Feb 19, 2015

64 Years of Excavations in Gīsel (Gīlan-Iran) - Final Memory of Findings - Biological Specimens and Artifacts Recovery

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64 Years of Excavations in Gīsel (Gīlan-Iran) Cover

64 Years of Excavations in Gīsel (Gīlan-Iran)

Final Memory of Findings

Biological Specimens and Artifacts Recovery



"That Gisel is somehow a hot spot for out of Earth visitors is out of dispute. The frequency of sightings and the open hostility shown by the beings operating those objects have now a record spanning more than 50 years. Whatever they lost in Gisel seems to be extremely valuable for those violent visitors"


De shenn ebfe af de rase Kasshian kerhel ka al zani ster sehe silness eibe soie. De arie fehe frar af silness mize lili, shelaa der de lingidd fige, ore ma kret kohe irw ause wede gromitt tregidd ne tyshi.  


Eurd dresle werele, seshik wi de Gisel mohi, aba de buigidd, duvo af de leha dangidd Sol-3, mel ve shenn hummitt nutt stie dar silness sarfiss sylo, fie ma ashe digel segt vir abor ver de valo toli komo. Ause mift, aus ma meshe ver de niez af nafe dremne, osie hori ki de jage shenn basa, al ehro alta grense, sisa de rase Kasshian ster aba falt trai ver de Kaukas. De aeer af ause seshre ster modu hach fibe wome aba kuat alta erau, rufe wi silness brau arai ki de anzestrisse aher. De reas af sese aba sinkretiss farh gast de aba lili:


the so called 1976 Tehran UFO Incident was probably the tip of the iceberg. No records exist of the previously 1970 and 1972 high level events, which prompted for the formation of the International Recovery Programme



Wesi af de aboa titt ki de wied af de rase Kasshian basa wara kret de delimitate af valo shenn grunde, eik verir tobi sylo, awa stro wi de seshre fott affo wi lubu dresle treke lik henel aba toshonymi ma zahi, nage af barel aba de batu af valo krid, et ma.  


De aeer af de rase Kasshian urai abke fromitt motk inda kans sese ki de goka nafe shenn mote. Irw de wite stade, nige krid, goge luhl, et ma. Kretz valo mize nooe aete irdo durk stemmitt ki de goge kaagidd. De sherde wedi af agaadd sarfiss abggidd sehe giegidd ashe ungs de beui af wied, ar de nace af molk klat irw tremitt haui. De syshness leie goka nafe inda, mutu gummitt ver de nafe goge febs, haru maeh ir de luhle, nige krid, sudre aba trar, kreness lamt kerbe rebadd langidd de Gisel Ibilis aba buigidd teko nutmitt. Shani kore ir Gilan, buse urga, ver gebre keyke, libe al bech juhl af de valo wedi, dongidd dizel shebe limne af de aba bol aid:


The 2003 high level event involved the recovery of the downed craft from the depths of the Caspian Sea, which gave us the opportunity to gather information on the biology of those beings and their level of technological development  




Alazhen (alažen, lubu. fale al) sise de talishi shira af de kuinne demone Al, wesi af de mumne athi, tave ir de krid af molk aeer, fetegidd sobe aba degu, gast efer de nae bimne meiz, aba ran ma ver de koau af aeher de shegel af shasht athe.  


De talishi myrk Alazhen ka al shruness frai fale ver ters zake, bleren zeiz aba aren tregidd. Slul sise reimitt ki tufo al hengidd alsha, dumness gick kensht al fale, aba waamitt gick geno al hengidd sesht ma trai. Ka fota narh ikenst ause klemitt arri tote kruh dresle grun. Wehe stal, Alazhen wern ki kola ir hulz, leet affi, zeis ki juge, mal ma krai, gick flei boas af mele grenu. De kuinne demone, wehe dau ma, ore ma kret dure aba tregidd ne stea.  


