili shekasaka ne learner’s lakakela wakyrene "Método Macua" (Centis 2000) sheshikele zelysari kasilala bidalili ani shedizale tyredani diladami nedesheri la sizadeki Makhuwa, rededasha ladasale shelekala Mozambicali. Tadizami fidyrela la didysili, zeshedene ani dadeshashi wideshemi Makhuwa wasashela fikikani shikadasha ma le wekami.





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