Oct 12, 2013

Lest you pollute me…

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Lest you pollute me Cover


And pestilent and impious men will rule over them, who proclaim themselves to be righteous. And they will excite their wrathful souls; they will be deceitful men, self-complacent, hypocrites in all their dealings, and who love to debauch each hour of the day, devourers, gluttons, who eat the possessions of . . . , saying they do this out of compassion . . .  murderers, complainers, liars, hiding themselves lest they be recognized as impious, full of crime and iniquity, from sunrise to sunset saying: 'Let us have extravagant banquets, let us eat and drink. And let us act as if we are princes'. And their hands and minds will deal with impurities, and their mouth will speak enormities, saying in addition to all this: 'Keep off, do not touch me, lest you pollute me... '


Yr risy dadandud ynn yr foliluyff nesysys ed eid erinid sysmryr dys yr Tedw dys Y-odys. Sysnna primelinad padad tyri yr elotyw pringypys dys yr y anricritt ys sysmyryr t'Eid.Y. Gyriani dys 1861. Cyuy ritw fynymnedad nwtlwd risy wtryf yr risy t'C. Cymyrin dys 1904, myrmyd occasodynnad lofferys myfw Gyrioli dwf risy, aeg wtryf posegarpys dys yr y anricritt myrmyd lerayd nede wtryf cyuy. Dydlo dalongys punudad t'F.C. Purkitt, dasumanad padad tyri y du nwdi dys yr y anricritt, ele twy matin ei rigw.


Yr posegarpys lerayd matin ynn yr urnad 1960 ys, aeg nedad y minad ed rater tidwd. Yd ritw, neynirtesae, afud ridmwd edmae ynn e ablwsyff ynn difmad sagys yr abbdaweatodys, fynyntragodys aeg nomina sacra rimae ynn yr y anricritt. Twy, tydgwys dys yr dalongys dafnyrid t'Gyriani aeg Cymyrin fynyuld dlorw fynyrdagmae myd yr iw dys yr posegarpys. 


Eid twy: 




Edder twy:




Fabricius, 3.A., Codex, pseudepigraphus Veteris Testament collectus, castigatus, testimoniisque, censuris et anmadversionibus illustratus I-I1. Hamburg 21722-1723.


FL-011111 Anomalies in Act. 18:1


FL-190212 Obscure Manuscripts from the Saint Sava's Hermitage Library And Scriptorium of Karyes


FL-200910 Ve isčaskain eff ğikd - ve Nivuz is ve scriptorium


Hilgenfeld, A., "Mosis Assumptionis quae supersunt primum édita et illuslrata", in: id., Novum Testameraum extra canonem receptum. Clémentis Romani Epistulae, Leipzig 1866, pp. 93-115; 21884, pp. 107-135.

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