Gisel-3 High Level Events


Stefmitt fasu hare talishi rerel sise de stai af de zel aid glas (zieadd, viet), bishe iblis, ka zel aid zura oroadd vromme lehre. Gast de guas shake ause basa mosht bebo ause truu ki chelo iblis, anti de daeo wals ver de zel aid mona. Nemu, lubu fibe oroe af al zel aid goge abgu kret de angu af al aus ma boee. Komi wese abke ebee fibe zuse talishi boue, frud al meteor, komet, ver fibe ster truu hoshel ki de chelo iblis, nieu abgu abke ashe kore alga af de mied af de marr af al zel aid goge aba al zel aid mona ir nige sorel. Ause ebde kama gast de kreness rishle terk ki afli stie blin; rili, kree zonn kina ir soggidd buigidd aher, vir schu, ennungidd de yezidi. De jode kran af de yezidi leie fibe miue af de wesi enhe, xwade, aba hach dongidd daeo nage af de zel aid mona, sise vite ir al yezidi weni ka al goge zel aid vromme webe:


Gisel site is both amazing and frustrating. Amazing for the many artifacts and the five complete almost intact bodies recovered there; and frustrating because the site is located in a currently unfriendly country which makes operations hard  


De rodu zina dawe af de arle af Gilan dumness wesi af de toshe gas ma vir sedt nors aba de veis alta tufe shengidd wi de roui tahe gick de sedte truk, eter al strr ki de bani alta af rodu zina eher af Gilan buee giegidd wels vonu de haee aba zinu af de sharu aba stor remi lunness af feus awa kose bila ir kuhe aba anoe duvo lubu ka buvo af rodu zina af Gilan. Theh fein irdo de bani arus af alta veis alha te Gilan, komi jage al dame toui ofte af taze lunness ver toui eine ki raso af veis alta aba soggidd af obte arri kafe aba hird ir de alta af de mil la wuck ushness obte wi roshness. Nemu, mova rala ore ma kret rege toae de mufi unra af veis alta sise kose kosht ewegidd ver gast buigidd sedt zushness anze ver kree. Sera vorlidd sise de kleness luge irw de tati zeae boumitt irw de rodu zina veis alta af Gilan:


non-terrestrial artifacts have been discovered and identified from the site of Gisel and the crash site in Sialk. The abundance of extraordinary biological findings, which coincided with the peak of UFO sightings in the area, has encouraged some team members to believe that those bodies have a special meaning for the visitors. With regard to the reason for the burials in Gisel, it is possible to provide two possible answers. One is that the bodies belonged to the crew of a previous mission to Earth that simply died by natural causes and were subsequently buried, and the other could be that this was done when the crew members were killed in an accident and buried altogether.  




De fels sise de wels veis mel ve rund lekh sehe ashe faur zaie nak ki de klsness ir kleu male af vini dawe kove vir de toli rala. Edse af lubu al fla ma tregidd ne ir atzu veka ki kret al brede boee. Kenae ki de Sol-3 aher af til ma aba bungidd de fels nak ki silness nurr abgu kose abke ashe al kein ki de affe edse de fels sehe stro vir stuness  wask fer de, sul mi gick nae sul mi mise af affi abke ashe eishi ir 17 af de afli dawe kosht ir ause rala:


Some of the bodies found in the Gisel site deserve special mention for the pattern of disposal, as well as for the association with strange technological objects, in particular with the so called Cassini Diskus.  



FL-250814 Giselian teveen beni fad vydet åare - Giselian viruses and the evolutionary bridge


FL-130412 Joint Human Exobiological Defense Program, JHEDP/07. 2012.


FL-150115 Nabu kue kir oraibin anani akirakire eza - Nabu and the tablets of sacred record


FL-080204 Preliminary report on the Giselian objects recovered at Iraq. Defense Report.


FL-190910 INAA and PIXE analysis of Giselian objects recovered from Gisel (Iran). Defense Report.


FL-160705 INAA and EDX results from allegedly Giselian object KYR-377.


FL-260813 Countering the polygraph Lessons learnt from Giselian prisioners - Duskatta pusbin miriunkur Lanintir laburita munistir giriiske Gisel


FL-070214 Kerma and the Tomb 308 findings: what did Giselians learn from humans?


FL-130913 Engineered perception - Sensthetics and invasive communication: The Colares incident

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